THE ENTERPRISE VOL. XV. NO. 6 Professional Cards J Hugh B. York, M. D. Microscopy, Electrotherapy, X- Ray, Diagnosis, Specialties Office on Smith wick St., rear Blount Bro. Office hours, 8 to 10 a. m., 7 to 9 p. m. Office 'phone 60 - Night 'phone 63 Win. E. Warren - J. S. Rhodes Drs. Warren & Rhodes Physicians and Surgeons Office in Biggs Drug Store • 'Phone 79 Jos. H. Saunders, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Day phone 53 - Night phone 40 Williamston, N. C. Dr. R. L. Savage of Rocky Mount, will be at the Atlantic Hotel fourth Wendnes day in each month to tr6at dis eases of the EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT and FIT GLASSES A. R- Dunning Dunning & Smith t Law Williamston, N. C. Robersonville, N. C. Barron* A. Critcher - Wheeler Martin Wheeler Martin, Jr. Martin & Critcher Attorneys-at-Law Williamston - North Carolina 'PHONS 23 S. J. Everett Attorney-at-Law Greenville, N. C. - Williamiton, N. C. Greenville Long Distance Phone 328 S. A. NEWELL Attorney at Law - Carolina Williamston Clayton Moore Attorney at Law North Carolina Williamston John E. Pope General Insurance, Life. Fire. Health, Accident, Live Stock Real Estate - Brokerage Williamston - North Carolina Office on Haughton Street Phone 142 Y. E. TOUMA & BROTHER Leaders In Low Price* Dry Goods, [Notions Ladies and Gents , Furnishings SOLE AGE W. L. Douglas Shoes The Reelfor Men, Women and Children Prlcee *2. BO to *5.00 , LOCAL Miss Carrie Dell White cele brated her fifteenth birthday last week at her home on Main street. Quite a number of her young friends were present and a de lightful evening was spent The young hostess was the recipient of Ynany beautiful gifts. Delici cious refreshments were served after several games had been played and enjoyed. FOR SALE CHEAP.-One pair of Stimpson Platform Scales. Two pairs of Scales with brass scoops.—J. A. Mizell, City. New moon on Thanksgiving Day. Why not everybody start a woodyard in town? Thanksgiving next. There will be plenty of turkey trotßjK about Wednesday morn- music, just an axe. Owing to ill health, Fred M. Shute has resigned his position in the office and W. H. Jackson, of Spring Hope, has succeeded him. 0 One of the cows of Joe Gor ham was empanelled on the iron fence at the Baptist Church Sat urday night and had to be killed. The animal was a valuable one. t C. Suiith Elder R. F. Bumpass delivered two splendid discourses at the Methodist Church on Sunday morning and night. Attentive congregations listened to each. Monday morning at 11 o'clock the last Quarterly Conference for the year was held. Sunday morning after service, the members of the Baptist Church extended a call to Rev. J. D. Howell, who has been serv- ing them sintfe the resignation of Rev. G. J. Dow ell. Services at the Baptist, Chris tian and Methodist Churches on Sunday. There will be special music at the Christian Church. Look out for a load of fine mules at the stables of W. T. Ward & Company. Miss Kate Cheshire, President of the Woman's Auxiliary of the Diocese of North Carolina, made a most interesting address at the Episcopal Church on Friday after noon of last week. While in town she was the guest of Mrs. Staton. LOST—One alligator bill book, containing three twenty dollar bills. L. C. Bennett written with ink on the inside. Finder Will return same to Leslie Fowden and receive liberal reward. Thanksgiving services will be held in the Baptist, Methodist and Episcopal Chruches. ""The public'is cordiaily invited to at tend these services and render thanks to God for the blessings of thejpast year. Saunders and Fowden are dis playing'an attractive assortment of Christmas goods in their win dows. It is indeed "The Castle of Gifts". Don't miss the Recital tomor row night. Lovers Of music and song should not fail to hear Misses Settle and Monk tomorrow night at the City Hall. See ad. The election for road bonds in Williams Township oji Tuesday was won by the antis. They have won twice this year. "Paid in full" at the Opera House on Wednesday night next. It is one of the strongest plays on the road. Don't miss it read ad. WANTED.—Several carpen ters at once for rough and inter ior work. Two months Job. Best wages. Come with tools ready to work.— C. V. York, Green ville, N. C. WILLIAMSTQN, N. C., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER sOign / 1 J. W. Watts, W. B. Watts and F. M. Shute motored to Tarboro Tuesday. F. M. Shute left Tuesday af ternoon for Scotland Neck to vis it his mother. Ed Davenport was here from Hamilton Monday. Mrs. S. D. Matthews and daughter were here Saturday from Hamilton. D.' C. Jones was in town Sat urday. Ed James and H. 41. Pope were in town Saturday on busi ness. J. J. Jones, who has been buy ing tobacco here this season, left Sunday for Durham. J. Dillon Simpson left Tuesday for Cynthiana, Ky. W. H. Somers left Monday for Florida, where he will spend the winter. Arch Sherrod, Jr., of High Point, was in town Monday. Misses Ethel Skinner and Mary Shelburn attended the presen tation of "The Shepherd of the Hills" here Friday night. Miss Mayo Lamb attended the unveiling of a tablet in the new Federal building at Washington last week. S. R. Claray, of Washington spent Saturday night in town. Mr. and Mrs. John Fraley, of Tarboro, have been in town this yeek. Editor Manning spent Sunday in Robersonville. Messrs. Gus and Don Harrison, of Palmyra, spent Sunday here with relatives. J. E. Green of Winterville, spent several days in town this weeß on business. Mrs. James Clark and Miss Tankard with several * friends motored here from Washington Saturday and spent several hours with friends. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Dixon came down from Rocky Mount Sunday evening to visit their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hight. Theodore Hassel left last week for Kentucky, where he will en gage in the tobacco business. Wheeler Martin and W. T. Ward left Monday for Richmond and St. Louis. Mrs. J. H. Saunders and son are visiting relatives in Wash ington this week. J. G. Taylor, of the Roberson Furniture Co., Robersonville, and son were in town Wednesday on business. Mrs. P. J. Edwards, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. W. Hight, returned to Rocky Mount Wednesday. G. P. McNaughton spent Thur sday in Everetts. W. C. Manning spent Wednes day in Plymouth on business. Mrs. Phillip Blount and child of Jamesville, spent Wednesday in town with friends. T. J. Latham is here from Washington City. Carrie Louise, infant child of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Williams, died on Thursday afternoon of last week. Its life was only five days and a few hobrs long, when the death Angel bore tbe sweet little bud to Heaven's gardens to bloom in beauty eternally. The friends and acquaintances of the family sympathize deeply with them in their loss. , An Infant Dead. * An Aged Woman Dead. " I The death of Mrs. Prudence Roberson, which occured at her home in Martin County, Novem ber 11th, 1918, removed one of the oldest women in this 'Section. She was born eighty-four years a gq in Griffins Township, and there married Alfred Roberson. wh£ served in the Mexican War andlgave his life for the South in the* war between the States. Pour children were born tothem two>of whom survive, Messrs. Allfred J. and W. R. Roberson. She was a member of the Primi tive Baptist Church, and was the last Mexican War pensioner in thejCounty. Wednesday afternoon after ser vices by Elder J.N. Rodger son, her, body was laid to rest in the family cemetery. A large crowd of friends and relatives were prefeent. 1 * Settle—Spain The following invitation has been received here: Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Spain request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter Agnes to Mr. Horace Herndon Settle on the evening of Wednesday, the twenty-sixth of November nineteen and thirteen at nine o'clock At Home Greenville, North Carolina At Home after the first of December Anniston, Alabama Mr». Arritta Matthews. Mrs. Arritta Matthews was born January 6th, 1825, died Novem ber sth, 1913. She was a mem ber of Christian Chapel congre gation. Her home was at J. A. Roebuck's, she being the mother of his first wife. She will be badly missed in the family. Her body was placed in the fam ily graveyard at J. A. Roebuck's. The funeral services were con ducted by Rev. Asa. J. Manning. S. W. Sumrell. Auction Bridge Club Mrs. James Staton was the charming hostess to the members of the Auction Bridge Club at a luncheon and bridge party given Thursday at her home at Will iamaton. The guests made the trip by train, returning in the afternoon. Those who enjoyed this social event were Mesdames Sam Nash, Jennie Williams, James Pender, Julian M. Baker, John Bridgers, W. S. Clark, John Cotten, George Holderness, Dur ward Leggett, John Pender, T. B. Jacocks, and Miss Kate Cheshire. —Tarboro Standard. Mist Emma L Roebuck. Sister Emma E. Roebuck was born January 15th., 1913. She was a sister of J. A. Roebuck and a member of Christian Chapel congregation, and was true to the chnrch until declining health. She leaves four brothers, two sisters to mourn their loss. She -was placed in the family graveyard at the home of J. A. Roebuck. There was a goodly number to witness her burial. Funeral was conducted by the writer. S. W. Sumrell. Clayton Moore went to Rober sonviile Thursday on business. The Baker—Slade Wedding There has been no lovelier girl in Columbus than Miss Penelope Slade, the petite brunette daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wil liams Slade, so Trinity Episcopal church was thronged Tuesday evening with friends to witness her marriage to Mr. Robert Weathersbee Baker, of Williams ton. N. C., who is quite popular and successful in the manufac turing business of that city. It seemed to be the concensus of opinion that Trinity church had never been more beautifully or artistically decorated than on this occasion. White crash cov ered the floor from the door to the-altar, where an aisle had been formed of, palms, ferns and white chrysanthemums. The electric lights were shaded with these handsome flowers and ferns and the candles were burning, making altogether an exquisite setting for the bridal party and the impressive ceremony which was performed by Rev. S. A. Wragg, the rector. Mr. Bradley, the organist, de lighted the assembled friends with musical selections before the arrival of the bridal party, after which he played the wed ding march, and the ushers, Messrs. Richard and William Slade, brothers of the bride, and Messrs. Owen Edge and G. T. Powers, came up the aisle and stood in front of the chancel. They were followed by the maid of honor, Miss Slade, the sister of the bride, wearing a beautiful dress of white lace and a short bride's maid veil, carrying pink carnations. The groom with his brother, Mr. C. B. Baker, as best man, entered from the vestry room and awaited the bride, who came down the aisle with her father, who gave her away. After the ceremony, a recep tion was held at the home of the of the bride's 'parents on upper Second avenue. This, too, was beautifully decorated with a wealth of palms, ferns and chry santhemum, green and white, in parlor and dining room, and yel low in the other apartments.* An elegant two-course supper was served. The punch bowl, which was in the hall, was pret tily garnished with pink'and green grapes. The bride's gown was an ex quisite creation of heavy white satin, lace and seed pearls,* Her bouquet was of bride's roses, showered with valley lilies. Her going-away gown was a tailored suit of dark blue with touches of green. Her hat was of the same tone of green, and she wore handsome mink furs. The bridal pair left on the Sem inole at 10 o'clock for a wedding journey before going to their future home in Williamstort, N. C., which city, by the way, was named in honor of the great grandfather of the bride. Her father's mother was a Miss Wil liams. Numerous and elegant pres ents from friends were showered upon the popular young couple. There were many beautiful and elegant toilets at the wedding. Mrs. Slade wore black -lace over white charmeuse, and car ried white, roses and valley lilies. Mrs. Hunter, the bride's grand mother, wore black crepe de chine and lace. Mrs. Joseph Pou, the aunt of the bride, was elegantly attired in black and white striped chiffon over green charmeuse trimmed with while lace and jet. Mrs. William Hunter, of Sa vannah, wore a handsome gown sr.oo a Year in Advance House—Mizzeile. The following invitation has been issued: Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Mizelle invite you to be present at the marriage of their sister Susan Elizabeth to Mr. Thomas Lawrence House on Wednesday evening, the twenty-sixth'of November nineteen hundred and thirteen at half past six o'clock At Hon\e Rohersonville, North Carolina New Appointment. Collector J. W. Bailey has ap pointed Edward James, of Rob ersonville, Deputy in the place of C. C. Fagan. Mr. James has been taking the ginners' report for Martin County, which posi tion has been given to H. H. Pope, of Robersonville, who is busily engaged in securing exact figures as to the number of bales ginned. Mr. James' report for the period to November Ist, 1913, shows 2,524 bales ginned as compared with 4.948 bales for the same period in 1912. Card Of Thanks. We desire publicly to express our heartfelt thanks for the many acts of kindness done |by neigh bors artd friends during the ill ness and at the death of our dear little babe. There is comfort in the knowledge that though af flictions may come, sympathy is ever around and about us. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Williams. Oak City Items Miss Nannie House spent the week-end at her home in Stokes. J. A. Hobbs, of Williamston, spent Sunday in town. Lucius Davenport, of Hamilton, with Mr. and Mrs. Gid Daven port from Delaware spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Worse ley. Mrs. S. L. Long and son return ed to their home in Sanford last Tuesday. Ralph House spent Monday in Williamston. B. M. Worseley went to Parmele Friday. Ernest Trip, oft Greenville, was in town Sunday- A number of young men from Greenville motored here Sunday and spent the day with Charlie Crisp. F. J. Roebuck and daughter, Miss Delia, motored here Sunday and were joined by Claud Roe buck on a trip to Rocky Mount. Spencer E. Hines was slightly burned about the face Monday night from the explosion of a lamp The young men of the Litera ry Society will give a box party Friday night, Nov. 21th. for the benefit of the school. of black charmeuse and lace. Miss Lilly Way Baker, the groom's sistfer, was gowned in white chiffon over white char meuse. and his cousin, Miss Sal lie Baker, wore white chiffon over yellow charmeuse. Among the out of town guest* were Miss Lilly Way Baker, of Hamilton, N. C.; Miss Sallie Ba ker, of Palmyra, N. C.; Mr. C. B. Baker, of Williamston, N. C.; Mr. and Mrs. William Hunter, of Savannah, and Mr. G. T. Powers, of Warm Springs; Ga.

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