THE ENTERPRISE rUBUSHBD HVP*Y FRIDAY ~4 WllTUrarton. S. C. r WILLIAM C. MANNING. Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Tear #i oo Ma Months ■» »5© Three Months • • • .»5 Strictly Cash la Advance Kntrrrd at th* h»! Office at WttttamMor, H. C. a« Hocotici Clan* Mull Matter.' 1 T Address all Communications to THE F.NTF9PRISE, Wiliiamston, N. C. Fridaf, Auguit 21, iqi4 Swat The Vagrants * The recent acts of lawlessness in the town, bring to mind more ► vividly the seripusness of the situation produced by an army of vagrants which infest the town and community. There is no doubt in the cfpinior. of any think ing citizen that One way to solve the problem is to rigidly enforce the law on vagrancy. The num ber of men and boys who sit and walk about the streets is a blot on the town If one was asked to take a job, however small it v might be. there would be a re fusal in a majority of cases. If a job is accepted, it is oftentimes partially accomplished, but the amount of wages demanded is staggering. A hand-to-mouth living is secured by preying/on those who work and try to 7 live comfortably, and the vagrant swaggers around the streets and the public at-large feeds him. A little of the Western spirit is needed in this and other towns, a spirit that makes every man and boy bear his part of the bur den in the life of the community, or move on. The idle commit the highway robberies, steal the chickens, wood and wait outside for the baskets which are carried from the kitchens. No man. woman or boy need say that he or she cannot secure plenty of work—it is right here and the wages are worthy of the duty ac compolished. Swat the vagrants and rid the town of a pest. 'We call attention to the war news which we are furnishing each week to our subscribers. This can be found on the inside sheets, and if oqp is not in touch i with the great dailies, he can 1 find here the most impprtant facts in the tremendous struggle in Europe, one ' which threatens to encircle the globe. We are glad to be able to furnish this news, as it is our endeavor to please and instruct those who read these pages from week to week. Mrs. Lizzie S Sheldon has been named for Justice of the Supreme Court of Kansas. That is "go ing some" even for Kansas. The lady can at least set .J&at styles for the Court. Elected Cashier Mr. R. G. Harrison, of Fayette ville, has been elected Cashier j of the Farmers and Merchants Bank. Mr. Harrison will assume' his duties September Ist. He has had much experience in bank ing and other business, having been with the National Bank of Fayetteville as Vice President for Seven years and has had exper ence in the insurance and manufacturing business. Mr. Harrison i a native *of Martin County, being the son •of Mr. Cushing B. Harrison. He is a young man, of the highest character and splendid ability and is warmly welcomed back to his old home by The Enterprise. The Farmers and Merchant Bank is to be congratulated upon se curing the services of so valua ble a man and the county and town are to congratulated also in adding to its citizenship a man of such sterling worth Wood for Cigar Boxes Only one wood, Spanish cedir (Ced rela odorata) io commonly used for dear box—. SomeUmea a cheaper wood may form the basts of the box, with paper-thin veneers of the trophy al cedar over it. „ Ball At Hamilton A team of the younger boys from here went to Hamilton Tuesday to cross bats with the team The game was call ed at four o'clock and it was full of ginger from start to finish. A small crowd witnessed the game, which was won in the ninth by Hamilton, the score standing 6 to 4. Batteries Hamilton, Martin and Sherrod; Wiliiamston, Mel son and Criteher. Notice , I'nder rrd by virtue of an ord»r of the Superior Court of Martin Co>nHv in the special proceeding* entitled, "Anne Orif fiti.elaltv* loMi'iu H. Hardisotl, et *U," the undersigned cOmmisaV-ner. will on Monday the 7lh day of Sept. iyt4. at 12:00 o'clock M, at the Court Home iloor of Martiu County at Williamson, North Carolina, offer at public sale'to the highest bidder for cash, the follow ing deitribed ir»cta' of land, to-wit: FIRST TRACT Bounded on the North by the Unda of Joshua Hardiaon and JWjn H OriffiitJ, on the East bv Jesse L LiMey and Thad Roberaon; on the South I>V Manning: and on the Went bv W. I Ltlley and John " H Griffin, Con taining one hundred acres more or less SECOND TRACT Beiinuiog at a White Onk in Swamp: running thence with Henrv Corey'* lin* to Millie kot'erMjn'* line; thence w,ith her line to j«— #e Co'ev'a line; thence with said Corey's hue to Hazy Swamp; thence the various course# of said swamp to the first Ktatioii, containing one Hundred acres more or less. This sth day of Aug 1914. , A. K. Dt'NNtNG, Cotur -H.14 Notice Having qualified an Rxecutor upon the Estate of J. J. R. Whitfield deceased; Notice is hereby given to all persons hold ing cla.tns against said Estate to preaeut them to the undersigned for payment on or before the iat day of August 915, or thia notice will I* plead in bar of their recovety. All persona indebted to said Rstate are requested to make immediate payment. • This »4th day of July 1914. J. H. WHITFIELD. Exc. 7-3' Notice Having qualified aa Executor ttpou the Rstate of William D. Peel, deceased, no tice ia hereby give to all creditors to pre aent their claims, properly verified, to \h« understgnded, or George A. Peel, near Wllliamaton, N. C. on or before the Ist day of August, 1915, or thia notice will be pleaded in oar of any recovery. All persons indebted to aatd estate are re quested to make immediate payment. This aoth day of July, 1914. STATON J. PEKL, Executor. 7-J4 Notice Having qualified as administrator of the estate of A. J. Roberson, deceased, lats of Martin County, North Caroliua, this is to notifv all'persotiß having claims ' itg;un st the estate of • atd'deceased In ex- I hibit theui to the undersigned near W'ill i.mnlon on or before the 31st dayof Julv 101 * or thia notice will be pleaded in bar ■if their recovery . All persons Indebted to said estate will pit-use itmke immediate pavtuent. This the vst dayof |ulv 1914. A. C. ROfIEftSON, « I Aduirs. J. L. COLTRAINf 7-3' Notice Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Martiu County ft r a resale made in the special proceedings entitled, Wm J. Whitley et al George Price et al, the undersigned Commission er will on the aSth day of July 1914 at u o'clock at the Courthouse door iu will iamstoH. N C. offer for sale to the high est bidder for cash the follow) a* describ ed property : Bounded on the North by Potupev William* land, on the West by Luev Williams land, on the South by Burgees hind, and East by Matti Street. Containing one-half acre more or less. This the 6tli dav of July 1914. B A. CRITCHKR, Comr. 7-t7 Or iental Perfumes Are not so exquisite us those just received by us flowers from which they ure extracted are in the lx>ttle. making a beautiful gift for the woman of refined taste. Sold by the ounce or package. * • PAINTS PAINTS M ™ We Sell of the Best Brands in the World Harrison's, Shcrwin Williams and Eberson's jr V SAUND6R6 4 FOWDEN, Druggists THIS ENTERPRISE, WTLLIAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA. 8 . " : V ' 0 Jim, JtL \H v IN OUR BANK j 1 ' fi 1 (fa ' „ Whenever you are thinking money or bank, think 70 **& JL •» OUR BANK. Our business is MONEY; YOUR ' 31 MONEY is BUSINESS. We welcome anyone in our ® w (fa C bank and always have time to listen and advise. If £ JL you need a bank consult us. What would you do with- -75 W W c out a progressive bank in your community? Your first M » c/> duty to yourself is to have MONEY IN THE BANK. •> 2 H It is a faithful friend. W m Make OUR bank YOUR bank |2| X We pay four per cent interest JF ™ 9 f Bank of Martin County Z J. Q. GODARD, President G. H. GODWIN, Cashier {J. G. STATON, Vice-Pres A. R. DUNNING, Atty. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY : |5 For Postal Saving Funds • gfik Mrs, Mattie Speller Dealer In QENBRAL MERCHANDISE Photic 35 Williamston. N. G Notice- Having qualified an esccutor of the estatr of Unra Silvia Martin, deceased, late of Martin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned, at Bel haven, N. C., on or before 15th day of Julv 1915 or this notice will he plelded in bar of their recovery All uersotis in debted to «ai-l estate will please make immediate payment. This the loth dav of July, ioi4. RICHARD T . MARTIN, Kxecutor, 7*»4 No. 666 This la a prescription prepared especially lor MALARIA or CHILLS A FCVCR. Five or six doaes will break any case, and if taken then as a tonic the Fever will not return. It acts on the liver better than Calomel and does not f ripe or sicken. 25c Andrews Cottage Board and Lodging. By Day or Week Sea Food a Specialty. Get Off Car at Walker Station MRS J. C ANDREWS, PROP. Ocean View, Va. KEEP FLIES OUT By using our Wire Screens for Windows and Doors, big shipment just received. Large lot of Spring Mattings, Druggets, Rugs in Crex or wool. Visit our store early. IG. D. Garstarphen & Go. Williamston - - North Carolina Wire Fencing two car loads justjreceived. He Got On. Millyuna—"When 1 married your mother I was earning ten dollars n week—two years later 1 bought out my employer." Daughter—"And put In a cash register." BINGHAM SCHOOL'S Men 6 ' n * h "i , A sr*w«. taudid from t£ mlna. *Tuioon tnd BwJ s|»o ptr H*tf Ttrm. Col. R. R. F. D.lox JJ % AiSewll*, N. C Voiles and Crepes And other beautiful mid-summer Dress Goods for women The best line ever seen on our Counters Harrison Bros. & Co. Williams ton, N. C. No. Six-Sixty Six j This i« e prescription prepared «apeciaii/ I lor MAIARIA or CHILLS d. FEVE^ £ive or si* doacs will break any case p- ■vl far'j tha »■>'! ■■ •• I ;nfit-r- Jrjft | c JJvtr fc«rtf; ': i «-* •« v> »v -• ifck'h. 2i't > Professional Cards | j Hugh B. York, M. D I Microscopy, Electrotherapy, X- Ray, Diagnosis, Specialties Office on Smith wick St.. rear Blount Brow | Office boors, Bto 10 a. m., 7t09 p. m. Office 'phone 60 - Night 'phone 63 j Wm. B. Warret - J. S. Rhodes Drs. Warren & Rhodes Physicians and Surgeons ! 'Jffiee in Bigg* Store - 'Pcone 19 Jos. H. Saundeis, M. D. Physician and Surgeon j Day phone 53 - Night phone 40 Williamston, N. C. , i Dr. R. L. Ravage of Rocky Mount, will be at the Atlantic Hotel fourth Wendnea day in each month to treat dis eases of the EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT and FIT GLASSES K R Donning T C. Smith Dunning & Smith Attorneys .t-Law Williamston, N. C. Robersonville, N. C. Wheeler Martin Wheeler Martin, Martin & Martin \ Attorneys-at-Law Williamston - North Carolina 'PHONIC 23 S. J. Everett Attorney-at-Law Greenville, N. C. - Williamston, N. C. Greenville Long Distance Phone 328 B. A. Critcher ATTORNEY-AT-LAW MAIN STREET PHONE 77 Williamston, N. C. Clayton Moore Attorney at Law Williamston - North Carolina John E. Pope General Insurance, Life. Fire. Health AccidentTLive Stock Real Estate - Brokerage Williamston - North Carolina Office on Main Street, second floor F. K. Hodges building. J. E. Pope. Dr P. B. CONE Dentist Offie same one used by Dr - White. Will be in office each day. Hours 9 to 12 and 1 to 5 Phone' No. 9 E. P. BUNCH Agent For Carolina Metal Shingles Williamston, N. C. Phone 170 Dr. V. H. MEWBORN - Spec ; -ii-1 in Fitting CU^ses J .'it C .Cannon's ! 'rug >tr:v. R'..lifN- C VToh j Uuj> : :ui raes4#«ys >.t :«?>ber jH' nl:* oftice Washington; N. C. Takes Off Freckles} Removes Tan. Ikiurtfyjrour completion. Get j rid of those freckles. You can invest 50c in a jar of WIL. | SON'S FRECKLE CREAM V) i disappear. Severe \i cases may require two jar»— W \ no more. We positively guar antee this, and if your com plexion isn't fully restored to iu natural beauty, we sgree to refund yoor A grant toilet cream. Doesn't cause hair to grow. Mr p 2? ltl^ l > r r «?move TAN and FRECKLES. Try it at our risk. Price 50c—* sent by mail if desired. Mammoth jars (I 00 WILSON S FAIR SKIN ™ ' Charleston, S. C., nukcrs, *. Saunders & Fowden. The "A" Pressing Club PBone 126-3 - Want to do your Cleaning and * Pressing and guarantees satisfac tior as to workmanship and ser vice. Club rates for regular cus tomers. Located in the rear of Alexander's Shaving Parlor. Enterprise SJ.QO Year

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