* 25-YEAR CASE OFJC2EMA CURED Mr. Butler Edgar of Danville, Pa., wrttee: "I hare had an aggrarated case of Eczema for orer 26 years. My hands were unsightly for a great part ot that long period. I hare used seven 60c. bottles ot Hancock's Sulphur Compound and one Jar of Hancock's Sulphur Ointment. I feel as though 1 had a brand new pair of hands. My case has been such an aggravated one. Hancock's Sulphur Compound has cured me and I am certain It will cure anyone If they persist In using II qi according to directions." Hancock's Sulphur Compound and Ointment are •old by all dealers. Hincock /Liquid Sulphur Co., Baltimore, Md—Adv. A Blgn. Patience —Hsve you seen Mrs Styles' new hst? Patrice —No, but I saw her husband, this morning, and he had a terribly long face, it must be a corker. _______——— I If your horse Is kicked or cut by barbed wire, apply Hanford's Balsam. Adv. • - A Ssmple. "Is there such a thing as marina courtesy?" "Oh, yes; there's a ship's bow." AFTER SUFFERING TWO LONG YEARS Mra. AaeliivWas Restored to Health byLydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. Minneapolis, Minn.—"After my little ! one was born 1 wax sick with pains in [ pr, :.! I,! J ■jiijjjyjiL|':!!H!iiii|l n, y which the j | doctors said were caused by inflamma jß, tin". I SllllYml a iM"* «•» HI groat deal every v-rf W monl h&nd grow very ! Y \ -«v /•* | thin. 1 was under tho V * A doctor's cart for two ! ' y° ar * without : an y benefit. Finally j Itt t*yW / a ' ter Mpeated sug- j I / Rostions to try it we | I ft •> /» \ T ,./ |g ot Pink ham's Vegetable Comj)ound. After tak ing the third bottle of tho Compound I was able to do my housework and today lam strong and healthy again. I will j answer letters if anyone wishes to know about my case. "—Mrs. JOSEPH ASKLIN, I 628 Monroe SL,N.E.,Minneapolis,Minn. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, made from nntive roots and j herbs, contains no narcotics or harmful drugs, and today holds tho record of being the most successful remedy wo j know for woman's ills. If you needsuch j a medicine why don't you try it ? If you have the slightest doubt that V'.vrilti 13. IMnk hum's Vegeta ble Coin|H>iiiiil will help you,write to Lyrihi K. l'i nkliiitu MedlcinoCo. (confidential) I.ynn.Mass., foriul vice. Your letter will IKS opened, read and unnwered by n woman* and held In Mtrlct confidence. Why Scratch? t"Hunt'sCure" isguar anteed to stop and permanently cure that terrible itching. It is compounded for that purpose and your money will be promptly refunded WITHOUT QUKBTION if Hunt's Cure fails to cure Itch, Ecsema, Tetter, Ring Worm or any other Skin Disease. 50c at your druggist's, or by mail direct if he hasn't it. Manufactured only by A. B RICHARDS MEDICINE CO.. Sliinasii.Tun AW mams ' Pil % CHOW AMD mtUMONIA MHIIK/ \tUMC.WWOriUIIAiJM / \«MMf aatAsi eo,/ Goose Grease Liaiiaat coras all acbas and psina To cars co*tlvene» the medicine rnunt hs ■Mr* than • purgative; It mutt contain tonic, ■lterative ami cathartic properties. tutt's Pills passes* the** quail tie •, and *peedl|y re • tor* tathe bowel* their natural peristaltic mat 100, so essential to 111 nlai" i FREE TO ILL SUFFERERS it JOB (Ml 'OUT Of H»n' 'SI * DOWN' ■•ortht BLl'n' ssrrsa tr\>m KIMIST, IUDIXI, MMRT'I DIUHU, caauaio 'UKW, N.'-«u, saia inrrtron, MUM, writ* for FRKK cum BOI'MD MMUL ao»I os thw* dlHu* and WOKMMTUI. enn RFMVL bj TVTE RAP fo N UMnrnal; tor Tor* um ailment Abaoluial* Ffttt. No 'follow up' elrrulara. Su obligation*. I)t. 1.1C1.U0 a*B Co.. Ha**b*TO a Ru HinnniD, l-oKim*. ba 1 wa WWT to nota rasatnoa WILL ctiaa TOO. SALVE |dT«*la»»tlaM raltof for all klodsof Pll.Kftsnd Ul wtaSarfal •litlif for Kt'ZKMA.CH A Hi'Kl> IfANJ»H,Ht»BKS Md aar furai of SKIN |»IH > TIC COURTNEY DRUG COMPANY Baltlaaora, Md. UfflMVCn Men to le*rt> barber trad*.' ■Mlrll weeks reauirsd. ■w nil I hw Steady position for eom petaßtjrntflaatea. Wonderful demand for bar , oer*. Wa*eawblle learning; freeoatalo*; writ* MCMONS KUltlt COLLEGE. Willi lined. Va. | ||ira Soil DM Jons of o«r fast ssllsi IMPROVEMENTS AT STATE FAIR GROUND BUILDING PLACE OF PUBLIC COMFORT FOR MEN AND REPAIRING. * DISPATCHES FROM RALEIGH Dalnga and Happenings That Mark the Progreee of North Carolina Feo pie Gathered Around the Btata Capital. Raleigh. Extensive Improvements are now being made at the state fair ground*, and arrangements are being made for the holding of the neat great state fatr, which la expected to. be the very heat In the history of the institution. A considerable amount of money Is helng expended, and more will be added to the Improvement fund as the time draws near for the opening of the big annual ahow In October of this year. A place of public comfort for men, which is something new, Is now be ing erected near the east entrance. This Is to be 40 by 12 feet, and will IH» fitted up In a slyle In keeping with the way In which the officers of the association generally transact their business nffairs. The main exhibit building Is being repaired and perhaps more la being done here than anywhere else on the fair grounds. The old partlllons are being torn out and will be rearranged HO as to afford more space and better futilities for displaying tho various exhibits that will be placed In It this y«ar. It Is the plan of the fair associ ation to line this building one more year, and then It will be torn nway to make room foT larger arid more spa cious exhibit sections, if it were torn away tit tills lime, another could not lie erected by the time the fair opens up In the full, and It has been decided to spend some money oil It and patch it up to he used for this swiHon. Though the race track will be Im proved more later on, It Is not at es caping the notice of those working on the grounds. It will he dragged later In the summer, and will be put into llrst class condition. It has been stated that the street car line will be double-tracked all the way from Capitol Square to (he fair grounds by the time the fair opens I his year, and this will grently facilitate the handling of the crowds that are expected to bo here for the occasion, l'reparatlons are now being made for this extension, and no time will be lost In beginning the work. Wants N. C. Fish Commission. Dr. Joseph Hyde l'ratt, state geolo gist, here recently en route to Atlan tic City to attend the annunl meeting of the Nationnl Association of Shell Fish Commissioners In session there He will he Joined by State Oyster ommlHsloner Qobhs of Oriental and State omnilssloner J. H. Lclloy of lOlUabeth Ity, and the three will seek to ascertain at the convention JUHI what Is best to be done to build up the llsh and oyster industry In this slate, so thai the oyster Interests of North arollna may get out of the condition of being almost a negligible quantity In the grand total of the oyster Indus try for the whole Atlantic coast. I)r. l'ratt says that Virginia, Ala Imma, Louisiana, Maryland, New Jer sey and all the ststes on the New Eng land coast have llsh and oyster luws fur superior to North Carolina and that what he is striving for Is the es tablishment of n state llsh commission to have absolute control of the flsh an doyster Interests the slate nnd conserve them BO that there will be a steady Increase In supply and qual Ity Instead of demoralization and de terioration all the time. Clarence Poe Buey Lecturer. Clarence J'oe has accepted an Invi tation to deliver on address before tho Southern Sociological Conference at Memphis, Tenn., In a few days on "Developing the Community Spirit In Rural Sections." He will also make a number of commencement addresses this month as follows: Lllflngton, May 11; Smlthfleld. May 15; Wake-, lonfl May 21; Winston-Salem, May 29. North Carolina Men Sign Memorial. A Washington special says Senator Overman introduced a bill for the re lief of the heirs of Gaston S. Wilder, of Wake, who waa robbed of about $60,000 worth of property during the Civil War by Union soldiers. The me meorlal sent from Galveston, Texas, to Senator Stone of the committee on foreign relations by 250 refugees from the Tamplco territory of Mexico short ly after the American forces took pos session of ,Vera Crux was signed by John E. Eads and William H. Eads of North Carolina. ■I ■ ■ Fire Insurance Hearing July 11. It Is learned that the investigation of the conduct of fire Insurance com panies In this etate will be resumed in this city July 11 by the commission appointed for the purpoae and that the expectation is that the task of 'aklng evidence will be concluded at 'hat time. The law firm of Manning ft Kkchln la special counsel for the . ommlsslon, conducting the examlna lon of wltneasee and outlining- the urocedure generally, and the tnforma lon that June 11 Is the next date tor resumption of slttlnga. THE ENTERPRISE, WILLIAMBTON, NORTH OABOLDfA, North Carolinian* Honoreo. A Washington dispatch sa/a. North Carolina is being honored by the Dem ocrats of tlie nation, as a roll-call of the men In high position will show. Two cabinet officers —Joeepbus Dan iels, secretary of the navy and David F. Houston, secretary of agriculture— an ambassador, Walter Hlnes Page, at the Court of St. James; Major K. J. Hale, the American representative at Costa Rica are Tar Heel*. Colonel William H. Osboa, of Greensboro, Is commissioner ot int*r nal revenue; ex-Gov. Robert Glenn, a member of the International boundary commission, and B. J. Justice, a ape ial attorney In the department of Jo*- tlce. m Thomas J. Pence Is chief publicity man for the national Democratic exec utive committee. When Mr. Webb Is installed as chairman of the Judiciary committee of tbe house, and he will be wkhin * short while and Representative Kitch en elected leader of the house, North Carolina's cup of Joy will be full and running over. Recent Stat* Charter*. Three new corporation* were char tered a* follows: The Oranvllle Pharmacy, Creedmore, Oarnivlle conn ty, capital $50,000 authorized aad SS, 000 subscribed by L. V. Pearce aad others for a general drug business. The Henderson Grain ft Feed Co- Henderson, capital SIO,OOO authorised, and SB,OOO subscribed by J. B. Poy thress and other*. The past several dsys have been spent by Dr. Joseph Hyde Pratt, *tate geologist, in Person county where he has been taking a hand in thf cam palgn for a $160,000 bond Issue for road hulldlng. The election ia to come off May 12 and Dr. Pratt be lleves that the apodal" tax will be voted. Carolina Cigar Company of Green* l»oro; to manufacture and deal in cigars; authorized capital, SIO,OOO, with SII,OOO paid In by I. L., C. E. and L. M. Ferree. ■ Asks For Historical Btat*ment A special request came from Com missioner of Education P, P. Claxton to Secretary H. D. W. Connor "of the North Carolina Historical Commls alon, asking that he prepare at once a special statement of the past and present work of the commission, this statement to be used Ja a special news bulletin that the bureau of edu cation will issue soon for use in the newspapers throughout the United States. In making this request Com mlssloner Claxton wrote Secretary Connor that "the work of the kind your commission is doing baa each great educational value that I would like to have for publication In a bul lotln of the. bureau a ocmplete ac count of all the work of the kind that Is being done In tbe United States," Seven Graduates at Meredith There are seven graduates to re ceive diplomas when Meredith Col lege holds Its commencement season May 23 to 25. They are Miss Mary lOlolse Doloutche, Norfolk, Va.; Miss Lain Lucy IMxon, Slier City; Mis* Mary Alma Elliott, M&ckey's Ferry; Miss Carollnn Melke Qough, Lumber ton; Miss Mae France* Grimmer, (.'apt Charles, Va.; Miss Katharine Camp hell Johnson, Thomasvllle; Miss Katta erlne Parker Knowles, Mount Olive The enrollment the past year was 23J and the year has' been one of very sat isfactory scholastic and financial r* suits for the Institution. Wheat Outlook Is Good. Commissioner of Agriculture W. A. Graham says that the weather condi tions Just now are Ideal for the devel opment of the wheat crop In North Carolina and that th eoutlook now is for as fine a yield as the state has ! ever had. Major Graham says, too, that the farm work generally Is now well advanced. The cotton crop and the corn crop Is about all In in many sections, although there are sections where the lowlauds set aside for corn are not yet planted. Improvement* Cost $250,000. Thtf exterior work on the remodel- Ing and enlargement of the govern ment. bulldlt g here Is about com pleted except for the cleaning of the old stone on the front of the building to harmonize with the new stone that had to be used. The other outside walls are about all cleaned and look Uke new stone. It will require a year probably to get the building ready for reoceupancy. The Improvements are costing upwards of $250,000. Test Search and Seizure Law. An indictment was returned by th* Wake county grand-Jury against tha Seaboard Air Line for violating tha search and soizure act that Is sure to be carried to the United States su preme court in the opinion of counsel connected with the case. The Sea board refused to exhibit to Rev. R. L Davisi superintendent of the anti-sa-' loon league, the books showing all li quors delivered. The Seaboard's con tention Is that under the interstate commerce act the company is not al lowed to show deliveries to citizens. Graham County Electa Superintendent The Graham county authorities re port to the Btate department of edu cation that J. H. Moody has been elected superintendent of the public schools of the county to succeed T. A. Carpenter, deceased. State Su perlntendeut Joyner expresses regret that Graham county did not take ii[ th* matter of consolidating the su perlntendency for that county with one of the adjacent counties with a view to havlhg one superintendent de vote his entire time to the work in stead of exclusively for Graham. NEXT AMOSBORO STATE FEDERATION WOMAN'S CLUES ADJOURNS TWELFTH ANNUAL SESSION. REFORMS ARE ADVOCATED Organization Make* Proteat Against Promlaouous Papular Song* and Sanitary Law*. Payettevllle. Following the elec tion of officers and tbe choice of Golds boro as tbe place of meeting next year, the North Carolina Federa tion of Women's Club* adjourned it* twelfth annual session hare. Tbe busi ness-like progreaslveneas of tbe or ganization baa been a cause of no ■mall wonder ot those unfamiliar with the work of the state club wo men, who,have shown themselves well Informed on current queatkma and practical in the plans for the ad vancement of tbe cause of a fuller womanhood. At session the commUtee of cour-- tesles warmly thanked the local com mittee*. all citizens who had helped In eiftertainlng the visitors and the liodge of Elks in particular for tbe kindness shown the delegates during their stay la this city. Thank* wer* also given Mr*. Pennybacker, presi dent of the General Federation ,for her presence here snd the inspiration of her address before tb conventlop. Three officers elected as followa: Mis* Gertrude Well, Goldnboro, first vice president; Mrs. A. C. Avery, Morganton, recording secretary; Mrs. D. Y. Cooper, Henderson, treasurer. Other officers of the state organize* tlon remain the same. As delegates to /he biennial con ventlon of the General Federation in Chicago next month the following were chosen: Mrs. R. R. Cotten, llruce; Mrs. T. W. Llngle, Davidson; Mr*. W. T. Hrock, Fayettevllle; Mrs. Al. Falrbrother, Greensboro; Mr*. C ('. Hook, Chsrlotte; Mrs. B. I. Long, Stateavllle. Alternates are Mrs. W. (J. Rogers, Charlotte; Mrs. R. F. I leas ley, Monroe; Mrs. E. E. Moffßt, Mrs. T. B. Reynolds, Fayettevllle; Miss Delia Cllne. A protest was offered by the fed eration In a resolution againat popu lar songs of such a nature as might be harmful to young people. Tbe resolutions ask that the State De partment of Education issue-a ques tional™ to obtain Information that will aaalst in the investigation of,tbe economic atatua of women public school teachers in tbo state. Tbe federation went on record as favor ing more modest dress tor women and the patronage of the American designers of styles. The movement to rthe establishment of a home for fallen women was endorsed, a proteat made against spitting In public places and the enforcement of sanitary laws was urged. By a rising vote thanks were given Mrs. Wlggln of Boston for the gift of $l5O to the Sallle Cotton loan fund "News" Buy* "Chronicle." Charlotte. Formal announcement has Just been made by The Observer Company of the sale by it to The News Publishing Com|pny of Its afternoon paper. The Evening Chron icle and coincident with this an nouncement comes the statement that the two afternoon papers will be merged and that hereafter, instead of these being two competitive factors in the local afternoon field, there will be only one. The satct which has been pending for some little time, was consummated recently and an nounced recently slmultsneously by the two papers most Interested.» The transfer includes the subscriptino lists, advertising contracta, subscrip tion contracts, the Associated Press franchise and the name and good will —* considerable factor, of The Chron ica*. Prlzea For Better Lawn*. Ashevllle. —The Civil Metterment League has decided upon a novel plan for arousing interest In civic Im provements nmong the younger peo ple of the city, having launched a con teat In which prises will be awarded to those students of the— public schools who make the greatest im provements on the property surround ing their homes. Big Fir* At Reidsvllle. Reidsvllle Fire was discovered in the top story of the large tobacco manufacturing plant of Robert Har ris ft Bro. a few mornings ago. The fire department responded promptly, but owing to the big start the flames had gained before discovered it was impossible to save the building. Some tobacco and the office fixture* were ■aved. The plant was completely de stroyed, including about 150,000 pounds of leaf and manufactured to bacco. The total loss will probably reach $70,000 with aome insurance. Finger Sentenced te Death. Salisbury.—Conviction of the mur der ot L. Preston Lyerly, a merchant at Barber, on the night of February 24, Sid Finger, negro, waa aentenced by Judge W. P. Harding, holding Rowan Superior Court, to die in tbe electric chair at Raleigh June 10. After bejng shot to death Lyerly was burned into a crisp in the store of H. T. Smithdeal of which he waa man- Finger was placed on trial t.garfy in tbe day and the evidence waa concluded shortly after noon. Tbe defendant did not take tbe stand. LL.** | A CREAMERY FOR IREDEU. Only * Question of Location domain* to bo Settled Before Organization of Creamery. Statesvlll*.—At a meeting of dairy* men, farmer* aad business men bold at tbe court house hero to consider the establishment of a co-operative creamery in the county, a committee was appointed to confer with a com mittee appointed at a similar meeting held in Moore* rill* for tbe parpaae of "deciding on the location of the creamery. The creamery la to be lo cated at either Btatesvllle or Mooree riUe, aad this committee Is to decide oa whl-h of theee two places sball get it. Tbe plan la to let tbe end of the county which gets the location fuf> nish the capital to build, equip gad operate the creamery, with the un derstanding that all the dairymen of the county support it, regardless of the location. At a meeting held last Pall hi the Interest of a creamery it was decided to establish cream routes in tbe coun ty and ship to the Catawba Creamery at Hickory until a sufficient amount of cream was being collected to oper ate successfully a home plant. Last month's cream collections amounted to 6,000 pounds or more of butter fat, which is enough to make the creamery a paying enterprise from the beginning. The dairymen and farmers on tbe routes are adding more good cows to their herds and other route* are to be established. It Is the purpose of tbe promoters to also handle poultry aad eggs through the creamery on the plan of the Cstawba plant. Investigations by Superintendent Meacham of the Iredell Test Farm reveal that an average of four car loadn of poultry and eggs a week are exported from the county the year round. Big Things For May 20. Charlotte. —The Mecklenburg Deo laratlon Society received a letter from Commander W. C. Abbott of Port Moultrles stating that a special train will arrive here at 6 o'clock on the morning of May 20 bringing by the Southern Hallway 140 men, in cluding a band and a company of coast artlirery clothed as Infantry. They will laav* here that nlgbt at 11 o'clock. The contract waa signed for a sen sational high wire bicycle act. ' Tbe contractor will ride a bicycle on a wire stretched between the tops of the city's two skyscrapers over 160 feet high and 550 feet long. Thla be will do twice dally at 11 In the morn ing and at 8 o'clock at night on May 19. 20 and 21. This will be the most spectacular event ever given in this city, unless one la to except aviation ad this is now much more novel than stralghtout aviation. The contract for an unusual balloon act has been practically executed, aeronaut will be shot out of a bomb and will descend to earth by means of a parachute. —. Open Horn* goon.' Klnston. —Wltli the completion of the first two buildings, the Kennedy Memorial Home at Falling Creek, near here, is now expected to be opened within 60 or 00 days. The two buildings finished are the Lenoir building, donated by Lenoir county subscriptions and the Biggs building, given by an Individual. They are nandeome brick dormitories, similar In appearance. The home will be the eastern branch of the North Carolina Haptiat orphanage at Thomasvllle. Suspends Publication. Raleigh.—The State Journal, pub lished here the past two years by Alex J. Feld and R. P. Reasley as a "weekly mirror of North Carolina life." suspended publication with a final eight-page edition. An editorial statement! ■ tot he effect that this step is necessitated b> lack of ede quale support In subscriptions and advertising and that, pbould publica tion not be resumed at once, arrange menta will be made for one of the leading newspapers of the state tc take the subscriptions. Ex-Governor Qlenn Speaks. Raleigh.—Ex-Oovernor Robert B. Qlenn will deliver tbe principal ad dress at the commencement of the Normal and Industrial Bchool of Al | bemarle. The program tor the cotn meocement has been announced aid the dates on which It will be held are May 22, 23, 24, 25 and 20. | ... Success From Beginning. Qreensbora—The Guilford county creamery, recently established undet the auspices of U County Farmers' Union, is iolng a splendid buslnees, and it is believed that the promises of promoters in the outset will be more than realized. J. A. HOT naday, who formerly coduoted a creamery at Liberty, la in charge of the enterprise. Lloyd Combs Is as sisting in the work. Farmers within a radium of 20 and SO milea of Qreeas boro are now sending their milk to tbe creamery. / Orders School Election. Hendersonville. The Henderson county board of education has order ed an election to be held on June 8 to decide on consolidating Reedy Patch and DeWltt school districts and on the levy of a special school tax of 20 cents oa the SIOO worth of prop erty and SO cents on tbe poll. The board was petitioned to take this course following an educational rally at Eduesvllle this ' month. Then a number of speeches were made con cern lag the advantages of better edu cational facllitia. OWN KB* or MAXWELL- BRISCOE 2-Cytinder Can IfcrHwr rwtkmr Mr far These Cets^^frawUs^ Maxwdl Motor Sales Corporstioe WtwtMde. Imdlmmm _' African Boers. The Ttuitul colony Is now i part of V>« British empire, fa the sawa way thai Canada, or Australia, or Rhodesia Is. The Boors are treated precisely as the other people of the empire are treated, and unless the Canadians and Australians and others are slaves. It cannot be said that tie Boers are. The Transvaal colony has local self-government, subject to the Imperial parliament In federal Mat ters, and the same may be said of all the-'Other British colonies. RESINOL WILL HEAL BABY'S ITCHING SKIN Reslnol ointment and reslnol soap are absolutely free from anything of a harsh or Injurious nature, and can therefore be used with perfect confi dence in the treatment of babies' skin troubles —ecsema, teething rash, chaf- Ings, etc.—where you wouldn't dare use ordinary "skin-cures." Reslnol •tops itching Instantly and speedily heals even severe and stubborn erup tions. Doctors have prescribed It for the past nineteen years. Reslnol soap and reslnol ointment clears away pimples, blackheads and dandruff, and Is an Invaluable house hold remedy for sores, burns, bolls, piles,ete. Sold by every druggist.—Adv. Rsstful Exercise. A bint for the tired housewife when there's no time for napping: Lie flat on the floor —a bed or couch won't do —for 15 minutes. Exhale and continue to relax and, when the time Is up you'll feel alto gether different. Do not put a pillow or anything elst under the head. Sun for a Blotter. It is only within recent yd&rs that we have been able to obtain any reli able Information regarding the social. *" political and religious conditions that surrounded the great founder of tho Hebrew race while he dwelt In Ur. Here he married Sarah and here he was surrounded by his friends and relatives, including Lot, his nephew, who was his companion In his later journeylngs. Hero he was surround ed by a heathen population worship ing Bel (Baa!) and Beltls, his con sort, and other gods. Here he must frequently has seen the splendor of Dabylonlan royalty and the idolatrous worship of heathen gods. Here also be must have been conversant with Babylonian literature and familiar with the wedge-shaped cuneiform writ ing In which all business and official correspondence was then conducted. These writings were done with a sty lus of hard wood or metal with a square end. This wss pressed on the soft clay, which was then hard ened either by sun-drying or baking. These tablets were the standard writ ing materials—the stationery—of that far-off age.—Christian Herald. He is a wise man who knows h Isn't wise enough to snswer all th« fool questions asked him. Simplified Breakfasts Make lor good days Prom a package of fresh, crisp Post Toasties fill a bowl and add cream or "milk. Then, with aome fruit, a cap of Instant Poatnm, and a poached egg or two if you " like, you have a aimple break- Cast that is wholesome and satisfying. Toasties are bits of corn carefully cooked, delicately seasoned, and toasted to an appetising "brown" without being toadied by hand. They look good, taste good, and The Memory Lingers* Sold by Grocers - .. !V "K Everywhere! :

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