■ twRMy BBBWBBBL •_> . 2 I Edwin Hawley • • \ Once messenger boy, later millionaire, said: "When I made $4.00 a week I saved 50c; when I got SB.OO a week I put aside $2.00. The time came when I had a tidy little sum in the bank. I have been saving ever since." i , Who Says The Little Things Don't Count? Fifty cents isn't much bnt see where it put Edwin Hawley and it will land you on the same shelf. Let us keep part of your wages each week. * ' Bank of Robersonville I Robersonville, N. C. J. H. ROBERSON. Jr., President ' A. S. ROBERSON. Vice-President R. A. BAILEY, V.ce-President |. A. MIZELL. Cashier —mill I—— When Bha Wakes Up. Once a woman realizes that It I* a very awkward and wasteful method ! to wash 1 dishes with the dralnboard oo j her right and the dishes plied on her ; left, she Will have the dralnboard j changed to her left and stuck her ] dlßheß on the right side where they | will be most quickly get-at-able. And If : ■be will go at her dishwashing job with the of # eflmlnatlng every | minute of waste-labor, she will also j quickly learn the importance of ad-1 Justing her dlshpan to the right' height "Wanted —A Collaborator." That all persons of artistic or lit erary asplraMons are not as Imprac tical as they are generally supposed to be, is proved by the following advertisement, which, sayß the Bos ton HeralJ, recently appeared In a morning paper: Wanted —A collabo rator, by a young lady playwright. The play iB already written; collaborator to furnish board and bed until play is produced. Rats Fought for Comrade. Rats defended a comrade at Hun ferlofd near London, England, on a recent night. An engineer at the Hun gerford outfall works of the London Sewage system struck a large rat when making hiß rounds. Immediately scores ofTatß appeared and attacked the man fiercely, tearing at his trou sers. Taking to his heelß, the man was pursued by the animals for sev eral hundred yards. Counting Molecules. A French mathematician has trjed to convey to our minds some notion I of the infinitesimal size of the mole cule. He declares that if a person were to try to count the number of molecules in a cubic millimeter of hy drogen gas. taking one-billlonth of a second to repeat each number, the task would occupy him for more than 1,000 years.—Youth's Companion., United States' Superiority. According to a report issued by the American bureau of foreign and do mestic commerce, based upon a study of seventeen -industries in the United States and Great Britain, it requires 18 per cent more power and two and one-half times more labor to do the •ame work, in the industries examin ed. in Great Britain than it doos in the United States. Neighborhood Characters. Every, neighborhood has, some wo man who is recognized as the informa tion bureau and official news agency.— Atchison Globe. MR. 'FARMER v We have a large stock on hand of Wire Fencing, Disc Harrows," j Stalk Cutter, Chattanooga and Oliver Plows and Casting, Shin fles, Wagons, Jefferson Flour, ertilizers, Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls. All bought in car load lots and we can save you some money. - Come to see us. Harrison Bros. |& Co. Williamston, N. C. Antiquities In Danger. Hidden away in the'national mu seums and libraries, and zealously guarded are a number ol priceless manuscripts and books which, but for a fortupate chance, might have been lost to the world. Tho chief treas ure of a museum at St. Petersburg is the oldest known Greek manuscript of the New Testament, which was about to be burned by the monks of a Syrian monastery, when, by a lucky chance, one of the priests, struck with tho antiquity of the manuscript, in terfered In time to save what had been thought valueless. The Church. According to the London Telegraph, the Bishop of London, speaking at the Mansion House, said that many people nowadays had a false Idea of the church. "The popular Idea was that you had only to put threepence In the slot, or rather In the ofTertory, and you got a handßome vicar, two good looking curates and a peal of bells." Holiday Enjoyment. Few things are more delightful than a holiday wbijh has been well-earned by conscientious, earnest work, brave ly done throughout the year. A com plete change in surroundings, inter ests aud occupations should be part of a beneficial holiday. -Resting does not mean idleness or cessation from activities or companionship. "Horsy" Australians. Englishmen are swppoeed to be the most "horsy" people In the world, but they are far behind many other coun tries In regard to the number of horses per hoad of population. In thle respect Außiralia leads the British em pire, there being 45 horses to every 100 people. * To Revive Ferns. Nitrate of soda dissolved in water should be given to ferns that are Bmall or weak, one-quarter of an ounce of nitrate to a gallon of water. One-half an ounce of nitrate to a gal lon of water should be used on plants that are large and vigorous Soot and salt are also good to use occasionally. One Little Sin. It is astonishing how soon '* the whole conscience begins to unravel if a single stitch drops; one little sin indulged makes a hole you could put your head through.—Ch'arles Buxton. Bitter Sweet. Women swallow at one mouthful the lie that flatters and drink drop by drop the truth that Is bitter. —Denis .Diderot / . ■ , THE ENTERPRISE. WILLIAMSTON. NORTH CAROLINA. Financial Acumen. Milllgan—"lf I be afther laving ee ourlty aqull ter what I take away, will yez thrußt rae till nl*t wake?" Sanda (the grocer)—" Certainly." Mllllgan— "Will, thin, Bell me two av thlm hams, an' kape wan av thlm till I come agin."—Puck. Worms the Cause of Your Child's Pains A foul,disagreeable breath, dark circles around the eyes, at times feverish, with great thirst; cheeks Hushed and then pale, abdomen swollen with sharp cramping pains are all indications (if worms. Don't let your—child suffer—'Kickopoo Worm Killer will give sure relief It kills the worms—while its laxa tive effect add greatly to the health of your child by removing the dangerous and disagreeable effect of worms and parasites from the system. Kickapoo Worm Killer as-a health producer should be in every household. Perfectly safe. Buy a box today. Price 25c. All druggists or by mail Kickapoo In dian Med. Co. I'hila. or St. I.ouis Dissolution of Firm The law firm of Martin and Critcher has been dissolved by mutual consent. This firm was composed of Wheeler Martin, Wheeler Martin, Jr., and B. A. Critcher, and has been very suc cessful in the practice of their profession. Mr. Critcher has established an office in the build ing recently occupied and owned by S. A. Newell on Main Street. Parmele Industrial and Teachers Training "School Parmele," N. C. * For the training of the Colored Youth. Courses in Music, Do mestic Science, and Agriculture. Tuition Free to teachers or those planning to teach in Martin, Pitt and Edgecombe Counties. A splendid opportunity to lay the foundation for greater usefulness. Healthy location. Convenient Railroad Facilities. _ . I •' For further information, write, V W. C. Chance, President and Founder." Trustee's Sale. By virture of authority of a Deed of Trust executed to me by Will Knight and wife, t Fannie Knight, on the 28th. day of April 1911, and duly recorded in the Reg ister's office of Martin County, in feook ZZZ, Page 310, to secure the payment of a certain bond, beating even date " therewith, and the stipulations in said deed of trust not having been complied with, I shall expose at public auction, for cash on Wednesday the v ai, day of January 19M, la o'clock Noon, at the Mayors office Door in Jamesville Martin County, the following property. A certain piece or parcel of land ad joining the lands ot Levin Harbison. Ben Baxemore and others, containing Ten (10) acres and duly recorded as above described. ' M." V. Hasskm., Trrutee. This November 15th, « \) r .' - - te « —Notice — For Tin and Slate ~ Roofing, Gutter-, ing, Roof Repair ing and Painting. Gall on J. C. NORRIS Williamston, N. G. McGowan's Cash Store Is the Logical Place for You to Buy Your Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats, Gaps, Groceries, Etc. Country Produce Bought and Sold M. B. McGowan Williamston, N. C. THE BEST ANIMAL ON EARTH Is a Kentucky Mule such as can > be bought at our stables—none bet tcr on the Mar- w Ik k e t anywhere— HI Courtesy and con- 1 sideration will be JL accorded every ra • Purchaser come » look our stock , - ■ IBf over a car ldaJ "V'S? 1 -g m iffl just received. 1 W. T. Ward & Co. sacniiori to Waltar Haa—ll WILLIAMBTOIH, NORTH GABOLINA , - ' ••* ' ', . . '"•, r> . TLD , . E. P. BUNCH . Bring your Job rnnt- • v >: Agent For Carolina Metal Shingles illg tO US* Williamston, N. C. Phone 170 '&** • --- ' ■ ►tciijt- .... ♦ . * j iw -- » . "j. " '■ . _ I'.L -> Report of the Condition of Farmers and Merchants Bank % Williamston, N. C., at the close of busi- Dtu Jen. 13, 1914 MMOOmCBS: , ' Loans end Discounts 1253,239.99 Overdrafts 1,326.95 AH other Bonds . _ ' 10,000.00 Banking House, Furniture end ~ Fixtures 9,000.00 Due from banks and bankers 11,604.72 Demand loans V, 4,000.00 Silver coin, including all minor coin ' currency National bank notes and and other U. S. notes 4,918.02 $394,089 68 LIABILITIES: Capital Stock $25,000.00 # Surplus Fund 15,000.00 Undivided profits less current —— expenses and taxes paid 3.937-84 Dividends Unpaid 80.00 Time certificates deposits 82.728.47 Deposits subject to check 166,550.58 * - Caahier'sxhepk outstanding 79*-79 $294,089 68 btnte of North Carolina, County of Martin, s*. I, Crank F. Fajfan.Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above state ment U true to the beat of my knowledge and belief. FRANK P.FAGAN, Caahler. Correct—Atte»t: A. Ha*»ell, Jnp. D BigK». Wheeler Martin, Director*. • Subtcribed and sworn to before me, thin 12 day of Jan. I*U. Ana T. Crawford Notary Public. Notice Having qualified as administrator upon the Estate of Susan A. Salabvry, deceasee; Notice is hereby given to all persons hold ing claims against said Estate to present them to the undersigned for payment on or before the 6th day of November 191*, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persona indebted to to saidjEfctate are requested to make im mediate payment. •> —• This 6th day of November 1913. 11.7 A- R. DUNNING. Adm. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in • certain deed of trust executed to me by A. S. Simmons, bear ing date, Dec. 19th. 1913, securing a note of even date therewith, and the stipula tions contained in said deed of trust not having been complied, and at the re quest of the party entitled to the moneys due thereon, the undersigned will, on the 21st day of January. 1914, at Roberson ville, N. C., in front of the Bank of Rob ersouville, at two o'clock P. M. offer for , sale to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described tract or parcel of land, to-wit: - Lying and being in Robersonville Township, Martin County, N. C. adjoin ing the lands of G. L. Roberson and others, and beginning on the West side of the Public Road leading from Rober* sonville to Oak Grove, N. C., at G. I*. Roberson's corner, running thence a southerly course with said road to Sallie Williams' line; thence a southerly course with said Williams' line to the run of j Flat Swamp; theuce a westerly course ! with the run of said Swamp to said G. L. [ Roberson 'a corner, thence a northerly ' course with said Roberson '3 line to aaid l Public Road, containing 63 acres, more j or less. This Dec. 19th., 1913. J. C. SMITH, Trustee. y Notice : All person indebted to John L. Cherry in small or large amounts, old accounts or new, jylll please call and bring whatever they are able to pay of amount by the 10th. day of January, 1914, and balance due will be given tnem with re ceipt in full. This December 13th. 1913. 12-19-4t JOHN L. CHERRY. WOOD'S FAMOUS Brimmer Tomato. The Peer of all tomatoes for 1 large, uniform size and superior ! table qualities. Market growers sell it at more than double the price of ordinary tomatoes. Wood's IM4 Descriptive Catalog S*ves_ reports from customers, towing large grow ing this variety. Wood's Cata log also tells about all die best Farm and Garden Seeds. It is the thirty-fifth year of its issue and is more valuable than ever. , Mailed free. Write for it. T. W. WOOD €j SONS. Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va.