VOL XV. NO. 20 Oak City Itcas Jim Daniels, of Robersonville, spent Sunday with Mrs. John Daniels and Mrs. H. S. Everett Jim Fleming, of Greenville, spent Sunday with Messrs. Wil mer and Ralph House. Miss Annie Mae Daughtridge spent the week-end at her home here. The Misses Alma and Nannie House spent the week-end in Robersonville. J. W. Hines, B. M. Worseley and F. G. Whitaker motored to Robersonville Sunday accompani ed by Misses House on their re turn. E. L. Perkins from Greenville spent Saturday and Sunday in town. Misses Mary Hines and Clarice Cartwright spent Sunday night at the home of J. W. Hines. Court Next Week His Honor,, Judge Wm. M. Bond, will preside over the March Term of Martin County Court, which convenes on Monday. This is the first court to be held here by Judge Bond, and is an import ant one, as there are several im portant eases on the criminal docket, two of these being for murder, and the civil docket is full as usual. Judge Bond was appointed by Gov. Craig to fill the unexpired term of Judge Bragaw, who re sigged on account of ill health, and is making a splendid record on the bench. S«M Ib^CsdHwl '"f • » The David R. Murchison Scholarship in Saint Mary's School will be vacant for the ses sion which begins next Septem ber. By the terms of the gift the holder of the Scholarship must be a resident of the Diocese of East Carolina. This Scholarship is worth S3OO. a year, covering the full regu lar fees for board and tuition at Saint Mary's and the holder is entitled to hoW it until gradua tion provided she maintains the required standard in scholarship and deportment. This Scholarship will be filled by competitive examination in the latter part of April or the first part of May. The examina tion may be held in any parish in the Diocese of East Carolina in which there are qualified candi dates who have entered the com petition. The holder of this Scholarship does not have to be an Episcopalian. This is a splen did opportunity for some Martin County girl who desires to com plete her education. Snow Again a People in this section were sur prised on arising Thursday morn ing to find several inches of snow, and still some coming down rap idly. The night previous, it had begun to rain and this turned into sleet, which changed into "the beautiful snow." thus in two weeks have two snows fallen, and ground hog weather has been coming in good earnest. The farmers should find good pro spects for a fine crop if snow has anything to do with the produc tiveness of the soil, and it has. There was a coal famine here for several days, and peoplewere anxious about the condition. A shipment to Carstarphen & Com pany relieved the situation. What we need is a coal yard where plenty of it can be stored in the tall—enough to meet every demand. As the years go on, the number of families using coal is greatly on the increase. 4 ■ y > ■ M>■ ■ ■- ■ ■ - '..' .?" V " THE ENTERPRISE PERSONAL ( " G. M. Roberson and family, of Robersonville, are in town visit ing relatives. Dr. J. A White spent Sunday here. Julius S. Peel, of Kelford was in town Tuesday on business. Joseph Tayler, Secretary to Senator Simmons, was a visitor in town Sunday night. W. M. Keer, of' Washington, was in town Tuesday on business. Rev. Cecil F. Outlaw and Wiley Rodgerson,' of Roberson ville, were here . Tuesday. A. O. Burroughs, of Everetts. was in Tuesday on business. Mrs. W. A. Roberson, of Spring Hope, is visiting friends in town this week. Misses Carrie Dell Blount and Fannie Biggs Martin came home from St. Mary's School jto spend several days. /"** f Beryl Duke Critcher is at home from Wake Forest College. Miss Sallie Hadley came home from At. C. College Saturday to visit hjer father. * ... J, W. Watts, Jr., spent several days at home this week. H. T. Warren, of Durham, has been here this week on business. J. W. Hight, who has been in Kentucky since the tobacco mar ket closed here I&st fall, has been in town several days this week. Elected Secretary There has been organized at Louisburg, a Chamber of Com merce which proposes to do great things for that town pnd com munity. The principal move ment is to get a bond issue of SIOO,OOO to build a railroad to Rocky Mount. It is noted with pleasure by friends in Martin County, that S. A. Newell, who lately removed to Louisburg, has been- elected Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Newell is a splendid worker and the organization has done well in choosing a secretary. University Notes Scholarship and recognition of the intrinsic value of class - room duties are in the ascendancy at the State University, The high scholarship record of eleven mem bers of the present freshman class are shining testimonials to the truthfulness of this assertion. For their first collegiate term these eleven freshmen attained the tip-top standing of grades ranging between 90 and 100 per cent, which is considered markable proficiency in their class-room duties. The honor students and the high schools in which they received their pre paration for college are: E. S. Booth, East Durham high school; E. L. Mackie, Yadkinville high school; W. T. Polk, Warrenton high school; W. J. Adams, Buie's Creek Academy; C. C. Miller, Christ School, of Buncombe county; J. H. Hardison, Donald son Military Academy of Cum berland county; R. S. Toxey, Elizabeth City high school; W. M. Lindau, Greensboro high school; H. G. Baity, Harmony high school of Iredell county; N. Rea soner, Manatee high school of Florida, and E. L. Travis. Jr., Halifax high scoool, Haiifax county. . What Did She Meanf Teacher (to pupil who ha* been pulling a seat-mate's hair)—' Ton are not lit to sit with decent people. Com* I np here and alt with me." WILLIAMSTON, N. C.. FRIDAY,MARCH 13, 1914 Law Enforcement in JamesviSe - For five long years the police force of the town of Jamesville has marched up the hills and down • through the dells, with sword buckled on and gun in hand, anxiously seeking the sight and, we fear the scent, of some poor blind tiger. - But alas, they had almost given up in despair, when their efforts were suddenly crowned with suc cess for on Friday, March 6th., i Chief of Police John B. Allen made the discovery and scrosed a mighty victory by sighting a black tiger (for Ke t.i V/fl!iam ston force, he has a better sight for a small black tiger than for a large white one,) and he caught one Will Long with the goods (a five-gallon package) on him. | Policeman Allen started forth-1 with to jail with " his coveted prize, and within half an hour after leaving Jamesville landed him safely in WHliamston. Upon his arrival, he seemed to think it too long between drinks, so he dodged aside to take a drink of near beer, and while turning the cup up to cool his dry and parch ed lips, behold! Will Long, poor blind tiger that could not see, managed to grope his way out of sight of Big Chief, and when Mr. Allen looked around behold he was blind too, as Will Long he could not see. And Long is still at large. The above is a sad state of af fairs, but is true of Jamesville. Where officers of a town drink with the lawless, and stand picket for the gambler, the public need not expect prosecutions for vio lations of the law breaker*; and when you smell whiskey on the breath of a half-drunken police man, you need not look for pro secutions except against little negroes or out-of-town (country) whites. This particular feature also applies to other towns, as may be easily seen by looking over the book of the Express Company at Williamston. The question is how long will the public stand for officials who hang around towns and do the needless things, and shirk the duties that real men do not fear to undertake? These conditions are too often found in other places besides Martin County, where the things sailed officers are only parasites on the body of human society. Notice The property of all parties in Robersonville Township, who fail to pay their Road £nd School taxes by April Ist. 1914, will be advertised for sale on that date. W. T. Britton, Road & School Tax Collector. ARTHUR BERNARD »' . ? Italian Street Singer with MISS ETHEL GLYADEN the Sweet Singing Soubrette, who is holding down the boards at the Gaiety [Thertre this week. There was a large crowd in attendance last night and judging from the applause they made a decided hit. Hamilton Items Misses Laura and Julia Sals , bury, of Hassell, spent several days last week with Mrs. R. W. Salsbury. Dr. Major I. Fleming went to Norfolk Thursday. Miss Ruth Floyd spent Sunday here with her mother. Jack Sherrod was in town Sun- Shnday. . Walter Davenport and family spent Sunday with Mrs. Maggie Floyd. J. M. S. Salsbury and family left for High Point Monday, where they will make their home. P. H. Davenport, O. T. Everett and R. W. Salsbury went to Norfolk Wednesday. Mrs. Lizzie Ewell and little daughter spent several days here last week. Dr. B. L. Long went to Will iamston Monday. Miss Mollie Moore is the guest of Miss Ella Miller. Mrs. R. W. Baker left for her home in Williamston Wednesday. J. A. Kitchin, of Scotland Neck, spent Wednesday here. C. D. Carstarphen was in town Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. M. I. Fleming, Miss Annie Jones and C. D. Per kins attended the play at Green ville Monday night. B. L. Upton spent several days in Roanoke Rapids last week. Miss Codie Purvis left Wed nesday for Norfolk to visit her sitter, Mrs. Jim Johnson. Walter Perkins, of Baltimore, spent Tuesday here. To Greet Us Seven Days Readers of the News and Ob server are pleased to learn that the paper will reaoh them every day in the year. Heretofore there | has been no issue on Monday, and the paper has been badly missed Jon that day. The price of the paper has been $5.00 for six days, now it is $7.00 for the seven days in the week. This departure will add largely to the value of the sheet and place it in the list with I all other dailies in the United j States. In red lines, the management announces another contest with automobiles as the first prize in each of the six districts. There j areother valuable prizes and the ' amount of those offered is $20,000. The interest in the contest, no doubt, will be great among the Tfriends of the "Old Reliable/' Success to it. LOCAL i Court next week and the week following. Vaudeville at the Gaiety to , night. Don't miss the fun. Alonzo Hassell is preparing to improve his residence on Haugh ton Street. The Christian Church is being improved by the blinds to the windows. Do not forget to hang the gates on the inside. Today is Arbor Day in New Mexico. Services at the Baptist and Methodist Churches on next Su n' day. yr~ The town clock has learned the game- not to show its hands. The police have gathered in a few gallons of red eye recently. ROOM for rent. Apply at this office. God willing I will preach at the home of Miss Polly Pulley on next Sunday at 2 o'clock. The public is invited.—J. L. Cherry. BOARDERS WANTED-I would like to have several room ers and boarders, Rates reasona ble. Mrs. S. C. Ray, Main Street. Next Tuesday every Irishman's heart will be full of joy because he can do honor to the memory of St. Patrick. Green will be the prevailing color on that day. WILL PAY HIGHEST PRICES For 200 bushels field peas. Write me, W. C. MANNING. The Gaiety will offer unusual attractions next week—the. en tire sixnights will be filled with fun. There will the Marionettes and other pleasurable features each night which together with the movies will furnish entertain ment for young and old. Remem ber and be there. ! CLAY and Unknown Mixed Peas For Sale:—Sound and in good bags, 50 bushels or more at $2.50 per bushel, smaller lots at $2.60 f. o. b. Greenville J. B. Kittrell, Greenville, N. C. The splendid service at the Gaiety is drawing appreciative crowds every night. Ain't you going? The Gaiety is the place and it i 3 open every night. Prices 5 and 10 cents. Put on the green Tuesday and the Shamrock, too. WANTED To buy old and 1 second hand books, large or small quantities. Highest cash prices. Ye Old Book Shop, Asheville, N. C. A goodly amount of red y clay has been placed on the station yard, which, when dry will form a firm soil for the travelling pub lic. Mrs. W. R. White and Miss Eula Lee Waters have just re turned from Baltimore, where they went to purchase their spring stock of millinery. They have the very latest styles in shapes, ribbons, flowers, feathers etc. Early shoppers will find them ready to cater to the tastes of the women who want spring head wear. The spring millinery of Harri son Bros & Company has arrived and is being rapidly placed for sale. Mrs. Louis C. Harrison ar rived from Baltimore on Thurs day, where she has selected the newest and prettiest in hats and trimmings, and is better prepar ed to suit the feminine taste than at any previous season. Watch for the -Spring Display and select I the beautiful in head wear. si.oo a Year in Advance* Added Service ______ —— The Martin County Buggf Company has added a planing machine to their already wd> equipped factory. They have also installed an eight power ( gasoline engine, which inereaMV the power of the plant greatly. The planing machine is an ia»- provement needed in the town, as it enables people to have rough flooring and ceiling dressed quickly and conveniently. Those desiring work done should see Messrs. Crawford and Stalls and' arrange for same. These gentle men have been in Suffolk this week arranging for the sale of the Lilliston . Peanut Pickery which have proven so successful in this section. The-Buggy Company expects to turn out an unusually large number of buggies this year, and guarantees to give the best in material and workmanships Loads of material for the con struction of tobacco trueks are on the yard and the farmers can be accommonated as they desire. The factory is one of the best business establishments in Mar tin County, affording an avenue through which the farmers and others can secure well construct ed vehicles and repairs. The Ford Car This week there appears a half page ad for Wiley Rodgerson 4k Co., who are helping to make the town of Robersonvillegrow. This firm manufactures carts, etc.,. and is sole agent for the famoo» Ford automobiles, which are re cognized the world over as being the best machine for all-round work that is made. Many busi ness men purchase the Ford in preference to any other car, be cause they are easily repaired and run over any road in any kind of weather. Rodgerson & Co., have had wonderful success in placing these cars on the market and are clever dealers. When desiring anything in thciir line, phone or call on them St their office in Robersonville. H you purchase a Ford, buy it from* them. Read ad in this issue. The Town Clock . Among the improvements for which the people in Williamaton have paid for their convenience and enjoyment, the clock in the tower of the City Hall stands, perhaps, at the head of the list,, because all the people can hea* and see the face of the cloek.- "Hear it," is a wrong statement,, for it has not been on a strike for more than a week past, and,' some one might say that "seeit ,r was not correct either, as for several nights it hid its face be cause there was not enough in terest in those whose duty it is to keep things in order, to ar range to install another Mazda in . the place of the one past redemp tion. If there is not enougk funds to regulate "matters, it wauld {?e a good idea to take up a collection among those who* re main out late and want to* be able to tell at what hour tiiejr crept in, when the trial cornea off the morning aftsr the night be fore. Will Travel Sootb ——' T P. H. Brown has resigned his: position as salesman for Ander son, Crawford & Company and accepted a position with Wright and Watkins, shoe deal ers of Philadelphia. Mr. Brow* will likely cover the South Caro lina territory. Friends here wisk for him much success in his new line of work.

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