jit jKKEKB v I Beware of the Man 1 Who regularly deposits his surplus earnings in the bank He will defeat you in life's race Some of his deposits YOU might not think worth banking but his bank book will show a • , v »- • j~J. larger sum on the credit side than yours. ! "* And it's the sum on the credit side that makes business opportunities. Bank of Robersonville -1 Robersonville, N. C. J. H. ROBERSONI. Jr.. Prwident " * -—L A. S. ROBfiRSQNi Vice-President . R. A. BAILEY, Vice-President |. A. MIZELL Cashier ~ SKSIfjSSSBL— w— im——— The Everett Estate Incorporated The Secretary of State on Mon day issued papers of incorpora tion to the Justus Everett farm on Roanoke river, in Martin county, postoffice Palmyra, to handle property l>elonging to the estate of Justus Everett, deceas ed. Authorized capital stock is $1(10,000 of which $25,000 is sub scribed by S. J. Everett of Green ville, B. 8., J. A., W. R. Everett of Palmyra and R. 0. Everett of Durham. Commonwealth. Ginners' Report The Department of Commerce reports that Martin County has ginned to November 14th., 3,024 bales of cotton as against 6,592 for the same period last year. This is a falling off of 2,968 bales. The crop, however, is about three weeks late, yet the number of bales in the final count will be largely reduced. The number of bale 3in the State shows a total ©f 112,277 less than last year for the date above. ——— ■ m - -- - A Little Child Dead The death angel visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Rob erson of Everett Tuesday night Nov. lKth, and took away Lilla their baby girl, age four and half years. .lilla was taken with a hoarse ness Monday morning but all thought it was nothing hutacol(j| and her mother treated hor all day for a cold, but she grew worse at night and a Doctor was called. It seemed that nothing they did relieved her. . Late Tuesday afternoon her mother became alarmed at her condition and were called. They pronounced it membraneous croup, all was done that could be"done *but nothing could stay thejicy hand of death. She passed'away a few minutes before 9jo'clock. Lilla was'such a sweet child that loved her so much. Her death'was so sudden that we cannot realize she is gone. We miss her so badly but know she is at rest, and may we say, "God's will, not ours be done." Her remains were taken to Mr. James Congleton's, her grand father, and there laid to rest in the family'ccmetery, amid a large concoursejof relatives and friends. The floral offerings were very pretty. The entire community sympathizes with the bereaved family and may they feel that their losslis her'gain. Jk. placets vacantfin our home 'Which never can be fillea, voice we loved so well Is now forever stilled. A Friend. McGowan's Cash Store Is the Logical Place for You to Buy Your Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats, * Gaps, Groceries, Etc, . Country Produce Bought and Sold M. B. McGowan Williamston, N. C. FOR SALE Wednesday December J 7th, 191^ Having sold my farm I will sell at auction on above date the Jfollowing property: 50 Barrels Corn, Fodder, Mules, Farm Implements, consist of Mower, Guano Distributor, Cotton and Peanut Planters, Wagon, Buggies, Carts, and all other Farming Tools, Black smith Tools, pnd Household Furniture. Sale Beins at 10:00 o'clock A. M. at My Residence in Cross Roads Township, Martin County. R. D. Woolard Trustee's Sale. Bv virture of authority of u Deed of Trust executed to tne by Will Knight and i wife, Pannie Knight, on the ißtb. day of I April ii)U, and duly recorded in the Reg ' ister's office of Martin County, in Book 1 7. ZZ, Page 310, to secure the payment 1 of a certain bond, bearing evep date i therewith, and the stipulation* in said 1 deed of trust not having been complied i with, I shall expose at public auction, for cash on Tuesday the 16th, day of 1 December 1913, 12 o'clock Noon, at the ! Mayors office Door in Jamesville Martin Cc»unty, the following property, v A certain piece or parcel of land «d-, joining the land# of Levin Hardisou, 1 Ben Bazemore and others, containing Ten (10) acres and duly recorded aa above described. ' , M. V. Hasskll, Trustee. This November 15th, 1913. 10 —21 ■■ Notice Under and by virture of an order of the Superior Court of Martin County, made in the special proceedings entitled W. A. Perry va W. R, Ward, the under signed commissioner will on Monday the day of)an., 1913 at 12 o'clock M. at the Court House door in Williamston, N. C., offer for aale to the highest bidder for cash that certain tract of land lying and being in Martin County, adjoining the lands of W. A. Perry and others, ana more particularly described as follows, to-wit; Bounded on the North by W. A. Perry, on the West by Hoyt Brown and Ed Peel, on the South by W. A. Perry and on the Beat by the Williamston and Washing ton road, containing 40 acres moor or less. This 29th day of November, 1913. • WHEELER MARTIN, Jr., Commissioner, Notice Of Sale. » Bv virtue of a power of sale contain' ed in a certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned trustee, by R. T. Taylor and wife, Susan C. Taylor and }>eariug date July 14, 1905, of record in Book ZZ at pa*e 537 Martiu Public Reg istry secure the payment of a certain bond of even date and tenor therewith and the stipulations in same not having Deen complied with. I shit'', on Monday, Jan uary 5, 1914, at 12 o'clock >l. at the Court Home door of &S«in County at Will llianiston, N. C. offer for sale, to tlii highest bidder for cash the following de scribed property beginning at the corner of A. B Whitfield and R. T. Tavlor on the Main road leading from Roberson ville, to Hamilton; running thence a Southerly course 19 yards; thence down the road towards Hamilton 90 yards to the line of A. B. Whitfield and R. T. Tay lor.: thence with said line back to the be ginning. Containing one-fourth of an acre more or less and formerly known aa the Livery Stables Lot on which is situate the Gin House. This 25th day of November, 1913. W. H. WOOLARD, Trustee. The "A" Pressing Club Phone 136-3 n Want to do your Cleaning and Pressing and guarantees satisfac tion as to workmanship and ser vice. Club rates for regular cus tomers. Located in the rear qf r.Alexander's Shaving Parlor. SLAVERY • > The colored people were made free by a proclamation of Abraham Lincoln, so today we have more white slaves than black ones. The man who is only one step from want, one step from hunger, is a slave if he is white. He is not his own master. He is forced to accept just such terms as those to whom he is under bondage may dictate. A saving account at this bank will make you a free man and make you feel independent. You can start a savings account with one dollar and then deposit any sum you may desire. ■ v., «y- - . ■ Farmers and Merchants Bank "*• * • WILLIAMSTON, ,N. C. ' 7 STATE, AND COUNTY DEPOSITORY j■■■—Ml ft ' 1 —■ ■ j • • " • / . . f - ■ JOHN D. BIOQS C. D. CARSTARPHEN FRANK F. FAOAN J. L. RODOERS O PRESIDENT VICE-PRESIDENT CASHIER , ASST. CASHIER CHRISTMAS "COMING V' . . > " , / V * ______ _ ' / •v'"•_ * # . / - And everybody will want Ser viceable Gifts for the folks at home and the friends away. We have a splendid assortment of these Gifts which can be seen on displav each day in the season—see them before purchasing elsewhere— Choicest Goods in every Department at very low Prices. * ,/A . • . . J \ ' M N ' ' v ' \ ; L. * ■ i. .•» » •* Harrison . Brothers . & . Company General Merchanta - - • Williamston | Let lit R»t Your Compost I am the champion rotter of the world. I'll rot leaves, utraw, stalks. manure, sawdust or any other vegetable matter, even dirt, into a rich, high-grade fer tilizer, in loss than two months. Just keep me on the j6b nod I will save ! I you a big lot ol that fertilizer "money. j If you wav.t to know all about this J compost rottinij, .is well as spraying | and preventing hog ehoiera, write I " lied Devil," 019 N. Second Street, 1 St. Louis, Mo., and I'll send yon a Mttle book, free, tliat tells how. I am Red Devil Lye sc. For Bia CANS Almost as big as those oosting 10c. \ SAVE ST LABELS. - ~ Notice ' * 1 Having qualified as administrator upon the Estate of Snsan A. Salsbvry, deceasee; Notice is hereby given to all persons hold ing claims againat said Estate to present them to the undersigned for payment on or before the 6th day of November 1914, or this notice will be plead iu bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to to said Estate are requested to make im mediate payment. This 6th day of November 1913, it-7 J. G, SALSBURY, Adm. Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of J. M. Guilford, late of Martin County, North Carolna, this is to notify all persons having claulis against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Gold Point, in said county, on or before the first day of Nov., 19X4, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recqvisry. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 31th ilay of Oct., 1913. 11-7 JOHN L. CROOM, Admr. Trustee's Sale. By virtue of authority of a Trust Deed executed to me by Adaline Spruill on the 7th. day of Nov. 1910 and duly re corded in the Register's office in Martin County, in Book ZZ7. Page 98 to secure the payment of a certain bond bearing even date therewith, and the stipulations in said Ti nst Deed not haying been com blied with, I shall expose at public auction for cash cn Monday the sth. day of Janua ry 1914, at 12 M. at the Court House in Martin Connty, the following property. Adjoining Helen Scot, Jos. Carroll and the Waahington Road, and being tha same land this day deeded to A, Spruill by the Willkmston Lakd and Improve ment Company, and tae same which was deeded to said Company by Anthey Tucker, Oct. 17th. 1910. The above two deeds are hereby referred to for full de scription of said land. . This December the 3rd. 1913. A. R. DUNNING Trustee. i»-5 1 Subscribe to the Enterprise Choice Cut Flowers I Roses, Caranations and Violets a specialty. Our artistic arrangements in wedding outfits are equal to the best. Nothing finer in floral offerings than our styles. Pot plants, palms and ferns for house decoration Rose bushes, shrubberies, ever greens, hedge plants and shade trees. Mail, telephone and telegraph orders promptly executed. J. L. O'Quinn & Co. - FLORI6TB Phones 149. Raleigh, N. C. - > Notice North Caiolina \ Superior Count, Martin County J Fail Term, 1913 In re, Probate of the last Will mad Testament of Annie M. Lewis, deceased. To the Heirs at Law of the said Annie M. Lewis: A Caveat having been filed to the pro bote oi the last Willfand Testament of the said Annie M. Lewis, deceased: You, and each ofjyou, are hereby noti fied to appear at the next term of oar Superior Coart to be holden on the Stk of December, 1913, and make yourselves proper partieaj proceedings, If same ia desired. ~ This, the ajihjday of October, 1913, J. A. HOBBS, 10.31-64 Clerk Superior Court, Bring your job Print ing to us.