VOL. XIV. NO. 38 Hugh B. York, M. D. Microscopy, Electrotherapy, X- Ray, Diagnosis, Specialties Office on Smith wick St.. rear Blount Bro. Office hour*, 8 to 10 a. m.. 7 to 9 p. m. Office 'phone 60 - Night 'phone 63 I Wm. B. Warren - J. 8. Rhode* Drs. Warren & Rhodes Physicians and Surgeons Office in Bigg* Drug Store - 'Phone ?9 Jos. H. Saunders, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Day phone 53 - Night phone 40 Williamston, N. C. Dr. R. L. Savage of Rocky Mount, will be at the Atlantic Hotel fourth Wendnes day in each month to treat dis eases of the EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT and FIT GLASSES A. li. Dunning ■ 7 C. Smith Dunning & Smith Attorneys- Williamston, N. C. Robersonville, N. C. Burrons A. Critcher - Wheeler Martin Wheeler Martin, Jr. . Martin & Critcher Attorneys-at-Law Williamston - North Carolina 'PHOW* 33 S. J. Everett Attorney-at-Law Greenville, N. C. - Willianuton, N. C. Greenville Long Pittance Phone 328 S. A. NEWELL Attorney at Law Williamston - North Carolina Clayton Moore Attorney at Law Williamston - North Carolina John E. Pope • General Insurance, Life, Fire. Health, Accident, Live Stock Real Estate - Brokerage Williamston - North Carolina Office on Main Street Society Pressing . . Glub . . O. C. Price, Manager Phone No. 58 / Up-to-Date Cleaing, Pressing-; Dyeing and Tailoring » Very careful attention |given to Ladies' Kid Gloves, Fancy Waists Coat Suits and Skirts (|BClub Rates for Men. Clothes called for and delivered ;> Agents for Rose & Co. (Merchant-Tailors, Chi-' THE ENTERPRISE a il' - ■ * .tify ' . . OBITUARY Elder M. T. Lawrence Elder Micajah Thomas Law rence, son of Joshua L. Lawrence and hitf wife, Harrriet Penelope Mayo, was born in Edgecombe County, N. C., July 23rd. 1848, and died at his home in Roberson ville, Martin County, N. C., Thursday, June 26th. 1913, about sp. m. He was married three times; first, Feb. 21st 1875, to Miss Alice V. House, who died Sept. 3rd. 1881; next March 15th. 1882, to Miss Linda L. House, who died June 16th. 1889; and last, Oct 16th.. 1890, to. Miss Nannie House, who',survives him. He had eight children-four by his first wife, Hattie, the wife of Elder A. L. Harrison, of Front Royal, Va.; Susie; who died in her 18th year; and Alice Ruth Cobb and Thomas Allison, who died in infancy; three by his second wife, J. Thomas, Willie B. Lawrence, and Mrs. Alice V. Couthberson, all of whom are liv ing;andone by his last wife, Miss Bettie Lawrence, who died Sept. 11th. 1908, at the age of 17 years. Elder M. T. Lawrence was the grandson of Elder Joshua Law rence, one of the ablest preachers and writers of the nineteenth century, who was born in Edge combe County, Sept. 10th. 1778, and died in the same county, Jan. 23rd. 1843, Elder James Os burn, of England, preaching his funeral from David's lament over Absalom—"Would to God that I had died for thee, 0 Absalom my j son!" 2 Sam. 18:33. Elder Lawrence was one of the best of men, even from his youth. His teacher, Mr. S. W. Outter bridge, of Robersonville, who is still living in his 89th year, says that he never could see any wrong in him. At an early age he ex perienced conviction for sin, and sought justification by his own righteousness, but found no peace of conscience until he was led to believe in Jesus "as his Divine Redeemer. He united with the Primitive Baptist Church at Conoho, Martin County, and was baptised by his pastor, Elder John Purvis, in 1873. Having impressions to preach. He was licensed in 1878, and ordained in 1880. By the Divine blessing, he built up the churches in Hamil ton and Robersonville, and was partor, not only of these two, but also of three other churches, Conoho, Briery Swamp and Sparta. He was for many years clerk of the Kehukee Associat tion. ,He farmed and taught school much of his life. He re presented Martiu County .in the Legislature of North Carolina in 1894 and 1896; and, during his canvass of the county he preach ed in the neighborhood at night. He was one of the most excellent, sympathetic, useful, and beloved citizens of Martin Connty, marri ed numerous couples, preached many funerals, and visited and comforted the afflicted and dis tressed. Like Barnabas, he was "a son of consolation." (Acts 4:36.) He had a fine delivery, and his preaching was able, clear, pleasant, and convincing. He was an unwavering believer in the full inspiration and infalli bility of the Old and New Testa ment Scriptures; and his only hope of salvatfon was in the per fect righteousness and in the atoning death of the Son of God. For fifteen years, he suffered very seriously with gravel, and underwent two surgical opera tions, first in Baltimore, and af terwards in Tarboro; and he was slightly paralyzed about three years ago. He removed from Hamilton to Robersonville two years ago. - The day before his death his WtLLIAMSTON, N. C.. FRIDAY, JULY mind wandered among the Scrip tures and he quoted several pas sage, especially Matt. 5:16. "Let youiMight so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in Heaven," and he sung praises to God. As I and the members of his family sat around his bed, he gently breathed his last and fell asleep in Jesus, to awake in His likeness in the morning of the Resurrection. In the presence of numerous rela tives and friends, I held a short burial service at his grave in the Hamilton cemetery, Friday after noon, Jnne 27th. Sylvester Hassell. William McKenrich William, son of William S. Williams and his wife, whose maiden name was Ann Nobles, was born near Williamston, Jan, 16th. 1837, and died at his home in Williamston, July 2nd. 1913. On June 2nd. 1874, he married Amanda D. Howell, daughter of Levi and Dorothy Howell. Their first child, Annie Bryant, died at the age of two weeks and three days. Their only other child, William Henry, was born August 15th. 1877, and is still They moved to Washington County in 1877, and lived four miles from Plymouth, and after five years, moved back to Williamston. Mr. Williams experienced a hope in Christ and united with the Methodist Church at the age of eighteen. Farming and fish ing were his occupations. In April 1898, he and his wife united with the Primitive Baptist Church at Skewarkey, and I bap tized them. He had a bright Christian experience, and de lighted to talk it to all who wish ed to hear him. He lived a godly life. In the Civil War he was a Confederate soldier; and though at times very hungry, he would never take anything that did not belong to him. On Dec. 12th. 1911, he was operated on for ap pendicitis at his home by Dr. D. T. Tayloe, of Washington, and suffered greatly for a year and six months, and he was willing to live or to die as it pleased the Lord. A faithful wife, devoted son, skilful physician and kind neighbors did all they could for him. He passed away very gent ly about 4 p. m., on Wednesday, and his remains were interred in the cemetery at Skewarkey Thursday afternoon, where I held a short burial service. Sylvester Hassell. John A. Everett, son of S. P. and Martha A. Everett, was born June 18, 1866, married Miss Mary James Dec. 1895, and died sud denly in Everett, while in conver sation with his friends Sunday, June 29th, 1913. He leaves a widow and two children Leroy and Russell to mourn their loss. He also leaves a large family connection. Two brothers, Frank and D. P. Ever ett; two half brothers, R. A. and S. P. Everett, of Rocky Mount and Norfolk; two sisters. Mrs. Mattie Hunt and Mrs. J. E. Wynne, and two half sisters, Mrs. Minnie Balance, of Atlanta, and Mrs. P. M. Brown, of this place. Beside these many friends and acquaintances mourn their loss. His health had never been very good, while a boy at school he could jiever go but a few days without having to stop on account of his health. He lived to be 47 years old and was well known in this County. For two months previous to his death, he was quite unwell but fought his dis ease with heroic fortitude. Be '■ . \• .i'j. Mr. Wm. M. Williams Mr. John A. Everett ing of energetic mould, he enter ed the mercantile business and with his attention given to that business he made reasonable suc cess so as to leave his family in favorable circumstances. H» ttied to farm some but was not strong enough to follow it and therefore went back to selling goods. He had for awhile been a member of the "Charitable Brotherhood "andjthey buried him with all the honors of that Socie ty. He had never united with any church, but had at times shown some interest during a season of of revival near his home. His funeral was held at his late home )a Everett on Monday af ternoon the services being con ducted by Rev. Geo. J. Dowell of Williamston. There was a very large assemblage of people from all the surrounding community, and some from a distance; and though the weather was fine for work in the fields and it was a very busy time with the farmers they turned out to attend the funeral exercises and to pay the last tribute of respect to their friend. His earthly pilgrimage is over. His race is finished. His work is done. May the sud denness of his passing teach us the important lesson that when in health it is the time to make j preparation for eternity, that we [ may be prepared to respond read-! ily to the summons of the Master: when he shall call us to the judg ment. And now in the hands of the; Great Shepherd we commit the j keeping of the dear ones left be- J Mn(L trusting that they will not-, fail to lean hard upon Him who has invited us to "cast our carej upon Him, for He careth fur us." Bear Grass Items Messrs. W. M. Harrison, Sam uel Rogers, and Henry Rogers spent Sunday in Tarboro. J. D. and A. C. Harrison, Wal ter Bailey and Clinton Beecham went to Parmele Sunday. Quite a number of town peoble attended children's day at Swain Land on Sunday. William Price and Martha Mar tin wero married Sunday at the home of the bride. R. G. Taylor attended the Union at Columbia, Saturday and Sunday. We are glad to learn that Lon nie Bailey, who has been sick for some time, is improving. False Report The news carried by the tale bearers concerning Mrs. G. E. Johnson some weeks ago is all false. Dr. E. K. Rodgers. Raleigh, N. C. June 23rd 1913. (Advertisement) Mrs. C. B. Hassell Hostess Wednesday from 11 to 1 o'clock Mrs. C. B. Hassell entertained at cards in honor of her house guest, Mrs. Francis Hassell. Her home on Main street was attractively arranged and tables prepared in two rooms for the twenty women who were selected to be the guests during the hours. Those who enjoy cards occupied ono room and the others engaged in games equally as pleasant. During the games refreshing drinks were given the guests, and later delici ous ice cream and cake were serv ed by little Misses Martha Slade Hassell and Sallie Cook. Mrs. Hassell is a charming hostess and on this occasion was unusually gracious in her manner of enter taining her guests. Embroidery Club The spirit of liberty inherent in the breast of the American citizen, begins to find expression at this time, even those in social circles whose homes are thrown open to frieuds for an hour of pleasing, give' an added charm to the usual entertainment by breathing forth the spirit of the Glorious Fourth in decorations and refreshments. Thus it was at the home of Miss Mary Hassell on Tuesday afternoon from 4:30 to 6 o'clock, when she entertain ed the Embroidery Club in honor of her sister, Mrs. Fracis Hassell, of Wilson. Besides the members of the Club and the honoree, there were present Mrs. Bog Slade, of Hamilton; Mrs. Wheeler Martin, Sr., Misa Helen Poteat, of Wake Forest; Miss Mayo Lamb, Mrs. Wheeler Martin, Jr., Mrs. S. F. Williams, Mrs. A. T. Crawford, Mrs. A. Hassell, Mrs. F. W. Hoyt, Mrs. C. B. Hassell, Mrs. J. W. Watts. The spacious Southern veranda at the home of Miss Hassell was most attractive with red, white and blue bunting while Old .Glory was draped over the hall door "and the hall presented a beauti ful picture with similar decora ' tions. Score cards with hand | painted flags were given the I guests and an interesting contest ! was enjoyed. Work bags were carried by each one present but the hour was filled with enjoy j ment that not a stitch was taken. ; This was the first appearance of Mrs. Hassell in Williamston and | she was received graciously, •j The hostess sened iced tea ! with salads and followed that j with frozen grape juice with | cherries and cake—bringing out in them the National colors. This was one of the most delight ful Club meetings and Miss Has sell was happy in her arrange ments for the occasion. Roberson-Green Friends of the contracting par ties were very much surprised on Monday morning to learn of the marriage of Oliver Roberson and Miss Lucy Green. They reached the A. C. L. station in an auto mobile just in time to board the cars for Raleigh. Both of -the parties were students at the Graded School here, the groom being seventeen and the bride eighteen. The ceremony making them man and wife was perform ed by Spuire Stubbs Li 1 ley at his home a few miles from Williams ton. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Delia Green and the niece of the Messrs. Harrison of this town, the groom being the son of Mr. Geo. L. Roberson, of Rober sonville Township, and the bro ther of Mrs. Theodore Roberson, of Williamston. The desire of the young people was known to the families of each but there was no obstacle placed in the way of their happiness, though both were too young. A Card of Thanks We desire to publicly express our sincere appreciation of the many kindly acts done by neighbors and friends during the illness and at the time of the death of our lov ed one. The remembrance of them will remain with us through life. W. H.Williams and mother. Card of Thanks we wish to express our sincere thanks to the people of Rober sonville and vicinity for their kindness during our loved one's last illness and since his death. Mrs. M. T. Lawrence and children. s[.oo a Year in Advance Oak City Item* Little Miss Ruth Chesson, of Edenton, is spending some time with her unole, Loomis , Chesson. B.L. Casper and family motored to Tarboro Sunday. N.M. Worsley attended the Union at Tarboro Saturday and Sunday.- , G.C. Weeks and family, of Scotland Neck, spent Sunday with relatives here. J. C. Ross went to Aulander Saturday. Mrs. S. E.Hines, Miss Daisy Bell and Miss Lizzie Harrell went to Tarboro Tuesday. H. K. Harrell and J. T. Daniel left for Nashville Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Chesson spent the week in Roper and Edenton. Mrs. George W. Dusham was the guest of her mother, Mrs. J. L. Mines, last Sunday. Mrs. Deb Hyman ana Mr. and Mrs.. Cicero Etheridge spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Hines. Miss Annie Bell Harrell left for Norfolk Tuesday. Build and Lease Factory At a meeting in the City Hall Monday night, it was proposed to build a peanut factory and lease same for a number of years. Those present readily agreed to the proposition, and the out-of town to the stock wiH be consulted as early as possible. The acceptance of this proposition would mean the early erection of the plant as there would be no necessity for such a large amount of money, and would mean a good market for Martin County peanuts. To protect the farmers from the highhanded pro ceedings of the trust, a factory must be built and properly man aged. The prospects are fine and the movement should not stop un til all things are ready ' for the handling of the crop of 1913. DON'T LET YOUR LIVER GET LAZY Dodson's Liver Tone Will Keep it Workiug and - Make You Feel Well and Clean—No bad After- Effect If you have allowed your fear of calomel to keep you from £ton ing up your liver when it gets a little sluggish and lazy—try Dod son's Liver Tone, you note how puickly and harmlessly it starts the liver and relieves constipation and bilious attacks. When you take Dodson's Liver Tone, and do not have to stay in the house all day. None of the weakening and harmful after effects of calomel follow its use. Dodson's Liver Tone is a mild, pleasant vegetable liquid that cannot hurt either children or grown people. Yet it easily over comes the most stubborn and in active liver without making you quit eating or working. These JTre not just claims, Saunders & Fowden drug store backs up every one of these state ments and agrees to refund the price of Dodson's Liver Tone with a smile to any person who pays his 50 cents for a bottle and isn't satisfied that he got his money's worth. Imitations of Dodson's Liver Tone are another proof that it is a good thing. Nobody ever imi tates a poor remedy. Be sure you get the gunuine Dodson's Liver Tone—the kind that IB guaranteed.

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