i' . 1 .' ' ' ''' r {Petersburg, Va., April 19, 1913. i | 4 Spur, Texas, April 5, 1913. fS National Peanut Corporation, J ■ 1 m ■■MB W Suffolk Va I ■■ # ■\ J ■ National Machine Corporation, fw Gentlemen:- 111 FT 1\ || 1 Suffolk, Va. ' In traveling through North Carolina the M. M. M. A Dear Sirs:— ... past fall buying peanuts for Rogers, McCake & Co., I mf had the occasion~see your Lilliston Peanut Picker in op- The Picker which I bought of you last fall eration in several localities; in each case I found them did its work satisfactory to all. I picked 4,345 bushels, IjP doing superb work. P aid for m y the first season, wasn't out a cent £s9f various each I re? for repairs and consider I have a picker as good as new. X pound more for the Lilliston picked peanuts than I did patrons got fourteen cents a bushel more for their Jtp for peanuts picked by other machines working in the peanuts than others got for peanuts threashed. I had |K9j same crop. \^L1 I^^-r^jlrfi 1 applicants that wanted me to pick their crops fifty miles JST I take £reat pleasure in recommending the Lillis- fw L. * rom home. That alone speaks enough for your picker, IV ton Peanut Picker to* all geowers, as I consider it£the ' as nobody wants their peanuts threshed 1 that have ever j LILLISTON Peanut picker j | 'LABOR SAVER - TIME SAVER - MONEY MAKER - J X , •" —it Be the fifrst in your section to operate a Lilliston. From all sections of the peanut belt thrifty, farmers are jfe , 1 • ~ " y X buying this wonderful, improved, up-to-date Lilliston Peanut Picker, and they are all pleased with it. Improved jjP over all others. Positively the best, most improved picker made, not modeled after the old "threshing" machine, fm but a real "picker," picks the peanuts clean from the vines and cleans the dirt and trash from them thoroughly. % f Lilliston picked peanuts bring higher prices on the market; read these facts in testimonials in our catalog. There are Lilliston pickers in your section giving entire satisfaction. The Lilliston pays for itself in one season, you X I|j pick your own peanuts and make money picking your neighbors. It is mounted ready to move with a-horse or jt|| Ift mule from one place to another. The Lilliston is simple to by engine powqr. Does the 9 - Vork in a day that would take more than fifty laborers, saving time, labor and money. Get bet ?|Si ter prices for peanuts on the market $ ■ . -. 8 Sj WHAT THE LILLISTON DOES: The peanut vines are fed to the machine, passing through springs that 5J a are arranged over a wire netting, the springs break up the vines and the wire pulls off the nuts, the nuts drop on a conveyer belt and then carried a suction system where the trash, pops and all dirt are seperated. Picks Spanish w) {or Virginia peanuts, leaves them perfect; no cracked nuts. The vines make the best hay and bring a good price, gt£ and are left in a convenint place to be baled. Prompt and safe shipments are made. " M ■ . y | This season's supply is limited. We want place one in your section. The man who ijjj delays never gets anything. Write for catalog, prices and full information right now |jf fa , while you think of it. ' s I MARTIN COUNTY BUGGY COMP'Y, Williamston, N. C. f f , AGBNTS TOR THE I LILLISTON PEANUT PICKER | S We specialize in all Machinery that a Farmer needs to suc= 1 g cessfully Cultivate his Crop f | Gasoline 17 I=2 Cents per Gallon | i i * * t