1 What Are Your 1 || Possibilities? 1 }M3 I No man can place a limit on them but a growing account 9C ■ ! ' n this.bank can increase them. fad H . I I "Give fato every chance to do her be9t for you. Do not >«. mgj by I think you can gain success by folding your hands and KSF Jn waiting. Get busy. Earn Money. Deposit Your Savings. * j£g |U Success is Yours. , ; Bank of Robersonville jbfl Robersonville, N. C. K ' " J. H. ROBERSON, Jr.. Pre.ident IPS - A. S. ROBERSON, Vice-Preaident H I R. A. BAILEY, Vice-Pre»idenl H (T2iA M J a|~- v A. MIZELL, Cashier fjjfjypf? SCAB'S® @j Notice >• WHEN INNEEDOF TOBAC CO FLUSIN ALL SHAPES AND STYLES?—I will guarantee to be of interest to you. Manufac tured of the best material and by the best mechanics. Prompt at tention and deliverys will be given all orders. W. T. HURST Manufacturer Robersonville, N. C. Don't miss the picture show tonight nor any other night WOMEN FIND THIS IS BETTER THAN CALOMEL Many Mothers and Wives Have Learned That Dodson's Liver Tone is a Fine Remedy for Constipation Saunders & Fowden, will tetl you that it takes the women to realize the merits of a new reme dy for constipation and bilious ness quickly and surely, whether it is for themselves or someone else in their families. There are today a great num ber of households in which Dod son's Liver Tone has come to take the place,of dangerous calomel as well as all other remedies for such ailments and where an at mosphere of health and happi-.! ness now prevails. 1 Dodson's Liver Tonic is un conditionally guaranteed by Saundersf& Fowden to be a safe liver remedy'and regulator, ab solutely harmless and with no bad after effects such as are lia ble with calomel. Dodshn's is a pleasant-tasting vegetable liquid and clears the aching head and suffering bodyi with no pain nor gripe. So perfect a remedy has Dod son's Liver Tone proved to be that your fdruggist will refund the purchase price (50c.) instant } \y without question if you are not thoroughly satisfied. They are authorized to do so by Dod son, who doesnt want your mon ey unless his remedy can benefit you. Under such conditions a' trial would seem the part of wis dom. Administrator's Notice Having qualified as administrator of the estate of R. L. Roberson, deceased, late of Maitin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of aaid deceased to ex hibit thtm to the undersigned at Rober sonviile, N. C., on or before the first day of March, 191$, or this notice will be pkaded in bar of their recovery All persons Indebted to aaid estate will please stake immediate payment. I This Feb. 25th. 1914. V. P. ROBERSON. *4m. K9m ' ,' Jf New Way of Finding Water. An Arizona observer han found oiit how to tell by the inesquite whether water 1b near the uurface or not. When the mesquite growß np Into tree form the ground water Ilea within fifty feet of the surface, but if it remains a shrub prospect* for finding water are not ao rood We are always learning that every natural phenomenon has meaning for ÜB, if we can only read the meaning.— Farm and Fireside. Notice J By virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Martin County made in the special proceedings entitled Bennett 1 Gray, administrator of Whitley Griffin vs Joe Lainer et al heirs at law for a re sale, the hid at former sale not having been complied with, the undersigned Commissioner will on Monday the 16th. day of March 1914 at 12 o'clock M. at theCoifrt House door in Williamstoa, N. C. offer for sale,to the highest bidder tor cash the following described land : Beginning at a Red Oak at the ooraer of James Williams fence on the road, running W. 43 poles, tbenc S. 44 E. *6 poles, thence N. ax, 104 poles to a stake thence N65 W. poles to a pine stump, thenoe 8. 69 W. 4>o poles, thence S. 19 W to the corner maple in James Will ism* line to the first station Containing 5o acres more or less Excepting ita acres sold to Bennett Gray by Whitley GrHfiu nnd one acre sold to Church by Whitley Griffin. This the 26th day of Feb. 19(4. R. A CK ITCHFR, C'jHiMiitftiuner 2-27-4 1 he King of All Laxatives For constipation, use Or. King's Ntw lake Fills. Haul Vlathulka-,, of BuffwJ o„ N. V.. thev are the "king of all laxatives. They are a blessing to all my family and I always keep a box at home. Get a box and get well again. Price 25c. At druggists or by iruiil H. E. Hucklen and Co. Philadel phia or St. Loiiks. Nothing Better Than JOSE Y ' 5 COTTON SEED MEAL & FISH SCRAP GUANO For Cotton And Tobacco Ammonia derived from Cotton Seed Meal, Fish Scrap, Ground Animal Blood Tankage, and Nitrate of Soda. , - WE GIVE YOU y 2000 lbs. of high class material to each and every ton. For sale by, ANDERSON CRAWFORD CQ., Williamston, N. C., R. L. SMITH & CO., C., •J. L. PERKINS, Stokes, N. C., WHITEHURST-ANDREJWS CO., Bethel, N. C., . J. H. BRYAN & CO., Parmele, N. C. Manufactured by N. B. Josey Guano Company , * Tarboro, N. C. THE ENTERPRISE, WILLIAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA. Takes Off Freckles, Removes Tan. Beautify your completion. Get rid of those freckles. You can invest 50c la a jar of WIL* SON'S FRECKLE CREAM and thryU disappear. Severe cases may require two jars— \ no more. We positively guar antee this, and if yojir corn plexiort isn't fully restored to its natural beauty, we agree to refund your money without argument. . And in addition, WILSON'S FRECKLE CRfcAM is a fine, fra grant toilet cream. Doesn't cause hair to grow, and doea positively remove TAN and KRECKLES. Try it at our risk. Price SOo— sent by mail if desired. Mammoth jars SI.OO. WILSON'S FAIR SKIN SOAP 25c. Wilson Freckle'Craam Co,, Charleston, S. C., makers. for sale by « \ V Notice North Carolina, Martin Connty. By virtue of an execution directed to the undersigned from the Superior Court of Martin County in the action entitled Opheus Godard et als vs Geo. A. Will iams, et als, I will on Monday the 16th. day of March 1914 at 12 O'clock noon at the Court House door in Williamston N. C., sell to the highest bidder for caah to satisfv said execution all the rights title and interest which the late Mrs Bettie Williams had in the following de scribed tract of land, to wit:— Beginning at a post just below an old path in the float road in Grape Branch and at the N corner of lot No. t thence running Sou K. 315 and one fifth i>oles to a horn beam chopped for a cor ner of lot No. I. th«?nce down the float r»ad in said Maple Swamp to the mouth of Grape Kranch, thence up the run of float Toad in said Grape Branch, to the beginning. Containing 97 acre* more or less This the 30th. day of Jan. 1914. J. C. CRWFORI), Sheriff of Martin Count;-, 2- fo 4 , ( Good Qualities of Bamboo. A lighthouse of bamboo, which ie In use in Japan, la said to have great power of resisting the waves, aud does Qot rot like ordinary wood. To the Patrons of the Farmers and Merchants Bank:- Just after this issue of The Enterprise I expect to leave Villiamston to make my home in Rooky Mount. lam tak ing this method of publicly thanking you one and all for the loyal support and valuable patronage you have given the Farmers and Merchants' Bank under my administration. I wish to assure you that it has been a great pleasure to me to render such services as I could to the many good friends of the Bank. As I have had the honor of being with the insti tution*" from the time it was first opened, for business and have watched it grow, so to speak, from a little acron to a tall oak. I want to see this tree continue to develop and spread out i.ts branches. The policy of the Bank, which has been "to do the greatest good to the greatest number of f people in Martin County", will remain-unchanged. I earn estly request that you continue to stand by this institu tion and all of its officers. Your business will be taken care of by officials who are thoroughly oompetent to man age the affairs of the Bank and they will continue to be liberal in extending you accommodation when needed. Again thanking you and assuring you that I will always -have a warm spot in my heart for the good, people of Martin County, I remain, Very truly yours, Lime and Cement^ v. In Car Load Lots or in Smaller Quantities. Order now for Spring and Summer Building and Farm Lands. Apply to, S. COLLINS PEEL Agent for N. S. Peel & Co. Williamston, North Carolina Trustee's Sale By virtue of the authority confer ed in me by a "Deed of Trust executed to me by Jordan Williams and wife Annie Williams on the 31st. day of January 1910, and duly recorded in the Register of Deed's office in Martin County, in Book VVV Page 254 to secure the payment of a certain bond bearing even date therewith, and the stip ulations in said Deed of Trust not having been complied with, I shall expose at public auction, for cash, on Monday the 23rd of February 1914, at 12 o'clock Noon at Court House Door in Martin County, the following property: Adjoining the lands of J. R. Ballard and others in Poplar Point Township bounded on the North by the lands of Henry Bell, on the South by the lands of Ned Will iams, on the East by the lands of J. R. Ballard and on the West by the lands of W. P. Bowen con taining twenty (20) acres more or less and being two tracts of land adjoining each other one tract deeded to said Williams by J. R. Ballard, and the other by W. P. Bo wen. This Jan. 21th 1914. J. L. HASSELL, Trustee. * Trustee's Sale Bb virtue of the' authority con ferred in me by a "Deed of Trust" executed to me by W, H. Robert] son Jr, and wife on the 28th day of January t 1908 and dujy record [ed in the Register of Deed*s office in Martin County, in Book VVV Pa g e 339 to secure the payment of a certain bond bearing even date therewith, and the stipula tions in said Deed of Trust not having been complied with I shall expose at public auction, for cash, on Monday the 6th. day of April *914. at 12 o'clock M. at the Court House in Martin County, the following property: Adjoining the lands of John Chesson, Mrs. Julia Gurganus and Conoho Creek, containing 125 acres, more or less. Same being a part of the Slade Island Land. Reference to deed from J. D. Biggs and Dennis Simmons to Henderson Blair, dated nth. April 1900. Recorded in book CCC, Page 249. This Feb. 25th. 1914. WHEELER MARTIN, Trustee. 2-17-4 North Carolina j In the Superior Court. March Martin County ' Term 1914. Tom James, vs Minnie James The defendant above-named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Martin County upon the part of the plaintiff to obtain from the defendant a Divorce from the bonds of matrimony. The said defendant will further take notice that 9he is required to appear at the Term of the Su perior Court of said County, to be held on Brd Monday in March, 1914, it being the 16th., day, at the Court House of said County in Williamston N. C. and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief de manded therein. This the 28th., day of Jan. 1914. J. A HOBBS Clerk Superior Court. ' 2-6-4 il———■ i Notice By virtue of a Decree of the Superior Court of Martin County, in the Special Proceedings entitled "Church Cowing" Administrator of Luke L. Rogerfotj, Dec'd Against Harriett A. Rogerson. Winnie Rogerson, et als. Heirsatlaw, I shall expose to public sale the following described real estate, to wit: A tract of land, situate in Bear Grass Township, adjoining the lands of W. W. Williams on the North, Buck Lilley on the West, Henry Rogers on the South and the Main Road on the East, contain ing 50 acres more or less It being the same tract conveyed to said Luke L. Roßerson by father, Ransom Roger son, and located opposite to the tract upon which the said Rogerson was living at the time of his death. Time ot sale, Monday, March and, 1914. Place of sale, Before the Court House Door of Martin County. Terms of sale, cash. This, January 36th, 1914. CHURCH COWING, Com'r' 1.30-4 - v ±. I Melancholy. Melancholy may be defined aa a state of mind in which a man Is so out of touch with hit environment that life has lost its sweetness.—Sir William Osier. > Winter Cough A stubborn, annoying, depress ing cough hungs on, racks the body, weakens the lungs, and of ten leads to serious results. The first dose of Dr. King's New Dis covery gives relief. Henry D Sanders, of Cav.endish, Vt., was threatened with consumption, af ter having pneumonia, He writes: "Dr, King's New Discovery ought to be in every family; it is certain ly the best of all medicines for coughs, colds or lung trouble." Good for children's coughs. Mon ey back if not satisfied. Price 50c. and SI.OO. At all Druggists. H. E Bucklen & Co. Philadelphia or St. Louis. *■ E. P. BUNCH fi • * Agent For Carolina Metal. Shingles Williamston, N. C. Phone 170 Horrible Blotches of Eczema Quickly cured by Dr. Hudson's i Eczema Ointment. C. P. Caldwell : of New Orleans, La., states: ' My J doctor advised me to try 'Dr. i Hudson's Eczehia Salve.' 1 used j three boxes of Ointment and three cakes of Dr. Hubson's Derma ! Zema Soap., Today I have not a j spot any where un my body and jean say! am cured." It will do the same for you. Its soothing, 'healing, antiseptic action will rid you of all skin humors, black* heads pimples Eczema blotches, red unslightly sores and leaves your skin.clean and healthy. Get a box today. Guaranteed. All Druggists 50c. or by mail. Pfeiffer Chemical Co. Philadelphia & St. Louis. What Concerned Htm. A little boy rolled dvwn the stair* to his mother's feet. While she stood horror-stricken he hurriedly picked himself up. Celt in his trousers pocket, then said, In consternation, "Gosh, I ! lost that penny!" Feel Miserable? | Out of sorts, depressed, pain in ! the back—Electric Bitters renews j yOur health and strength. A | guaranteed Liver and Kidney re -1 raedy. Money back if not satisfied It completely cured Robert Mad i sen, of West Burlington. lowa, who j suffered from virulent liver trou ble for eight months. After four ! doctors gave him up. he took Elec- I trie Bitters arid is now a well man. Get a bottle to-day; It will do the I same for you. Keep in the house , for all liver and kidney complaints ! Perfectly safe and dependable. Its results wiH surprise you. 50c. and SI.OO. jH. E. Bucklen & Co! Phila delphia or St. Louis, I • |" , . ' \ Notice ! Having qualified as executor |of the estate of Mc. G. White [ceased, late of* Martin County, ! North Carolina, this is to notify 'all persons having claims against • the estate of the said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 4th. day of Feb., • 1915, or this notice will be plead ed iri bar of their recovery. Alt persons indebted to said estate will please make Immediate pay-' ment. This 4th. day of Feb. 1914. Z. D. F. WHITE. Executor. 2-6 .. * . ( • - Notice ( Having qualified as adminis trator of the estate of Mrs. M. J. Strawbridge, deceased, late of' Martin County, North Carolina,, this is to notify all persons having; claims against the estate of the said deceased to exhibit the/n t® the undersigned at Williartston, N. C. on or before the 4th day of Feb., 1915 or this nqtice will be pleaded in bar of their recove- ' ry. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate' payment, this 4th day of Feb. 1914. WHEELER MARTIN, 2-6 Ada.

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