DIZZY, HEADACHY, SICK, "CASCARETS" Gently cleanse your liver and sluggish bowels while you sleep. Get A 10-cent bo*. Sick Leadache, biliousness, dim ness. co- x d tongue, fonl taste and foul breath— always trace them to torpid ilyer; del»ved, fermenting food in the bowels or sour, gassy stomach. Poisonous matter dogged In the in testines, instead of being caat out of the system is re-absorbed intp the blood. When this poison reaches the delicate brain tissue it causes con gestion and that dull, throbbing, sick ening headache. Cascarets immediately cleanse the atomach, remove the sour, undigested food and foul gases, take the excess bile from the liver and carry out all the constipated waste matter and poisons in the bowels. A Cascaret to-night will surely straighten yon out by morning. They work while you sleep—a 10-cent box from your druggist means your head clear, stomach sweet and your llrer and bowels regular for months. Adv. ~s i , The Proper Thing. "That trial jury was packed." "That's all right. It was a trunk murder mystery case." FALLING HAIR MEANS DANDRUFF IS ACTIVE •ava Your Hairl Get a 25 Cent Bottla of Danderlna Right Now—Also Btopa Itching Bcalp. Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy hair is mute evidence of a neglected acalp; of dandruff—that awful scurf. There is nothing so destructive to the hair aa dandruff. It robs the hair of its luster, its strength and its very life; eventually producing a feverlsh ness and Itching of the scalp, whloh If not remedied causes the hair roota to thrink, loosen and die —then the hair falls out fast. A little Danderine tonight—now—any time —will surely ■ave your hair, Get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton'a Danderlne from r iy store, and after the first application your hulr will take on that life, luster and luxuriance which is so beautiful. It will become wavy and fluffy and have the appear •nee of abundance; an incomparable gloss and softness, but what will please you most will be after Just a few week?' vee, when you will actual ly ete i ' fine, downy hair —new hair— gr, over tfcc 2Cu,p. AOT. 1 he Kind. "There were straight issues in this camoaign, wc«j lutie uot?" • Yes; and one of them was straight whisky." HSU, GAS ' OR BAD STOMACH Time itl Pape's Diapepsin ends all Stomach misery in five minutes. Do some foods you eat hit back— taste good, but work badly; ferment into stubborn lumps and cause a sick, ■our, gassy stomach? Now, Mr. or Mrs. Dyspeptic, Jot this down: Papa's Diapepsin digests everything, leaving nothing to sour an 4 upset you. There never was anything so safely quick, so certainly effective. No difference how badly your atomach la disordered you will get happy relief in five minutes, but what pleases you most Is that it strengthens and regulates your stom ach so you can eat your favorite fooda without fear. You feel different as soon as "Pape'a Diapepsin" comes In contact with ths atomach —distress Just vanishea —your atomach geta sweet, no gases, no belch ing, no eructations of undigested food. Go now, make the best Investment you ever made, by getting a large fifty cent caae of Pape'a Dlapepaln from any •tore. You realize in five minutea how needleas it ia to suffer from indiges tion, dyapepsla of bad stomach. Adv. A Surmise. "Dobbs la a mild-mannered man." "Yes he is. I wonder If Ije's natural LY 80, or married?" . Important to Mother* . ▼famine carefully every bottle at CAriTORIA, a safe and sure remedy tor Infants and children, aad see that It Bears the yrf Signature of AoAJCM In Ute For OvtS 30 Ttsn. - Children Ciy for Fletcher'« Castoria 4 Punctured Happiness. Miss Ethel—Kat* says she's weary f of living In a small apartment Jack Carr —A case of flat tire, ehT Hanford's Balsam haa cured many , - , eases of running sores of many years' r'. standHig. Adr. ** Tfie man who-is handy around the loose usually ten'} much good any where else. / v".* • -it jtzJSEI Ifc PELLAGRA SPREADS THE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE ISSUES VALUABLE BULLETN ON THE DISEASE. SHOWS INCREASE IN N. C. Bulletin Contains Upto-Date State ment of Surgeon C. H. Lavinder Who Has Mads Long Butdy of Die sase. Raleigh.—Special from Washington says, the most recent figures on pel lagra snow mat the disease is spread ing in North Carolln and other states. The death of prominent persons in North Carolina with the dreoded dis ease has caused the people there to take more interest in it. The public health service here has issued abulletin on pellagra. In it appears sn up-to-date statement by Surgeon C. H. Lavinder who has made a study of the disease for sev eral years. Doctor Lavinder says: "Pfie literature of pellagra con tinues to increase in volume but our actual knowledge of the nature of thfe disease still leaves much, very much to be desired. The etiology of pellagra remains in obscurity. The Italian school continues to ring changes on the corn theory, while the American school seems largely in clined to regard pellagra as an in fee tiouc disease of some undetermined nature. "Taking all things into considera tion, at present the safest point of view with regard to the causation of this disease is probably one of frank agnosticism, backed up by healthy spirit of criticism and investi gation, with the suppression of all de- Bire to rush into print with immature speculations fantastic hypotheses and incomplete experimentation. "It is worthy of remark that Sam bon has shown what was already sus pected, that the disease is fur more prevalent than has been heretofore stated. In striking confirmation of this fact he has reported recently the discovery of over 50 cases of the dis ease in the British Isles. In the United States there is little doubt that pel lagra continues to spread and numer ous cases are now found where the disease scarcely existed a year ago. "There is no specific remedy for pellagra," Doctor says. "Lacking a specific remedy however, we have no need to throw up our hands In despair," he adds. "There is a treatment for this disease which properly applied gives good results, especially in early cases. This treat ment Is largely summed up in the removal of the patient from his sur roundings if possible, and preferably to an institution, proper diet proper ly regulated rest, hydrotherapy and intelligent attention to general symp tomatic treatment without too much drugs." Suer for $12,800. Asheville.—An unusual case, In which damages are sought for losses alleged to have been sustained as the result of forest fires, has been trailfer red from the superior court of Avery county to the United States district court. In the compalnt, a copy of which was received at the office of the cerk recenty, Noah P. Webb seeks damages from the W. M. Rltter Lum ber Company In the sum of $12,800, calmed to have been sustained as fol lows: To rhodendron shrubs, |12,000; growing timber $500; galax, $200; oth er shrubs, SIOO. Inspect School Children's Teeth. Klnston. —The children In the local grammar school are being examined by dentists at the rate of 50 dally now under the plan of the authorities for free dental Inspection in the schools. Although the examination Is not com pulsory, no children have declined to be inspected. The dentists give their services free and alternate in making the examinations. T Check Flasher Caught. Raleigh—Addison P. Jones, a young man claiming Baltimore as his home, is under arrest In this city charged with flashing checks and Is also want ed for the same offense In Columbia, S. C., Washington, N. C., Philadelphia, Baltimore and several other cities. Will Transfer Colored Clerk. Aaheville. —Charles A. Brown, col ored, who has been employed as a helper in the railway mall service for the past year or more, between Afrhe ville and Union, 8. C., is to be trans ferred from this to Home other run. Th transfer papers have not yet been received, but Congressman James M. Oudger, Jr., is authority for the state ment that aM arrangements have been completed for the transfer of the ne gro at an early date. Brown is Che only negro in this service working on any of the rune from this city. Good Price Tor Peanuts. Scotland Neck. —The short cotton crop in this section of the state does not badly hamper the farmers, .since they do not depend on cotton by any means a stheir ouly money crop. It te true that becauee of the storm early in the fall the cotton crop is damag ed si least 26 per cent, and In a few cases eiVen as high as 50 per cent, but with the good prices at which the staple has been seMing nnd the extra high prices paid for peanuts, the far mers are yet on top and -like ly to stay there , ' 1. ; 1 > ' . > :I*A> .... *• » A*. l. &/• CHILDREN LOVE SYRUP OF RGS It Is cruel to force nauseating, harsh physic into a sick «hild. Look back at your childhooa day*. Remember the "dose" mother insisted on—castor oil, calomel, cathartics. How you hated them, how you fought against taking thera. With our children It's different. Mothers who cling to the old form of physic simply don't realise what they do The children's revolt is well-found ed. Their tender little "Insldes" are Injured by them. If your child's stomach, liver and bowels need cleansing, give only deli cious "California Syrup of Figs." Its action is positive, but gentle. Millions of mothers keep this harmless "fruit laxative" handy; they know children love to take it; that it never falls to clean the liver and bowels and sweet- en the stomach, and that a teaspoonful given today saves a sick child t mor row. Ask at the store for a 60-ccnt bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," which has full directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups plainly an each bottle. Adv. Good luck Is like a lot of other things. You never fully appreciate It until you haven't It. GRANDMA USED SAGE TEA TO DARKEN HER GRAY HAIR She Made Up4i Mixture of Sage Tea and Bulphur to. Bring Back Color, Gloss, Thickness. Almost everyone knows that Spge Tea and Sulphur, properly compound ed, brings back the natural color and lustre to the hair when faded, streaked or gray; hlso ends dandruff, itching scalp and stops falling hair. Years ago the only way to get thlß mixture was to make It at home, which is mussy and troublesome. Nowadays, by'asking at any store for "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy," you will got a large bottle of this famous old rec'pe for about 50 cents. Don't stay gray! Try It! No one can possibly tell that you darkened your hair, as It doeß It so naturally and evenly. You dampen a sponge or ■oft brush with It and draw this through your heir, taking ono small strand at a time; by morning the gray 4 hair' disappears, and after another ap plication or two, your hair becomes I beautifully dark, thick and glossy. Adv. Few men care to say what they think about women. COLDS & LaGRIPPE 5 or 6 doses 666 will break any case of Chills & Fever, Colds & LaGrlppe; It acts on the liver better than Calo mel and does gripe or sicken. Price 25c.—Adv. Great opportunities seldom employ an advance ajront. miAKK INTO YOt'R HHOKH •'•lii.sc, ili#> >ntl«rptlr nt»wder for Tlr^ l 1«. R. I.,HM.H TITVCFT r«*«.l j.;.? t. H.. '.«•**». !Hfntf u delight. Hold every whrro, •-3«. ib'U t t> tt t*f «.* «i thtHluf*. For KKKU laui pie, uudiu * Alien H. Olmai >l. Hoy, N. T. Adt. An unmarried man ne\.ir realizes how many faults he has. Pain in Back and Rheumatism are the daily torment of thousands. To ef fectually cure these troubles you must re move the cause. Foley Kidney Pills begin to work for you from the first dose, and ex ert so direct and beneficial an action in the kidneys and bladder that the pain and tor ment of kidney trouble soon disappears. The Typewriter for the Rural Business Man Whether you are a ■jSSSSESp small town merchant 1 or a farmer, you need a typewriter. Long WmaHng your letters and bills by hand, you are not getting full efficiency. It doesn't require an expert oper ator to run the L. C. Smith & Bros, typewriter. It is simple, compact, , complete, durable. Send in the attached coupon and we will give attention to your typewriter needs. J L. C. Smith A Bros. Typewriter Co., : Hyracun*. N Y ! Pl»aw mad me your free book about : ! typewriter#. : ; Name..... ; : P. O : : State : : : RAW FURS pjlcVsuLttriw FREE BOUGHT""" Write tor 1« today A. E. BURKHARDT _ - lit*ru«loa*l Fur Marehaot. issffsst. Cincinnati,O. 4t\ IfflniVC »nd High Orada KODAKS riulUlF clsl attention. Prices reasonable. LHpwi. SerTlce procapl. *entl for Frlca List. ~J LiMlUl't 1U HTORX CaiIIJKIU, (. C. IT CHEEK UP! Send Today for Kre* ■Vf'ZKMA—Harople "Qt'lC'H." It stout Itrh EUREOASOL CHEMICAL CO-.O'fn. Phlla.t a 3b ii ihii mll mRk ftMt Oomgh fiytnp. TwtM Ooed. C«S B la ttaia. Sold by W GUARDS OFF FLOODS Cast Side Levee and Sanitary District of Illinois. Section Is a Municipality Chartered by the State and Has Power to Collect Taxes to Keep the Mississippi River Within Bounds. East St. Louis.—The east-vide levee and sanitary district, In wntch the city of East St. Louis is situated, is a mu nicipality, chartered by the state of Il linois and given power to levy and collect taxeß for the purpose of pro viding flood protection and drainage for a 150 square mile area situated on the east side of the Mississippi river, opposite the city of St. Louis. The area extends about 30 miles along the Mississippi river, and is bound el on the east by a chain of bluffs. Within the area Is a large in dustrial center, and a very prolific ag ricultural dletrict. The principal city in the area is East St. Louis, which has a population Of 75,000. The other cities are Granite City, National City, Madison, Venice, Brooklyn, Nameoki and Cahokia. In the past this area has had to en dure many floods, resulting from an unusual combination of causes. The estimated cost of the work provided for in the present planß of the east side levee and sanitary district is $6,- 600.(io0. "Bhe east side levee and sani tary district as a municipally embrace a large territory, Including the cities mentioned, but is in no way directly connected with them. The district Is governed by a board of trustees elected every four years, which board appoints a chief engineer, a treasurer, ""jfcleik and attorney. To appreciate the significance of the measures taken by the east side Jpvee arid sanitary district toguard "against future floods in the area, it is necessary to have a clear under standing of the causes of the frequent floods. The area is comparatively low, and the Mississippi river formerly spread over a large portion of It. Through the area runs a stream call ed Cahokla creek. Lying northwest of the area Is a 200 square mile plat eau, which forms a watershed for J.— - Showing Levee Dis : Oahokia creek. Practically all of the waterfall of the pluteau wan fotanerly carried through the 10-ver area Cahokla creek to the MinHi»«ii)t>l river. In the event of a heavy rainfall the water from the plateau would augment the drainage of the lower area, and the Cahokla creek would overflow its banks in the lower area. High water in the Mississippi river and the Ca hokla creek would frequently occur at the same time. The Mississippi river water packing up into the channel of the Cahokla creek would meet the downward rush of the water from the plateau and the result would bp a disastrous overflow. The Mississippi river inundating the area from the west and the Cahokla creek overflow ing in the central part furnished enough water to almost submerge the area. These, overflows ocsurred fre quently, and caused great Inconven ience to traffic and devastation of property. Keeping the Mississippi river out of the area was simply a matter of build ing a levee high enough, but harness ing the Cahokla creek was a problem presenting a number of difficulties. WALK TO AVOID STARVATION Eight Children Trudge Forty Milts in Bearch of Father, Mother and Food. Los Angeles, Cal.—Pacing starva tion in their Isolated home in t> Malibu mountains, eight children, ranging in ages from eighteen years to eighteen months, started on a 40- mile walk to Los Angeles In search of food and their father and mother. The father, R. W. Bailer, a homestead er, came to Los Angeles some days ago to seek work, they said. After they had walked 15 miles the older children, taking turns in carry ing the youngster as well as their pet dog and cat, which they would not leave to starve, they were found by Ray Nlmmo, an attorney of Los An geles. He gave them money with, which to ride to this city, where they have arrived. Good Bamarftan Arrested Newark, N. J.—Becaues he played good Samaritan to a suffering livery man in East Orange and pared his corn, Thomas Wood waa arrested chaifad with practising chironodv without a license. What is Woman's Beauty but Health f Knd the Basis of Her Health and Vigor Lies in the Careful Reg ulation of the Dowels. If woman's beauty depended upon sosmetlcs, every woman would be a jlcture of loveliness. Dut beauty lies leeper than that. It lies in health. In :he majority of cases the basis of lealth, and the cause of sickness, can >e traced to the action of the bowels. The headaches, the lassitude, the lallow skin and the lusterless eyes are lsually due to constipation. So many :hlngs that women do habitually con luce to this trouble. They do not eat carefully, they eat indigestible foods because the foods are served daintily ind they do not exercise enough. But whatever the particular cause may be it is Important that the condition ihould be corrected. • An tdeal remedy for women, and one suited to their delicate julrements, la Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, which thousands of women en- Jorse highly, among them Mrs. C. S. Vance, of 511 S. Ray St., New Castle, Pa. At times she had spells of indl/ gestlon so severe that she thought she would die. Syrup Pepsin regulated her stomach and bowels, and she attrib utes her excellent health today to this remedy. All the family can use Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, for thousands of moth ers give It to babies and children. It Is also admirably suited to the require ments of elderly people, In fact to all who by reason of age or Infirmity can not stand harsh salts, cathartics, pills ir purgatives. These should always be How scornfully women lodk at a man who is the father of 11 children. . Hanford's Balsam should relieve 3ven the worst burns. Adv. Why hire a trained nurse to nurse i grievance? Stiil>l>orn Colds iiiul irritated 'Jronchial lubes are easily relieved by Dean's Men tholated Cough Drop*—sc at Druggists. Ixjve Is responsible for most of tho happiness and unhappiness in the world. For Domestic Animals. Horses, cattle and sheep are liable to sores, sprains, nails, calks, kicks, bruises and cuts, and Hanford's Bal sain of Myrrh Is the standard remedy for such cases. When you consider l how valuable your stock Is having the i Balsam always on hand for them is a i chrtip form of insurance. Adv. What Did He Mean? • Hewitt —Is Gruet out of danger yet? Jowltt —No, he still has the doctor. DISFIGURED WITH PIMPLES It. F. D. No. 2, Box 46, Matthews, Qa. —"For three years or more I was troubled with pimples and blackheads. At first ray face would Itch and burn and then the pimpleß would break out. They looked almost as If I had meas les, causing great disfigurement. They would make my fas« very red and sore. Ther *.iiey festered and can«i to .» heau and largo bolls would come on my chin r.nl nose. "1 also hud dandruu which my scalp to Itch und burn. It itched and burned BO that I had to scratch It until It was Irritated. The dandruff scaled off i>nd showed plainly in my ualr. It also caused my hair to break off and become very thin. I used several remedies which did not cure and gave but little relief. After I received a free sample of Cutiou.T. Soap and Ointment I benan using them according to directions. I se cured two cakes of Cuticura Soap and two boxes of Cuticura Ointment, which cured me perfectly." (Signed) Miss Willie M. Walker, July 31, 1912. Cuticura Soap and Ointment sold throughout the world. Sample of each free,with 32-p. Skin Rook. Address post o&rd "Cuticura, Dept. L, Boston."—Adv. Mean Intimation. Cholly—Did you see where they had such a big lobster in Boston? Maude —Why, you weren't there were you? „ KMIIR BAHEK A GOOD TONIC And Drives Malaria out of the System. "Your 'llabek* acts like maKic; I have piven It to numerous people in my par iah who were suffering with chills, ma laria and fever. I recommend It to those who are sufferers and In need of a gotftl tonic."—Rev, 8. Szymanownkl, St. Stephen's Church. Perth Amboy. N. J. Rllxlr llnhek 50 cents, all druKlflsts or by prepaid from Kloczew skl & Co.. Washing-ton, D. C. Derr.ise Distant. "Do you think a person can be too healthy?" "My rich vncle Is." Rifles Shoot Well, Work Well and Wear Well The rough, hard usage that hunting rifle 9 often receive requires them to be constructed on sound mechanical principles and of the best materials. All Winchester rifles are so made. Nothing is left undone that will make them shoot well, work well, look well and wear well. Wladuittr Gun* and Ammunition—Tin Rod VV Brand—art mads tor all kindt of Hunting WINOHKSTKN RtNATINO ARMS CO.. • • NIW HAVKN, OONN. MRS. C. S. VANCE avoided, for at beni. their effect Is only for that day, while a genuine remedy like Syrup Pepsin acts mildly but per manently. It can be conveniently obtained at any drug store at fifty cents or One dollar a bottle. Results are alway» guaranteed or money will be refunded. You wIU find it gentle in action, pleas ant in taste, and free from griping, and its tonic properties have a distinct value to women. It is the most widely used laxative-tonic in America today and thousands of families are now ner er without it. Families wishing to try a free fam pie bottle can obtain it postpaid by addressing Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 203 Washington St., Monticello, 111. A postal card with your name and ad dress on it will do. MANY A MAN is blamed for a bad disposi tion when it is really the fault of his liver. VIDIAN will expel all BILIOUS HUMORS Get them today. Why Scratch? Disease. 50c at "Hunt's Cure"is guar anteed to stop and permanently cure that terrible itching. It is compounded for that purpose and your money will be promptly refunded WITHOUT QUESTION if Hunt's Cure fails to cur« Itch, Eczema, Tetter, Ring Worm or any other Skin your druggist's, or by mail direct if he hasn't it. Manr r.-;r:i;ri*r! only by A. B. RICHARDS MEDICINF. CO., brier-nan. Te*ai LARGE 74-PAGE a ILLUSTRATED CATALOG [Mjjf Camera* and Photographic Suppliet mailed FREE DEVELOPING and PRIN7IHG A SPrCULTY Parsons Optical Company, Dept. B CHARLESTON, S. C. WOR/i£J*-REL!EF Holland s Kttytuuno quickly relieves ex ti>:,iie nervousness, geuural weakness anil other ailments peculiar to the sex. All excellent remedy endorsed by physicians. One Month's Treatment tt. Prepared by Holland Manufacturing Co., Washington, D. C. To cure coftlveness the medicine m'mt b* more than a purgative; It muit contain tonic, alterative and cathartic properties. Tuff's Pills possess these qualities, and speedily rcstor# to the bowels their natural peristaltic motion so essential to iniilailli ■ | I niro for freo fcainpln for removing half I AlllrX *«■'"" NATIONAL KKMKHYCO., LnUILO j'otttofflce Box HUH, Atlanta* Georgia KOR BAILK-—l.ftOO A., IN ( AMIOUN CO* OA.; 800 a cult., bal. K f »od timber, 1!» hou«»*M, plenty outbldus.. 15 mule*, raach . etc. l'rlc# ami tecum W. >l. ItrHhhniii. bamberg, W. C. Charlotte Directory TYPEWRITERS New, rebuilt and second hand. 117 01 u P ttn d guaranteed »atlnfuctory We flßmSi K/ •••11 6 "J»pl'c» for all makes. We re piir all makea. , J.I. CKAYTON k COMPANY, CkartoUe, I.* W. N. U.. CHARLOTTE. NO 48-1913.