A Doctor's Fir ( > Question Is— ? "Bom are Your BoweUT" A Sim pie Remedy that Guarantees Good Bowel Action. Trace the origin of the commoner lIU of life and almost invariably you "Will find that constipation waa the canse. It la not to be expected that a ■aura of fermented food can remain V" the pyatem beyond Ita time without vi tiating the blood and affecting the Serves and muscles. It congests the aatlre body. The results are colds, fevers, piles, headaches, and nervousness, with, its accompanying Indigestion and sleep lessness. There Is only one thing to do. and that is to remove the trouble; •nd when nature seems unable to do It, outside aid is necessary. u You will find the best of all outside aids a rem edy that many thousands are now us ing for this very purpose, called Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. Many hun dreds of letters are received by Dr. Caldwell telling of the good results obtained, and among the enthusiastic letters la one from Lieut. 0. W. Vaughan, of 623 W. North St., Decatur. UL. He is 72 and has had a bad liver and stomach since he came out of the army. He says he tried about every thing. but never succeeded In getting permanent relief until he took Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. He Is never without a bottle lp the house, and he la never without good health. It has untold advantages over pills, ■alts and the various coars^gathartlca Vienna's Model Tenements. Vienna for Its poor. Each building Is supplied with a co-operative store for the benefit of the tenants. TAKESIFFDANDRUFF HAIR STOPS FALLING Girls! Try This! Makes Hair Thick, Glossy, Fluffy, Beautiful —No More Itching Bcalp. Within ten minutes after an appli cation of Danderine you cannot And a qtagle trace of dandruff or falling hair and your scalp will not itch, but what will please you most will be after a few weeks' use, when you see new hair, fine and downy at first—yes—but really new hair —growing all over the acalp. A little Danderine immediately dou bles the beauty of your hair. No dif ference how dull, faded, brittle and •craggy, jufct moisten a cloth with Danderine and carefully draw it through your hair, taking one small ■trand at a time. The effect is amaz ing—your hair will be light, fluffy and wavy, and have an appearance of abundance; an incomparable luster, softness and luxuriance. Qet a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderine from any store, and prove that your hair is as pretty and soft aa any—that it has been neglected or Injured by careless treatment —that's all —you surely can have beautiful hair and lots of it if you will just try a lit tle Danderine. Adv. And Jam. "How does your little boy take his emulsion ?" -With compulsion " Alabama Man Bays Tetterlne Cures Ecxema. Morvli), Ala.. August 1. 1908. 1 received your Tetterlne all O. K. I have used It for Ec*mh» and Tetter, Ring- Worms. Old Sores and Risings and can gladly recommend It as a sure cure. J. R. De Bride. Tetterlne currs K zema. Tetter. Bolls. Ring Worm. T>andruff, Cankered Scalp. Bunions. Itrhlfg PHps, Chllb'alnn and ev ery form of Scalp and Skin Disease. Tet terlne 50c: Tetterlne Soap 25c. At drug fists or by mwtl direct from The Shup trlne Co., SaVannsn, Ga. With every mall order for Tetterlne we ■lve a box of Shuptrlne's 10c Liver Pills DM. AdV. Tleir Kind. "Have these aircraft any kind of Wheels?" "Certainly, they have—fly wheels." ItUB-MY-TISM Wfll cure your Rheumatism and all kinds of aeh« and pains—Neuralgia, Cramps, Colto, Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Old Sores, Burns, etc. Antlssptie Anodyne. Price 25c. —Adv. It'a a good plan to mind your own business. II you don't some one else wtiL Putnam Ytodelesa Dyes will last un til the gceda wear out Adv. The oli toper's pack of trouble la alwaya PiU and slopping over. | That Woak Back] ■■nwi|nnli 1 by pate here or there—extreme nerrouaneee— \ el»t|il»uniM mey befaintapeDe—orepoania ell are eicnala of y, K J \ Aitnee tor a women. She majr be growing from girlhood into yr ' \vAJi V 1 —mnlwiil peeeing from womanhood to motherhood—or later ii lit •offering from thatchangeinto middle life which learee eomany if ' / / //I V wrecke of women. At any or all of these period* of a woman'* life \ . \t\ / f // 1 aheaboal/1 take a tonic and nerrine preecrihed for jnat each ceeee V —TrNa/ A A ftf a phyekiaa of Teat experience in the dla»ae»a of women. DR. PIERCE'S MWH) Favorite Prescription r 1 >ae »ULimeefully treated mono eaaee hi peet forty yeare than any other kaown remedy. 11' ■■a nov be had In eogar-eoated. tablet form aa woll aa te. the liquid. Sold by medicine heliri or trial box by mail oa receipt of 66 cents te etampe. 1 10eajPted>oth Lotdahl of Dwfcrt>r. Oei. in a raeeat letter to Dr. ffmae eeM; **l was oompletoV li aching end tied |»lM»a]loTer»r body and wae to—rroeetlietluuukl»freem V mrmu talked to ma, bat I had the rood fortune to meet a none who had been eared by Dr. Plarca'e MRdMte, 1 heie no»er bed en oceerfw to OQeeelt dnoo em to exeelhat health.- LIEUT, a W. VAUGHAN and purgatives, for while these do but temporary good. Syrup Pepsin cures permanently. The effect of its action 'ls to train the stomach and bowel muscles to do their work naturally again, and in a short time all forma of medicine can be dispensed with. It can be bought without Inconvenience at any nearby drug st6re for fifty centa and one dollar a bottle, the latter size being regularly bought by those who already know its value. Results are always guaranteed or money will be refunded. _______ _ Families wishing to try a free sam ple bottle can obtain it postpaid by ad dressing Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 203 Wash ington St.. Monticello, 111. A postal card with your name and addreaa on It will do. Joy and Utility. "Still have two cars?" f "Yes." "I thought you intended to sell the older one." 4 "No. My son and his high-school friends kt>ep the old cjj busy." "I see. You get the use of the new car yoursmlf." "No, 1 don't. It keeps the new car hustling to tow the old car home."—* Cleveland Plain Dealer. SALTS IF BACKACHY OR KIDNEYS TROUBLE YOU Eat Less Meat If Your Kidneys Aren't Acting Right or If Back Hurts or Bladder Bothers You. When you wake up with backache and dull misery in the kidney region it generally means you have been eat ing too much meat, says a well-known authority. Meat forms'urlc acid which overworks the kidneys In their effort to filter it from the blood and they be come sort of paralyzed and loggy. When your kidneys get sluggish and clog you must relieve them, like you relieve yoor bowels; removing all the body's urinous waste, else you have backache, sick headache, dizzy spells; your stomach sours, tongue Is coated, and when the weather is bad you have rheumatic twinges. The jftrlne is cloudy, full of sediment, channels oft en get sore, water scalds and you are obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night. Either consult a good, reliable physi cian at once or get from your pharma cist about four ounces of Jad Salts; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneyß will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, com bined with lithia, and has been used for generations to clean and stimulate sluggish kidneys, also to neutralize acids in the urine so It no longer irri tates, thus ending bladder weakness. Jad Salts is a life saver for regular meat eaters. It Is inexpensive, cannot injure and makes a delightful, effep vescent lithia-water drink.—Adv. Not for Home Use. "He haf an offensively important air." "Yes, but that's his away-from-bome look." . Be sure that you ask for Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills, and look for the signa ture of Wm. Wright on wrapper and box. For Constipation, Biliousness and lodides tioo. Adv. r Her Preference. "What kind of cut do you prefer in meat?" "A cut price." Only One "BROMO QUININE" Tbat la LAXATIVM BROMO QDIHIMa I>ook fot the denature of a W. OBOV a Carat a CXikl inOna liar. Carta Grip la Two Usjra. Ma. BeAuty Is only skin deep. Also lota of modesty la only on the surface. Deep cuts should be healed by Han* ford's Balsam. Adv. Many a man fails to get there be cause he carries excess baggage. THE ENTERPRISE, WILLIAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA. MBNOTOM. SUNWS(M LESSON (By E. O. SELLERS, Director of Evening Department, the "Moody Bible Institute. Chicago.) LESSON FOR FEBRUARY 8. DARKNE33 AND LIGHT. LESSON TEXT-Luke 11:14 26. SS-W GOLDEN TEXT - "Look therefor* ■vhfther the light that is In thee he not darkness." Luke 11:35. I. The Accusation (vv. 14-16.) The fact of demonoiogy as revealed In the New Testament records is here strongly emphasized. Their existence, their malignity, their evil powers, j their relation to the devil, and yet j their subjection to our Lord, Is all | clearly set before us. The devil had j so taken possession of this man that he could not speak, yet a word from )esus, and the dumb spake. That he I should have such power caused the | people to "wonder" (v. 14). His mir acles were for one principal reason | (John 5:36). Matthew tells us (12:23) j that In this case they asked the ques : tion: "Is this the Son of David," e. g- the promised Messiah? The record \ does not, however, indicate (hat they believed on him —were converted. [ They knew what had been prophesied about the Coming One tlsa. 29:18, 32:3, 4), yet they hesitated to come out on bis side. Into the midst of their controversy (v. ir>, Matt. 12:24; Mark 3:22) the Scribes and Pharisees projected themselves They had come down from Jerusalem seeking, "that they might accuse him" (John ! 1!>:36, 36). It Is ever thus that the | devil seeks to divert. Convincing Logic. 11., The Defense (vv. 17-20). "But I he, knowing their thoughts." Evident i ly they dared not openly to make their accusations. They would not accept the natural and true explanation. Jesus endured this contraditlon and these charges for us (Isa. 63:3, 4), and must not his disciples expect a like treatment? (Matt. $0:25). With convincing logic Jesus reveals their motive (v. 16) and demonstrates the untenable position and conclusion which resulted from their own charge. Satan Is not lighting himself. A king never sends an army against his own soldiers, but against those of his en emy. Therefore, out of their own ac knowledgement that the devils were cast out, he proves that the kingdom qf God has come upon them. Such an accusation (v. 15) was to JesUß an ev- Trfeuce of the depravity of their hearts. is keen sarcasm In the answer he demanded from them (v. 19). Evi dently they, too, had had power over demons, und it is easy to see the di lemma into which he led them. This is not the only time that Jesus con victed men out, of their own testi mony (Matt. 21:25). • 111. Thti Application (vv. 21-26). With a true teacher's Bkill Jesus drives home the truth brought out In the preceding paragraph. Satan is a "strong man," but he, Jesus, is strong er. He has power to overcome and to take from the Btrong man his armor (defense), and hiß spoil, and to bind him fast (v. 22; Mark 3:27; Rev. 20:2). Those bound by chains of sin are the spoil of Satan, and Jesus 1? the only one powerful enough to— * —break the power of canceled sin And set the prisoner free. Cleanse the "Palace." JWlth Christ there must be entire (sosseßslon; there* can be no neutrality (v. 23). We cannot belong to Cbrißt and be a slave to Satan, to mammon, to self, or even to others whom we may love. The persistence of evil la here indicated. Unclean spirits are ever seeking a habitation. Therefore It is not enough for a man to be cleansed, his dwelling must bo occu pied, and If the Holy Spirit does not take possession, the evil one will. The parable that follows (vv. 24-26) teaches this truth negatively. In one case Satan is dislodged by Christ, he finds the "palace" (v. 22) (man) to be pre-occupied. In this case the pal ace is empty (Matt. 12:44). Tho ab sence of a positive attachment, too, or possession by, Jesus Christ, Involves hostility to him. This picture is that of the reformed man, not of the re generated man. This latter has his place pre-occupled, and the returning spirit can find no place of abode. Un less, however, such be the case, the latter end of that man is far worse than his first state; witness the gold cured Intemperate men who return to their cups (2 Pet. 2:22); they return because they have no strong defender to drive off-the returning enemy. This application and principle here propounded may, and does, account for most of the back-sliding after many of the so-called conversions, viz., that tbe germ of character has not been generated (John 3:7). It is by far the most difficult proposition in Christian work to, reach one who is thus gospel hardened. IV. The Illustration (vv. 33-36). In his teaching, Jesus constantly used fa miliar objects as illustrations. The Incongruity of placing a candle under a bushel measure rather than In its rightful place that it may conspicu ously perform Its proper function is at once apparent. Jesus is tbe Light (John 7:17; 8:12), so also is the Christian. They are to be so set be fore men that, seeing Christ reflected in them, they will glorify the Father who sent him. This is that which is used by God in redeeming, transform ing and ennobling earth's sinful chil dren. No Rest—No Peace There's no rest and but little peace for ft person whose kidneys are out of order. Lame In the morning, suffering cricks in the back and sharp stabs of pain irith every sudden strain, the day is just one round of pain and trouble 4 . It would be strange If all-day back ache did not wear on the temper, but it is not only on that account that people who suffer with weak kidneys ore nervous, cross and irritable. Uric arid is poison to the nerves, and when the kidneys are not working well, this acid collects In tbe blood and works upon the nerves, causing headache, dizziness, languor, an In clination to worry over trifles, and a suspicious, short temper. Rheumatic pain, neuralgia, sciatica, lumbago, neuritis and gravel are fur ther Bteps in uric acid poisoning. Don't neglect kidney weakness. An aching back, with unnatural passages of tho kidney secretions, is cause enough to suspect the kidneys. Use Doan's Kidney Pills, a remedy which haa been used fcr yearß, the world over, for weak kidneys, backache. Ir regular kidney action and uric add in? TfTy^y "Wtjcn Your Back b Lame—Remember the Name" DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS Sold by all Dealen..PHce 50 cents. fostcr-MlTburn Co, Buffalo, K, Y, Proprietor Misunderstood. Visitor (at the National Gallery) Why, them's tho very same pictures I saw her© tho day before yesterday! Attendant (dryly)•— Quite likely. Visitor—Then the landlord where I'm staying is wrong He told mo that the pictures were changed daily 111 all the leadin' picture houses. Home Medicine Chest. Keep your medicines In one place, out of reach of children, lie suro to have Hanford's Halsam of Myrrh on hand for emergency use. It should take tho fire out of burns, heal cutß, remove soreness and be worth many times over Ub cost. Adv. Mean Fling. They were discussing horse racing. "I guess," observed- tlie Yankee, "I've seen tho closest race ever run, for I once saw/a horse adjudged win ner by~ir / tongue'H length." "Is that so?" drawled the English man. "Well, I've seen a closer rnco than that.- I lived two years.in Scut land."—Cleveland Leader. Children Not Naturally Destructive. Ho gentle with the child who Smashes his toys. The fault Is not his, but yours, who provided him with toys too complicated for his Immature little mind to understand. Dottoressa Maria Montessorl, In hyr lecture ut Carnegie hall, said little children were not naturally destructive, as most par ents had reason to suppose, but that the lnßtlnct to pull the object to pieces was the only natural thing for a child to do with something It did not understand. Most toys given to children are too complicated, Dr. Mon tessorl asserted. "Instead of expecting children to amuse themselves with toys they do not understand, mothers should as sume more responsibility for their children's entertainment," she con tinued. "The mother who drives her child away from her side when she is working makes *a pitiful mistake. It 1b Impossible to eßtlmato tho effect upon the child's mind if ho were never turned away, If ho could always bo sure of sympathy and understand Ing from the person he loves most of all " ANOTHER COFFEE WRECK I What's the Use When There's an Easy Way Out 7 Along with tho coffee habit has grown the prevalent "American Dls ease"—nervous prostration. . „ The following letter shows the way out of the trouble: "Five years ago I was a great cof fee drinker and from Its use I bo came so nervous I could scarcely sleep at all nights. My condition grew worse and worse until finally the phy sician I consulted declared my trou bles were due to coffee. "But being so wedded to the bev erage I did not see how I could do without It, especially at breakfast, as that meal seemed incomplete with out ooffee. "On a visit, my friends deprived me of coffee to prove that It was harm ful. At the end of about eight days I was less nervous, but the craving for ooffee was intense, so I went back to the old habit as soon as I got home and the old sleepless nights came near making a wreck of me. "I heard of Postum and decided to try It I did not like It at first, be cause, as I afterwards discovered, it was not made properly. I found, how ever, that when made after directions on the package, it was delicloug. "It had a soothing effect on my nerves, and nop® of the bad effects that coffee had, so I bade farewell to coffee and have used only Postum sinc% The most wonderful account of the benefit to be derived from Postum could nfl exceed my own ex perience." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Write for a copy of "The Road to Wellville." Postum now comes in two forms: Regular Postum —must'"' be well boiled. Instant Postum —is a soluble pow der. A teaspoonful dissolves quickly in a cup of hot water and, with cream and sugar, makes a delicious bever age Instantly. Grocers sell both kinds. "There's a Reason" for Postum. £veiy Picture Kl__ gi TeJJsA Stozy"\ j I "OA, I shall go mad.** Easy Then to Be Generous. The trouble with some would-be generous men is that they always leave their money at homo In their other clothes." IS CHILD GROSS, FiRSH, SICK Look, Mother! If tongue is coated, give "California Syrup of Figs.". * Children love this "fruit laxative," and nothing elso cleanses, the tender atotnach. liver and bowels so nicely.. A child simply will not stop playing to empty the bowelß, and the result Is they become tightly clogged with waste, liver gets sluggish, stomach sours, then your little one becoineß cross, half-sick, feverish, don't eat, sleep or act naturally, breath Is bad, system full of cold, has sore throat, stomach-ache or diarrhoea. Listen, Mother! See If tongue is coated, then give a teaspoonful of "California Syrup of Figs," and in a few hours all the constipated waste, sour bile and undigested food paßßeq out of tho syß tem, and you have a well child again. Millions of mothers give "California Syrug of FlgB" because It Is perfectly harmless; children lovo it, and It nev er fallß to act on tho stomach, liver and bowels. Ask at the stors for -t 50-cent bottle of "California Syrup f Figs," which has full directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups plainly printed on the bottle Adv. Progr^se. "How Is your Shakespearian club getting on?" "Splendidly. Wy learned two new steps last week."—t^lfe. SAGE TEA AND SULPHUR ■ DARKENS YOtffi GRAY HAIR Look Years Younger! Try Grandma's Recipe of Sage and Bulphur and Nobody Will Know. Almost everyone* knows that Sage Tea and Sulphur, properly compound ed, brings back tho natural colbr and lustre to the hair when faded, streaked or gray; also endß dandruff, Itching scalp and stops falling hair. Years ago tho only way to get thie mixturo was to make it at home, which is musßy and troublesome. Nowadays we simply ask at any drug storo for "Wyeth's Sage and Sul phur Hair Remedy." You will get a large bottle for &bout DO cents. body uses this old, famous recipe, be cause no one can possibly tell that you darkened your hair, ae it dues It bo naturally and evenly. You dampen a sponge or Boft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morn ing the gray hair disappears, and after another application, or two, your hair becomes beautifully dark, thick and glossy and you look years younger. AdV. jr.- V _ The Reason. "Cat shows are generally a success." "No wondur. A cat Bhow ought to come up to the scratch." Dr.' Pk»ree'a Pleasant Pellets first put up 40 years ago. They regulate and invigorate, stomach, liver and bowels. Sugar-coated tiny granules. Adv. A man alwayß #xpecta his wife to be a lot better than he expects her to Ex pect him to be. Obßtinate sores should bo cured by Hanford's Halsam. Adv. Would It bo the part of wisdom to turn your back on the backbiter? "Dt. Peery'H Vermlfuffe "Dead Shot" Villa and, expels Wonpa Id a very few boura. Adv. > • „ It Isn't always the biggest man who looks on his neighbors. * dgßaßSHEßasmfli M M Conch Syrup. Tutu Oood. Cm Ed la tin*. Bold by Dnntoa. Btl > trouble. Thousands of gntfaAfl IHM> mcndatlons throughout the eoMfaqf prove their worth. A PHYSICAL WRECK Nmm York City Wommn T Hi f1 i I*l ft IT l*^ Mrs. Edith I>ykeman, 154 W. Mth H_ New York City. N. Y., nays: 'Throe JIMS ago I was so run down in health that I was a nervous wteck. I was iffltMi with a severe cue of disordered KTD» neys and doctors treated me vttkdl benefit. My kidneys acted either too FREE* ly or else the action was retarded anA the passages of the secretions caused aw much pain. ; My hock ached friskU*Rr day and night and I often rolled aali tossed for hoars, unable to go to DM In the morning I felt all worn oot M) was hardly sble to do my house Whenever I stooped to pick up MJIMIY from the floor. I WAS hardly able straighten again. I had terrible DKM ■ pells and speck* seemed to be floating te front of me. If I walked up or daws stairs, I was completely worn out freaa weakness. The least excitement BROOKBT on an attack of nervousness and 1 GOT •o bad that It was hard for me to be tm and around. My health was all run DOVA Someone advised me to take I'oan's KUt ney Pills and the first "few doses hetpsC tne. 1 kept right on until I was (iillidf cured and 1 am now In the best of hssltl 1 feel like a different woman and IXHUTF* Kidney Pills alone deserve the credit."* Sprains, Braises Stiff Muscles %re quickly relieved by Sloan'a Liniment. Lay it on—no rub bing. Try it. AnkU Sprain and DUlocattd Klpk. " I *pralned my ankle nnd dislocated m» hip by falling out of a third *tcry win. ow. Went on crutche* for tour month*. Then I h turfed to une yuor Liniment, according to direction*. I muat *ny it in helping me wonderfully. We will never I* vithout Sloan's lip. gen. ajrymore." — Cluu. Johntom, I ■■■■•■■ SLOANS LINIMENT Kills Pain Spl«ndU far Sprain*. *" I fell and Hjirulned ray firm • w a*i> nnd wh« in terrible pain. I rootd not u*e my hand or nrm until I applied jrotir l.inimcnt. 1 *hall never be with out a bottle of Sloan'* Liniment.** o. B. Syringar, klimalmlh. N. J. Fin* for Stiffna**. "Sloan'* I.iniment ha* done mega food than anything I have ever triad forHtiff jolntv 1 got niy hand hurt to badly thut I hnd to ntop work ri«ht In tlie hu*ie*t time of the year. I thought at flmt that 1 would have to have my hand taken off, but I got a bottle of Sloan'* I.iniment and cured my hand.** —lf'iiwn iHuimUi, MorrU, Ala. At all D •alar*. JSc. (Sn 80c. and SIXO ( Send for Sloan'* T free. Instructive book on hor*e*. C V. cattle, hog* and poultry. AUdicu nVv, I A Dr. CARI S. SIQAN.Inc. BOSTON, MASS. | J /~ar a Thor Motarcyalal And a itlirfy Incoma af »10 a day a*d up In Juat your apara tJma taMnc ardar* far. Reliable TaWarad-to- Ordw Clot ha a. Read Carefully! MiKlKfct reaentntivo for the famous Roil«blt It Order Cloth#*, we have a plan to equip you with a new, 1914 Mo«lt*l Ford Tounnic Car or Thor Motor ml* mbmotmimhr tr— and atari yon In a btulnaao j will pay you 110 and u» a 4my for juat your ipm thmm. Her*'* h«*r mm ran mako thla offer: Tha loUun Mia m mot>rcrcia multlbliaa rour arjualnuu»r«« thua naaa I i»tanre 'lo«an t tia you down you mak« tr*»a of tO I to 200 mil** a day. a»a th«i country. anjoy tha wo»4«ffjl. Joyoua thrill ofaolomoblnnf anywhir* y«i want to We I for thanuM»lvr« and ua. No asparianaa nacaaaary— mmy m*m mma cmommkm Am4vmm my ymmrmmmkmmmmH mm 9tmm. Sand for Fraa $lO-a-Day Book our aplaodld bi* Ftook mmM* aaOW -» BMaplaa. tape liUABi TllKHfflK: CO.. tMB W. Jfrgg, Why Scratch? a"Hunt'sCure"ia guar anteed to stop ai>o permanent 1 ycu re that terrible itching. It i» compounded for that purpoae and your money will be promptly refundeO WITHOUT QUESTIOW if Hunt'B Cure fails to com Itch, Eczema, Tetter, Rin£ Worm or any other SUa Disease. 50c at yoar druggist's, or by nudt direct if he hasn't it. Manufactured only by A. B. RICHARDS MEDICINE CO.. Shaman. Traa FREE TO ILL SUFFERERS If you feel *oct of »oar*' 'new now*' 'oot st-mta from xidnct, klu>dkk, xkrvocs cuxokio wkikxkss, ulcxxs, iu> xriftiox*, rtuk write for FREE cxoth hol'Wd medical book car these dl*ea*e* and wonDiim cI'UU effected kT THE NEW FRE jJCHIMMSOY Not MotNa* THERAPION the remedy for Tor* own ailment. Absolutely F REE* No'follow up'circular*. No obligation*. Da. LxtXxaO Hn>. Oo„ iuvbbstocs Kit.. UjLimrKAD, Loacoa. w* *ut to ruin rustuioi will crat n*. Ladies-Read This Without Fail 1 want every lady suffering from any form of mala waaknea* to write me at once. 1 will gladly tall you confidentially of a wonderftil, hanaiesa* borne treatment yßßtt Address. MKS. KM It A. ST. FBTEKB, Box 144, Booth Band, Inrtlaaa* FOR NALK—BS A. IN QABTON Ctt, N. Ct XI a. oulC, all tillable. 7 r. house, barn, bMga. Addr. Wm. T. Walker. Stanley. N. &