VOL XV. NO. 28 A H—imm Sign Maurice Moore and John Man ning of the Williamston Electric Company have modeled and erected a handsome sign for the Electric and Telephone Compan ies. It has been suspended be fore the Godard building where the offices of the companies are located. The letters are ename . led on stained glass and the con ception of and work on the sign are creditable to the young men. The light within is strong and glowing, so that the sign can be seen up and down the length of the street. Jury List Jurors drawn for the June , Term of Martin County Court. Jamesville Township. John H. Bailey, J. C. Gardner, J. A. Gardner. Williams Township. John N. Hopkins, R. N. Griffin. Griffins Township. I. F. Griffin, T. R. Getsinger, , Pleny Peel, Alonzo Roberson. Bear Grass Township. M. B. Ward, J. L. Holliday. Williamston Township. J. W. Anderson, R. H. Har ris, J. M. Oakley, J. L. Oakley, Theo. Roberson, W. C. Manning. Cross Roads Township. J. Keel, McG. James, Jerry Leggett, G. D. Gurganus, W. J. Keel. Robersonville Township- R. B Gurganus, A. R. Ausbon, W. A. Roebuck, C. A Roberson, J. T. Stokes. W. W. Keel. * Poplar Point Township. J. A. Pearcy. Hamilton Tcrfrnship. W. S. Rhodes, L. Best Flem ing, W. A. White. Goose Nest Township. J. A. Bennett, B. F. House, W. 0. Council, F. M. Harrell. 1 In Honor Of Miss Hassell „ Last Friday afternoon, the ele ' egant residence of Mrs. Wheeler Martin was the scene of a most delightful "at home" ih honor of Miss Mary Hassell. White and pink was the color scheme and was carried out in decorations of dogwood and other flowers which . made the interior a bower of beauty. Tables for Rook were arranged and places assigned by _ cards, and the game, which was pleasant throughout, commenced. After the game was finisned a delicious ice cream course was served. Then came the surprise c 1 the occasion. Beneath anat .tractive wedding bell with pink decorations?)the bride-elect stood and down came a shower of beau tiful handkerchiefs, gifts of the guests and hostess. This marked the fourth occasion on which Miss Hassell nas been the honoree. 1 7 Mr. Farmer « We have just received load of Hackney Wagons and when you are in need of a good Wagon come to see us, we will save you money. HARRISON BROS. & Co. THE ENTERPRISE State l>r arY LOCAL . Full moon tomorrow. May tenth is Confederate Me moral Day- It falls on Sunday this year and the day following will be observed, Remembor the Battle of Get tysburg at the Gaiety next Wed nesday night. , * There will be no services at the Episcopal Church on Sunday. Fly time, mosquito time and cleaning-up time. Let's get on the jobs. Revive the memories of the war by seeing the Battle of Get tysburg on next Wednesday. Get a special ticket for the children and take them to see the Btatle of Gettysburg at the Gaiety next week. I will preach (D. V.) at the home of Joseph Lilley on Sunday next at 2 o'clock — J. L. Cherry. Rev. Morrison Bethea attended the meeting of the Knight Tem plars at New Berne this week, and preached to the Commandery in Christ Church on Thursday. The meeting held for two weeks by Rev. Jesse James end ed here with the Sunday evening service. During the entire time, good crowds heard Mr. James and many were impressed with his preaching. Once or twice several of his helpers spoke in the unknoWn tongue, as they call it. f . Cherry-Glenn Tuesday morning at the home of the bride's parents on Brog den St., Mr. Marshall Cherry and Miss Carrie Glenn were mar ried, Rev. J. Dallas Howell,Spas tor of the Baptist Church, giving the vows. The bride was attract ively dressed in a traveling suit of cloth with hat and gloves to match, and carried a lovely bou quet. The bride is the daughter of Mr. R. A. Glenn and has many friends here who for her years of unalloyed happiness. •Numerous presents attested the esteem in which she is held. The groom is a well-tordo far mer, who has rececently located fin Williamston and furnished a comfortable home for his bride. After the ceremony, they entered an automobile and drove to the station, where they boarded the cars for Norfolk. Lecture Sunday Rev. R. L. Davis Chairman of the N. C. Anti 'Saloon League will lecture at the town hall Sunday May the 10th at eleven o'clock A. M. and at r 8 P. M. Music by the Choirs of the town. Every ) ody invited. WILLIAMSTON, N. C.. FRIDAY, MAY 8, 1914 Hopkins-Brown The Baptist Church was the scene of a very pretty marriage ceremony on Tuesday evening at eight thirty o'clock when Miss Jessie Brown became the wife of Mr. J. B. Hopkins. The church was prettily decorated in white and pink, the chandeliers were shaded in pink and beautiful spring blossoms of white and pink were placed on thfi_ pulpit and in other parts of the church, and the effect was Very charming and becoming to the young ladies of the wedding party. Mrs. Warren Biggs plaved sev eral selections from the opera "Calvaleira Rusticana", while the spectators were being assembled, and at the appointed hour she be gan the march from Lohengrin which signalled the approach of | the bridal party. The first to enter were Mr. David Brown and Mr. Gordon James, who were follow ed by Misses Mattie Gurganus and Myrtle Woolard, who wore beautiful evening dresses of white and carried large bunches of pink sweet peas, these young ladies were followed by the bridegroom and his best man Mr. Fred Shute, of Roanoke Rapids, who preceed ed the bride and her sister, Miss Mary Dare Brown, who acted as maid of honor. The bride wore a beautiful bridal gown of white satin, with the veil and orange blossoms, and carried a large and graceful boquet of liliea-of-the the valley, and never looked more beautifuf than on this occasion, her English type of beauty was greatly enhanced by her becom ing costume. Miss Mary Dare Brown wore a becoming gown of pink and carried a large bunch of pink roses. Rev. J. D. How ell impressively gave the wed ding vows, using the ring ser vice. After the marriage the party left the church and was carried in automobiles to the resi dence of Mr. Eli Gurganus where a reception was given. Miss Mattie Gurganus gave a reception at her residence on Main Street In honor of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hopkins on Tuesday evening from nine to eleven o'clock. The residence was tas tily and prettily decorated in white and pink, the color scheme at the church. Miss Gurganus and Mr. James met the guests at the door and they were presented to Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins, who received in the drawing room by Miss Myrtle Woolard and Mr. Brown. Miss Mary Dare Brown and Mr. Fred Shute served punch in the hall during the evening. North Carolina, Martin County. « I, W. T. Britton, Tax Collector of Robersonville Township have this day levied on the following tracts or parcels of land, and will sell the same at public auction before the Bank of Robersonville N. C. on the first day of June 1914 for the road for the year 1913 unless the taxes and cost are paid on or before that date. Terms of sale cash This Ist day of April 1914. W. T. Britton, Tax Collector of Robersonville, N. C. Name Description Taxes " Cost Total White for Robersonville Township F. J. McGuire 242 acres Coburn 1 67 1 80 3 47 D. E. House, 50 acres Robt. Staton 67 1 80 2 47 Geo. Harrison, 1 town lot Gold Point 14 1 80 1 94 Walter Harrison Heirs 1 town lot Parmele 8 1 80 1 88 Standard Oil Co. town lot Parmele 1,68 1 80 3 48 T. A. Andrews est. 100 acres Bryant Chanee 12 68 180 14 48 W. E. Bunting 32 acres W. L. Everett 4 34 1 80 6 14 O- L. Whichard 150 acres J. L. Jenkins 2 67 1 80 4 47 S. T. Carson 300 acres Howard 50 1 80 2 30 Mrs. S- H- Tyson 1 town lot Parmele 50 1 80 2 30 J.J. R. Whitfield 249 acres Parker 4 35 1 80 6 15 Robersonville Township Colored Juda Howell 2 acres Vines 3 1 80 183 Hyman Dorsey 1 town lot 5 180 185 Willie Jones 1 town lot 8 1 80 1 88 Hattie Nicholson 1 town lot 4 1 80 1 84 Bryant Andrews 53 acres J. A. Taylor 67 180 247 Ely Best 1 town lot 4 1 180 184 Alf Council 40 acres McMoore _ 67 180 247 Bynum Coffield 1 town lot 8 1 80 1 88 Jno. A. Draper 1 town lot •• * J *1 87 180 367 Granvill Saunders 1 town lot 7 1 80 1 87 Marcus Thomas 1 town lot 20 1 80 2 00 William White 1 town lot 25 1 80 2 05 Appointed Superintendent The Board of Education of Martin County composed of J. T. Waldo, L. B. Wynn, and W. H. Biggs met on Monday and ap pointed Asa. J. Manning to suc ceed R. J. Peel as Superintend ent of Public Instruction of Mar tin County, Mr. Peel having as sumed the duties of the office of the Clerk of the Court on that day. The selection of Mr. Manning was expected, as tne Board of Education is wise in its policy to wards the betterment of the schools of the County. Mr. Manning is a teacher by profes sion, having spent the greater part of his life in the school room, and he is , a successful teacher and is thoroughly in touch with the system and the present day needs of public schools. He possesses a person- which will make him wel-1 come in every school house in the county and his quick perception will ehable him to see readily any need requiring attention. He is a popular and useful minister in the Christian Church, and has been Cashier of the Bank of \ Jamesville since its establish- j ment. His duties as superinten dent will necessitate the giving up of the latter position. The Board of Education is to be highly commended for its ac tion in appointing Mr. Manning to fill the unexpired term of Mr. Peel. Judge Connor's Candidacy Judge George W. Connor has his candidacy for the nomination fbr the Judgeship of this (2nd) District at the next Judicial Convention. Judge Connor's manner has been has been • very pleas ing since his appointment to the bench, and he has made friends wherever he has been. He is a young man of the highest inte grity and has great promises as Judge. We predict that Martin C'oun tp will give him a unanimous vote to succeed himself. The Judicial Convention has been called to meet at Rocky Mount on May 30th., 1914. Messrs. J. B Watters, C. B- Harrison, N- S. Peel and James Sitterson are attending the Con. federate Reunion at Jacksonville, Fla., this week. Delightful refreshments were served to the many guests. Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins received many congratulations and good wishes, and each one present wished for them a long life-filled with joy and happiness. PERSONAL , i Miss Florence Hornthal return ed to Plymouth Sunday. Dr. B. L. Long was here on Monday. Miss Annie Fagan was guest of her brother, F. F. Fa gan ,at Rocky Mount Sunday. Miss Hannah Vic Fowden is visiting Mrs. C. B. Clark in Dur ham this week. Attorney E.JL. Stewart, of Wash ington, was here Tuesday on business. Gordon James left Wednesday morning for Parmele to attend the funeral of his neice, Mrs. Thomas Whitley. Fountain Lipscomb left Wed nesday for Norfolk. Mrs. F. R. Freeman, of Atlan ta, and Mrs. Hermon Hornthal. jof Norfolk, are the guests of Mrs. James S. Rhodes. l)r. J. E. Smithwick was here from Jamesville Wednesday. Mrs C. M. Lanier, Chas. Biggs and Richard Smith are at home from Arden. I Da' id Carter with a party of j friends was here from Washing ton Sunday. Wiley Rogerson was here from Robersonville Monday. J. L. Croom was in town Mon day attending the session of the Board of County Commissioners. ftev. A. J. Manning spent Monday in town on business. A Corey newly appointed post master at Jamesville, was in town Monday. " * " Messrs. Jno. W. Manning and Henry G. Gurganus spent Sun day evening in Plymouth. v- " * Mr. and Mrs. Joseph "Everett after a visit here of several weeks, left Sunday for New York City. W. B Watts spent Sunday here _ / Beflflower-Johnson I At the home of Mr. Charles j Johnson, father of the bride, near Oak City on April 30th., 15)14; at 1:30 o'clock P. M., Mr. John Bell flower and Miss Ida Johnson were married in the presence of a number of friends, Rev. J. T. Stanford, of William ston, performing the ceremony. Mrs- Benjamin Everett skillfully rendered the Wedding March, playing softly during the giving of the vows. After the cere mony, Mr. and Mrs. Bellflower lett for a trip North. The l)ride and groom are popu lar young people of the Oak City section and have a host of friends who desire their continued hap piness. Our Service Includes Satisfaction or Your Honey Refunded * Paint Your House ! With Harrison's Town and - Country | Paint. Never-failing, Never-fading, | Ever-preserving I Watch Our Window Exhibit I Saunders & • -Fowdeti f DRUOQISTS ' I WILLIAMSTON - . - NORTH CAROIJN* I If we served you wel I,please call again, ii not* tell «* that wc I may repair the wrong* before too late. We need your j sr.oo a Year in Advance- / Bitten By Pappy. About ten days ago, a mad dojr bit three dogs owned by Leoa Stalls, son of W. L. Stalls, bat' the animals were not kilted- Tuesday morning one of the pap pies bit Leon, and fearing ra bies, he had the animal kilted and forwarded the head to Ral eigh for examination. ShouW the examiner find any sign «T of the rabies, Leon will go imme diately to Raleigh for treatment It is never safe to trust any Jog which has been bitten by anoth er susposed to have been mad at the time. Soiree-Dansant A most pleasing and novel en tertainment was the soiree-daa sant given on last Friday even ing at the close of the dancing class which has been conducted by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tildes, of Pittsburg, Penn. The affair was somewhat in the nature of a cabaret, tables at which the dan cers sat were placed about the ball room, and during the even ing light refreshments were served. A committee composed ;of Messrs. C. B. Hassell, John L. Hassell and P. F. Apfel were appointed to judge the best dan cers during the evening and the*' decided to award the prizes Miss Annie Lanb and Biggs. Mr. and Mrs Tilden are very graceful exponents of the' modern dances and during their class they gave instructions m the Spanish Waltz, La Cromptan, .Castle Waltz; Lame Duck aaA- t the Hesitation. Those present were: Misses Delia Lanier, Annie Lamb, Anna Beth Purvis, Eloise Meadows; Annie Faf?an, Irene Smith, Mary Hassell, Mrs. Carrie Biggs Wik liams, Mrs. .1. S. Rhodes, Mrs. il G. Stiton, Mrs. Kader B. Craw ford, Mrs. C. B. Hassell, Mrs. P. F. Apfel, Mrs. P. B. Cone, Mrs. F. U. Barnes, Mrs. G-->W. Keith, and Messrs. Wilson G. Lamb, Jr- Charles. H. Godwin, Clay tow Moore, Harry A. Biggs, W. Jackson, Oscar Anderson, W. H. Gurkin, Collins Peele, Charles B. Baker, Kader B. Crawford, J. G. Staton, Dr. P. B. Cone, John L. Hassell, C. B. Hassell, Dr. J. S - Rhodes and Maurice Watts. Announcement Commencement exercises of' the Williamston Colored Graded I School will be held at the Court House, Tuesday and Wednesday nights, May 19th., and 20th., 1914. 1 Concert Thursday night at the L. and C. Hall presenting "The Deestrick Skule of 50 year? ago." W. T. Alexander, Prin_