HISTORY OF VISITING CARD •warn* Popular In Europe In Tim* of Louis XIV and at On» Period Wat Ornamental. Bome authorities hold that the origin of the visiting card lay in the circus* •tanci that when Pericles first laid d«ge to the heart of Aapada he sent her a bouquet to which, tearful lee: •he might not guess from, whom the compliment proceeded, he caU'Med to be attached a strip of wood wherein his name was rut. According to lJerturelli. who, airibug other*. has been at much paint* to com pile the history of the card. It is difli cult to wiy whethw it was firm used 1b Greece or In China. However that nay be, It seems to be an ascertained fact that the visiting card did m really obtain to any extent in Europe until the time of Louis XIV. It crossed tbo Pyrenees with Philip- of Anjou when he was installed in the. psJuce at Madrid, -and Louis himself' was the cause of It* being introduced Into the Netherlands. Then it was It was subjected to mueh elaboration. Flirt, the cards showed a modes! bor der of flowers or leave*; then ap peared landscapes, bits of architec ture, allegories, etc. Finally came •cenes'of rural life, alternating with, ▼lew s of monuments and towns. The. name was printed on the picture of b 'wall, a tree or a fountain. j A view >f the Adrlotii figured on. the fßrri of fount Ah *andre Papoll. while the Franco family favored a j stone, guarded by two dogs, vith, the amphitheater of Verona in the background NO ROOM RU : WHINER V»clc His Little b»e for H'an Whoi Lccke Hab'tually Through EytS of Ol'icm. lie who 11.inks the vorio is full of good people and Kind!) Piessiugs ia uiuch ricliK than he vho thinks the contrary Each man's Imagination largely pct.pKt ilt- world for himself. tt« me Mv»> in a world peopled with princes oi tin royal blood, some in a worn; of paupers and privation. You bu* e u ur choice. This .t a big, busy world It cares precious iilth what you think of it, or what faults or troubles you lind In it. It is n choice that concerns your self more than all others combined, whether you pouch in the K)OOUI, the companion of hateful goblitit>, or stride In tlx sunshine, seeing smiles and catching shreds of song. Men and women in God's image were not rninU us whining, groveling beings. They w«r«- made to stand erect, men tally as well as physically; to labor well and Joyously; to take the gilts ol Providence, whether they be Joy or sor TOW: —and be-ar t4+> m choerfuiiy—and With courage; Xo it.i.l I vt»r mitmthlng to the world's store *>f happiness, if it be only a smile . . Look up' See'how Hooded wilh sun shine this beautiful world Is when faced witli smiling eyes If you would w in Anything, do any thing, be anything, don't whine. — Christian Herald. Using Dogs in War. Considering how obviously fitted dogs are for polict work and cer tain Btrvices in war it is curious that more use h..a not been made of them In modern times. Of conr-e. now thnt hand to;hand fighting is to nil inlonts anil purposes extinct, dogs are uo longer formidable In war, but for sentry duty or the finding of wounded on the battlelield, dogs—as wan shown during the Itus •o-.lapacse war —can be of great •en-ice. The undents employed dogs ex tensivt i> as eentrles So also did the Bmpercr- Charles V and Philip, king of Spain, while Napoleon urged Mar mont to fast an dogs to stakes around the walla of Alexandria to keep guard Dog penpes are very much more •cute than thoso of human beings— •specially the senses of scent and hearing, which, of course, are Invalu able for police work. Report of the Coalition of the Bank of Martin County Wllliauistou, N. 0., at the closv ol bust- | Jlf>h OCI . *, , IQ' i — j KKS'UJKCKS: jLoank aU'i i'ifCouu's £.*7B t»0) .601 Ovenlrrfji 1 7 > N C. State Binds S.uooi.. All otLer stock* lioajls, Mtps 1,000 iv I Ba iking hnUM iur. mid Hxt'r> 1,950.01 I from bunks and banker* 17 9*o c j Silver coin, including all minor' coin Total #327,781.68 LI ABIIsITIKS f . Capital Stock 4 15.1XJ0.00 Surplus Fund 1,500.00 Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid J057.21 Bills payable 59.j50.00 Time certificates of deposit 7j.451.0S Deposits sabject to check 119.96?.60 Doe to Banks and Bankers 1,830 06 Cashiers checks outstanding 1,210.71 Total 1327,781.68 Bute of Worth Carolina, Qratly of Martlo, u: I. C. H.Gotfwlii, C*»h(er M the abore-nsimd book, doanlemoly nor that the above sUie ■sent is tnt to the beat of 017 kaowlcdse sod belie'. C M. OODWIM, Cashier Correct—Alt*st: J. «. Godard, J. O. Staton W. C. Maoaiug, Directors. Ibscl%s IS IS MM MMhN ■S.tMs 10 day Only Outside Clean. There arensotrie frenzied financiers who appear to think that taking two : bathe a day and donning fresh linen ought to excuse them for being thieves. What la-»he Reason? A man can walk a block tvith an ! other woman and discuss 4,678 snb ! Jects in a dallrhtful mt;nner. And he ! could walk nine miles with bis wife and not be able to think of a dam ' thin* to tar. - Kepcn of the Condition of The Bank of Jamesville | JaitiVsvTne N. C.. at the close of Tiu»me«* Oct. /•»!, J9U KHSOIRCKS Loans ami discounts » J 42, 074 • i Oveidrafa ijOHoj ] Furniture and fixtures 1.023 tjt> 1 Ikiir- from banks & ImrtVers 8,863 tS ! Go id Coiu 4»5«> Si 1 vet coin, including all 111 u.br coin currency ( ,V 1 N(«ti ,iiul bank notes and niher U. S. notes Total #53.9"-^ 1,1 A lttt«lTM S ( apital stock paid in i 67.0e.00 Surplus 1,010.00 ! I'm'ivided profits, less current I excuses and taxes paid Bills payable 3,500.00 ! Times certificates of deposits 2»,"75 t-' I 1 >e? osits subject to check 21 .*47 3'' Total #*3,922 ■>' -wit i'i North C«">liii», Coi.ut) f Martin,*»• 1 lno. I) i.uiei.A* Ca*hler«d the atovc earned >,nnfc !■> solemnly swear that the above Mate ui>et'i« true tothe t«-*t of my knowledge nr.! »eU«f. —; IN- 11. LIIJ.I'.V, A»»t c««hter • -erred—.Attnt " J K. 1\ !.. W. Mi/t'.l s 1.. Wiitliiu , Directois. I Siibscrilieit «lll iworu lu before me, this 1•,tl ■> /i Nov i. i.t' . : . J '• I>«v«MP"rt. Nul'nry l'ubllc Ke|X)rt of the Condition ol the Bank of Oak Cty OakJCity, N.'C., at the close of business Oct. 31, I 9 1"* RKSOI'KCKS, Loans and discounts Overdrafts secured, unrecured 1,308.15 Nanking house fur. and lixt'rs 5,444 0 1 >ue from banks and bankers 37" ? i Gold Coin ' 165.00 Silver coin, including all minor coin currency 569.9S National bank notos and other U. S. notes 600.00 Total JM>6.793« 3 9 I.IAHIMTIKH « Capital stock ® 5,000.00 Surplus 5.5 00 00 Uuiiivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid 1,516.94 Hills payable 14,00000 Time certificates of deposit 17,597.24, Dejwsit subject to check Cashier's checks outstanding >ILQ3 Due to llstiks and Hankers 695,6'._ Total t s>.7 l »3 H •■tate of North Carfilinu, Comity if Martin, s» 1, it M Worsley. c'nsliier if tin ntrave bnuV.rto solemnly »wean hat the aliov* *ti»te mtnt i« true to the iirit of my knowledge and belief. 11 M WOKSt.HV. Cashier. Corttft—Alle»t II S. Kverett, II K.llntriH, I C. Kw, tXnetors Mitncrllied mid sworn to l>etorc me thin /, tt.iy «.l N"V WI4. r. It Johlixoll, N I Report of the condition of the Bank of Hamilton l!:o.i:ilton, N. C.. »:t the close of bu,inc>s Oct. 31 19! 1 KKSOt'kCKS: Lo;»n» a'lil diM'oniita f-12 ,Ss' • 17 lliukiug house furniture and fixtures 3.797 Dee from batiks and bunkers 4,319./' C»'h ileitis • sis M Ciold nin 361.50 Silver coin iucludingall mftior coin currency 3 31 ''7 National 1 tailk notes, etc, 391,00 1.1A1111.-ITIKS: Capita', stuck f 5i®00.00 1 Surplus fund 5,(KT0.00 t'ndivided profits less current I t-xjienses and taxes paid 538>0 I)ilIs payable f - 15.006.10 Tiiiie certificates of deposit 4,709 36 lIejXMUU aubject to check i6,2iSoi Cashier's checka outstanding 77 J .03 f5»,j88 :o Stnt«- of Vortli Cnroliun, Count v »s. I K* 1.. Hnisl'.p, cashier >f the named Iwnte. i* n inlrmntynnygrtltit the above ttatF" mcnt i* tnte to the t>e«t of my knowledge and belief. ~ Fv;fc. HA+*I,I P.Cashier, Correct—\Uest: T. It. S'.c!*, K. \V. SaNhury, W, Uh-xh'*, DfteetOM. ixtlwcribed itu' sworn to before me this liday oi Nov. ;yu* J. A. Davenport Notarv rnhlic. Notice North Carolina Martiu County. In Superior Court Before R. J. CIV. J. L. V'ynn vs At-hley Ta> lor a.ud wife Matild.i Taylor Ashley Ta> lor, the defendants above 11 tuned, will take notice that au action entitled its above has com Q)eneed in the Superior Court of Martin County North Carolina, to appoint a trustee in a certain deed of trust exeeut ed to Jno. A. Everett,, deceased, bearing date, the is* day of Jan. 1906, for S. V Everette; said defendant rwill further take notice that he is required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Martin Countv on the i2th day of Dec. 1914, at his office at the Court House in said County of Martin, and answer or demnr to the complaint in said actiou, or tbe plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the nth day of Nov. 1914- R. J. PBBLi Clerk of the Superior Court. n-*3 THE ENTERPRISE. WILLIAMBTON, NORTH JABOLMA- HENRY'S TWO VALENTINES By G. L. BELTER. Marcla Mayuard did not even know It was the fourteenth of February — She had been too buay all tbe morn-, '"* -j'.'.il I I ln 8 making feath fry cakes and ''jHMl 1 "Pb:y eookif'B and 1 pies\that defied 'fmf* dexcriptton to BO VWF^ I ji much us glance at M «& J Sm thG calendar Enlightenment, ;{::Jnkil hovenr, occurred in the form of /r 7 J yy-rT, Cousin Lucy Stod -1 \ / y dnrd, a vastly dlf [/ ferent figure in T/ [(f) her trim trap pings, from Mar cla in her neat work dress. "A woman," said Lucy, in the com placent way that always Irritated Mar cla, "1B as old as she looks." "I have always been too busy doing useful and necessary work," acknowl edged Marcla pointedly, "to bother ( much about my looks." "But it Isn't necessary for you to do so, Cousin Marcla; you might take life as easy as 1 do, if you would. People think it a pity that you have never ! married." "I do not know why they should, es pecially." Marcla's eyes flashed sud ' denly. "You have never married, yourself, Lucy." "But that Is because 1 have never cared to do 80, dear. I have always* 1 * had an abundance of suitors It has been different with you, you know- There did une to be talk that you and Henry Howard would make a match of It, but I never believed It. You are not Henry's style." "I never thought of such a thing au marrying Hepry Howard—or anyone else," denied Msrcia crisply. "How fortunate lhat Is." Lucy spoke with u malicious assumption of sym pathy. "I may as well tell you," she confessed, "that 1 have about decided to accept Henry." "To accept Henry?" Murcla set her newly Iced cake perilously near tbe edge of the table. "I did Hot know he ever thought of you." "No, I have never given him any en couragement, but I have long known what I could do If I would. It has not been easy to decide among so many." Marcla's sniff of disbelief paused un noticed, "but the sight of Henry's lone liness makes him seem worthy of the sacrifice of my freedom. lam going to send him a valentine as the most graceful and romantic way of letting him understand my nttltude." A valentine! Marcla finished her work as If in a dream. Then, unexpectedly, she laughed out I with unwonted gayety. "If one valen- 1 tine Is good, two ought to be better. I j think I'll send Henry a vnlentlne my- I self!" Amazement filled the prosaic soul of ' Henry' Howard w hen he found the con* j tents of the big envelope to be a val- , enllne As he considered It, his se- | date, middle-aged heart bepan to warm unaccountably. "Now, that's real thoughtful of Lucy, I'm sure. I haven't had a valentine in so many years I'd forgotten how It seenif d It is a line thing to keep one's youth ns l.ucy has." It was Into in the afternoon before | he remembered to look at the other 1 letter he had received In the same \ mail After he hud read It. he sat for a long time looking meditatively nt the windows of the next house. I believe I'll go over—she's never asked me before to dine with her, and Marcla Is a master cook. I —l believe I'll tell her what I mean To do, too; she's got a pretty sensible head, Mar- ; cia lwis," _ J If a woman Is no older than she looks, Marcia had certainly lost a good ten years of hor ape when she greeted Henry Howard in hor Immaculate front bull. "Anil this," he said, "is what 1 have been cheating myself out of for tho last fifteen, years 1 find It rather lone ly In my hip house, Marelir." J.'Yes," answered Marcla demurely, pouring the coffee "I've been thinking lately that I have been foolish to live alono so long. Do you suppose anyone could bo In duced to have an old fellow like me?" "Oh. yes," Marcla smiled across tho centerpiece., "Will you, Marcla?" He could hard ly credit the fact that his ears heard Henry, Howard asking any woman to marry bini. - The next instant he had gone round the table and gathered her cold flngors Into his warm, strong hands. "Why, I love you, Marcia. I've wanted you all the time and dtd not know it; would you bfelieve a man could be so. foolish and blind?" "Yes." whispered Marcia, "I have been, too, until today." Upon this interesting tableau the door opened unexpectedly, and Lucy Stoddard stood transfixed. . "Come in, I,ucy," called the man heartily. "You shall be the first to con gratulate me. It was your valentine that set me thinking bow lonely I real ly was. But I liked Marcia's valentine best; painted hearts and printed verses may be satisfactory to roman tic young fellows, but nothing appeals to us older fellows like a good din ner!" If ajiy look of chagrin clouded the sprightly face in the doorway it waa instantly concealed by an overwhelm ing smile. "I knew all you needed waa a little Jogging," she said, "te make you the two happiest people In the world."-' \ Notice Of Sale ✓ Udder ami by virtue of an order of the Superior Court "in the Special Proceedings entitled, J. G. Salisbury vs. Susie and I.ticy Bracey. tbe undersigned cornmu ioaera will on tbe 9, day of Nov. at 2:30 P. M. at the Coort House door ot Martin County At Williamston, N.C., offer at pnblit? *«le to tbe highest forca«h, tbe following tract" of land, to-wit: lIRST THACT; Adjoining the lands Y>! M»s p. Silsbury, J. 1.. Ewell, the B*ilard Tract andothers, and containing :36 acres more of less, and being the Mime premises, one-half of which were conveyed to Susan A. Salsburv by John ( >. S-tlsbtiry hv deed of record in Book hh nt Poge 427, Martin County Registry atid commonly, known ait "The Hatrgbton Tract." SECOND TRACT: Situate in tbe town iA Hamilton, N. C. t and limning Jit feet frrtn tbe corner of South and High Street* ; thence aloi n footh street }5 yards: thence a line paraiel with Stieet 140 yds; thence a *,>aralel line with South Street 35- )ard«to Miles P.verett's me; thence a line paraiel with High St. 140 > aril* to tbe beginning, containing bv estimation one acre more or less. THIRD TRACT: Commonly known as 1 par* of the "Charity Avery Tract - ' awl b tin>'.ed on tbe North by the County Road; on the East by the lands of Charles Cowey; on the South by the lands of John Hines; nnd on the West by the lands of lohn liines, and being the same premises occupied this year by one Will Sherrod. and containing 2y acres more or less. A R DUNNING, Comrs. T. T. THORN, Notice liy viitue of an order of re sale, of the Superior Court of Mcrtiu County in the ptoceedings B. F. Ila'rellvi, W. H. Ilurrell, et al, tbe undersigned commis sioner* will on Monday the 7th day of Nt trout of tbe Bank at Oak City, N. C. • fier for sole to the holiest bidder, for cash, the following described lands: HIRST TRACT: Beginning at Turner's now I'i ichard's corner, and running alotg lie lint of lot No. 4, N. 5a E. 26? poles t nt branch; thence down the branch to die corner of lot No. -5. thence S 50 W, fiij pole* to I'ric hard'* line, thence S 51 W. 23 '1 p les to the fme station. Con taining 40 acres. SECOND TRACT: Beginning nt cor-j mi ol Lo'. No sin Pilchard's line, and ii tining N. ,S2 K j6S poles to the line of l.ot No. 3, thence S. 34 K, 9 poles, S , 4y« poles; thence S ii W. *64 po'es; to j the back line, thence N 5t W 23 «-d j 'mil hftlis poles t> the first statuci Con . uiililig Ml nrrt-H » o c or less. Til I M I) Tk V.'T A one-half urd vi-lrd I •.i irii at iti Mi.'l to tfe following HI. t j Ileginning «t tbe month of Pipl« kr* nth Moore's coiner mil rnn »i in>i S .H4 W. ! 17and out-fifth poles; thence N 34 W. | ■a p >!e..» to H brant h; iheiiCe iln«h the| lii.iiicb to the t'lotitli, thei.'Ce !>, 31 '4 El 24 poles to the canal bridge; thence down 1 the canal to the fr.'st station. Containing j ■ I and oue-twelth acres more or less. I'OURTH TRACT: Beginning at the rner nt the O press Pond and runn;ng N. 22 1 g W. N7 and ont-fiftli ]ioles; thenc«* > 11 W. aof) poles; thence ton pine, 11\■ umti'b hue to the lirst station, Containing atrea mort or letJ» All tUu abov* de ■nrtbetf tracts betttg lots-No#, 6 in I larrnl l.at-d Division, atii hII above incts will be sob! as one tract. This 29th dav of Oct>>e 1914. A. k DUNNING, Comrs, it. A CKITCHEk, 116 [Notice North Carolina Martin Couni> In lite Superior Court liefore the cletk. Mat>l«ud Slsde ei «!,• V(i. Winnie Wu'ts ot al, The I'clenilants, MOM:* Watts, Watts )i Aloi r.itand Augustus Siwdc, will take notice tbat 1111 action eutit'eilas above has bteti commenced inihfc Super ior Court of Martin County to sell certain lands for division in which defendants sreinterested; and said defendants wsll further take notice thiit tliey are required 10 appear befoie tbe of tbe Super ior Court of Martin County on Friday Ihe 6tli, day of November, 1914, and an -wer or demur to Ihe complaint in said iCtion, or plaintifls * ill apply to tbe Court lor the 1 chef demanded in said complaiut This-3rd dav of Ociolrer, 1914 K. J PEEL, Clerk Superior Court. | Dear Madam:- f ® This is the time to purchase Fall Clothes and our establishment is the place to select them. Mrs. 2 Annie" Bell Brown will take pleasure in showing ® our line of Coat Suits, Cloaks, Dress Goods, Silks, Laces, Gloves, Hosiery'and everything you may want, as assortment is larger and more carefully se- A lected than at any previous season. I And Millinery ? jjj W You can select your Hats from our beautiful stock, and Mrs. Anna Haxrison i e tand Miss Oeella Proctor will satisfy your taste and desire for the latest ancPmost gfc becoming styles in shapes, coloes, ribbons and all kinds of trimmings. Visit Our Store First And Examine Our Selections. m | Harrison Bros & Co. | • ........ ..... v, • ■; v We Want You ■ 'A'e want you to start a bank account with us. We want you techuse we are determiner! to help the man Who-wants to help himself. We believe that is what a bank is for. and wc ,ire not too big or tou taken up with other interests to give PERSONAL help and PERSONAL attention to every man who want, fo get ahead, no matter how small his deposits are. This week will be the best week in the year to make that first deposit. A . Farmers & Merchants Bank State and County Depositary J. D. BIGGS, Pres. ( C. D. CARSTARPHEN, V-Pres R. G. HARRISON, Cathie. J. L. RODQERSON, Ass t Cashier If you want a J no. Deere Stag Sulky Plow, Disc Stalk Cutters, Cultivators, • Line Drills and other implements. Call to see us at once, we will save • you money. Wood and Coal Heaters a .* specialty. HOYT HARDWARE CO. Williamston, N. C. Ready for To-morrow 7 Hones digest their feed less thoroughly than other farm animals. In order to insure thorough ' digestion of all the food eaten, and to make your horses readier for next day's work, add to their find it* mint proposition evening feed a teaspoonful of- Dpp I\pp STOCK x>ee JLiee MEDICINE R Q : j It will leasen your feed bills. 25c floc ~ H will Increase jrour profits. ' At yoor desert. Don't Delay Treating Your Cough A slight coltgh often becomes serious, Lungs get (ingested, Bionthii'i Tubes fill with mucous. Your vitality is reduced. Von need I)r. Bell s Pine-Tar-Honey. It soothes,vour irritated air pas sages, loosen mucous am! makes your system colds, (rive tbe baby and t hi'.dren Dr. Belfs Pine-Tnr-Honey. It's guaranteed to help tiietn. Only 25* •"* your Druggist. v Before and After. Funny that the very fe'low who a girl for a lock of her hair In the courtship diiys when he klr.ses It so fondly will swear like a trooper if ho finds one of them in the butter after he is niarrird.—Florida Timew-Union, CHICHESTER S PIUS DIAMOND BRAND LADIES I —'-r kik j>—>r t>rururl>« fof CTTI-CHHSTHR 8 A DIAMOND UKAND PILI.S in Rkd *a4//\ Or:,D mrtilUc bores. scaled with BIoKO/ Ribbon, Taco no pTßta. BHrfrmW ltnrntit ni t>k for t'HI-CHKft-Tf.H I V DIAMOND RliiND r 11.1. K, for lwrntT4»t yenrt regarded n« Best.Safnt, Atwayi Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS timi: cucryWUFRF worth tried titniwncnc tested RUB-WIY-TIS^ Will euro your RhcutualUni Neuralgia, Headaches, Colic, Sprains Bruises, Cut a ;TiJ Burns, Old Sores. Stings oi Inset Etc. Antiseptic Anodyne, useo in fernally and externally. Price 25c