JOB PRINTING SBEE3H^^S=S=S=^!"=3ESS33BS3M| 'We have a modern and up-to-date Job Department, and therefore are able to give you first class jvork on short notice. v ADVERTISING When you spend your money you want value received- -when you ad vertise in the v ENTERPRISE V You get it. We have 2000 guar anteed circulation. Advertising ' rates furnished upon application. 11$ 1 Enterprise Publishing Co. J. 1).. Biggs, Treas., ( In account with tin Graded 1 Schools, Williamston, N. C. 1912 ( By coupons, int. on b'ds. $ 135.00 ( By order J. L Hasset 1 &Co 3.00 4 J. T. 13.25 ; W V. Ormond 4.00 ; H. M. NugaJ „„„ .4-50 «j Miss Nannie Bitfgs 18.00 j Mrs .1. T. Jerome 40.00 ; Miss Annie Cooper 40.00 ; Mrs. Bet-tie Harrell 45.00 j W. V. Ormond „ 7.90 j Louada Riddick 25.0S j Emma Andrews 25.K) i W. V. Ormond 45.-00 j Nov., 19 to amt from C. I> Carstarphen. Treas., $825 Bv amt. int. on coupons 45.00 j 1913 By order Miss Nannie ' Bijrgs 20.00 | Mrs. Bettie Harrell 45.(K) 1 Mrs. J. T. Jerome 40.00 ' Emma Andrews 25.00 ; Miss Annie Cooper 40.00 f Leon da Riddick 25.00 W. V. Ormond 45 00 Miss Annie E. Mizell 00.00, Miss Annie E- Mizell 50.00 ' C D. Carstarphen 175.00 i Louada Riddick 25.00 Emma Andrews 25.00 ' Mrs. J. T. Jerome 40 00 Miss Annie Cooper 40.00 Mrs. Bettie Harrell 45.00 W. V. Ormond 45.00 J. T. Jerome 125.00 W A. Ellison 4.20 Miss Annie Mizell 60.00 H. H. Cowen 45.00 Chas. J. Parker . 122.00 The Enterprise 3.75 Mrs J. T. Jerome 40 00 Mrs. Bettie Harrell „ 45 00 Miss Annie Cooper 50.00 Miss Nannie Biggs - 20.00 - 20.00 Louada Riddick 25.00 Emma Andrews 25.00 Miss Annie Cooper 40.00 W. V. Ormond 45.0Q Mrs. Bettie Harrell 45.00 Miss Annie Cooper 40.00 Louada Riddick % 25.00 Carrie Respass 5.00 Mrs. J. T. Jerome - ' 40.00 Coupon int on bonds 60.00 Louada Riddick 25.00 Emma Andrews 25.00 W. V. Ormond 45.00 Miss Annie Mizell £0 00 Telephone Co., l.BO J. T- Jerome 7 25 Miss Annie Cooper 40.00 .... , C-. I). Carstarphen"& Co., 147.66 J.T.Jerome ,f. 125.00 Miss Nannie Biggs 20.00 Carrie Respass 10.00 Miss Nannie Biggs 20.00 Carrie Respass 10.00 j Chas J. Parker • 3 001 ] Atlas School Supply Co., 1(H).00 i Mrs. J. T. Jerome 40.00' Mrs. Bettie Harrell 45 00;] "lro|uois Mfg., Co., 25.50t Mrs. J. T. Jerome 40.00! Mrs. Bettie Hhrrell 45.00 ' Miss Nannie Biggs 20.00j1 Louada Riddick 25 00.) r Emma Riddick 25.00 , Miss Annie Cooper 40.00 ( W. V. Ormond - 45,00 , 11. H. Cowen 18.00 Mrs. J. T. Jerome -40.00 1 Mrs. Bettie Harrell 45.00 r Emma Andrews 25.00 ' Louada Riddick 25.00 W. V. Ormond 45.00 ' Carrie Respass 10.00 '' W. V. Ormond 4.15 ' The Enterprise 5.50 ] Miss Nannie Biggs 20.00 ( Miss Annnie Cooper 40.00 Coupons int. on bonds 45.00 ; 3,487.46 , To Gen. School fund ree'd from J. H. Ward, collector 2,385.68 To bal. due from last year 2,146.83 By 2 per cent commission 68.85 , By collectors commission 1911 - 1912 pn $5,575.78 To amt due town 278 78 To amts. charged in 1912 by error . 118.89 By amt. to balance 1,403.53 Total 5,357.51 5,357.51 Valuable Farm For Sale I ofTei for tale my Mizell Farm 3 miles from Wiiliamston on sand clay road, 150 acres in tract, "7 5 acrda in ' cultivation. 8 room residence, a tenant houaes, new wire fence, one tobacco barn. Splendid tobacco, peanut and cotton land, good neighborhood, Mu«t be closed in 30days for January delivery. Price and terms reasonable. Reason for 'selling, other business. Do not write unless you mean business. This 83rd day of July, 1915. J. G. GODARD Jr., Williamston, N. C. , For Sale Two lota in Williamston, Ming lot No I Four and Fire in the Moore Field Plot I »nd purchased by Emma Williams from I the williamston Laud and Improvement Company, deed for which is recorded in ' the Register's office. > Terms cash. Write or see Win. 1 ori ®n. Cfcy No, 3 7»4«t , 1 1 > / jgrajpr •' ' V THE gNTERPRiag, WILUAMfITOW, NORTH OAROLINA. a I An Estimable Woman Dead » —— i Aftef months of ill health, 5 (ientn came to Mrs. Mollie Waldo, wife of Joseph Waldo, at home , in Hamilton, on Sunday August, | yth 19H She was born near Hamiltyh and was the daughter of Harry Mitchell, who was a ' prosperous farmer of that sec tion. In 1862, she wedded Joseph 1 T. Waldo and to them ten chil dren, were born. Of these only t five with the husband survive. They are, Harry M. and Miss Elbe Waldo, of Hamilton; L. P. 1 Waldo, of Portsmouth, Va; Mrs. ' W. T. Grimes, of Baltimore; Mrs. M. W. Ballard, of Martin County, i all of whom were at hen. bedside. | Two years ago she with her hus band celebrated their golden wed ding, an event rare in the lives of most people. She was a devoted wife and mother and gave of herself to her home and family. Within i the past year she had received baptism in the Episcopal Church and died with a strong faith in ; Jesus Christ and his Church. Monday afternoon, in the pres ence of a large number of friends and relatives, the services of the Church were held at the residence by Rev- Morrison who was called from Raleigh. Inter ment was in the family plot at the cemetery. Constipation Causes Sickness Don't permit yourself to become constipated, as your system im mediately begins to absorb poison from the backed-up waste matter. Use Dr. King's New Life Pills and keepf well. There is no better safeguard against illness. Just take one dose tonight. 25c. at fohr Druggist. Burtis Cone, of* Richmond, visited relatives here this we^k. W. H. Stallings went to Rocky Mount Thursday. i Banking by Mail . * « » ; . " - '•* » Most of our customers who reside outside of the city make their deposit by mail and so can you. This method is slmpUT, safe * and convenient, and will be ex plained in detail tipon receipt of iuquiry. ' " • ■U. f _ % f " " , ' ■ . . , ; * Farmers and Merchants Bank ■ ' . , » " - ■ ll ■ ' / ' " ■ ■ I STATE, AND CQUNTY DEPOSITORY I JOHN D. BIOOS • C. D. CARSTARPHEN J. L. RODGERSON ) PRESIDENT * VICE-PRESIDENT ' * CASHIER I ' V. '/ Hamilton Items Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Salsbury left Tuesday for Boston and oth er Northern points. Mrs. W. E. Davis and children left Tuesday for Conetoe. Miss Helen Council is spending some time in Conetoe. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Myers and Miss Martha Council spent a few hourß in Robersonville Thursday. Mrs. Staton Ayers, of Everetts, is the guest of Mrs. Jesse Everett. Mrs. W. T. Orimss. S. P. do, F. L. Roberson, J. W. Grimes and Mrs. W. K. Gardnec.attend ed.the funeral of Mrs. J. T. Waldo. Mrs. C- D. Carstarphen spent Sunday here. John Martin attended the re union'of Veterans at Windsqr last week. Miss Neppie Slade is spending the week in Williamston. Mrs. T. B. Slade spent a few hours in Williamston Monday. Darden Jones, of Norfolk, is the guest of friends here. Mrs. J. B. Cloman is at home after spending some time jn Georgia. Mr. and Mrs. Hobgood and son were the guests of T. F. Pip pen Sunday. * ■' Don't Take Calomel here's a Better Remedy i . Taking calomel is mighty risljy and often times dangerous. You ought to get along with out taking calomel yourself or giving it to your, family, when you can get a remedy that takes its place. Dodson's Liver Tone is an agreeable vegetable liyuid that starts the liver to action just as surely as calomel does. But, unlike calomel, Dodson's Liver Tone does nof stijpnlate the liver too much. It gives relief gently. Calomel acts so strongly that it may leave you worse than you were at first, and calomel also sometimes causes ealiywlimi .Bed son's Liver tone works well and never harms. A large bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone is soid for fifty cents by Saunders & Fowden. It al ways has given such perfect sat isfaction that your money will be given back to you with a smile if 1 you buy a bottle and are not per fectly satisfied with it in every Way. Eugene Bethea is at home from New Berne. . Beef and Milk A-plenty Cattle we kept for two purposes; for beef pro- I""""™"" mmmmm duction sad for milk production; To do either right -A*r «taK mt ol «t» they must be healthy. There is nothing better to «e «*t Mythm* wrong keep them in continued good health, or to make wits then i «we them ■ them well quickly when tick, than a few doses of— few hoki d SeeDt# STOCK MEDICINE. Daa T\p/> STOCK Dec Dec MEDICINE Moorhfd. Mil I I •tin sfe the nrer—Drives T , Bunt poiaons my. /- ai mm min —— i * We are Agents for the Gibbcs Machinery Company's Y 'ar full line of Gasoline and Kerosene Engines, . Steam Ijjngines and | Jrjffv mm fits and Farming Im plements. flBBl MggMVwVp J' ""■———_____ carry the A^mo crnsenc E n^'ne ers and Rakes; and all up-to-date farming ifn- -a,*-——— —' ' plements and machin- Let us call figure PHONE No. 148 STALLS & EVERETT WllllanrurtOn, N. G. r> — ' Notice. Having qualified M administrator of Paul Watts, deceased, late of Martin County, North Carolina, ttaia is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said dece#sed to exhibit them to the undersigned at Williamatoo. North Carolina, on or before the *7th day 6f July 1913 or this notic* will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 37th day of Jnly IQI4, WHEELER MARTIN, Jr., Admr. >3« Notice Having qualified as Administratrix 1 upon the estate of Wm. H. Martin *le -1 ceased, notice is hereby given to all per sons holding claims against said estate to - present them to the. undersigned for pay , meat on or before the 38th day of Jnly 315 or this notice will be pleaded in bar their recovery. All persons indebted I 1 to said estate are requested to make ini-1 . mediate payment. This aßth day of July 1914. " i LAURA S. MARTIN, Admx. j * QUGHESTEBSMLLS DIAMOND WAND v SSS.--°i' , SA",i,TV 80LD BY ALL DRUGGISTS TKJJtI) EVERYWHERE flaai , Notice Having qualified as Administrator upon the.Estate of Ricbard Mooring de ceased; Notice is hereby given to all per sons holding claiujs agawot said Estate to preseot them to the undersigned for payment on or before the 9th day of June j >9S. or thia notice will be plead in bar i of their recovery. - 1 All persona indebted to said Estate are I requested to make immediate payment, j Thia 9*fa day of June 1914. A. J. WYNN, Admr.