IDEM. CHURCH V THE FARMERS THE CUSTODIAN# OF THE NATION? MORALITY. OMpMIIM FT Chucoh, School and Press EsssaSUl to ConMnynlty Ry PMer Kadford UHiiir WO—I FwtMn Vote*. llcAaick. (to* press Md UwNkool ■ farm a triple afllaaee of progress thai gddss Ike toilly of every ootamua- My. akal# aad aadea Without (hem civlltaabou would wither and die and through Sle at> attain Ita great rat blessing. power and knowledge Ttoa toram of thin nation am greatly Indebted to this social triaiavirate (or their nplUtisK iaßueace, and on totalf of the Awriciwi plowmen I want to thank those esgar*d la these tu«h calling* fur their able and illicit! ut service, and I shell of* r to the prom a seriee of Artidrt> on oe-operatlor. between thcef iiaporlaat indiumces aad the lartuera in tbe hope of In crea«ing tlw> efilcl*ncy ot all k} am taal uiid«r*tHUdinK and organi/HI ef fort V»'e will tnke up tlrM. the rural church The Far,rier« Are Great Church Buitd era. The Arnerif im farmer ih the greatest chore 11 build r th» .»tr!d ban ever huowu Hi if ah- ,u> -djau of tbe nation* morality; upoa bin Fhoulders reel* the "ark of the covenant" and he m more reapautdve to religious In flncnoce than any ether eta. a ? of clt- J iMUklt) Thr furn,»*rs of thin nation have built IKe.WMi* at a cost of S7btMIM,MO, ,md the aimual ceutribu tloo ||f Jt)t natkpi Ipifgrtf all church J Institutions approximates per annum. Tfcp i.%rmer* uf the Vnl ' ted Stares build 22 church4* per day 7%err are MJM&69O rural church com- i nMustesrUn on tbe (aria, and 44 per Mat ot the total ■MWiherHhJfj of ail chnrchea reside in (ho country i The firni la the power bouse uf all j program and the birthplace of all that la noble The (iartVtk uf Hdea wai | In the country and the uum who would , net dgrf to OixJ rauat ttmt got cloee 1 if the runri churohe* today are go-' lag to rt»odar a service phiob this a£? ' demands. there cneat he eo-operstlou The ctmrt to attain its fullest nea» 1 ore of suqcee# IPMU fcurick the lives of thfc in Ui* community It ! sei***r; it raunt build character; devel-1 op (bought ai.d increase the efficiency ot human life. It muM frette tite so | clnl, btiHiuaf- and Jnteltactual, aa well aa the HpirkUuil and moral .side of life. I If retifiuii tlaee not muke ti man more I capable more upeful and more jual, I wbat good t« it? We want u practical relljrfan, or»% yve tail live by and fnrni j by, as well 38 die ay. Fewer and Better Churches Rltflsed w that fiiral oominantty which hnx but one- plucc of worship While competition l»-the llto oT trade t It death to the rural cliui-ch and moral starvation «o the community Petty aeclarlMutam ih > aeourgn (hut ! bllgbtk* the life, and tti" churc.h ureju 1 dice upc the vttaitt), oi many .coin | mtinit! k At; over-cburAtind coiiirouti Ity-ls a crime apainni reii.rlon h aeri i ohf b n ,ri(si|caj> to society ntui a iim lesH ta* upon 1 'agriculture Whiter donoiiiUmtlonß an fKHcntlal and i*flurch pride coniini 'Hi.Lbli' th« iraiHt prev.s't li the mrai "hurch 'f to fullili ilr nuchion to agriculture We Itcquentl) liaw three ->r four church** ii a eomrnuiilty v hkti ,s m t abl«' to adenuaielj «upnort 3iu- Small ceuniHCflt iona atti nn icivlc » once a nx.oth aiiti «li iai to parform thf ilpic;* itfn o it ommutifTS Tin oiviHi'n of r«'ha'-ory Itirces tnd th» o/eakinK mfo iraan-.?ntp ot moral «i'C U ti ..rtiimc» u' >;- Uuut « eaij.niitv in dcti'iitf. Ine »et-y ourpovc they sert tt» prouuito Pbe i;v>lb ot urn ii•■!!i:i«l'-cn can be tmuimlvco o> rwokeriituui The aoeia* tnd eroromw ffc ot a 'urar eomr-'ir:'v \TC rmttK slid eaur.i>i o« -wicceeittttil.v divli'c-a nv -ivv H notiiiiiutii ri;4 jtiet. 'mo tut- churclitth can cm j cupy hir: important held toy * Thf eW cient QOiintry f-hurcb will 'dehottety «»erve itf community t>v niad lng it 1 lit worthy etforta it nonimunity tMillding tn uniting :tu. rx-ople in all eooperatKe endeaverc fo« the Hen era* weilare oi the conmiuiilly and i» «roasiiig a rcat Wye tor country tlfo •nd loyalty tc the "omrtry and these results car. ouly be auccevßfull} by Ute inited effort of the ere* tbe nchaoi the church and organize*) 'armern I - I ' Piga ok Shipboard. TLe killing of u pig at eea U u|\aya aa oocaalon oi tsicb importance, not | Arty for tho reason that fresh meat la i to to* enjoyed—a great luxury oa a aaUing afalp after perhaps months of! aalt provisions—but because »what is j teemed a "pis toreese" or favorable Wlad may be looked upon aa a oer tahty. Pigs wtosa kept on sailing ships m» often Id out of their pens. mm l (kdr axrfementa, which are be f». th* *ute of the wind ftfeC expected, are watehed with kesa -Jaheeat Wkitlcj-Mca^oars A pretty home wedding was solemnized on Wednesday morn ing at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Meadows on Main Street, when their 'daughter, Miss Ollie Meadows, became the wife of Mr. Bruce Whitley, Rev- J, D. Howell, pastor of the Bap tist Church, officiating. The reception room was beau tifnlly decorated with holly, pine and mistletoe. To the strains of the wedding march executed by Mrs. S. F. Williams, the bridal party entered the room, the groom with Mr. Jack Biggs, and the bride, with Miss Emma Gra ham, came in bearing a lovely bouquet of bride's roses and lil ies of the valley. , She was at tractive in üßuit of blue cloth with hat ty match. MisH Grahagi wore purple cloth with large black pic ture hat. After the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Whitley boarded the A. C. 1,, train and left for a trip North. The bride is one of the popular women of the younger set in Will iamston, and hasahostof friends who wish hrr many long years of happiness. Mr. Whitley is en gaged in farming and has pros pects for a prosperoi'j life, and is being congratulated on winning Miss Meadows. Trustee's Sale U> virtue of the authority conferred in uie by m "l)ee«l of Trust" esecuted to fte by 1). K. Gurganu* en tlie 24tli. day of . i'tb. i*y'4. fin iluly recorded in the Keg ' later vi deed's office in Martin County, in Book Hi Page 36 to secure the pity- | meat ol « certain bond bciiriiig even date 'O) tie with, and the Ntipulattona in said ; Deed of Trust not having been coin} died ' wuli, 1 shall rxpow at public auction, 'for cash, ou the ifct, day ol Feb 1915, at j ' 12 00 3d. at the Courthoute door ul Mar- ; • tin Couuty, the following property: .My one-tilth undivided interest in two I tvHii lotn tri the town of Williarmtou ' .Martin County, one store lot known ts ) I tht ba'lie Durban tin store lot containing | one »ingl« brick store, oue dwelling lot on whiih if a two story dwelling house I which hi) Gurganus now live*. ' This Jan. Ist. 5. f A.J MAWNING, Trnstee. 3 - | Notice I North CwoJicn Mattiu County 111 the Superior Con it before the Clerk j heeler Mint u Jr. A:!m.,of Paul Watts deceased. v* j. C- Godaid A'.on/.i Hiude, Winnie M ,\tt ami Wu. Watts Will Watts one of the above named le 1 feudaiits will talf not ice that hh action j entitled «. above lift btr-'U com jjc-Ked iu J | -h. Sup. CviUrtofMuriiiiC.J tu svilUlti I iuud 01 l'iia 1 Watts decewwi! for a*«et»;| I ui.d t-i .iUjt the doner if V\ tunic Wstts; I 1 'in.l th.' defeii.iant, Will W'idt*. will fur j | the 1 titknotice lie i* injured to «p- ! I t e.i htlorc the Ueik of t ii«- Sujv.n >r 1 Kcntl 111 lilt office fit t.lO l'ofit'.lH«;l've in ■ I\\ 1 il'M'.i',ton, N v . •» f'eh /tid, 1 j>»s j I'.tUl ui Mil it . tiiuur t" t!u oHtrj.Us.-l t?i j I ~'Vld .Vet toll, or tjn - I lalniifl will • \ {• I iin v.uiit t«*r the 1 elief 'lcniuiCtd t ' c mpi ilia j .Tilt" Iht. d;»\ of Jan , I«I!.V K J. r> . C!» rl> S- . 1 • :" C"»."t .V .11 tin . I I * I . Iruslec s bale I H, viMue . . the .'i..;hoi ;t > inferred 111 1 liu-hv. n I >•-.% 11 "I Trust" rxei lllc_d t> tne-j 1 . A 1 **« 1 ..(.«■ \>. AI t.HI: 11. 1 lii MM ■ u.i iu). I' U i I'l 1 Tfi'i 1 ,!k >. 1.1 .M.'uilii . .v. oil. 11. i'l I-Hi 1. !' • 1 i■ 1 | ' '» hi. , 11' 11.1. ' v ' . iti' ■'i h, 1'• i 1 hi hj; .111 ' ,i| l II_« .1 , -■li 111 11 1 •11 111 'I V o pU'tv th, 1 fhul 1 . tM.i • .1 ■■i: :u ini.un, U-r «..-h mi tl e *Hho«> I'lii. iiji i'l u ti'i'ldci M. itt Hunt iltti. r« ife . f H.-niitU-n it •' .'.it i . Imi tv til' 1".,.. w.l . j ru, t\ ; .\i >.l f ,'n ;"i lin in 1.1 • .• iii imi,• .1 1 in"' . . . 1 ,v ;.• t■ .• t > it .Mi', id i> t 1 i ll 1 1 • ■ 1 r . a' , K, Kji s I U. \ v • I 1' v V n ' 4.1. In ii li 11 I v-■ -1 . .- V-11 —-11-r*-*- .1. I Ul.ti t..- 11 I' Vi in t>« M I .Itt i, i, .1 In _ti . i- v li-.iul . .'• j lining the i'l K H iiA, ' . V oltlll'll . Ilit . Il>!- ji- m, hjji il4 5 ♦t-*. L. UAi.-LIP, ■liiii.l.-.'. j-f> X I ru&tec's Jiy vAiVwc tMiie authority couft-ritii 111 ine L) a "liced ol I'ius.t" executed to lue l») hewis it Li.lev and kuhy 1/ 011 the lyth d#v ol June 19N, and duly itcordca m the ul feed's uftice in Muitin CounlA, iu bunk /5, to biccuie ihe paj ment of a ceitain buud beanng ! even uaie vheicwuh, and the stipulations in i>aid Ueed of 'lrubt not having l>e«u ! complied with, I shall expose at public auction, lor cabh, ou Moudry the Bth day lof i-ebiuary 1915, at u M. at Court iiouae aoor 10 Martin Ciunty, the I tollowing property: , A X UMUivided interest iu all of that tiftct of laud of which the late Henry T. fcirupsou died seized and poaesaed, con taining 40 acre* more or lew. Adjoining I the lauda of Pattie O Wallace, A. U. \ iiaidiaon et ala. Situate on both aide* of ihe Jameaville and Washington Road about a) 4 miles from Jameaville, thia be ing tut same property inherited bT Rahf L. Li Hey from her father, the late Henry T. Sunpeon. Thie jaa. 71b, «aij. A. i. MANNING, Ynutce. i 4 THE ENTERPRISE, WILLIAMS TON, NOETH JAROLINA Keep It Handy For Rheuma- No use to sqnirm and wince and try to wear out your Rheumatism, li will wear you out instead. Ap ply some Sloan's Liniment. Need not rub it in just let it penetrate al! through the effected parts, re lieve tne soreness and draw the I pain. You get ease at once and |feel so much better you want to go right out and tell other suffer [ ers about Sloan's. »et a bottle 1 Sloan's Liniment for 25 cents of | any druggist and have it in the house—against Colds, Sore and (Swollen Joints, Lumbago, Sciatica 'and like ailments. Your money 'bank if not satisfied, but it does /give almost instant relief, Huy a I pottle to-day. . t . 1 . A Test For Liver Complaint Mentally Unhappy--Physlcally Dull The Liver, sluggish and inac tive, (irst showes itself in a men- I ' | tie state unhappy and critical. Never is there joy in living, as when the Stomach and Liver are doing their worlf Keep your I.iv- Jer active and healthy by nseing Ur. King s New Life 1'ills; they empty th" Bowels freely, tone up your Stomachs cure vour Consti pation and purify the Mood. 251 . at Ilruggist Bncklen'g Arnica Salve cxi elh'iit for Piles, , 1 ■ ■ Your Cold Is DaDgsrouS 1 Break It TJp-NOw A Cold is readily catching, A run-down system is susceptible to Germs. You owe it to yourself and others ot your household, to fight the Germs at once. Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey is line for Colds and Coaghs. It loosens the Mu cous, stops the Cough and soothes, the Lungs. It guaranteed. Only 251'. at your Druggist. .Notice I will sell at my home on 1 day. Jan. 15th. All my per sonal property, consisting Of corn, fodder, cattle.~hogs, farming im plements. kitchen furniture and one horse. W, I, Griffin, For Sale A one_;,or«-e tarm. located in I . i ii: S TiV.ii ship tor sale oil e.v-V let in*. TJie *'il ""prodttorS-l corn, ; i-.iiiMtll !ton and tobacco, I j .. I' ; !ai ') 1 11w.ll farmer uho ) :: '' l ! .11 I, Atm ■I \ t l *t. ■* i ■ ; • • ,n' v * 'sei.'t \ C«i.. '■ li. \ . C ' i K*r Sale i will m'll ott M«. ml ay. Decern-; If)' 1; M 4. :U mv he toe near' H i":i !to|j ail it,'-—i.aiUm'l a>lJ— hiio kit eJ.■ • n ftiniitjn-.', faille,. i«-,s ;>i.! [un'Ut hay, v'.lo-np ,• .- Iv : ' ti l:. K% .-•, Mi N. r:- on vilh\ N. v -1.1 : % .> -—— • l\ ,—t , . , "^ywiir"!T" .'- "I**/ ;_t. "ft." 1' '/j~" " * \V lk*n iLi lived oi Tin and Slate Guttering; or anything' in tkelnetal line, writcfrne or cal 1 telephone 1-7-0. Can furnish. es timate on short notice. At your service, J. C. Morris Do You Take The Enterprise? I If Not, Why Not (?) Notice lib virtue of power vested in me by a certain deed of trust, executed to me on tbe i6ih day of February, 19:0, by John A Cotton and wife, and recorded in tbe office of tbe Register of deeds for Martin County, North Carolina, In book UUU. at page 3*3, I will on tbe 14th day of January, 1*913. sell for cash at public auction to tbe highest bidder at the dour of the Courthouse dour in Williams ton, N. C. at 2, jo P. M. tbe following describ ed real estate. That tract of land in Martin County North Carolina, bounded by tbe lands ot R. H. Otton. Dick Jones, Louis Lawr ence, Calvin Purvis, Guiford Cotten and others. Containing 141 % acres more or less being the same land on which John A. Cotton's farmely lived and purchased by him from John L. Hines, being known as a part of the Little Place This tbe Otb dav of Dec. iqi4. J. R. ASKKW, Trustee. ra-11 4 1 Notce By virtue of a power of sale contained » in a ceitaui Mortgage Deed executed and delivered bv J, A. Ererette and wife t Ktbei Kverette to W. 11. Dad, Jr.. dated tbe isth. day of August. 1914. and duly r recorded in tbe Register's Office in Mar tin County, in Book Pi, page 495, tbe undersigned will on Saturday, the 6th day of February, 1915, at 1 o'clock p m exjiose to public sale before the Court . House door in Wllliamston. Martin Co., to the highest bidder for cash, tbe fol • lowing described trprt or parcel of land, i to-wit: "Lying and being in Martin County and in I'itt County and htate of North . Caiclina, and descril>e;l an follows: Ad joining tbe lands of R L Wbiifield on ' ihe Kant; Oliver YanNautrick on the • South: the Harjx-r lanil on the West and Oliver Van Nautric on tbe North and ' limning to the County Koad; thence . with the County Road to R. 1„. Whit field's line. Containing 80 acre* more or lt->ii and lieii'K the land pnrcliHsed by 1 J. C. Williams from R L. '.Vbitfield." This sale is made for the purpose of »ati«f£ing the terms of «mid I Veil , This the 4th. day of Jan 1915. *- W. H. DA IL Mortgage. Harding & Price, Attorneva. l-H Truatee's Sale Hv virtue of the.authority conferred ir uii' hy a "l>eed of Trtiaf" executed to ma b> B. J. Bartibill and aife K L Barnhill on the litli .'av t.if Msr. 1913, and *nly rtrr Ud in tlie Register of lveel'i« office ; in Marttn County, in 80-'k Ij 1 l'-'ge ,oS| to seci:re the payment of a certain f»ond bearing even date thereuim, an 1 the stipulations iti said l>eed of Tru--t not having.been comolied W.tb. I sb»ll ex pose ;it public mixtion, for cash, on Mon day the Bth day of Feb »ois, at i 2 M. at the Post office in Haniiltoti in Martin Countv, the property: liegiuniui? at Mrs Lucy Council's cor ner trfTark Street in the town of Ham ilton. alonx her line to W. \V Clo%« ilne a»id along his line to S. K Kwell's life; thence alony '.aid Kwell line being a line a Stiutbeasterl v directum fr.nn Park Street; theuce a Northeasterly direction along s,til Kwell lice feet to Sena Purvis Htie ib'iice Seua PurviN line a \\'i»« , etl\ con-se to Park Stieel; thence alon/ P ivk Street u 1 n/, tautaining % ncie, uiore > 1 le#«, This tbe 4'b day of January, iq s 1 L. Tru*t» 1-8 >ot ice ■ N' rth C rclin i %" vtt?«i ' ' ! Uiiilcr and b\ vixUie of « r ... j c.ollinil!'l I'n . • t«i 11 denl "I tr 1 1 -.M I 'Vr date. a' ' • \-> |ed bv J T. M«ibele* and wi'»* '.trcv-t—ehir i uw'ei rest re wik' iec.od 10 80-ik I PP.P, Page V-o. Mi tin ll'j .:ti\ tsv jto sf-cur*' t! . I'av«i»'.t of a certain "note 101" iven list' - 'b r«"A stV.; Hit t i'i • 'tipul.i ; i rtnl hiving 1> en c >niplled wiih ami tit J 'the rei]ifest of U, e )Mity at Jiiterc'-t, li ! r-liait o.u S,.tvi.l ( e, Feb 6'b, at 12 • i'i-elf M ' i'i l, ("iiirll.oilse 1 e*r i'.l the j iT. mi u! Wla I-.-;« n. N i\ viler at pub J «».• *•!•: t-i i 5 • 'iT'ii -l hi'etter for cash ' " f| u nli>. At I • lie ich I •i' c- ' ' 1 -•id 01 tk .• I 1 t bv I «V. U -LiJii- i-,4 on tw .«• tb tiv- the j Hi' v,r • • 1 ' '- r* Po 11 ao tun j - 4 • ■.V\ t- ' t>• 1 alii*-* . vo.jVii. II.JO: d - ' 1 u"»iv 1115. ■S. », Ttliit-it:.. t.f YOUR MONEY Works while you sleep if your deposit is in our bank. We pay FOUR PER CENT. INTEREST COMPOUNDED QUAR TERLY on time deposits. Leave your spare money with us . m time deposit and if it stays three months we will pay you four per cent interest, but should you need your money for any cause before the three months arc out you can get it any day. without any notice. The farmers, merchants, schuol teachers, and people of every profession and calling in life, receive a hearty welcome at our bank. Open a savings account with us and watch the interest grow while you work and while you sleep. There is no safer place on earth to deposit your money than in this bank. We are SAFE. SOUND, and SECURE at all times, " f • v 'T/ ~ Farmers & Merchants Bank State and County Depositary J. D. BKHiS Pres. C. D. CARSTARPHEN, V-Pres R. a. HARRISON, Cffthle. J. L. RODOERSON, Ass't Cashier 0 If you-want a Jno. Deere Stag Sulky Plow. Disc Stalk Cutters, Cultivators, Line Drills and other implements. Call to see us at once, we will save you money. Wood' and Coal Heaters a specialty. HOYT HARDWARE CO. Williamston, N. C. BUY A GOOD FARM r _ Ist. Tract: iContains 164 acres, '•> mile? from Wiljjamston on withe Washington road. y 2nd. Tract: 83 acres. 6 miles from town on the Hamilton road. *, 3rd. Tract: 214 acres, 6 miles from town on the Hamilton road. 4th. Tract: 78 acres, 1 mile from, town on the Jamesville road. sth. Tract: 136 acres on the Everetts road. Good for cot ton, peanuts and tobacco. Sell Cheap. Terms Easy. LESLIE FOWDEN Williamston, North Carolina Prompt Action Will K Stop Your Cou£h | When you rirsl in'.i'i a C•»l'i H»i'ton'iixlicittcl pv a sneeze us V | hr ak ii up at •met*. 'The ider ; 'l' ■'i.hiit" « >f lin Ira j complications. ! t (h Miich inv. lectiateiy anil easily l i-4ict rates tin lining pi the throat the k-ind dt-mancjctl. T'r. King s j \tw Discovery sooths the irita .(»n, lot-sent- the phjcgnv Yuu fed tlt-r at «. i\f. 'lt 'ffmwl to reach ;he ve¥y spot of ir:y lY.ngh is one i,|" my honest testimonials, 50c, at ■iU I 1 Co cn ire :::-.Tg'SltSe di>. !•-. ♦*> ',■* t'Mf," said TjocK' I r;-» _VbJit iT-fltn _ '-.;r nrni;iy»-,-r; les near n« Jr.n lin ■ o you won't oj Lin: auffnV* coK»iii;s... assmMW.;■;,.**naast aapaascaKfn»,•»»— iiiiintto^ 1 ,Car Load of Furniture . 1 Car Load of Wire Fencing r % i r Attractive and Durable. Come and Inspect Our Stock ■ . «4 , • G. D. Garstarphen & Go. Willlamttoa - - North Carolina SHIGHESTER SPILLS DIAMOND BRAND i I LAgUKST ' JUV .»'.f l»nirtc!«* for CIH-CKKS TER S A Ul/iMONIi I.RAND I'ILI.S iaßrnTiij/A j Goto tn«t «!.«> t« «»; J'alrct wp Blne\os . I Rib! n. T.\na : o OfßSi tinrW j».r\V lVr—ljit mid »,>. Tar i 111-CUI 4.U.UK V , j D 4 \MON I» nu An It PlUfitl i I jff« rccardcil ni Bes«, E a 153, AI w #y» Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS lIUitD EVERYWHERE Jg® r^T77 j » *, ** * * . * '-- •' . . . ■ ,"7 ■ '