VOL. XV. NO. 7 ► I; Professional Cards 1 Hugh B. York,JVL D. Microscopy, Electrotherapy, X- Ray, Diagnosis, Specialties Office on Smithwick St.. rear Blount Bra. Office hours, 8 to 10 a. m.. 7 to 9 p. m. Office 'phone 60 - Night 'phone 63 - ' ► « , ■ __L__ Wm. E. Warren - J. S. Rhodei Drs. Warren & Rhodes Physicians and Surgeons Office In Biggs Drug Store - 'Phone ?9 Jos. H. Saundeis, M. D. Physician and Surgeon , Day phone 53 - Night phone 40 Williamston, N. C. Dr. R. L. Savage of Rocky Mount, will be at the Atlantic Hotel fourth Wendnes day in each month to treat dis eases of the EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT and FIT GLASSES A. R. Dunning - ; * C. Smith Dunning & Smith Attorneys-.t-Law Williamston, N. C. , Robersonville, N. C. Bnrtous A. Critcher • Wheeler Martin Wheeler Martin, Jr. Martin & Critcher Attomcys-at-Law Williamston -' North Carolina 'momc »s i m . S. J. Everett Attorney-at-Law Greenville, N. C. - Williamston, N. C. Greenville Long Distance Phone S. A. NEWELL Attorney at.Law Williamston - North. Carolina Clayton Moore Attorney at Law Williamston - North Carolina John E. Pope General Insurance, -fctfei-fwer Health, Accident, Live .Stack, Real Estate . - Brokerage Williamston - North Carolina Office on Haughton Street Phone 14a Dr R B~ CONE Dentist XWfie same one used by Dr. White., Will be in office each day. Hours 9 to 12 and 1 to 5 Watch Label See the label on your paper and if in arrears, we will greatly ap preciate a renewal. Just put the money-in an envelope, and mail to us. We will send receipt promptly. ! Honor Roll For November at Everetts, N. a Second Grade.—Myrtle Wynne; Third Grade.—Ruby Barnhill. Fourth Grade.-A. P. Barnhill, liollie Clark. Fifth Grade.—Nellie Wynne. Eighth Grade. - Delia Roebuck, Ray Ted. X Henry Prin. THE ENTERPRISE LOCAL Eggs are scarce at 30 cents the doeen. ' The Methodist Conference will meet in Oxford this week. Services at the Baptist and Episcopal Churches on Sunday. Is it true that Williamston is to have a sash and blind factory? The beautiful weather has been changed into a Scotch drizzle this week. Don't fail to read every ad in these columns. "There's a rea son." & A few flakes of snow - fell on Saturday night, though the air was not cold. Peanuts are coming to market by the hundreds of bags, andare being purchased by local buyers and the merchants. 5,000 Cabbage Plants, Early Jersey Wakefield, for sale at this office next week. Phone or call on us. WANTED:—We want to buy live cattle. Williamston Land and Improvement Co. Dr. P. B. Cone arrived here Thursday and will begin the prac tice of dental surgery. His card appears in this issue. A good, roomy boarding house is one of the great needs of the town. People have difficulty in securing board or a house to live in. - FOR SALE CHEAP. One pair of Stimpson Platform Scales. Two pairs of Scales with brass scoops.—J. A. Mizell, City... Ralph Harris, while working at a peanut threasher this week, was caught iA the shafting and thrown over the machine. He was painfully hurt • .1 The Board of County Commis sioners met Monday and closed the fiscal year. The County State ment will appear in these colums, and the expenditures for every purpose can be readily seen. WANTED. Several carpen ters at once for rough and inter ior work. Two months Job. Best wages. Come jpith tools ready to work.—C. V. York, Green ville,jN. C. Thanksgiving Day passed very quietly here. Local sportsmen with dogs and guns hied away to the fields and woods, and found plenty of fun. A party went over to Bertie and- Jiagged GO birds. There were services at the Methodist and Episcopal Churches in the morning and at the Baptist at night. Offerings were taken for the different or phanages in the State. " " A- Bazaar Successful The bazaar held at the Mobley Building was a splendid success. An eager crowd of purchasers readily took the large assortment of articles and all refreshments. A number of smaller articles re main unsold, but will be disposed of later by private sale or public auction. The full amount of pro ceeds has not been accurately de termined, but figures above $215,00 were reached. The response which every mem ber of the parish gave Was great er than at any privious time, and and the patronage of the public is highly appreciated—they spent their money freely and cheerfully. Coihfgnionsftiip. After all, (or cwapanionahif and gen eral utility. It vqnld be a good deal better- to be cast away on a deeert island wijh an expert burglar than with a dell preacher—Puck. WILLIAMSTOfC N. C.. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1913 PERSONAL Dr. M. I. Fleming was in town Monday. , Mrs. Grover Hardison went to Raleigh Sunday. B. T. Cowper, of Raleigh, has been here this week, y Miss Pennie Biggs spent --the week-end in Washington. A. T. Crawford has been in Washington City this week. I „ Mrs. J. P. Boyle ha* been here from Hamilton this week visiting relatives. F. L. Gladstone and P. H. Davenport were here Tuesday from Hamilton. Mrs. J. C. Ewell returned from Hamilton on Tuesday aecompain ed by John Martin. Dr. J. D. Biggs left Wednes day for Currituck Sound to enjoy a week in hunting. Mrs. Dr. Simpson, of Conetoe, has been the guest of Mrs. W. H. Crawford this week. Mr. and Mrs. Francis S. Has sell spent Thanksgiving here with Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hoyt. Rev, J. T. Standford left Tues day for Oxford to attend the ses sion of the North Carolina Con ference, Col. and Miss Mayo Lamb left Tuesday for Richmond to attend the celebration of one hundred years.of peace. Julius S. Peel and Julian Wood came up from Currituck Sound Tuesday with seventy ducks and two wild geese, which they bagged. They left Wednesday for Kelford. Engagement Announced Mr. Edmund Alexander, of Atlanta, Ga., announces the en gagement and approaching mar riage of his daughter, Carrie Ernestine, to Dr. James Slade Rhodes, of Williamston, N. C. The wedding will take place in January at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. William St. Julian Freeman, Number 75 East 17th. St., Atlanta, Ga. —News & Observer. > The above announcement is in teresting to many people here and throughout this and other states. Miss Alexander is very popular* in Williamston, where she has lived and often visits. She is one o( the most attractive of the younger women in the State, an 1 friends here will welcome her gladly. Dr. Rhodes is a son of Martin County, and a young physician of splendid reputation. He has re cently taken a course at Harvard, and is very popular personally and as a practitioner. The Registration of Births We would call the attention of the physicians of the county to the fact that the state-wide Vital Statjstics law is now ,in force. This law requires the registra tion of all births and deaths. Each township in the county has its "Register of Vital Statistics." For Williamston Township and the town of Williamston, Dr. W. E. Warren is the registrar. We would also like to pass out the "tip" to physicians, under takers and others interested, that the Sfate Board of Health has been provided with ample means to enforce this law, and he who fails or neglects to abide by the provisions of the same will in a short time find that he is in trou ble. "It's, better to be safe than sorry." Shingles at Mt. Vernon Within the past few weeks the roof of Mount Vernon, the Vir ginia residence of George Wash ington , has been reshingled. and when the old shingles were re moved it was found that they Itore the brand of Simmons, Davis & t Co., and they had been made by Dennis Simmons nt Astoria, N. C„ and shipped from Jameeville. These shingles were probably sold to the Mount Vernon Association by J. Edward Libby of Washing ton, D. C., who until his death a few years ago, had been presi dent for many years of the Old oat Inhabitants Society of Wash ington, or they may have been sold through Messrs. Smoot & Company, of Alexandria, Va., who for many years was a friend and customer of Mr. Simmons. These shingles were placed on the roof of Mount Vernon in lisßO. Previous to the war the late Dennis Simmons had a force of negro tlaves numbering about three hundred who made those shingles by hand, and tliey. gain ed such a reputation for their quality that when machinery was irfvented Mr. Simmons made large quantities, and no other shingle on the market of the United States surpassed them. Unfor tunately, the manufacturing of these shingles has ceadted on . ac count of being dependent upon the irregular freshets in the Roa noke river for getting the cyp ress timber from the swamps. The late Dennis Simmons start ( ed his business career in this way, he accumulated a fortune, and died in 1902, being one of the greatest philanthropists in the . South. He never had any chil dren, ttawgh early in life he showed his fondness for them by adopting Fannie S. Alexander, now Mrs. Fannie S. Biggs, of Williamston: this fondness for children showed itself during his entire life, and for many years before his death he cared for about forty children' in what is 1 known as the Simmons' Nursery, and at his death, besides leaving bequests to his near and distant relatives, he left the orphanage in which he had been interested during his life, one hundred thou sand dollars, and to Meredith College at Raleigh, twenty-five thousand dollars. - The present Dennis Simmons Lumber Company, one of the * largest firms of its kind in the South, is the outgrowth of Mr** Simmons' business acumen. This firm has grown from a modest beginning when it was organized by Mr. Simmons until now it owns many millions of feet of standing timber, has a commer cial rating of a million dollars with two principal stock holders, Rapt. T. W. Tilghman, of Wilson and Mrs. Fannie S. Biggs, the adopted daughter of Mr. Sim mons. - Stamping of First Class Mail Postmasters at rural delivery offices and rural carriers are di rected to bring to the attention of patrons that it is the desire of the Department .that all first class mail matter deposited in rural mail boxes shall be stamped be fore being so deposited. When this is not practicable coins left in such boxes for the purchase of stamps should be deposited in coin holding receptacles and not , inclosed in envelopes, wrapped in paper, or Jeft loose in boxes. , Postmasters and carriers should give this notice as much publicity as possible without incurring any expense to the Department. Civil Calendar, December Term 1913 His Honor, George W. Connor, Judge Presiding. Thursday, December 11th. - Peel et als vs Critcher, et als. Nelson vs Smith. Roberson vs Roberson & Grimes Administrators. Yarrell vs Gray. Watson & wife vs-Spruill. Friday, December 12th. Powell vs Staton. Mobley vs Holding Co. Bryant vs Chance. -Newell, Administrator vs Wat-, son et als. Bank vs Williams and Cowan. Hassell vs Steamboat Co. Britton vs Hadley. Cases not heard on the day set, shall have precedence on the fol lowing day. J. A. HOBBS, - Clerk, Superior Court, j Celebrated Anniversary Mrs. A. T. Crawford celebrated I the sixteen anniversary of her happy married life on Monday from three to six o'clock by hav ing a number of her friends with hor for the afternoon. Sixteen years ago on the first day of Dec ember, as Miss Pattifj Alexander Biggs she became the wife of Asa T. Crawfordand their jour ney together has been an ideal one throughout their entire mar ried life. The entertainment for the cele bration was planned by Mrs Craw ford and caused the guests to pass the hours very happily to gether. Thejresidence was beau tifully decorated with white and red carnations and evergreens, and the candelabra which were put in different parts of the ro r 'ception rooms and in the hall held white and red candlesticks. Mrs. Carrie Biggs Williams, Mrs. Crawford's sister, welcomed the arriving guests at the door, after which they were taken in charge by Mrs. John D. Jr., who served them punch in the hall. Then they were escorted to the drawing room where they were received by Mrs. Crawford and her mother, Mrs. FannieS. Biggs, Whet) all the guests had arrived an A B C contest was engaged in which was a source of much plea sure. Mrs. 11. I). Cook and Mrs. George Gurganus tied for the first prize, and Mrs. Gurganus won it, and Mrs. C. 1). Carstar phen was given the'booby. In another contest Mrs. C. B. Has sell won the prize and Miss Anna.Pope the second. When the contents were concluded the first course of refreshments was served which consisted of a salad, olives, pickles and fried oysters. These plates were removed and ice cream in the form of lillies, fruit and wedding bells were served. Each guest was given a miniature strutting turkey gobler as a souv enir suggestive of the Thanks giving season, "There guests present and the afternoon was one of the most pleasant of the early winter social affairs. The departing guests wished Mrs. Crawford many happy returns of her wedding anniversary, with the hope that each day through out the coming years will bring her added happiness. Announcement .. ,1 0 Dr. J. A. White wishes to an nounce that having 3old his dental outfit'to Dr. P. B. Cone, he takes this method of expressing bis ap preciation to the public for liberal patronage during his stay in Williamston, and desires t© say to those needing dental service, that Dr. is occupying the same office that he used and will be glad to do their work. si.oo a Year in Advance — Oak City Items .. - . ." ■ The Misses Emily Hines and Clarice Cart wright returned from ■ Virginia Saturday. Bernard Hines spent Thanks giving at Cartwright Wharf, Va. The dance given by the Oat City Club last Tuesday night was largely attended. Mr. and Mrs. ft. S. Everett with their children left last Wed nesday for Seven Springs, where they expect to remain for a Cou ple of weeks. Miss Emily Hines left for Dun* Monday morning to spend a week with her brother and family. Mrs. Geo. W. Dushan and Mrs. ~ K. C. Carlos, of Atlanta, were the guests of Mr. and Mfs. J. L. Hines last week. They left Mon day for Rocky Mount. T. W. Davenport, J. W. Hines, R. J. House and W. E. Barrett motored to Williamston Friday. J. W. Hines, S. E. Hines, T.' VV. Davenport, R. J. House, R. W. House and F. G. Whitaker at tended the Woodmen barbecue Friday night at Hobgood and heard a lecture by S. 0. Bryant, of Norfolk. The Commonwealth contest car won by T. W. Davenport was brought home Wednesday by J. W. Hines and the winner. W. A. Anisley spent Thanks giving at his home near Roper. He was accompanied by Henry Hurst. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Weeks, of Scotland Neck, with Mrs. Nelson spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Worseley. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Rawls an| daughters, of Robersonville, spent Sunday with Mrs. J. T. Daniels. J. L. Daniels spent Sunday night with his relatives in Rob ersonville. Hamilton Items Mr. and Mrs. Walter Daven port and children, Earl Johnson and Miss Ruth Floyd, who have been spending Thanksgiving holidays with Mrs. Maggie Floyd have returned to their home in Rocky Mount. B. F. Myers with Misses Helen and Ri^b 0 ' Edmonson and Helen Council motored to Williamston Saturday. The home of Henry Johnson was destroyed by fife fihTuesday n igtit Miss Fannie Matthews, whe has been visiting Miss Mary John son in Tarboro, returned home Wednesday. Ulr. Nobles spent Thanksgiving in Greenville. Mr. and B. B. Sherrod and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Boyle, Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Mathews, Misses Effie Waldo and M. B. Jones spent Thanksgiving in Norfolk. -v. Mrs. William Hodgin and dau ghter, who have been visiting Mrs. J. M: S. Salsbury, left for their Home in Greensboro Satur day. Mrs. Eley, of Suffolk, is the guest of Mrs. T. B. Slade. Mrs. P. L. Salsbury and child ren have returned home after • spending Thanksgiving with re. latives in Scotland Neck. Mr. and Mrs. Will Morton and children spent Sunday with Mrs. Walter Salsbury. .. i Not Necessarily. ▲ girl la not necessarily eat for m prima donna just because she is barf* to manage.