VOL. XV. NO. 7 j PrtftedHartote J Hugh B. York, M. D. Microscopy, Electrotherapy, X- Ray, Diagnosis, Specialties Office on Smith wick St., rear Blount Bro. Office hoars, 8 to io ». m., 7 to 9 p. m. Office 'phone 60 - Night 'phone 63 Win. B. Warren - J. S. Rhode# Drs. Warren & Rliodcs Physicians and Surgeons Office in Biggs Drug Store - 'Phone ?9 Jos. H. Saunders, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Day phone 63 - Night phone 40 Williamston, N. C. Dr. R. L. Savage of Rocky Mount, will be tit the Atlantic Hotel fourth Wendnes day in each month to treat dis eases of the EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT and FIT GLASSES A. R. Dunning • ' C. Smith Dunning & Smith Attorneys-.* t-Law Williamston, N. C. Robersonville, N. C. Burrous A. Critctaer - Wheeler Martin Wheeler Martin, Jr. Martin & Critcher Attorneys-at-Law Williamston - North Carolina 'PHOIOS 23 S. J. Everett Attorney-at-Law Greenville, N. C. - Williamson, N. C. t Greenville Long Distance Phone 328 S. A. NEWELL Attorney at Law Williamston - North Carolina Clayton Moore Attorney at Law Williamston - North Carolina John E. Pope General Insurance, Life, Fir*. Health, Accident, Live Stock Real Estate - Brokerage Williamston - North Carolina Office on Haughton Street Phone ua Y. E. TOUMA &/BROTHER header* In Low Price* Dry Goods, [Notions . Ladies and Gents Furnishings 80X.K AGS W. L. Douglas Shoes The Beet for Men, Women and Glilldreif Price* 12.80 to sS.oo THE ENTERPRISE LOCAL Christmas cheer next, not to mention Santa Claus. Eggs are still scarce and high. It looks bid for egg nog later on. WANTED:—We want to buy live cattle. ( Williamston Land and Improvement Co. Tobacco sales on the Williams ton market were heavier last week than any for this month. FORvSALE CHEAP.-One pair of stimpson Platform Scales. Two pairs of Scales with brass scoops.—J. A. Mizell, City. Only five weeks till Christmas. Why not order some of those "Photo Calendars" for your friends from the Williamston Studio? The postoffice building has on a new dress on the interior and on the front. It is a little more in keeping with the receipts for the year. WANTED.—Several carpen ters at once for rough and inter ior work. Two'months Job. Best wages. Come with tools ready to work.—C. V. York, Green ville, N. C. Ward & Co., are showing the finest lot of stock brought to Williamston since the growth of the trade in the best Western mules. It pays to buy the best, so see this lot at the stables on Main Street. Frank F. Fagan was host At, an elegant luncheon served at the residence of Col. and Mrs. Wheeler Martin in honor of Misses Skinner and Shelburn, after the play on Wednesday evening. Dr. and Mrs. John D. Biggs returned Saturday from Jackson ville, Fla., where they went to attend the Inland Waterways Convention to which Dr. Biggs was a delegate from North Caro lina. He stated that he was ex pressing his regret that the State had so few delegates, when a Northerner remarked; "You have John Small, he is sufficient." The Thespians under the man agement of Mrs. F. D. Winston presented "Coast Folks" here last Friday night. They arrived by gas boat in the afternoon and billed the town. A fair-sized house greeted them. The acting of Mrs. Winston and the selec tion from "The Rose Maid" sung by Mrs. C. J. Sawyer, were the attractive features. Bazaar Wednesday The women of the Episcopal Church will hold a bazaar on Wednesday evening in the va cant building next to W. J. Hod ges, and will have on sale fancy articles suitable for Christmas presents, cakes, salads, ice cream, oysters, etc. The Young Wom an's Auxiliary will have a booth in which they will offer their dis play of fancy articles. People desiring attractive presents to offer at the coming season, will be able to select them there. Doors will be opened at 7:30 o'clock, and no article will be sold or bargained for until then, so that the general public can have an opportunity to see the The preparations for and the management of the bazaar are in the hauds of a re freshment Committee with Mrs. J. P.\ Simpson, Chm., Committee on fancy articles with Mrs. K. B. Crawford, Chm., and on hall ar rangement with Miss Hattie Thrower. Chm. The public is cordially invited to come and spend|a pleasant evening WILLIAMSTON, N. C., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28. IQI3 A Corey was here from James ville Monday. Maurice S. Moore spent Thurs day in Richmond. W. H. Jackson spent Thanks giving in Rocky Mount. Miss Delia Lanier spent Tues day evening in Plymouth. S. S, Bailey, of Everetts, was in town Tuesday on business. Miss Hannah Vic Fowden re turned from Durham Saturday. Miss Bertha Robbins left for Hertford via Washington on Mon day. Miss Irene Smith and Dr. J.JH. Saunders spent Sunday in Wash ington. Rev. and Mrs. G. J. Dowell were here between trains on Tues day. W. A. Thigpen, of Conetoe has been here visiting relatives this week. Miss Mae Blount spent Thanks giving with Miss Hannah Vic Fowden. F. L. Gladstone and P. H. Davenport were here from Hamil ton Monday. , Prof. R. J. Peel left Monday for Raleigh to attend the Teach ers' Assembly. Mr. and Mrs. McNaughton left this week for Atlantic Ga., to spend the winter. Charles Hassell is here from Washington City to see his falher, Elder S. Hassell. Mrs. Martha Hardison and the Misses Keel of Rocky Mount, are visiting relatives in town. Miss Fannie Murt Manning came home Friday from Wilson and remained until Tuesday. Prof. J. T. Jerome is in Raleigh where he addressed the Teachers Assembly at the Superintendents' session. Misses Ethel Skinner and Mary Shelburn, of Greenville, have been the guests of Mrs. C. W. .Keith this week. Col. John E. Woodard and Miss Delzelle Woodard, of Wilson, spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Hassell. Miss May Bennett accompained by Mrs. Aionzo Hassell and Dr. J. S. Rhodes, left for St. Vin cent's Hospital Monday. ! S S. R. Biggs, Miss Annie Fagan, Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler Mai tin, Jr.. went to Washington Mondpv night to see Norman Hp'-ket* i "The Double Deceiver." Late Monday afternoon, while Norman, the five-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Ward, was chopvinprwith an axe, Bis rt o. seven ypnrs old and *he son of Mr. and Mrs. Kadcr Rogurson, ran rcruss the yard and fell beneath the axe. The bone kick of the ear was al most severed and the skull deeply narked. A few inches lower would have meant instant death to the little fellow. Drs. Saun ders and York were hurriedly summoned and immediate atten tion given to the sufferer. Though severely linrt unless so TV m»*ore seeii complicat ions arise, Biseo will soon b$ out again. BAZAAR.—The ladies of the Christian Church at Roberaon ville will hold a bazaar in the church building on Tuesday night, Wed nesday and Wednesday night. Refreshments will be served, and on Wednesday dinner -"M 1 h* served also. The proceeds will be given for the bereft of the church. PERSONAL Sad Accident. LC. T. School Notes I The Athletic League of East Carolina Training School has been organized with a membership of ninety-four. The purpose of the League is: To give recreation to the students of the school; develop and encourage athletic spirif and to train girls to carry on work of an athletic league so that organized play will become a permanent feature of the school. Basket ball, tennis and cross country walking clubs form subdivisions of this league. The Training School has offer ed free of charge, Saturday courses to the teachers of the vicinity who wish to avail them selves of the opportunity for snecial study. These courses are on the following subjects: Peda gogy, English, Mathematics, Primary Methods, History, Latin and Drawing: The Bursar has established a system of banking known as "East Carolina Teachers Train ing School Bank", by which the girls make their deposit and with drawal in the office. The purpose of this is to teach the students the simple principles of banking and to give them some business methods. Oak City Items The young men of the Literary and Debating Society gave a box party Friday night for the bene fit of the High School. The at tendance was large and the en tertainment a splendid success. The side shows caused a great deal of mirth. The "Old Mill Scene" by Miss Jennie Rawls, The Fcfaune Teller by Miss Zolma Bradley and The Bridal (Bridle) scene by Master Edwin Bradley. The boxes were many and beau tiful and sold from 50 cents to $4 .50. The cake given the So ciety by Mrs. Lewis Johnson was awarded Miss Ethel Everett as the prettiest girl after a lively contest over the votes. Miss Hannah Long was only a few votes behind. The sum taken in for the votes on the cake was $25.90, and the total amount for the entertainment was over $55. This will be used for lights, a flag and pole and other furnish ings for the school. J. L. Hines took a flying trip to Rocky Mount Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland Itober son, of Norfolk, were in town Monday. M"s K#»«sip Roberson spentrthe week-end at home. \Vi^ o iand and family mo tored from Tarboro Sunday and spent the day with N. M. Worse ley. Miss Minnie Whichard came home Friday. .lames Fleming and friends v. oro in town Tuesday on busi- T. W. Davenport spent Monday in Scotland Neck. Miss Mary Worseley left. Sat ui day for Scotland Neck, where she is the guest of Mrs. G. C. Weeks. W. A. Hyman, of Rocky Mount, spent the week-end with friends here. i-Jarl Gardner, of Rocky Mount, is visiting here for a few days. Charlie Crisp entertained a few friends from Greenville last Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Johnson entertained guests from Rober senville Sunday. r Bernard Hines with Misses Emily Hines and Clarice Cart- will spend Thanksgiving in Virginia. To Attend Peace Conference Col. Wilson G. Lamb and Miss Mayo Lamb will leave next week for Richmond to attend the cele bration of one hundred years of peace among the English speak ing nations. Col. Lamb, who is President of the North Carolina Society of the Cincinnati, was entitled to a seat in the confer ence, but he was also appointed a delegate by Governor Locke Craig. Many distinguished for eign delegates will be present, and the meeting will be one of the most interesting of the year in the United States. A Former Pastor Writes The Williamston ENTERPRISE, Dear Friend: I wish to thank you most sincerely for the kind things you said about Mrs. Dowell and my self in your issue of November 7th. 1 have been so very busy since leaving Williamston that I have been here but little, and have had no time to answer some letters from my friends as I should have done. I left hurried ly and had no time to say good bye to those I would liked to have visited and shaken hands with once more. I wish to thank all for their kindness to me and my family, and to send you a year's subscription to The "ENTER PRISE", as I shall wish to keep up with the good people with whom I parted so reluctantly. With best wishes, Yours truly, Geo. J. Dowell. Ayden, N. C. Hamilton Items .. r _ Miss Fannie'Matthews left Fri day for Tarboro to visit Miss Fanny T Johnson. # Reuben Edmondson has pur chased the hotel from Miss Hat tie Darden. Mrs. Maggie Floyd returned from Rocky Mount Thursday ac companied by Master David Davenport. Mrs. Sue Whitker, of Enfield, is visiting her brother, J. T. Waldo. Miss C'odie Purvis is visiting friends in Scotland Neck. Mrs. T. B. Slade and Miss Fan nie Matthews spent Tuesday in Williamston. Mrs. Mary GladstoneTand Miss Lelia Pippin returned home Sat urday. Asa Johnson went to Scotland Neck Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Peel and Miss Martha Council spent Fri day in Robersonville. Miss Lou Council, of Oak City, is visiting her sister, Mrs. F. L. Haislip. W. S. Rhodes is very ill with La Grippe. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Waldo spent Sunday at Ballards. An ice cream supper was given Friday night by the ladies of the Episcopal Church. Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Anthony and children are visiting Mr. J. B. Anthony. Charlie Perkins with several men motored to Robersonville Sunday. Gladstone Anthony was in town Sunday. Miss Ejizabeth Davenport is at home from Rocky Mount where she has been to have her eyes treated. Judge J. D. Winston spent Wednesday night in town. sr.oo a Year in Advance The Recital Saturday evening, Misses Har riet Settle and Pearl Monk, of the Atlantic Christian College, gave a recital which greatly delighted the audience. Owing to condi tions, the number present was small, and those who failed to at tend missed the most entertain ing evening of the season. Miss •Settle, who is well know here, has always given pleasure to Williamston people. She posses ses a voice of splendid timbre, which has been carefully cultivat ed. Her numbers f gon the pro gramme were pleasing. Miss Delia Lanier was accompanist on the piano. Miss Monk is the teacher of expression at the A. C. College, and every dumber she gave was faultless in tone and manner. Her recital of "Madam Butterfly" was loudly applauded, and noth ing more entertaining has been heard here in a long time. Misses Settle and Monk while in town t were the guest of Mrs. W. C. Manning, and they left Monday afternoon for Robersonville where they gave a recital on Monday evening. Sunday School Rally There will be a special Sunday School Rally on Sunday Novem ber 30th. in the following church es with a special program at each place as follows: At the Chris tian Church, Jamesville, at 10 a. m., at Cedar Branch Church in the country at 2:30 p. m., At the Methodist Church, Jamesville, at 7:30 night. There will be special music at each of the services, and a rich JWHtawstt urogram. We surely hope that everybody will take an interest and be present, and they are cordially requested to invite their friends. Let us have the day in real pleasure and benefit. There being no regular preaching at any of the churches, we hope that a number mdy come and help us make the day one of real wor ship. A. Corey, For the Committee. Parmele Items Nicholas Roberson and Jodie VanNortwick spent Sunday in Washington. Paul Edmonson was here Fri day. D. S. Powell went to Roberson ville Monday. Misses Bertha Ward and Mamie VanNortwick spent Sunday Jwith Mrs. B. L). Gardner near Bethel. Mrs. D. S. Powell spent part of last week with Mrs. Elly Edmon -80 n^. Miss Bertha Ward with Helen Powell, Beatrice James and Lula VanNortwick spent Thursday night at the home of Mrs. Luke Ward. Miss Lela Nelson spent the week-end with Miss Lina Carson near Stokes. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. - Whichard spent Saturday in Roberscnville. Mrs. J. G. Andrews spent Sun day with Mrs. R. L. Whitley. Underwent Operation Friends here and elsewhere will be pleased to learn that Miss Mae Bennett, who went to St Vincent's Hospital for treatment, has undergone a successful opera tion. Miss Bennett has been a most efficient operator in the Williamston Telephone office for 5 years, and subscribers all along the lines regcet that she has been obliged to seek treatment from a specialist. It earnestly hoped that her stay in the hospital will be short.

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