Mother m Knows What To Use jS&jjfl Jy * Jffl. HANFORD'B Balsam of Mynli Bruisea, Sprsana, Strains Stiff Neck, CMMA% Lame Old Sore*, Open and all External Iqjuriea.^ Mads Since 184 a v Price 25c. SOo and SI.OO All Dealers HCASTORIA Tor Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have ' Always Bought * Bears the /y X Signature //\[jl jr Promotes Digestion, Cheerful M M 1^ nessandßesrContatnsneilh«r /yP #jv Af r |> Opium.Morphine nor Mineral W4, - #l\ 1M Not Narcotic ■ |LUIT fftuptsouDrSAXVEitrrms* s A Air l{, /W„jw- " 11 1/\ »! Mjtfimm - \ . DW- ■ E k : axam - 1 - 1A §s|~- J (\ In |«0 mmktfr*** M*w ' p a ■ A perfect Remedy forCon»lip» Jfi II C P £'»! lion. Sour Stomach. Diarrhoea. ■ ■ www SO Wornis,Convulsions.Feverish- I _ y nai and Loss OF SLKCP Yjl - Lnr flypr FacSiimW Signature of K) Thirty YPATQ kij The Centaur Compaky, I 1111 I f IU QI O fit NFW VORK _ * GASTORIA ®* C°py Wrapper. *«§ •om#«nv. «•« v«m fe KODAKS FINISHING Bend for ctwlofv* and prices. Q. L. MALL OPTIOAL OOMPANV Norfolk Richmond Lynchburg, Vi. Charlotte Directory #TYPEWRITERS Maw, roballt and aerood bud, tl7 H •pMd|oaruiMiliui«(Mlun. We axil auppllxa for all m&kee. Wa re pair all oaakea. U. CtITTUI * COSP4IT, WHENEVER *OO ED II GENERAL TOUC - HIKE GROVE'S The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is Equally Valuable as a General Tonic because it Acts on the Liver, Drives Out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. For Grown People and Children. • . j * t Too know what yon are taking when yon take Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic as the formula is printed on every label showing that it contains the well (Down tonic properties of QUININE and IRON. It is as itrong as the strongest bitter tonic and is in Tasteless Form. It has no eqaal for Malaria. Chills and Fever, Weakness, general debility and loss of appetite. Gives life and vigor to Nursing Mothers and Pale, Sickly Children. Removes Biliousness without purging. Relieves nervous depression and low spirits Arouses the liver to action and purifies the blood. A True Tonic and sure appetizer. A Complete Strengthened No family should ba without it Guaranteed by yonr Druggist. We mean it joc. j wxNCffssrm iS^^^-REP^TEI Smokeless Powder Shells >j£ i These shells cost a little more than black powder loads, \ I but for bird shooting they are worth many times the difference, 1 1 as there is no smoke to hinder the second barrel. They are a ' by far the best low priced smokeless load on the - J ,•■%market. When you buy, insist upon having them. JkL w ■ ■■a kITPn MeotolsarnbkrUrtrtd* t Iml W 111 Ell lu six to eight week*. Tn- V II la I ill ltlOD with sctoftoolsJH; ■ WW fllw I mmmJ with roor own tools, M. r Vtm while learning. Call or writ*. RICHMOND BARBER COLLEGE. Rtofcwwd, VS. DEOPSTSKar^S™SK ■ •J AshortbiaaUt,«rft«ii giyaa antti* ulta* to 14 rw*'£ce«as«ts' *** »VrG?Mwhn. ri ßi'a k**l 9m. j A lesson In lore (■ romethlng that •▼ery gtrl learns by heart. " V Avoid Dmnrom Noatruma. Mt Dmb'i Mentholated Cough Dropa. Tbey have real value—|6c at mil good Drug Stores. Host men would be only too clad to be considered land poor. Dr. Ptery'i Vmirm. -Ixu Shot" kills ud updt Worm la a wrj taw hour*. Ad*. ' f The man who can laugh at trouble will be kept pretty busy laughing. ■ra.Wleeiew*e (oMklaf Syrup for ChtMrea aiaiai. asOaas »« laiMaa ltaa,allaT«>ala.a»raa wto4aoikcJSc & boIU«UM> We Wouldn't mind being awkward enough to fall Into a good thing. COLDS & UGRIPFE 6 or 6 doaos 66ft will break any case of Chllla a F%rer. Colds a LaGrippe; It acts on the llrer better than Calo mel and does not gripe or sicken. Price 2 Sc. —-Adv. The hotels and restaurants of Swlt serland employ 33,529 female work era; , Waiters' tips are not the only things in the world that are won by waiting. Br Rum thai you a*k for Wright'i Indian Vegetable I'iiln, and look fur I lie M|f«a tui* of Win. Wriifht on wrapper and box. For Constipation, Billousaesp and Indiges tion. Adv. The Menu. "Did you hav« a homily when your minister came to dinner?" "No, we had fried chicken." LARGE 74-PAGE ILLUSTRATED CATALOG IFM* of Cam* rem and Photographic LBfltiML SappU M maiUd FREE pcvELorwc ni rsamw: A mcuin Par—— Optical Cosipany, tkft B CHARLESTON, S. C. ' iNimiffllONAL SMS* I LESSON By E. O. 8-KI.L.KKB, Director of Evening The Moody Bible Institute, Chlcaco.) LESSON FOR DECEMBER 7 • « THE FALL OP JERICHO. I,KBSON TKXT-Joshua 6 8-11, 14-10. OOUPEN TEXT-"A1I things are pos sible to him that betteveth."—Mark »:SS. There Is * wonderful teaching In the story of the two memorials (Oh. 4) that Joshua erected after Israel had passed ov6r the Jordan. One Is left to be overwhelmed by the river, , the other is erected In Gllgal. They mark the dlstinctUa between Christ's death under judßtnent In the ! believer's place, and the believer's , perfect deliverance from Judgment. See Ps. 2:7 and 88:7; Josh. 12:31-81. The stones In the Jordan stand typic ally for J's. 22:1-18. In chapter five is the record of the reproach of unbelief, 'rolled away" (v. 9) the cessation of the manna (v. 12) and the appearahce of the "cap tain of the Lord's host'' (vv. 13-16) unto Joshua as he wa« making'a re connalshance before Jericho. I. God's Orders, vv. 1-5. The fame of the Israelites had preceded them (ch. 2:9) and that this was added too by the miraculous deliverance at ; the Jordan Is suggested In verse one. | Verse two> suggests thut again they must proceed upon the hare word of I Jehovah, and humaTo>y speaking, how utterly absurd appear the divine or ders. Jehovah's Word Followed. I 11. Joshua's instructions, vv. 6-8. A reading of this section rev»al« the I fact that Joshua diligently followed I out the word of Jehovah. Preceding the people was the ark, and we need I to remember what It contained and that It Is a type of Christ. Following ■ the armed men' and the priests carae j the silent host „ (v. 10). No other sotfnd thart that of the trumpet (v. : 13). The walls of Jericho are not to fall |by the use of the ordinary Imple j ments of war, see 2 Cor. 10:4. and | the resultant victory was In no way ! give opportunity for human blast ing, Kph. 2:9: I Cor. 1:26-29. Joshua j did not set forth a "more reasonable J method;" he did not alter God's or j ders; that he had no right to do, nor have we, Rov.-22:1R, 19; John 3:2; i Matt. 15: ft. The Implements and the j methods were foolish to those lb i Jericho and to all unbelievers, see 1 i Cor. 1:21-25. It was the priests who | led with the "Jubilee trumpets," typl- I cal of the gospel which Paul tells Is I the "power of God," Rom, 1:16. 111. The Obedient People, vv- 9-16. j One great act of distrust and dls i obedience led to (hose years of aim- I less wandering accompanied by dls | comfort and resulting In death to all | (save two, Caleb and Joshua) who crossed the Red Sea with Moses, j Here we have the contrast. Seven days of patient, obedient marching, ! according'to specific orders, Is fol- I lowed by victory and possession. ; What a strange sight this cavalcade must have made. The trumpet blow ing priests; the ark, symbolic of Je- I hoVah'B presence and typical of , Christ; the silent multitude. Verily ( this new generation Is being tested 1 ere they enter Into their promised In- I heritance. *On the seventh day they arose earlier and were subjected to a : seven fold test. Our fiercest testing Is generally Just before the moment of our greatest victory. Saved' by Palth. Faith used means ordered of God, foolish to man, and wrought a great victory. Faithful obedience Is here wonderfully contrasted with former unfaithfulness. Joshua directs the spies to search out Rahab and she and her household are saved accord- Ing to promise, vv. 22-26. She also was saved by faith, Heb. 11:31. and became one of the line from which Christ came. Matt. 1:5. The only part of the wall that remained stand ing was that where Rabab's house stood, vv. 22, chapter 2:15. The teaching is very plain. ~As the Israelites depended wholly upon God, were obedient to bla orders, accepted his discipline, held back all passion 'and covetousness, they entered into the fruits of a victory that made easy many subsequent ones. Their acts of faith were a more severe test than those more risible and carnal means of fighting battles. As these people of God had crossed the Jordan, submitted to the rite of circumcision, took their first march in this land of promise and captured this walled city which stood in the , way of their progress, the unbelief of forty years was rebuked. This was a ! day of vindication for Caleb and , Joshua, a day/ of proving that God was able to give victory to the people In whom be delighted. - „ J The Golden Text illustrates what It "is to believe, when we recall the story from which it is taken —obedi- ent faith in spite of appearances. No one can deny the absurdity of a peo ple walking around the walls of a city blowing rams' horns and expect ing to possess it Faith in both of these incidents depended' upon the word of God and did the apparently foolish thing, thereby demonstrating its wisdom, and his power. Faith is revealed also as the power to wait and to persist; Faith Is co operation with God in the accomplish ment of his purposes. Kxp«n«lvtt Tribute*. "People who once threw bouquets at that man now throw eggs." "With eggs at 60 cents a dosen?" exclaimed young Mrs. Tormina. "My! They must think a lot of him." , - ; IF HAIR IS TURNING GRAY, USE SAGE TEA Do n't took Old! Try Grandmother's •Recipe to Darken and Beautify Qray, Faded, Lifeless Hair. Grandmother kept her hair beauti fully darkened, glossy and abundant with a brew of Sage Ten and Sulphur. Whenever her hair foil out or took on that dull, faded or streaked 'appear ance, this simple mixture was applied with wonderful effect. By asking at any drug store for "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy," you will a large bottle of this old-time recipe, ready to use, for about BO cents. This simple mixture can be dopended upon to restore natural color and beauty to the hair and Is splendid for dan druff, dry, ftchy scalp and falling hair. A well-known druggist says every body uses Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur, because It darkens so naturally and evenly that nobody can tell It has been applied—lt'S so easy to use, too. You simply dampen a comb or soft brush and draw It through your hair, taking one strnntj. at a time. Hy morning the Kray""halr disappears; after an other application or two, it is re stored to Its natural color and looka glossy, soft and abundant. —Adv. Sacrilege. I>. A. H.—l have the drum that my great-great-grandfather carried all through the revolution. w The Klippunl One Aijd when he saw the enemy, did he beat It? —Puck. RINGWORM ITCHED TERRIBLY 1545 Alsqulth St.. Unit Imo re, Md.— "My children were allileted with what U>ey called ringworm of tho scalp contracted from a house-cat they wero pltrying with. The ringworm formed on their sculps about t|ie alxo of a sliver dollar and their hair fell out, leaving a round scale or crust on their scalps. Their hair fell out in round spots. There wan terrible itching, and they scratched till tho blood eamo. They were very fretful slid could not sleep at night,. and they w£re very cross. "They were treated for several mffn?hs with no Improvement whatso ever. I was told they would never have any hair and would always b» bald. Then 1, began uxlng Cutlcura Soap In connection vrtth Cuticura Ointment and tho first week 1 could see the wondcrlol remedies were do ing all they were claimed to do ami In six weeks' time they were entirely cured. They all have a beautiful growth of hair." (Signed) Mrs. Sadie Pollock, Jan. 1, 1913. ! Cutlcura Soap and Ointment sold throughout the world. Sample of each free, with 32-p. Skin Book Address poßt card "Cutlcura, Dept. L, Boston."—Adv. • Needy. "Is Jones a friend In need?" "Yes. he's always In need." ' " ■ Lady Uaea Tetterlne for Eczema. EflK«r Bprini(H. Mo., July 15, 190 R. The Ki'si'ina on my fare usually npncnra In the aprtng ami your naive always hclpa It. I u*e no other preparation but Tet terlne and find it superior to any on the market. Respectfully, . JSlsle'M. Judvlna. Tetterlne cures Ecsema, Tetter, Itching files, niriK Worm' and every form of Scalp and Hkln l>lsenSe. Tetterlne 60c; Totterlne Soap 25c.„ At druKKlits or by mall direct from The Bhuptrine Co., Sa vannah, Ga. With every mall order for Tetterlne we five a box of Bhuptrlne's 10c LJver fllla ree. Adv. When a little man stands on his dignity he feels As tall as u two story house. miB.MY.nsM Will cure your Rheumatism and all kind* of aches and pains—Neuralgia, Cramps, Colic, Sprains, Brulaea, Cuts, Old Bores. Burns, etc. Antiaeptlo Anodyne. Price 25ci—Adv. Some engagements are announced by the mother and denounced by th® father. > ONE Al.'l.ltN'H FOOT-BASK, the Antiseptic powder to be shaken Into thashow (or Tender, aching feet. It Uikm the sting out of euros and bunions snd make* walking H delight. Hold •Txrjwbere. 26c. •lUttilutri Kor Fll KM trial paekage, address A. S. Olinsted, I.* Hoy, N. T. Adv Occasionally, we meet a woman who actually believes her husband knows as much as he thinks he knows. t; Bore Kjr*. Granulated Eyelid* and 8tle« promptly healed with Roman ' Kye Bal- 1 aain. Adv. The village gossip never has time to take a vacation. Pain In Back and Rhaumatlsm I are the daily torment To ef | fectually cure these troubles you must re ■ move the cause, Kidney Pills begiti to work for you from the first dose, and ex ert so direct and beneficial an action in the kidneys and bladder that the pain and tor ment of kidney trouble toon disappears. £l» KODAKS & SUPPLIES Vlmß ml "° a " clana of finishing. □Ull. Price, and Catalogue upon request. S. Calsski Optical Co.. Richaeod, Va. HMJUR R BALBAM A tot let preparation of merit Bal pa to eradicate dandruff. For RMtoriac Color ana Beauty toCrar or Fadad Hair. to*, and ILWat Drnaslslo. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Color more goods brighter and faster colors than any ether dye. One 10c package colors all fibers. They dye in cold Water better than any other dm YoucaadyeanygirmCTttjwithoutrippuig apart. WRITE FOR FREE booklet, calendar, blotters, etc. MONROE DRUG COWFAWY t Qalaey/B^ This Is Vital to Every Owner OF A Maxwell-Briscoe MotorCar Made at Tarrytown, N. Y. and f New Castle, Ind., 1905 to 1913 # . i . f /.' Alto to all Owners of Stoddard-Dayton, 1905 to 1914| *•' Columbia Gasoline and Electrics, 1906 to 1914; Everitt Cars of Any Model; Brush, Sampson and Courier Cars THERE E THREE GOOD REASONS why you should have your car overhauled now and worn parts replaced. FIRST: The garage man can give you better service —and you can spare the car better now than later. No matter whether you are going to keep the car, or sell or trade it in on a new one—it will pay you well to have it thoroughly over hauled, worn parts replaced by new ones and body re painted. SECOND: We are able to furnish replacement parts for all models of above makes of cars within 48 hours from receipt of or der. Have concentrated this branch of the business at Newcastle, Ind. (center of population of the U. S.) Here we have a- $1,750,000 investment in plant and ptock. 45,#00 separate bins of parts. THIRD: And perhnps the best reason why you should secure your requirements now —wo must increase prices 20% January Ist, when the new parts price lists will be off the presses. NOW NOTE THlS—Never before in the history of this industry has a new con cern, having bought the plants and assets of a bank rupt one, taken upon itself the obligation of furnishing replacermnt parts for the cars it never made. rK.rt.:r,wM::: I Maxwell Motor Co., Inc. Aft In Wtilch w«« MM. / forth* tha Ma* well policy to- « aaq 11/ J J A wuni ownom of th.- HtH.vH 1003 Woodward Avenue J DETROIT, MICH. Note:, Tor quicker service those living Juut of the Allrghenies can order from Maxwell Motor New York Co., 13 th East' Ave., Island City, l'ram the Alleghenies to the Rockies, order directJ row Max well Motor Newcastle Co., Newcastle, I ml. West of the order from Maxwell Motor Sales Corporation, 6?J> Golden Gate San Francisco. u Phosphoric Acid? That is the real kind that pays you and the W dealer. If you did not, you should at once ask ydur dealer to carry W' Potash Salts so that you may increase the I'otash in the ordinary brands. To increase the I'otash 1 percent, add 40 pounds Muriate or Sulphate of I'otash to a ton of g«xls. A 300-pound bag will I y your UaUr will not carry filath Salts -write ut for hrtcti. We wilt tell any quantity , //mi pound btkg GERMAN KALI WORKS, I Chicago, MrCormick Block New Orleans, Whitney Central Hank Bldf. Atlanta. Empire Bid# San Prandaco. 25 California Street Satannah. Bank A Tniat Bld|. TON IC^IS pUyMH If not sold by your druggist, will be sent by Parcels Post ■pUxjl iIBUSI on receipt of price. Arthur Peter & Co„ Louisville, Ky. |i|H|| FREE TO ALL SUFFERERS. Urw (MI'OUT or ton 1 •"•UK DOWN or OOT THk Skuca' •urvsa tram kidnst. ulaudbk. Htuvous DiMAaca. CMRONIC WEAXMEfeftIca, ULCKRS.SKIN, wiita for my FRII book. THK host ihstkuctivb MEDICAL BOOK irXK WKITTKM.IT TILLS ALL abo.) th,at DtUAaaa nA tb« bimaikailk cukkk bffbctkd b» TNI NIW rRIHOH RIMIDY. N.l N. 2 nJI THERAPION ?rvoutr.s ITtt'a tharamdr lor your owi)liJm*M. Doa'i un,l • cot. ikaotatelfPlllt. No'toUovap'etrCKlKrs. Dr LKCLCBO SsD.Co,HAViBtToc* Rd. Hamfstkad. London.Bus. WE WANT ACTIVE MAN Id thl* secUoa to act E4 our HHPUBHHNTATrVH. Wo manqfscture maJw-to-ordpr mure with ens co mer's lumn engravMl In gold. Itrvrr razor Is abso lutely gnaraht >od, also strops, brosbps, Ac. BIQ PROFIT FOR YOU Hxclnslre territory glten. Luarn how to obtain sample* free, for fall particulars address A. F. PALMER & CO., Little Vallej.N.T. THE MAXWELL MOTOR COMPANY DID. We considered it good business, even if not a moral or legal obligation. WE FOUND 122,000 owner* out in the cold, as it were —pleading for parts. Their cars laid up and useless in most cases. WE'VE INVESTED about one and three-quarters mil lions ($1,750,000) dollars in a plant and stock of parts, for over 150 different mod els, made by the concerns that comprised the United States Motor Company, whose assets we purchased from the Receiver thru the U. S. Courts. WE TOOK, THE NAME MAXWELL solely for the protection of 60,000 persons who had bought cars under that name. HAD WE CHOSEN AN- v OTHER-NAME those 60,- 000 cars would have had almost no value in the sec ond-hand market. As it is, they have a definite value. And by the replacement of the worn parts your car will be good for a long time to come. ANY REC O GN I ZED or repair .man* — whether he handles the present Maxwell line or not —can procure these parts for you. Or you can order direct. Shipment will be made within 24 to 48 hours after receipt oi the order at Newcastle. fnL IfW c '®' " len "° n - Price# reMQnabW prompt. Seoi for Prlee Ltafc i UIMUCt IKI HMI CUlkUtlua, Ik % W. Hr-U., CHARLOTTE, NO.