VOL XV. NO. 35 Criamial Cues The following cases were dis posed of at the June Term of Court: Albert Woolard and Leslie Hodges. D.R.C. Plead guilty. Prayer continued on payment of cost. Geo. Loyd and Geo. Knight, i A. D. W. Guilty. S2O each and cost. -Perry Everett and Henry Chance. Assault Guilty. Judge ment that each pay one-half of cost Guilford Cotten. A. D. W. Prayer continued on payment of cost' Moses and Franklin Bell. A- D. W. Plead guilty. Judgment that each pay one-half of cost. Jim Hardison. L. H. Lilleyand H. E. Lilley. A. D. W. Plead guilty. Each to pay one-third of cost. L. H. Lilley, Luther Hardison and John Price. A. D. W. Plead not guilty. Special jury chosen Verdict guilty. Sentenced to jail for one year with the privilege of authorities hiring on the Edge combe Roads. Hanson Eborn. C. C. W. Guilty Six months in jail and to be hired to Edgecombe. John James. A. D. W. Guilty. $lO Mid cost. John James. C. C. W. Guilty. Paid cost- Will Grimes. Assault Guilty. Paid $25 and cost Jonas Savage. Robbery. Guilty bf assault Six months on roads. Jonas Savage. C. C. W. Guilty Prayer continued. Edward Hyman. A. D. W. Guilty. Judgment suspended upon payment of SB6 to Ben Hyman. ... Mack Cotten. Nol pros. J. W. Briley. Assault Gutfty. $26 and cost Berry James and Freeman Miller, Jr. Guilty. Each to pay one-half cost Will Andrews. A. D. W, Guilty To pay cost Essex Spruill. Larceny. Not guilty. Luke Slade and Frank Griffin. Larceny. Guilty. Paid cost and including $3 for W. F. Ha3dison. John H. Edwards. Guilty. Prayer continued upon .payment of cost. Ned Williams, Jr., A. D. W. Guilty. Six months in jail. Ned Williams, Jr.,; Assault. Guilty. Prayer continued, L. H. Lilley, Luther Hardison and John Price. Judgment here tofore rendered in this action is stricken out, prisoners iiaving paid into court S4OO for the bene fit of colored men, cost of action ""and board in jail for 30 days. Ordered that the prisoners be confined in Martin County jail until July isth, 1914, on which day they shall be discharged. $250 is to be paid at once to Hy man Woolard and SSO each to King Riddick, Elvin May and Geo Daijiel. ■ : Mr. Alfred J. Roberson The death'of Alfred J. Rober son occurred at his home in Grif fins Township night. He had bright's disease and died of heart failure. ' e He was one of Martin County's prosperous farmers and had la bored diligently with his hands, being engaged in fanning and in the operation of a saw and grist mill and cotton gin. He leaves a wife and six children to nliss him from the home. Funeral services conducted on Wednesday by Elder John Roger son, and a large, number of sym pathizing friends were present to pay the last mark of respect to the dead. THE ENTERPRISE LOCAL Monday was the longest day in the year and there was nothing the matter with the heat thereof. Pictures Framed. FOR SALE.—Feather beds in excellent condition cheap for each. Apply to Dr. J. S. Rhodes. City. Pictures. Hassell's lane has been closed permanently. One of the employees at the Cooperage Mill accidently cut one of his hands on Saturday. Dr. York gave him attention as quick ly as possible. Pictures Framed at Courtney's. Thomas Lilley of Griffins Town ship has accepted a position with the S. R. Biggs Drug Co. A steam pressing club is one of thetiiings which will beestab lishedTnere soon, it is rumored. Nice line of picture moulding at Countney's. Arthur Bernard, who has been here some time with the Gaiety Theatre, gave a show on Monday evening. Despite the storm, a fair crovtyl was in attendance- He left Tuesday for Philadelphia and from there will go to Coney Island for the season. Lighting, rain and wind struck this section on Monday afternoon and relieved the extreme heat The rain was needed by the crops though it had been only a /few days since it had rained. The telephone and telegraph wires were crossed up so that it was difficult to get messages out of town for some hours. The ordinance regulating the speed and lights on automobiles will be rigidly enforced from to day on. The speed limit, is 10 miles and all machines must carry rear and front lights. Chief of Police Sawyer will enforce the ordinance, which will mean more safety to the people. Joseph A. Mizell, a Martin County man who is making good in Farmville, Pitt Connty, has been in town tftis week meeting old friends. He is senior mem ber of the firm of J. A. Mizell & Co., .who do a general mercantile business in FarmvHle, the other member of the firm, WillardTeel, is also a Williamston man. Mar tin County men are very apt to make good wherever they settle. The Gaiety Theatre closed for the season on Saturday night. It is regretted that the managers decided to close it, as during the months it has been open, good shows have been enjoyed ♦ every night. It is expected that a fea ture will continue to be given one night in the week, and some splendid plays have been booked for the fall season among them being "The Sins of The Father" by Thomas Dixon. Managers Martin and Fowden are to* be commended for their efforts to give the show-loving people here something entertaining. Severely Injured Monday afternoon, while on the roof of the new residence being erected for Dr. York, Charlie Hoard, who is employed by J. C- Norris, tinner, fell to the ground and sustained a compound frac ture of the hip. He was remov ed to his room at the home of Kader Rogers and given medical attention by Dr. York. It is hoped that his injuries will not hinder him in the future, as he is s very industrious and deserv ing young man. WILMAM6TON. N. C., FRIDAY-JUNE 26, 1914 Migratory Bird Law An act of Congress approved March 4th. 1913, relating the protection of Migratory Insec tivorous birds thoughout the United States, provides that ail birds in this class are protected indefinitely. For the purpose of enforcing these regulations the United States has been divided into thirteen districts, and Mr. Theo. S. Meekins, of Manteo, N. C., is the District Inspector for the territory including North Carolina- The purpose of this act is for the protection of the farmer and it is claimed by the Department of Agriculture of the United States, that if the insectivorous birds were destroyed the farmer would have to go out of business. Entomologists have estimated that insects yearly catise a loss of upwards of seven hundred million dollars to the agricultural interest of the United States. Were it not for our birds the loss would be very much greater, and indeed, it is believed that with out the aid of our feathered friends, successful agriculture would be impossible. A know ledge of the birds that protect his crops is, therefore, as impor tant to the farmers as a know ledge of the insect pest which destroy them. Some idea of the money value of the sparrow group of birds to the country may be gained from the statement of the total value of farm products in the U. S., in 1910 reached the sum of $8,926,- 000,000. If we estimate that the total consumption of weed seed by the combined members of the sparrow family resulted in a sav ing of one percent of the crops— not a violent assumption—the sum saved the farmers by these birds in 1910 was $89,260,000- Mr. Meekins is desious to com municate with any farmer rela tive to his views as to these re gulations and he will appreciate any suggestions made with a view of the enforcement of these re gulations. The robin is also a useful bird to the farmers, and it might be well to mention that this bird is protected indefinitely. Good Road Advocates To the Board of Road Trustees, Hamilton Township: We. the undersigned voters of Hamilton Township, do hereby petition you to call an election for good roads, and we pledge our votes for the same. W A Peel, W A Roebuck, Tom Pritchard, H M Peel, E B Thomas, James Ayers, A R Vick, F H Johnson, T H Cherry, Ed Harrell,- B D Downs, L B Fleming, H B Bell, C H Fleming, J L Price, J J Purvis, J H Johnson, R H Salsbury Jr., E T Bullard, W F Haislip, Cleveland Rives, J D Holliday, Major I Fleming, M D, D C Jones, Harry Waldo, B L Upton, J A Davenport, J E Ed mondson, P L Salsbury, M H Nobtes, ~ft A Edmondson, Joseph T Waldo, C D Perkins, D G Mat thews, James Rawls, P H Daven port, Dan E Taylor, W E Davis, H S Johnson, P P Peel, C C Stalls, J H Martin, T F Pippin, J W Martin, T M Lawrence, LA Draper, W A White, E Edmond son, N W Worsley, T B Slade, Abbie Haislip. B F Myers, Thomas B. Slade, Jr.. Dr. B L Long, J O Stalls, H W Holliday, Bob Stalls, Jonah Stalls, J J Pender, Peter R Rives, W E Dav enport, J E Winders, S D Mat thews, G P Inscoe, William H Smith, James H Everett, R H Weaver. W R Johnson, W R Tay lor, J A Cofield, A W Salsbury, GL Doughty, WD Keel, C C Cobura, R H Salsbury, A G Perry, W A Casper, F L Haislip, J H Purvis, W S Rhodes, R W Sals bury, G FRoberson. Bailey-Wynne A quiet home wedding was solemnized Tuesday morning, Jnne 23rd. at the home of the bride's father, Mr. A. L. Wynne, when Miss Hattie Irene "became the bride of Mr. John W. Bailey. Relatives and a few friends filled the room while Rev. Cecil Out law, pastor of the Christian Church, read the impressive cere mony which made them man and wife. The bride, carrying a boquet of bride's roses and lilies of the valley, was becomingly attired in a handsome traveling suit of taupe crepe, *ith.hat and gloves to match. The bride is a well known and attractive young woman of Rob erSonville. The groom is a man of sterling qualities, and is cash ier pf the bank at Stokes. After receiving congratulations, the brfte and groom motored to Par mele where they boarded the cars for a Northern trip. They will be at home at Stokes after their return. Hamilton Items Miss Carris Sherrod, of Enfield, spent Tuesday with Mrs. M. I. Fleming. )f!t. Charlie Calhoun and chil dren left their home in Rocky Mount Miss Lou Mayo Brown is the gueet of Mrs T- B. Slade, Jr. Miss Sydney Davenport arriv ed Wednesday to be the guest of Mrs. B. L. Long. Miss Mabel Haislip spent sev eral days with Mrs. Frank Hai slip last week. W. S. Rhodes spent last week in Williamston. Miss Fannie Gladstone attend ed the annual german in Enfield Thursday night. An ice cream supper was given by the Betterment Association Friday night. Mrs. Walter Davenport and children left for their home in Rocky Mount Sunday. Harry Waldo went to Peters burg Sun nay. Mrs. Sallie Rogers left for her home in Ahoskie Monday. COMING TO WILLIAMSTON 1 4 C. F. Haradan's Big Vaudeville Show Under Canvas One Week Commenc ing Monday, June 29 C. F. Haradan's Vaudeville Show, formerly James Adam's Big 10c Show, under canvas one week, commencing Monday, June 29. The company is bigger better than ever, carrying thirty people and nrTwchestra and an array of talent never before seen with any popular priced attraction. Vaude ville, and additional novelty acts from the largest theatres in the country. Maintaining the „same standard of morality, cleanliness and everything that pertains to good, wholesome dp-to-date amusement. Program changed each night. Waterproof tent comfortable seats for all. OHe show each night and matinee Saturday after noon—doors open 7:30. Perfor mance starts 8:30 matinee Satur day at 3 P. M. Adv. LOST—A fox terrier, white with black spot in face. Finder re turn to L- B. Wynn and receive reward. PERSONAL J. T. Barnhill and J. W. Cherry were here from Everetts Thurs day. \ Miss Viola Killpatrick, of Smithfield, is the guest of rek> tives here. Mrs. S. A. Newell and children of Louisburg, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John D. Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Hassell returned Saturday from a trip to Canada and to points of interest in the States. Miss Harriet Davis, of Norfolk, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Wheeler Martin. J., J. Stroud, of Southern Pines, was in town yesterday on busi- Rev. M. E. Bethea preached at Christ Church, New Bern, on Sunday in the absence of the rector. Eugene Bethea held lay servi ces at Woodville Sunday. Miss Hilda Crawford left Mon day for Oxford, where she will be one of the guests at a house party. J. Gus Godard was here Mon day on business. W. C. Manning spent Monday in Plymouth. A Letter I i To the Editor, It has been brought to my attention that I have been quoted in Hamilton township as being against a bond issue for good roads. In justice to myself* I would be glad to correct this in your columns. lam very much in favor of good roads and be lieve that the issuing of bonds is the only practical way to get the money with which to build, good roads. I have said that I thought it highly important to have wise and economical men to handle the money and that it is very im portant to have a provision made whereby the roads may be kept in the best condition, because it is a great deal cheaper to repair any good road when it needs it than to wait until the road is about worn out, and these statement I reaffirm. I believe the building of good roads in any township in Martin county in an econmical and prac tical way is a good investment for the people of the township. I frequently see farmers going from town with from 1600 to 2400 pounds on their double wa gons. It is hardly a question of how much the team can pull but how much the wagon can hold. Have heard of farmers that live beyond our good roads taking a big load to the end of the town ship, and there taking off a por tion of the load and take the bal ance home and coming back for the portion he had to take off on account of the bad roads in his pwn township. —. Of course, when dirt roads are first built and a heavy rains come the roads will fnuck up and when we have very cold weather and the ground freezes the roads will be bad, but I much prefer good roads ten months in the year than bad ones twelve months in the year. If any one has the idea from anything I may have said about the econmical use ofmoney, that lam opposed to good roads I respectfully beg to say that I am enthusiastically a good roadsman. Jno. D. Biggs. Tobacco is growing fast—buy your trucks from the Buggy Co. find be ready to handle it SI.OO a Year in Advance Children's Day One of the most enjoyable and attractive events in Sunday School life here was the exercises on Children's Day at the Metho dist Church on Sunday morning at 11 '■ o'clock. The interior of the edifice was beautiful in its decoration of green and white with potted plants placed in front of the chancel- The programme was interesting and well-render ed, there being musical numbere,. recitations, etc. Several of the tiny pupils evoked much applause, by the manner in which they rendered their parts. Other numbers on the programme were a solo by Miss Pearl IJill and a duet by Mr. and Miss Meadows. The pupils each brought pennies corresponding to their years and the congregation gave very liber ally as the alms basins were passed by four of the pupils. This money goes toward the fund used to establish Sunday Schools in isolated places. Freight Wrecked Monday afternoon a few min utes past six in the midst of a severe rain, wind and thunder storm, the log train of the Den nis Simmons Lbr. Company struck the freight of the A. C. L. R. R., at the crossing near Jamesville and wrecked several 1 cars of the freight. It was learned that both trains stopped* as is the rule, but the heavily loaded cars of the log train broke the couplings, as the grade is a 'bit steep, and rushed down on the freight. Fortunately there was no one injured. The wreck ing train came down, and the freight arrived in Williams to* about 8:30, but the passenger train did not leave here for Ply mouth until early Tuesday morn ing. Before 9 o'clock Tuesday morning, five trains had reported at this station, the freight, pas senger, pay, wrecking, and an extra with Roadmaster Cobb on board, who came to investigate matters. Young Forger Monday afternoon a young man named Frank Cox, who gives his age as 1(5 and home at Hobgood, undertook the ipme of getting money without work. He went into the Farmers & Merchants Hank and selecting a counter check, wrote it for $18.50 pay able to himself, and forged the the name of VV. J. Hodges to it. He then proceeded to get C, D. Carstarphen to cash it for him, after Carstarphen had tried to sell him a pair of shoes. But Cox declared that he needed the mon ey to take him to his mother, who was in a dying condition. Mr. Carstarphen took the check with others to the bank, and in less than one-half hour, Cashier Rod gerson informed him that the check was a forgery. Then it was that Mr. Carstarphen got exceed ingly busy. He found Cox at the station preparing to leave on the * 5 o'clock train. He still had $14.50 in his possession and a pair of shoes. Chief of Police G- G. Sawyer arrested him and he was taken before Mayor God win for trial. He told that the check had been given nimby a negro, but failed to name his ac-_ complice. Of course, this story was false and he was placed un der a S2OO bond, ana failing to give it was put in jail to await the September Term of Court. WANTED—To employ a young lady, who is quick to learn and courteous and kind in disposition. Address X Care The Enterprise*

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