VOL XV. NO. 24 Kiknnrfle Items (by Cecil F. Outlaw) N. S. Peel of Williamston, was in town Saturday. Thomas Roberson was stricken Sunday A. M. with muscular rheumatism in the back of his neck, and suffered fjr several hours before medical attention could be given him. Fred Mayo and wife of Bethel were in town Monday. J. L. Davenport left Tuesday for Cresswell, N. C. to attend the funeral of his grandfather. At a meeting of the local lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Tuesday evening March 31st 1914, an invitation was ex uended the Orphans of the Golds boro Home, to visit Robersonville and give their entertainment. On Tuesday about eleven o'clock A. M. two sons of Mr. Theo. Johnson, whose ages are about ten and twelve respectively, secured a dynamite cap and went into the field and set fire to the cap, which exploded doing con siderable damage to both boys. The younger was seriously hurt, having several fingers torn off of one hand, and suffering several flesh wounds besides having a piece of the cap embedded in one of his eyes. The elder son also suffered several embrasures of his flesh and one of his eyes was slightly hurt The boys were hur ried to the office of Drs. Ward & Ward where their wounds were treated and the piece of cap re moved from the eye of the youn ger. The serenity of quite a number of the citizens of this vicinity has been disturbed, due to the fact that the express books have been gone over by some of the town officials, who found that larger quanities of spirituous liquors had been receipted for by said citi zens, than the law allowed, and warrants issued for the arrest of violators of the law. These cases will come up for trial Thnrsday P. M. in the town court. A Mass Meeting, we are told will be called near future by Mayor J. C. Smith, for the pur pose of organizing a Law and Order League. We hope to give the date of this meeting in next week's Items. • The Stockholders of the Bank of Robersonville met Tuesday P. M. at 2 o'clock in the Direc tors room of the Bank's new twelve thousand dollar home. Tuesday closed the fiscal year of the Bank. The Cashier's re port was very gratifying to the Stockholders. His report showed that the Bank had made a net profit of 32 percent. A Dividend of 10 percent was declared; 20 percent was placed to the sur plus fund and 2 percent was car "ried to the fund of undivided profits. The same officers were reelected for the ensuing year, viz: J. H. Roberson Pres, A. S. Roberson V' Pres., R. A- Bailey 2nd V. Pres., J. A. Mizell Cash , ier and J. D Woolard Asst. Cash ier. This Bank has had a phe nomenal growth since 1911. In that year the net profit was 15 percent; in 1912, 17 percent; in 1913,22 percent and this last year 32 percent. Mr. and lira Wiley Rogerson, Mesdames J. W. Taylor and J- E. . Congeleton motored here Wed nesday from Robersonville and spent the day- Mrs. Costenbater, of Richmond has been the guest of Mrs. J. G. Staton this week 9 . • 1 s r . . jgWjy- , • THE ENTERPRISE X . ' . A ~ V ' PERSONAL 4 John C. Lamb, of Wilson, has been here this week with his family. Miss Julia Bond, of JEdenton, spent Sunday in town the guest of Miss Annie Fagan. Hon. J. B. Coffieldwas in town Monday on business. J. T. Waldo was here from Hamilton on Monday. W. E. Davenport and J. P. Boyle were here from Hamilton Monday. \ Miss Mary King Ellison spent Sunday in Robersonville. Miss Elizabeth Pope of Rober sonville, visited relatives here last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hightwith Master Boyd Hight left Wednes for Louisburg and Franklin to visit relatives. Mrs. John L(. Rodgerson went to Tarboro Wednesday. Mrs. P. B. Cone left Wednes day for Middlesex to visit her parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Baker were here from Hamilton Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Everett, of Palmyra, motored here Tuesday to visit relatives, T. B. Slade and D. C. Jones were here from Hamilton on Tuesday. Z. Hardy Rose and John Rose, of Fremont, have been here this week. Tuesday in company with W. C. Manning, they motored to Plymouth to visit the fisheries. Maurice Watts has been in Ply mouth this week. Fountain Lipscomb is visiting his aunt, Mrs. C. W. Keith, at the Atlantic. Rev. M. E. Bethea went to Lewiston Friday and while there officiated at the burials of three members of the parish. Mrs. Fannie S. Biggs accom panied by A. D. Mizell, left this morning for Winston-Salem to visit friends. Messers' Calvin and Frank Has sell have been here this week vis iting their father, Elder Hassell, who has been ill but is able to be out again. Col. W. G. Lamb, who has been in Baltimore for the past month, and who attended the annual meeting of the Society of the Cincinnati at Raleigh on Satur day, arrived home Sunday even ing. He was re-elected Presi pent of the Society, a position he has held for several years." The Business of Leading. ' Th* popular leader always takes care to Hod out which way the crowd wishes to go. SEE 'i mt. p OThey Are Here! Who? | y The Original Fun Malcers |s Alfred O. Philipp F 8 . "The King of Tramp |1 Acrobatic" Calvin Clark 0 m Dancer, Impersonator, p Comedy Singer ill Change of Act Each Night |f j 1 Prize Night Tomorrow | Night. Hok} Your * Coupons !i mm tt m WILLIAMSTON, N. C, FRIDAY, APRIL TO, igi 4 An Act To Provide For And Regulate The Holding Of Primary Elections In The County Of Martin The General Assembly of North Caroljna do enact: Section 1. That for the pur pose of selecting candidates for county and township offices, and representative in the Legislature, and for the purpose of selecting delegates to the county conven tion, the Democratic Party in the County of Martin shall hold, at the usual voting places in said county, aprimary election as here in provided. Section 2. The chairman of the executive committee of the De mocratic Party in Martin County on or before the first day of July, one thousand nine hundred and fourteen, shall appoint a regis trar and two mrnagers of each voting precinct in Martin County, who shall constitute the precinct board of managers for holding primary elections in the various 1 precincts of Martin County. Section 3. It shall be the duty of the various registrars so ap pointed to revise the registration books of the various precincts so as to show the names of all quali fied electors therein, and said re gistration books Bhall be kept open for ten days preceding the day for the primary election for the registration of new electors, and said books shall close at eight o'clock on the night pre ceding such primary elections. Section 4. That it shall be the duty of said bqard of of mana gers and they are hereby empow ered and directed to provide for their respective precincts all nec essary ballots for the use of all candidates to be voted for in said primary election, also all necessary ballot boxes, poll books, and all other things necessary for the proper conducting of said primary elections, and that upon demand of said board of mana gers, the registration books of the various precincts of said county shall be turned over to said board of managers for use in said pri mary elections. Section 5. Tne time and hours for holding said primary election in said precincts and the rules governing same, not inconcistent herewith, shall be prescribed by, and carried into effect by the the board of managers herein provided for. Section 6. That only bona fide members of the Democratic Party shall be permitted to 'vote in any primary held by the board of managers for the Democratic Party, and in all cases of chal lenge or dispute same shall be determined by the board of man agers holding said election. Section 7, That at the close of said primary elections the said board of managers shall openly count and declare the result thereaf, and shall name delegates to the county convention, the , number of whom shall not ex ceed the number of votes to which such precinct is entitled in said convention, and the delegates so appointed by said board of man* agers shall vote in said -conven tion in accordance with the re sults so declared, and each can didate shall receive his propor tionate part of the vote as deter mined and declared in said pri mary election : r Provided, that after the third ballot a majority of the delegates of any township may change the vote of such township to meet the wishes of said majority. Section 8. That on the second day after theholding of said pri mary elections said J>oard of managers shall certify and return to the chairman of the executive committee of Martin County the result of same, together with the poll boo*ks and all other papers in connection therewith, and the same shall be open to public in spection. Section 9. That every candi date to be voted for in said pri mary elections, except candidates for justices of the peace, county commissioners, consta bles, the coroner, and county surveyor of Martin County, shall file with each of said board of managers, at least twenty days before such primary election is to be held, a notice in writing of their candidacy, and shall at the same time deposit with said board of managers the sum of two dollars each, to be by said board of managers used in de fraying the expenses of holding said elections. Section 10 That in ease any registrar or manager shall for any cause fail to appear o» the day set for such primary elec tions, it shall be the duty of the others who are present to name his or their successors, and said registrars and managers, before entering upon their duties, * shall take an oath before some justice or notary public that they will honestly and fairly discharge thsir duties as such, and such re gistrars and managers shall hold office for two years from July first, one thousand nine hundred and fourteen, and until their successors are appointed as here before provided. Section 11. That the regis trars herein provided for shall receive as compensation for their services the sum of five cents per name for each new elector whom they may register, and and the managers shall receive for dieir services one dollar per day each for holding said elections, and the pay of said registrars and managers shall be paid out of the deposits herein provided. Section 12. That in all elec tions held under the provisions of this act for county oflicers and for representatives in the Legis lature, the candidate who shall receive a majority of the votes cast in such primary election shall be declared the nominee of his party for the office for which he was a candidate: Provided, that in case any candidates for any such offices shall fail to re ceive a majority of the votes cast in such primary election, then and in that event there shall be held, within fifteen days from the date of the first primary, a second primary, and same shall be held under the same rules and regulations as the first primary: Provided Further, only the two candidates receiving the greatest number of votes in the first pri mary shall be voted for in the second primary. Section 13. That the voters in any to wnship in said county shall have the right, if they so desire, to vote upon and ' ascertain the strength of any candidate to be voted for In the coming election, not herein mentioned, under rules to be prescribed by said board of managers, and upon petition of a majority of the electors in any township it shall be the duty of said board to provide for the holding of the same, and to de clare and return the result. here= in provided For county offices. Secsion 14. That this act shall apply only to the Democratic LOCAL I will preach at the home of Mr. Barnes on the B. F. Godwin farm on Sunday at2o'clock. The public is invited.-J. L. Cherry. The banks here will be closed on Easter Monday. Patrons will keep this in mind. fosit the Gaiety tonight, tomor row night and all other nights. Today is Good Friday and ac cording to the Jewish Calendar comes exactly as it did at the Crucifixion. Pupils in the High School here will participate in the athletic feats at the East Carolina Train ing School on tKe 17th. Rev. T. J. Crisp,will preach at Piney Grove on next Sunday at 11 o'clock. The public is in vited. The Sinking Class from the Oxford Orphan Asylum will be here at the Opera House on April the 17th. Remember "the date and go to hear them. A Concert by the class from the Oxford Asylum will be given here April 17th. Don't fail to hear these trained childaen, who please wherever they go. The siuging Class from the Oxford Asylum will be here on the 17th. Let ua all unite to make the visit of the children from the Oxford Orphan Asylum to our town pleasant and helpful to them and to us, and of great benefit to the canse they repre sent. Those who attend the concert to be given by the Orphans from Oxford will be glad they did so. It will warm the heart, broaden the sympathfes and enlarge the life to see, hear and help these little ones. Bishop Strange at Home Friends here will be pleased to learn that Bishop Robert Strange arrived at his home in Wilming ton last week from Lawrenceville Va., and is greatly improved in health, though not quite strong enough to resume his active du ties. He has been in ville ever since his return from New York, where suffered from a severe attack of illness soon after his arrival there to at* jtcnd the General Convention. The Bishop and Mrs. Strange came from Lawrenceville"to Em poria in an auto, and there board-! j ed the private car of W. N. Roy ! all. General Manager of the A. I C. L. Railroad .and went to Wil mington, where friends met them and accompanied th em to their home on Orange Street Revival Services Editor, The Enterprise, Dear Sir- Will you kindly in sert a notice in the paper that there will be a revival meeting held in the Court House, begin ning Friday night, April 17th, conducted by the writer. R. E. Lee, of Falcon, will have charge of the singing, and a cordial invi tation is extended to all to attend. Yours truly,,* Jesse James. _ Falcon, N. C. Party in the County of Martin: Provided, any political party in said county in its discretion, may hold primaries hereunder. Section 15. That this act shall be in force front md after its ratification. Ratified this the Bth., day of March, A. D. 1913. si.oo a Year in Advance Philathea Carnival The Philathea Class of the Baptist Church held a Carnival at the Masonic Hall on night. A large crowd was in at tendance and took in the "sights" threw confetti, ate the refresh ments offered for sale and thor oughly enjoyed the evening. The "animal" tents were the chief attractions after the menu, anL one had the opportunity of see ing the much-talked-of ground hog and hearing him grnnt. Be sides this there was the 'famous swimming match, which all the little boys and older ones, too, enjoyed. The sum realized was forty or more dollars, which will be used to defray the expenses of the Class. Special Rates The rate to Jacksonville, Fla., from Williamston, on account of the Confederate Veterans Re union is only $12.45, and tickets will be on sale May 3rd, 4th, sth, fith, and 7th, good returning to reach destination prior to mid night, May 15th, 1914. Stop overs allowed in both directions. This is a splendid chance to visit Florida at unusually low rates. For any information, address W. A. Ellison, Agt., Williamston, N. C. Hamilton Items Master David Davenport re turned to his home in Rocky Mount Wednesday. Wilber Worseley spent several days in Oak City last week. C. D. Carstarphen and son were the guests of "Mrs. D.[C. Jones Sunday. James Rawls spent Sunday at his home near Oak City. A* Gladstone Anthony, of ' Hob good, spent Sunday here with his parents. F. L. Gladstone, J. B. Anthony, J. P. Boyle and C. D. Perkins spent Monday in Williamston. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kitchinand children were the guests of Mrs. J. B Cloman Sunday, Mesdames J. A. Davenport, Henry Johnson, F. L. Haislipand Miss Helen Edmonson spent a fewjhours in Scotland Neck Mon day. Missed Horton and Day, of Kentucky, were the guests of Mrs. B. B. Sherrod Sunday. B. B. Sherrod, Jr., and Quilla Hyman, of Tarboro, spent Sun day here. Steve Ewell went to Tarboro Sunday. D. E. Taylor spent Monday in Scotland Neck. J. B. Anthony was called to New Bern Sunday on account of the illness of his sister, Mrs. T. H, Pritchard. Messrs. P. H. Davenport, B. 0. Myers, M. F Mobles; Misses Ra chel Edmonson, Lida Inscoe and Helen Edmonson spent Sunday near Greenville. Misses Ruth Everett and Fan nie Mizell have been the guests of Mrs. R. 0. Everett this week. P. H. Davenport went to Rocky Mount Wednesday. Mrs. C, H. Baker went to Williamston Tuesday. P. L. Salisbury went to Scot, land Neck Sunday and returned Monday with Mrs. Salsbury and children. T. B. Slade Jr., went to Nor-1 folk Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Slade spent Tuesday in Williamston.

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