VOL. XIV. NO. 46 Professional Cards j Hugh B. York, M. D. Microscopy, Electrotherapy, X- Ray, biagnosis, Specialties Office on Smith wick St., rear Blount Bro. Office hours, 8 to 10 a. m.. 7 to 9 p. m Office 'phone 60 - Night phone 63 Wm. E. Warren Drs. Warren Rhodes Physicians and Surgeons Office in Biggs Drug Store - "Phone 79 Jos. H. Saunders, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Day phone 53 - Night phone 40 Williamston, N. C. Dr. R. L. Savage of Rocky Mount, will be at the Atlantic Hotel fourth Wendnes day in each month to treat dis eases of the EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT and FIT GLASSES A. R. Dunning Dunning & Smith Attorneys* *' t- Law Williamston, N. C. Robersonville, N. C. Bnrroua A. Critcher - Wheeler Martin Wheeler Martin, Jr. Martin & Critcher Attorneys-at-Law Williamston - North Carolina 'PHomt 23 S. J. Everett Attorney-at-Law Greenville, N. C. - Williamston, N. C. Greenville Long Distance Phone 328 S. A. NEWELL Attorney at Law North Carolina Williamston Clayton Moore Attorney at Law North Carolina Williamaton John E. Pope General Insurance, Life, Fire. Health, Accident, Live Stock Real Estate - Brokerage Williamston - North Carolina Office'on Main Street " Society Pressing . . Glub . . 0. C. Price, Manager Phone No. 58 £jj Up-to-Date Cleaing, Pressing, Dyeing and Tailoring Very careful attention Jgiven to Ladies' Kid Gloves, Fancy Waists Coat Suits and Skirts lub Rates for Men. j Clothes called for and delivered Agents for Rose k Co. Merchfcnt-Tailors, Chi cago, 111 THE ENTERPRISE Miss Mary Lee Pell left for her home in Richmond Monday. Maurice Moore and Bill Harrell spent Sunday in Conetoe, J. W. Baker and son spent the week-end at home. Miss Neta May Baker returned from Jamesville Monday. Miss Hazel Armstrong, of Hob good, is visiting relatives in town this week. J. S. Rhodes Miss Eva Gainor left Wednes day for Farmville, where she will make her home in the future. She was accompanied by her brothers, Messrs. Will and Ernest Gainor. William Dowell, of Birming ham, Ala., is visiting his parents, Rev. and Mrs. G. J. Dowell. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Coburn and little son are visiting relatives here this week. Rev. Luciun Malone and father arrived here Wednesday to visit Mr. Ellis Malone who lives a few miles in the country. Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Owens and children with Mrs. Horton, were here from Plymouth Wed- nesday, W. W. Ange, of Plymouth, was in town Wednesday on business. Mr! and Mrs. H. H. Pope and children were here from Rober sonville Wednesday. * C. Svnith T. F. Harrison left for Balti more Monday to purchase fall stock of goods. Sheriff Reid, of Washington County, was in town Wednesday. Mr. Carrollton, head buyer of the Imperial Tob. Co., was in town Wednesday on business. Mrs. J. W. Andrews and chil dren, of Robersonville, spent Wednesday in town with rela tives. Rev. J. T. Standford, who has been out of town holding a meet ing at Palmyra, is at home again. Mrs. Theodore Robersonis visit ing relatives near Robersonville. Mrs. Beulah Mizell and little daughter, of Parmele, have been here with relatives this week. G. D. Barnhill and Andrew Roberson, of Robersonville, were in town Wednesday. Mrs. W. J. Hodges and son left for Henderson Thursday to visit relatives. Miss Minnie Critcher from Lamar, S. C., is visiting relatives here. Miss Fannie Matthews has been here from Hamilton this week. Miss Mary Bradley and sister, of Aurelian Springs, are here visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Hassell went to Norfolk Tuesday. Prof. J. T. Jerome returned from New York Saturday. Mrs. L. B. Wynne and Miss Lila Wynne went to Conetoe Tuesday to visit friends. Rev. W. J. Gordon passed through here Monday en route from Plymouth where he held service Sunday night. Wrs. Nathaniel Harding, of Washington, and Mrs. Harry Harding, of Charleston, S. C., were the guests of Mrs. J. G. Staton this week. Mrs. R. L. Smith and son, of Robersonville, are visiting Mrs. A. R. Dunning. Augustus Harrison, of Pal myra, has been in town this week. Mrs. W. C. Taylor and children, of Augusta, Ga., have been visit ing their parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. P. ifcNaughton. WILLIAMSTON, N. C., FRIDAY, AUGUST 29, 1913 Farmers' Meetings Editor, ENTERPRITE:— There are to be series of far mers' meetings for the several counties in the First Congression al District, beginning August 25th lam very sure that they will prove instructive and beneficial to any citizen who may attend. I beg that you will aid in giving publicity to them. The dates and places at which meeting will be held in your section areas follows: Swan Quarter, for Hyde Coun ty, Monday, Sept. Ist. Washington, for Beaufort County, Tuesday, Sept. 2nd. Greenville, for Pitt County, Wednesday, Sept. 3rd. Williamston, for Martin Coun ty, Thursday, Sept. 4th. Plymouth, for Washington County, Friday, Sept. sth. Columbia, for Tyrrell County, Saturday, Sept. 6th. These meetings will be most interesting and unique in the sub jects discussed, in the 1 speakers and in the manner of presenta tion. Prof. J. ! M. Johnson, of the Bureau of Farm Management, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, will dis cuss better farming. His lecture will present the essential features of good farming from a new view point. He will claim the atten tion of every farmer who wishes to improve his soil, make more crops and more money. Dr. William Hart Dexter, of the Farmers' Co-Operative De monstration Work, will make what has been characterized as an "uplift talk." He will talk about things which make for the betterment of country life. He will discuss the home, the farm and the community. His speech will be an inspiration to all men, who are looking forward to bet ter things. Surgeon Charles W. Stiles, of the U. S. Public Health Service, will discuss rural sanitation and preventable diseases, and will illustrate his talk with charts and stereoptican views. The improve ment of the public health is to day one of the vital topics among all intelligent people. Surgeon Stiles will tell in a clear, simple manner how the home may be made sanitary, and how malaria and fever and other preventable diseases may be easily controlled. In conclusion there will be a series of moving pictures prepar ed by the new Bureau of Rural Organization, of the Department of Agriculture. These pictures will portray in a graphic way some of the results of better methods in country life. The above brief outline will justify the opening statement that these meetings will be most instructive and attractive. Noth ing like them has heretofore been attempted for the people of the State. They will touch upon vital subjects by attractive meth ods. lam constrained to add this additional statement. These meetings have been arranged at much trouble and expense. There is no purpose in them except one of service to our people. Will not your intelligent readers who know the value of attendance upon auch a meeting come them selves and endeavor to induce their less fortunate neighbors to do so? Again, while these meetings are intended primarily for the men upon the farm, yet the mer chant, manufacturer and the pro fessional man will also find them informing. The bulk of our citi zens who are not farmers are directly or indirectly dependent upon tne farm. They can in no better way show their interest than by their participation and by giving publicity to these meet ings. - # Very respectfully. - Jon. H. Small. No Better Market The Williamston Tobacco Mar ket Opened on August 20th. with a large number of pounds, which brought prices largely in excess of any previous year for the grades offered. From day to day these prices have been as high— no slump, but this week the tendency has been upward. The offerings are not so large as the curing has not been complet ed yet, and owing to the lateness of the spring, the crop is at least one month behind. But the Williamston market is right-up to-the-minute in every way. is no need of any man car rying his weed to a larger market, for no prices in the State have been higher than the ones given here for every pile of tobacco of fered. This is made possible by the capable handling of the weed by the warehousemen in the Dixie and Roanoke, and the full corps of buyers here to take all kinds of leaf offered on the floors. Study conditions and find that the home market is best and safest. Stop and read the names of the companies who have buyers here: Imperial Tobacco Co., American Tob. Co., Export Leaf Tob. Co., British-American Tob. Co., Lig gett & Myers Tob. Co./ Ijorillard Tob. Co., R. J. Reynolds Tob. Co., J, P. Taylor Co., Janes N. Boyd & Co., Dibbrell Bros & Co., and several other large indepen dent buyers. This list places the Williamson market in line with Greenville, Wilson, Kinston, Rocky Mount and other large markets. "There's a reason" bring your leaf to Williamston. Shot in the Breast • *. . * _____ Friday night of last week, be tween 10 and 11 o'clock a pistol shot was heard in the rear of the house qi Annie Faulk, who with her children lives near the Pants Factory. Several of her children were awake and to them and to neighbors who heard the noise, she told that she was cleaning an old pistol and accidentally shot herself in the breast. Upon in vestigation, the pistol was not found and suspicion was aroused that the wounded woman's story was incorrect-that she was shielding some one else. Dr. Warren was summoned and gave her necessary attention. The police have arrested no one for the crime. ACTS ON THE LIVER Dodson's Liver Tone Livens up the Liver~ Is More Than a Mere Laxative Calomel was for years the only known medicine that would stimulate^thr liver. But calomel is often dangerous, and people are not to be blamed for beijig afraid of it. Within the last few years many medicines have been put out to bemused instead of calomel, but their effect is on the bowels—not on the liver. Saunders & Fow den drug store says that the only real liver medicine to actually take the place of calomel is Dod son's Liver Tone, a mild, harm less, vegetable liquid that Saun ders & Fowden recommended to take the place of calomel and which gives prompt relief in cases of constipation, biliousness and sluggish liver. So confident are Saunders & Fowden that they give their per sonal guarantee with every 50 cent bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone. You can be sure that you are getting Dodson's by asking at this store if they are giving you the medicine they personally i guarantee to refund money on if unsatisfactory. Robersotiville Items Miss Irma Cannon, of Ayden, is visiting her brother, C. L. Cannon. Mrs. Lela Everett and Faye returned from Norfolk Tuesday. Miss Lizzie Smith is visiting her mother this week. Prof. W. H. Mizell went to Jamesville this week to visit his brother. Mr. and B. Daniel and Miss Imogerfe Hughes, of Hay nes, Ark., are visiting Mrs. S. W. Outterbridge. Mrs. Eliza Cox and Miss Es tell Andrews went to Norfolk Monday. R. L. Smith and Irving left for Baltimore Friday. Rev. Mr. Bethea, of Williams ton, held services at the Metho dist church Monday night. J. H. Roberson returned from Baltimore Friday. Mrs. C. L. Cannon returned from Washington Monday. The Trustees of the High School have improved the school building considerably since last spring. They have added a new room and enlarged an old one, done right much painting and tinned the entire roof with the execption of the porches. These improvements will help greatly. The teachers for the ensuing year will be: VV. H. Mizell, Supt., Mrs. Margaret Bowen, Misses Sallie V. Whitley, Addie Coburn and Kate Moore, and Mrs. Mag gie Briley. Miss Vivian Rober son will teach music. The school will open on Sept. Ist. We have been requested to state that all pupils are urgently requested to be present the first day. Oak City Items Hassell House, of Stokes, is visiting Ralph and Wilmer House. Gorden House and wife and children are the guests of Mrs. Mary House. Mrs. Joe Casper and children from Ro?ky Mount are visiting the Casper brothers. J. L. Hines spent Wednesday in Williamston. Mjss Pauline Beverly,of Bethel, spent Sunday with her sister. Miss Nettie Bowers, of Hamil ton, is the guest of Mrs. J. J. Piland. Miss Myrtle Long returned from a trip to Norfolk Sunday. J. Moore, of Bethel, spent Sun day with J. Long and family. B. M. Worseley spent Sunday in Winterville. Misses Emily Hines and Clarice Cartwright have returned from their trip to Virginia. The dance given here last Thursday was largely attended and a great success. The revival at the Baptist Church will begin on Sept. Ist. It will be conducted by T. Crisp, minister of the church and Mr. Dantritch, of Fleming. Notice All school children are request ed to meet with the teachers at the Graded School building at 9 a. m., on Friday, Sept. sth., for enrollment and classification. By doing this we will save much time, and have a full school day on Monday. We want a better school, better attendance, and more efficiency on the part of teachers than ever before. You will help some if you see that your child starts right. J. T. Jerome, Supt. sr.oo a Year in Advance Hamilton Items Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Boyle have returned from a visit to YVillough by Beach. Mesdames B. L. Long and J. B. Cloman are spending some time in Gainsville, Ga. Mrs. W. E. Galdstone, who has taken a special course in music in New York, has returned and is spending some time with her father. W. T. Grimes, of Baltimore, spent several days in Hamilton greeting friends in his genial manner. Miss Mary Pender Gladstone returned to Newport News last Tuesday. t J\lr. and Mrs. R. W. Salsbury returned Wednesday from a visit to Tarboro. Loren Waldo and family are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Harry Waldo. Mrs. S. D. Matthews, who has been to Panacea for three weeks, returned home Sunday. Mrs. Zeb Whitehurst and daughter visited Mrs. B. B. Sher rod this week. Miss Lillian Harrell, of Scot land Neck, is visiting her uncle, J. M. S. Salsbury. P. L. Salsbury left Monday for Baltimore. Ebenezer Edmondson and Miss Annie Davenport were married Aug. 20, at the residence of James Brewer at Pinners Point, and re turned home the following Friday Messrs. Teel and Britt visited B. B. Sherrod's family this week. Dr. B. L. Long, S.D.Matthews and Jesse Avery motored to Pan acea Sunday and returned Mon day. E. A. Council, of Morehead City, was in town for a few days last week looking after some in terest here. From appearances everything was going his way. Mrs. M. I. Fleming entertained the Book Club Tuesday afternoon. Very attractive program, and a delicious salad course and cream were served. Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Sherrod gave a picnic at their farm on Aug. 21, in honor of the 21st, birthday of their son, B. 8., Jr. Barbecue, Brunswick stew, breads, tomatoes, pickles, cakes with plenty of lemonade and mel ons tilled the menu. There was quite a crowd from Tarboro, Greenville, Scotland Neck, Has sell and Hobgood. There were about 75 present and everybody had a splendid day, and left wishing Mr. Sherrod, Jr., a long life with many picnics. In Honor of Miss Kilpatrick Wednesday evening from 8:30 to 12 o'clock, Mrs. Albert Perry and Mr. Marshall D. Wilson en tertained in honor of their niece, Miss Hilda Kilpatrick, of Smith field, who is their house guest for several weeks. The hand some home was brilliantly illum inated and the wide Southern verandahs were delightfully ar ranged for the pleasure of the guests, who arrived at the hour named and thoroughly enjoyed the evening. Soon after the ar- - rival of the last guest, delicious salad with pickles and saltines was served and just before the hour for departure, elegant ban ana ice cream was served with cake. The skirts slashed to the knee is the latest edict of fashion. * Soon this country will be no place for a modest man.