VOL. XIV. NO. 31 Professional Cards Hugh B. York, M. D. Microscopy, Electrotherapy, X- Ray, Diagnosis, Specialties Office on Smith wick St., rear Blount Bro. Office hours, 8 to 10 ft. m.. 7 to 9 p. m. Office 'phone 60 - Night 'phone 63 Win. B. Warren - J. S. Rhode# Drs. Warren & Rhodes Physicians and Surgeons Office in Biggs Drug Store - 'Phone ?9 Jos. H. Saundeis, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Day phone 53 - Night phone 40 Williamston, N. C. Dr. R. L. Savage of Rocky Mount, will be at the Atlantic Hotel fourth Wendnes day in each month to treat dis eases of the EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT, and FIT GLASSES A. R. Dunning - , T - C. Smith Dunning & Smith * Attorneys* Williamston, N. C. Robersonville, N. C. Bnrrous A. Critcher • Wheeler Martin Wheeler Martin, Jr. Martin & Critcher Attorneys-at-Law Williamston - North Carolina I THomi 33 S. J. Everett Attorney-at-Law Greenville, N. C. • William»ton, N. C. Greenville Long Diatance Phone 328 S. A. NEWELL Attorney at Law Williamston - North Carolina Clayton Moore Attorney at Law Williamston - North Carolina John E. Pope General Insurance, Life, Fire. Health, Accident, Live Stock Real Estate - Brokerage Williamston - North Carolina Office on Main Street c Society Pressing . . Glub . . O. C. Price, Manager Phone No. 58 Up-to-Date Cleai«g, Pressing, Dyeing and Vailoring Very .careful attention |given to Ladies' Kid Gloves, Fancy Waists Coat Suits and Skirts {jpClub lates for Men. ■ Clothes called for and delivered Agents for Rose & Co. Merchant-Tailors, Chi- THE ENTERPRISE Killed by Lightning News reached here Saturday afternoon that lightning struck and killed Mr. Ben Coltrain, who was at Middlesex. He had recent ly visited his mother and people in Williams Township, and his wife and child were still in Mar tin County. He was working for a lumber firm and had been at Walstonburg. His body was brought to Hardison's Crossing Sunday morning via Plymouth. He was the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Coltrain and married Miss Fannie Bell Mann ing, and was a most estimable young man. He had been a mem ber of the Christian Church for some time and lived as one whose hope was founded on Jeses Christ. Sunday the funeral services were conducted by Rev. A. J. Manning his pastor, and the in terment Was in the cemetery at the home of his brother, Mr. Joshua L, Coltrain. A large crowd of -isympathizing friends and neighbors were present to pay the last mark Of respect to his memory. The entire com munity has warmest sympathy for the bereaved wife, mother, brothers and sisters. Freight Train Wrecked The local freight train was wrecked about two miles from Plymouth on Saturday afternoon. Four cars were overturned while running at full speed. A coal car is thought to have been the cause of the wreck. Conduce torßoach was severely bruised and had to be taken to the hospital at Rocky Mount. The shoofly had to transfer passengers, and the freight engine which remained on the track conveyed them to Ply mouth. The regular mail on Sat urday afternoon and Sunday morning transferred passengers and express. The wreck was clear ed by noon Sunday. Died Near Farmville News reached here by phone this morning that Mrs. Dicey Gainor had died last night at 11 o'clock at the home of her son near Farmvilltf. She had been ill with typhoid fever for several weeks, and her daughter, Miss Eva Gainor, was called to her bedside at once. Mrs. Gainor has lived here at the Roanoke Hotel for many years, being the sister-in-law of the late Mrs. G. W. Blount. She was a most esti mable woman. The funeral was held today at 11 o'clock and the interment was near Farmyille. Friends here sympathize deep ly with the bereaved daughter and sons in their great loss. Parmele Items Miss MarytWilliams spent Sun day with Miss Mamie VanNort wick. Jodie Harper left for Charles ton, S. C. Saturday. Miss Ada Tew left for her home in Norfolk Saturday. Paul Edmonson, Fred and Hel en Powell went to Roper Saturday to visit friends. Nicholas Roberson went to Sto kes Tuesday. John Manning, of Williamstori, was in townJTuesday. Mrs. Mollie Harrison and her mother, Simon Perry and Miss Addie Perry, of WilKamston, spent Saturday with Mrs. L. L. Roberson. Rev. M. A. Matheson and son, went to Shady Grove Saturday to hold a revival. v The workmen are steadily pro gressing on the incorporated can al. WILLIAMSTON, N. C., FRIDAY, JULY 25. 1913 Civil Service Examinations Editor, Enterprise:- A number of inquiries have been made relative to the appoint ments in the Internal Revenue Service, particularly as to deputy collectors. These positions are in the Civil Service and the Civil Service commission have announ ced that examinations will be held on August 16th at varioua points in North Carolina, including Eliz abetth City and Newbem. Those who stand the examination and receive a sufficently high rating will be placed on the eligible list, and appointments can only be made from this list. At the same time examinations will be held for the position of deputy marshal and deputy collectors in the Cus toms Service. Applications may be obtained by addressing the Civil Service Commission, Wash ington' D. C,, or the Secretary of the Board of Examiners at Elizabeth City or Newbern. I take this method of giving public information regarding these positions. Very respectively. John Small. Half Our Population Living in "Dry" Territory It is generally thought that Ger many drinks more beer than any other nation in the woald. This is a mistake. Germany comes second. The United States con sumes 1, 851,000,000 gallons of beer each year, which is a hun dred million gallons more than Germany's consumption. Russia leads the world in its use of dis tilled liquors, and the United States comes second, with its consumption of 133,000,000 gal ions. Although the United States is first as a beer-drinking nation and second as a consumer of dis tilled spirits among the nations of the world, the liquor dealers of America are having a desperate fight for the life of their traffic. The saloon has been expelled from one-half of the population and from two thirds of the geo graphical area of the country. In 1868 there were 3,500,000 people living in territory where the drink traffic had been outlawed; in 1900 the number had increased to 18,000,000; in 1908, or only eight years after, the number had doubled to 36,000,(100, and today there are 46,029,750 persons, or a fraction over one-half of the po pulation of the country, living in no-license territory. In the last five years the no-license popula tion has increased a little over 10,000,000, which is more than 10 per cent, of the total popula tion of the nation and 30 per cent, increase in the number living in "dry" districts. Since 1868 the population of the country has doubled, while the number of in habitants of "dry" territory has increased over thirteenfold.— From "The Campaign Against the Saloon," by Ferdinand Cowle Iglehart, in the American Review of Reviews for July. Oak City Items Miss Jeffie House left Wednes day for Atkinson, C. Miss Carrie Manning of Parmele, wos the guest of Miss Pearl House this week. * Samuel Everett, of Roberson ville, spent Sunday with his bro ther, H. S. Everett. Miss Olive and Mary Weeks, of Scotland Neck, spent Tuesday with Mrs. N. M. Worsely. Charlie Crisp has accepted a position at Stokes. The dance last Friday evening was largely attended. Meeting at Jamesville Sunday, July 27th., Rev. J. J. Taylor will assist Rev. A. J. Manning in a series of meetings at Jamesville, Mr. Taylor has been in Martin County before, at having held a splendid meeting Robersonville last year, and slso preached at Williamston for a week. He is strong and forceful in his presentation of the truth as it is in Jesus, and never fails to interest his hearers. The services will be made more interesting by the song-services led by Mr. and Mrs. Owen Wal ker, who have a wide reputation. It is planned to make this meet ing of great good £to Jamesville and vicinity. Everybody is invit ed to hear Mr. Taylor and to en joy the music led by these Chris tian people. If If you wish that your life a fail ure may be, If you wish to be penniless—out at the knee, If you wish to be houseless, broken, forlorn, If you wish to see pointed the finger of scorn! Then drink! North Carolina Board of Health to Furnish Typhoid Vaccine at Coit The North Carolina Laboratory of Hygiene will soon be making typhoid vaccine for the State at greatly reduced prices. This vac cine, until recently, sold at ab normally high prices, but it has now been reduced so that the vac cine itself costs about $1.50 per person. In the interest of hu manity, economy, and public health, the Laboratory will make it and sell it at cost. ' thousand United States soldiers were vaccinated up to July 1 a year ago. The typhoid rate dropped from 3.03 per 1,000 in 1909 to 0.3 in 1912 a reduction of 90 per cent. Not only does typhoid vaccina tion reduce one's chances of tak ing typhoid at least 75 to 90 per cent, but it also reduets the dan ger in those that do contract the disease. From the best data available it appears to reduce the death rate of vaccinated people that contract typhoid to about one-seventh the death rate of unvaccinated persons that con tract the disease. Easy Relief From Constipation The Remedy that Replaces Cal omel—Causes No Restriction of Habit or Di?t It is a mistake to take calomel when your liver is lazy and needs toning up. Hundreds of people in this section have discovered that Dodson's Liver Tone is a thousand times better and safer and its action is just as sure. There are none of the bad after effects of calomel to Dodson's Liver Tone and no danger of salivation. For attacks of constipation or biliousness one or two spoonfuls of this mild, pleasant tasting tast ing vegetable liquid are enough and Saunders & Fowden gives a personal guarantee that every bottle will do all that is claimed foJ it. Money back in any case where if fails. Dodson's Liver Tone costs only 50 cents for a large bottle. Rem ember the name because there are number of remedies sold in imitation of Dodson claims. Some ofihem have names very similar to Dodson's Liver Tone—and are in same color package. These imitations are not guaranteed and may be very harmful. G» to Saunders & Fowden and you will surely get the genuine. Received Textile Traininf Graduates of the textile Depart ment at the A. & M. College, West Raleigh, N. C., have been appointed to the following posi tions during the past year. This shows the value of a Textile education. W. S. Dean, Assist ant Cotton Technologist, Depart ment of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. L. R. Gilbert, Suparintendent Caraleigh Cotton Mills, Raleigh' N. C. J. S. Stroud, Superintendent Lauderdale Mills, Meridian, Miss. G. G. Simpson, Assistant Secre tary, Great Falls Mfg. Co.. Rock ingham, N. C. W. M. Miller, Assisant Superin tendent Holt-Granite Mills, Haw River, N. C. M, Hendrick, Overseer Spin ning, Clifside Mills, Clifside, N. N. G. G. Allen, Overseer Carding, Gibson Mfg. Co., Concord, N. C. J. C. Cosby, Designer, Brogon Mills, Anderson, S. C. C. G. Hall, Cost Accountant, New York Mills, N. Y. Good Roads in Pitt Greenville Township in "Great er Pitt" will vote for or against good roads on the 29th. The fight over the question is even warmer than the recent sizzling heat, and strong advocates are fighting on both sides. In view of the progress that Greenville is making, and not only that but the entire township, it is a bit odd that there should be so much said against the msvement for good roads. The election in Williamston Township to decide for good roads was an easy vic tory for progress, and the roads are the pride of the county. The Pitt County Independent opposes the bond issue in these warm words: "To bond this township for dirt roads is a public crime. It is an evidence of decay, and of extra vagance run riot. It is akin to the dissipations that marked the fall of ancient Rome. If forty years of tax and the immediate disbursement of fifty thousand dollars of borrowed money is to be put into copmon dirt as a pub lic road to be washed by the rains and blown by the winds,, surely we are betraying the blood that has heretofore done things with out mortgaging the future. Such a step is an acknowledgment of weakness and of cowardice, and would stamp us as unworthy the heritage which our fathers be stowed upon us. Surely the ancient God of the Israelites, were he less merciful or more human, would drive us away from our native fields and bestow them up on a race strong enough and able to provide for themselves such dirt roads as may be needed with out shackling unborn babes and throttling the hopes and pros perity of those who must come after!" Good4loads Convention The annual convention of the North Carolina Good Roads Ass ociation will be held at Morehead City; July 31 -.August 1, 1913. * This convention will emphasize particularly road maintenance, constructive problems in the var ious sections of the State, and the convention will be frequently thrown open for a full and free discussion on the part of the del 'egates of questions of local inter est. Teh headquarters of the con vention will at the Atlantic Hotel, whose rates are $2.50 without bath and $3.00 with bath. For further information ad dress Dr. Joseph Hyde Pratt, Chpael Hill, N. C. State Library SI.OO a Year in Advance Robersonville Items Irving and Carlyle Langley, of Wilson, spent a few days with T. C. Grimes last week. Miss"kelie Grimes, of Tarboro, is visiting Mrs. J. T. Ross this week. * S. L. Ross went to Winterville Friday. . Mrs. Belle Godard and children of Dunn, spent last week with Mrs. H. H. Pope. D. D. Stalls, of Williamston, was in town Saturday. J. B. Coffield, of Everetts, was here Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. R. E.Grimes and children left for Ocean View Monday. —— Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Roberaon and children, Mrs. J. A. Mizell and Mrs. T. H. Grimes left for Ocean View Monday. Mrs. Ida Phelps and children, of Eyeretts, are visiting Mrs. C. James. Mrs. Delia Edmondson, who has been visiting in Rocky Mount returned Monday. Miss Myrna Hight.'of William ston, spent a few days here this week visiting. Miss Fay Everett spent Sunday in Hassell. Mrs. R. J. Nelson, who is ill at her home on Main Street, is improving. W. H. Adkins returned from Columbia Monday. Sheriff Crawford, H. W. Stubbs and W. A. James were here from Williamston Tuesday. J. L. Roberson and Miss Pru dence Brake were married at the home of the bride in Rocky Mount Wednesday afternoon. Miss Bettie Mizell left for Jamesville Thursday to teach school. Mrs. J. C. Croom, who has been in Elizabeth City for some time, returned Friday. Miss Reba Everett is visiting Miss Helen Crofton this week. R. R. Meadows, of Madison, auctioneer for Adkins and Bailey, arrived Saturday. Mrs. Blanche Bunn, of Green ville, is visiting her sister, Mrs. R. T. Purvis, this week. T. Jones Taylor spent- a few days here this week and his many friends were pleased to see him out after a long illness. Miss Estelle Andrews, of Mar ianna, Ark., is visiting Mrs. S. W. Outterbridge. Mrs. R. Bonner, of Aurora, is visiting her sister, Mrs, Lida E. Parker, this week. Abram Roberson left for Raleigh Friday. A party of young people motor ed to Oak City Friday night to attend a dance. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Crofton, Frank Crofton and W. R. Jenkins motored to Williamston Friday. Miss Ruth Gainor, of Kinston, is visiting Miss Helen Roberson. Shepherd Morton, of Greenville is visiting relatives here [this week. Dr. J. C. Caldwell to Preach There will be regular monthly services Christian Church on Sunday 'Vnorning and night. Dr. J. C. President of the A. C. College at Wilson, will preach. Dr. Caldwell is one of the strong preachers of the State, and is well-known here, where he has preached several times. The public is cordially invited to hear him at both services. Charles C. Clabough, Agency Supervisor, is visiting B. T. Cow per, Genl. Agent of the Maryland Life Insurance Company. -

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