Advertise In The ENTERPRISE We Rim Tl* CIRCULATION VOL XVI. NO. 23 LOCAL Today is Good Friday. The hanks here will be closed Monday. S. C. White Orpingtons, White Leghorns, and Barred Plymouth Rock eggs $1.50 per 15. D. C. Matthews, Hamilton, N. C. Yesterday was All Fools Day. NOTlCE—Whoever took a gray overcoat, half lined, with a pair of gray gloves from Biggs DruK f S ore oh Friday, March 19th, will please return it to J. W. Biggs, City. For Sale- Second hand barber chair and mirror cheap A. G. Mason, Hamilton, N. C. 2t Shows to the right of us, shows to the left of us and they still come. White perch are on the mar ket, and they makeadith (it for a king. Special Easter services at the Methodist and Episcopal Church- j es on Sunday. The Sunday: Schools will have their annual! egg hunt on Monday. Ri gular services at the Baptist Church on Sunday by the pastor, Rev. W. R. Burrell. The walls of the Baptist Church are going up rapidly, Contractor Bland being present to look alter every detail of the work. Tuesday a boy was seen driv ing in town with a load of wood. People whp him passing no ticed that the wood was on fire, a blaze actually coming from it. He was warned and extinguished same. The best show of the season will be Coburn's Minstrels here on Tuesday night. Secure a seat eirly at Saunders & Fowden's Drug Store. If out of town, phone there. Women are said to fight with the poker or tongs—two negro men fought with a flatiron Sat urday night in the pressing club in the building next to the Bank of Martin County. Whether the iron was used to brand or draw blood, remains to be told. At any rate the weapon drew the blood. This gave Mayor God win something to do at the close of the week. PERSONAL Hon. A. R. Dunning arrived home Wednesday evening. Mrs. J. H. Saunders hnd little s >n accompanied by Leslie Fow den, went to Washington Wed ne.Mlay to le with Saunders. Mrs. W. B. Watts spent last week here with relatives. Mrs. P. B. Cone left Wednes day to visit, her parents near Wilson. Dr. J. H. Saunders, who is suffering from an infected gland i t his neck, has been in Wash ington for treatment this wee.i. , Mrs. Louis C. Hasrison, who for several weeks was in St. Luke's Hospital, Richmond, re turned home Saturnay. Mrs. .Grover C. Godwin re turned to Richmond Wednesday. Mrs. W. H. Crawford spent Saturday with friends in Cone toe. Mrs. A. D. Mizell spent Satur day in Rocky Mount. . Miss Fannie Biggs Martin has been on a visit to in Durham. * J Mesdames J. P. Boyle and T. B. Slande, Jr., were in town Monday. Miss Carrie Dell Blount Is at hotae fromJGff mboro. "4,. ■ I THE ENTERPRISE" High School Teams Debate Friday evening, the High School Debates took place be tween the Williamston and Rob ersonville teams. Misses Daisy Manning and Leona Page, for the negative side of the question, that of Ship-Subsidies, went to Robersonville and debated with Messrs Harcom Grimes and Dur ward Everett. The debate was heard by a large and interested audience at the Baptist Church, and quite a number of Williams ton people attended to cheer on their team. At no time dur ing the evening did Robe -sonville have the slightest scintilla of a chance to win, for the negatives put a torpedo in every sentence in the argument, hit the subsidized s lips bel »w trie w iter and they failed to float to safety. This do nate proved the fact that in an argument women can outclass the men, and possessing, a l id Misses Manning end Page, the fine art of expression. the victory was an easy one. Messrs Cecil Outlaw, A. •Misell and Wheeler Martin* Jr., acted as judges. The debaters and their friends were tendered a ban quet at the hotel where the time was spent most pleasantly This was a pleasing feature of the evening, and one thoroughly appreciated by the visitors. Williamston did not fare os well at home, though the team composed of Messrs Perlie Perry and Jack Edwards, received well deserved applause, the argument of the former and the manner of delivery established the fact that it was the best arranged speech in the debate that night. Ed wards scored much in his rejoind er, it being an answer to his op ponnent, and delivered with a pungency which phased the au d'ence. These two were on the afliirmative and were opposed by Messrs Turner Grimes and Jessr Coburn, of Robersonville, who sustained the negative side with arguments well arranged and carefully studied, and received splendid applause from the au dience, who recognized their ability to win in the contest. Dr John D. Biggs, John L. Hassell and J. H. Roberson, of Roberson, -rille, decided in favor of the visitors and declared them the winners. A number of their home people came down to hear them. The debate settles the ques ti >n of who shall represent Mar tin County at Chapel Hill, for neither team winning at both places will debar both, and so the County cannot appear there in the State wide contest However, it was a creditable debate to the schools represented. The Beautiful Show Winter passed before people in this section were given the Sighi of the beautiful shuw, March bringing it each time, Wednes day morning those who arose ear ly looked out upon a beautiful scene, for during the night and after the rain, which came ear lier, much snow had fallen arid lying thick and heavy on lea-f and bough, made a picture only Nature can produce while in her rarest mood. All Wednesday morning the flakes came down lightly, but little remaining on the earth, except on the freshly plowed 3oil across the fields. The of snow upon the soil, has a beneficial effect in the produc tion of crops and farmers like.,to see one heavy fall during* tjj£ winter months. But when the peach blossoms show pink against the sky, it if to late for mow. WILLIAMSTON, N. C.. FRIDAY, APRIL, a, IQIS THE THEATRICAL EVENT OF THE SEASON 1-COBURFTS BIG MINSTRELS COMING At last we are to be favored with one of the largest and best Minstrel Shows traveling. Man ager Walker on learning that Manager Coburn had an open date, immediately got in touch with the Advance Agent and by offering a large guarantee has secured this noted Aggregation for Tuesday, April Oth, at the Opera House. Many of our citizens will re member the splendid perform ance this same Manager gave us several years ago and since then, the Show has been enlarged un til now it i.s one of the foremost in the country. The beautiful special scenic m-i semble "The Palace of Neptune in the Land of the Nyads" that mythical realm of Old King Nep tune, is said to be exquisite in coloring, and costuming, mer maids, seashell grottoes* sunken castles and ships, seen amidst,! the submarine vistas in which the minstrels give the regulation* first part songs, dances an d comedy numbers, presents an entirely interesting and different stage picture from anything at tempted by similar organizat ions. Charley Gano and Nicodemus Glynn past masters of fun and merriment assisted by an able corps of black face entertainers, constitute the comedy element, while Lester Lucas, Justin Mo Carty, Joseph Maguire, William Church, Geo. Baber, G. H. Wil liamson, Adrian Arnold an d Archie Milton form the vocal choir, whi'h is the best to be ob tained from the ranks of min strel vocalists. Six big vaude ville and novelty specialties con cluding with an uproariously fun ny farce "Pacificating Mexicari no" participated in by the entire company concludes two hours ami a half of the brightest musi ical, vocal and comedy numbers to be had this reason. There is not a dull moment, everything is new, nothing v> hatever repeated or retained from last seasons big show. An afl new attraction. Seats now on sale at Saunders & Fowden's Pharmacy. The County Banks A look at the statements of the six banks in Martin County will convinceone that there is plenty of solid cash in the nam-sof some folks in these parts. Some peo ple may not be keeping theirs in circulation, but they can draw •ehe?ks without protest. The com bined deposits reach to $592 v 450. 11. This sum is made up by the several banks as follows; Bank of Martin County, SIBO, : J >4K.l7 Farmers & Merchants, $183,976. >6: Robersonville, $8.3,324.81;' Jamesville, $42,191.06; Oak City, S3B, 388.90; Hamilton, $64,222.91.1 It, will he seen that t.he Williams ton banks hold $*#>4,32243, or | nearly twice as much as the! other four institutions combined. The Enterprise has secured the services of Mr. J. H. How erton, of Kittrel, who entered upon thedyties of foreman on Tuesday mbrriing... He has had several years of experience, and is thoroughly efficient ip all kind of book and job work. All .esti mates submitted to him at the office will have careful attention. Mrs. S. R. Biggs, Jr., will spend Easter in Edenton with her mother. A New Foreman Young Boy Killed by Automobile One of the most distressing accidents which has happened in this vicinity was the death of lit tle Ernest Taylor, the seven-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Will L. Taylor, who live about three mile* South of Williamaton on the Washington road. The acci dent carries with it many sor rowful features apart from the great loss of an only boy to the bereaved parents. The accident which caused the d«;ath of the boy, happened Sunday just .be fore one o'clock. Mrs. Taylor, mother of the child, and herbro- Henry Green, had at-1 tendtd Church in town, and re | turning were seated in their auto in frdnt-of their home (being on j the left side of the road) and I were waiting for the gate to be opened so the car could be driven into the lot on the right sid- of the dbad. Oa the side of ihe road nexfpto the house stood a largs oak tree, and from bo hind this ran little Ernest to upon the gate, neither, seeing or hear ing An auto which enine from the Williamston direction goiriji at. the rate of twenty miles an h >'»•, and this car struck him. crushing one limb and one of the j skutyand otherwise rrminiug him, j so that he lived only a few hours, i deatfc taking the brave little spirit away a few minutes past •6IK The car which struck Ernest was driven 1$ Angus MaeLean, Jr, r -who was accompanied by his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. A. I). -MaeLean, Miss Bessie Bt Mrs. Rhode* Gallagher, of Washington. These were driving over the roads of Martin County and had just been, through the streets of Williams ton and were en route home, when the accident occurred. The occupants of the car did not see Ernest as the other car was be tween him and them, and he neither saw or heard the- Mac- Lean car, as the engine of his uncle's ear wa.-; nut silent. Young Mac I jean in an effort to avoid the accident, drove his car against a telephone pole, which fortunately was not very sound and which broke off, and then was hit again by the fender of the car, and one part of it fell across the seat between Miss Boyd and Mtb. Gallagher. Every one was badly shaken up hut re-j ceived no injuries. The fact that the MaeLean car was a large, heavy one, may have saved live occupants from deaMi. Mr. "Mae- Lean stated that "it was like a b )lt from a clear sky.". j Jumping from his. car without) even thinking of his own safety, , Mr. MaeLean ran to the man- j gl : 1 hoy who was picked up by Mr. j Green, hurriedly into the house, where McLean quickly pho ned to Drs. Dave ,and .1 >s'i Tay i'R'.uM'l Drs. Warren and'Y >-!« at socatneout from Williamston with a nurse. But Ui.* little wvi beyond medical aid, andssto t he- breathed out his short, sweet life afe v h-ws. Vlr. and Mrs. Taylor both wit n Hsjd tu accident, and their grief is deep, and hard to bjar, they aiquit all of "blame and state that it could not have been sisoldei under £he circura sti'vuj. This"is the one brjght spot in the darkness, which has I the lives of all con cerned. In midst, of their gre itest sorrow, the parents have hearts full of sympathy for him who was the unfortunate cause of the accident. Mr. MaeLean remained at the bedside of the boy until death came, and mingled his tears, as | a strong man would, with those One Measly Quart The law restricting a man in the quantity of whiskey ordered went into effect in North Car olina at 12 o'clock Wednesday night. This law allows a man one quart every fifteen days, making it a misdemeanor for any transportation company to bring more tMn that quantity or more than five gallons of beer. With this law in sight, a large number of people stored up for the "drouth" having had booze shipped to them by the "barl" to be used for camphor later on. However, there have been no shipments of the gum to this point. The whiskey dealers, with desperation in their hearts, sent# out loads of circulars as first class mail, stating that if one bought their brand, the proper formula would be: Two parts of wat«r lo one of red eye, thus incr'asing the quantity and the number of headache?, fights, oaths, etc. Twentieth Century Club Tiic,regulur meeting of the Twentieth Century Book Club was held with Mrs. A. D. Mi -7.e11, Wednesday afternoon. After the usual business meet ing, a very interesting program was enjoyed. Sketch of Elizabeth Browning - Mrs. Staton. Pied Piper of Hamelin— Mrs. Martin. Song from Pippa Passes Mrs. Hoyt. How do I liOve Thee Miss Mizell. Refreshments were served. The Club adjourned to meet with Miss Annie Mizelf, Aoril 14th. Engagement Announced Mr. and Mrs. Latham Thrywer announce the engagement of their daughter, Annie Caroline, to Mr. Maurice Shepherd Moore, the marriage to be solemnized in the month of May, in the Church of The Advent, Williamston, N. C. This announcement will be read with interest" by many friends here and elsewhere, the young couple enjoying a wide popularity, which will bring to them sincere wishes for years of happiness in the new life to be theirs. They will reside in Wil liamston, where Mr. Moore is electrician for the Williamston Electric Company. of the loved ones. Hi-; car was driven to Washington, where Mrs. MaeLean has. been atten ded .by. physicians liver since, the o"curanee completely pros trating her. Monday afternoon, in the pre sence of a number of friends assembled at the home, i Rev, W. R. Burrell, pastor of I the Williamston Baptist Church, ; conducted the burial services. jthe interment being in Lhf; cern jctery near Hear (Srass. Hero the | committal service was said, Hev. j Mr. Hope-, of Washington, assist ing. Among those present was j Mr. Mac Lean accompanied by a 'number of friends from Wash ' ington, who visited the Taylor : home before returning. Benuti , ful flowers, offerings of friends 'and acquain tehees lightened the | tfluoin and spoke of that Blessed ' Home where- "there's* a rest for little children, beyond (he bright blue sky.~ TT There is the deepest sympathy felt by every one for the parents and relatives of the little child, whose end was so untimely. And, too, much is felt for Mr. Mac Lean, who is bowed down with regret autacribe Tto RNTERPRISB On*jr SI.OO A YEAS Sr.oo a Year in Advance Concert By Glee CW> A good crowd greeted tike Wake Forest Glee Clnb ut the Opera House on Tuesday evening. This was the second appeanw* • of the Club in Williarnston, where it is a favorite. The programiwr was pleasing, every number be ing attractive, and the orehestn is exceptionably fine. Hugh ■. Poteat is Director, and many «f the best numbers on the pro gramme were rendered by biflk A new featire of the Club v the reading by Mr. Olive, and one, too, which pleased the au dience greatly. The trombone solo—Good bye— by Mr. Edger ton was especially enjoyable, and iti the encore he was assisted Mr Potent. There were twenty live members of the Club, all s'udenU'and teachers at Wake Forest CoHge. They have only seven on their route, a»d vVilliamsto\i was one of th*on. Mr. Poteat, Director, is the bro ther of Mrs. Wheeler Mariin, ir., of t his place. After the concert, the Clvb member} were Invited to th'!- Eotun CIu 1 ) rooms, where guests had been asked to meet them. Here the hours were spent mo«t pleasantly, and refreshments served and enjoyed. Fire In Everetts Tuesday night, fire was dm coverei in the store of Meeks & Co , at Everetts. Mr. Meeks was the first to notice the troo hle, and rushed in ti save what he could. He succeeded in Ret ting his safe out, the toll box be longing to the Telephone CtK A building in the rear of the store, commonly known as the "Old Soldiers Home" was alse destroyed. I*. T. Rverett's star® was in great danger, but was saved by the efT >rts of IxKh white and colored citizens. E*- erett, who is a eolored merchant desires to return thanks for the kindess of these people, who as sisted him during the fire. The fire was covered bv insurance to the amount of $4,000. The (lo gin of the fire was though, fc* have been accidental. Oak City Items Miss Dorothy Burroughs, of Robersonville, was the guest of Mrs. J, H. Etheridge Tuesday. .Miss Blount Johnson is viKitin* Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Johnson a few days. j John Purvis, of Haeeefl. was in town the first of the week. B. M. Worsley and wife sjx-nl, the week-end with Mrs. loh* Wiggins near Tarboro. Cary Weeks with his family. of Scotland Neck, spent Sunday herewith relatives. Robt'Salsbury and Miss Myrtle Roberaon were in town Sundajt I Ernest Burnett, of Palmyra, j was in town Sunday, j Misses Hattie and Margaret i Everette, Messrs. Johnie Ei>- banks and Robt. Salsbur> were here Monday. Miss Vincent, of Greenville, was the guest of Miss Beatrice Goodrich during the week Mrs. E Imjndson and Mar tha Council, -of Hamilton, were here Monday. , I Mrs, Ddt,tieS pruilU of BasseH ,sp ; .mt Saturday with Mrs. T. H. | Johnson. ■■■•■ — j Miss Pauline Beverly, of Beth- • el, is visiting her sister. Mrs. CL M. Hurst. The moving picture show hens Monday and Tuesday nights w*,. largely attended

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