THE ENTERPRISE ——— ■ - *OBI4»HKD RVKRV FRIDAY WIIUUMtoa, ft. C PKLUAMC. MANNING KDITOK SUBSCRIPTION RATES Wear #I.OO m— m mtiis - .*5 atncuy Mas la Aavaace MatltltfeiMOMMUWnUnHlN, ftC mm tasal Cteaa ltell Halter. AMnssal Cawinakattaaa to IMB ENTERPRISE, > Wflfiamatea, N. C. iVidiTi July 9, tqtt; KNOW TOUR HOML LbmK ng papers throughout the * country are carrying articles ur ging the people "to see America first.*' The slaughter in Europe haa b ought Americans face to face with the fact that they have far years been doing many fool ish things, prominent among which is the annual tour to Eu rape. The active principle pro ducing the thirst for travel abroad is money. Let a family , •pjpt rich either by a lucky stroke or by inheritance, and letters of ' credit are secured hurriedly and J | a large part of that money goes 11 into making Europe richer. It' kms tseeined impossible to educate ' the j>eople into staying at home \ and becoming acquainted with \ their own magnificent scenery, beautiful cities, lakes, rivers and everything wonderful which Na- I ture can make in her workshop. J It has taken the var to keep \ Americans at home and to spend their cash among their own peo- ' jplc ~ I J News From Hamilton. [ Mrs. Maggie Floyd and daugh- ' ter have returned from Panaeca. ' Mi.*? Mary L. and C. D. Car- jj starphen, Jr. spent the week-end j with Mrs. Harrv Waldo. ' i Miss Effie Waldo has returned " from Williamston. | Jordan Hines spent Sunday in j Leens. Steven Ewell and Wilbur Wor-j' sk\v spent the 4th in Norfolk, j f Mrs. .J. H. Williams and chil-h dreii left Sunday for Norfolk. Mrs. J. B. Cloman spent last! I week in Scotland Neck. j M rs. M. I. Fleming has return-. el from a 4 yisit to (ireenville. |' I T. B. £lade went to Williams-j i ton Sundav. , * i Miss Pattie Sherfod is visiting relatives in Greenville. Mrs. Jim Everett and children spent a few hours here Thursday. Mrs. S T Nicholson and Mifis; Carlotta Nicholson have returned t® Washington after a visit toj Mrs. Dan Taylor. Mrs. T. B. Slade, Jr., returned Monday from a visit to Newport News. .. ____ Traveling Mam's Experience. •* f ln iiit .j,Rii'H" •-f rs >•. I hads* very severe attack of cholera mor ry;ii |>h\ M i ins v, 'rlml ■>\ wmi from lour a. in, to six 11.I 1 . w. waeout giving mo any relief and then told mc'thvv did not ex-=, pen me to live; llt at I had best telegraph for my family. Instead,' of doing so» 1 gave the hotel | nr tjer fifty-cents and told him to buy one a bottle of C harnher lain' s Colic ; Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, -am? take no substitute. 1 tflpk it, don Colt dose according to ihe dU factions and Went to sleep after the sec- fid dose. At ii\e o'clock the *>ext morning 1 was.called oy my ©Met -and took a'train for my topping point, a well man t tkui Reeling rather shaky from the wcrity "STlhe"aftaßt, G. W-Ireland, LouisvUte, Ky. Ob Restored to Good Health " I was sick for (our years wtth stomach trouble," writes Mrs. -Otto Gans, Zanesville, Ohio. "I lost weight and felt so weak that .1 almost gave up hope of being cured. A friend told me about Chamberlain's Tablets, and since using two bottles of them I have been a wel! woman." Obtainable everywhere. On* Cause of Matrimony. Many a bachelor marrtaa ju»t be cause he feels that when he geta old and horrid he will want aomethluf besides th» clock to make a noise around tfce house Clasa Distinction. "What do rem think of the nerve of that fallow In the third row? Trying to flirt wltb ma. be was, Maymat As if I'd notlee a fellow,who came to a 15-cent vaudeville show!"—Har> vard Lampoon. V 9 V/JSI si VI vsi w Vw» I FARMING ! 12 $ | Machinery | J I am Ayent for .2 Gibbes Machinery Company's $ $ $ (Vnnplefo Line of Farming Ma* oliinorv, oousistinfir of Gasoline x '!>, Saw Mills, Hay Balers, I- * horse, *2-horse and power bal- y. w ers. ('ottou Gius and Presses. * j| And All Other Kinds of ]f j| Machinery I |j| Let me figure with von before buying. I also sell the World m Famous P. & (). Bulky Plow. ra Biggs iron & Motor Co. 1! tlir w *— 1 j PHONE (8 ' ,- J jr ,r y>& "" rT v»Eum >naaa.TiMiii»Mn n'fmn n nn>^ u ' n Your' with poor light, "trying to match , sew orTread, when thr liglu J ff\\vrives a soft, white radiance like I dwi' r mISeIjBb bottled sunshine"? ,-, !t gives three times the light of ; | :' tlv type i: can \c ■-... it lamp at the same cost for cur- 1 f, rent, rd its drawn wire filament practically eliminates I L h.' . F.ven though you get three limes as much light, W a: would b~- ' r ore. Can your afford not to invest- 1 dj igatc i-)) , |A vvaston Electric Co. i | i li.LMnSTOK, li. C .'" J - sassa asrewE-wa -- - /esmm^n. tupcm* m* -wmmwrnrmmm# THE ENTERPRISE, WILLIAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA. Bilious Attacks When you have a bilious attack your liver fails to perform its functions. You become consti pated. The food you eat ferments in your stomach instead of digest ing. This inflames the stomach and causes nausea, vomiting and a terrible headache. Take Cham berlain's Tablets. They will tone up your liver, clean out your stom acn and you will soon be as well as ever. They only cost a quart er. Obtainable everywhere. Lame Back Lame back is usually due to Rheumatism of the muscles of back. Hard working people are most likely to suffer from it. Re lief may be had by massaging the back with Chamberlain's Lini ment two or three times a day. Try it. Obtainable everywhere. They All Help Smile Be honest Keep busy Be cheerful Don't Gamble Don't grumble Pay your debts Grin and bear it Hold your temper Learn to take a joke Patronize home industries Don't parade your troubles Try to make an honest dollar every working day. Don't talk war—talk about your home and hapipess. Save your money and deposit it in this bank and live happy hereafter. Farmers & Merchants Bank J. 0. BKKIS, Pres. C. D. CARSTARPMEN, V*Prss. K. W. SALSBURY. sod. Vica-Prwa. R. O. HARRISON, lasble. I J. L. RODQBRSON, Asa't Cashier m eeeaee^ ID OWN! | Goes The Price | B ' $/) oji all Men s, emen's' and Childrens Oxfords 4J Lawns, and Fancy Dress Goods, and Embroideries. It will pay you to see our goods and get our prices i before you buy. Ladies Hats at wonderfully low Palm Beach Suits • $4.75 II Gome and See Us t» 0 Harrison Bros. & Co. & Main Street w 1 _____ ' Corf |V\| ifl'l ' Young men seeking to equip Vrfill Ulillu themselves for practical life in TAOr•^»Aff•c , Agriculture and all its allied leacnerrs branches; in Civil, electrical and _ , . Mechauical Engineering; in Chcm Training Senool '"7 and r ,n --" dustry, and in Agricultural Tcach- A State School to train ' n W 'N excellent provision for teachers for the public their chosen careers at the State's] schools of North Caroli- industrial College, "This College na. Every energy is di- men ~r l'b*. Faculty for the rected to this one pur- coming year of 65 men: 767 stud pose. Tuition free to all a 5 buildings. Admirably who agree to teach. Fall equipped laboratories in each de torm begins September padtoient, County examinations % 21, 1915. For Catalog at ea *-h county-scat on July Bth. and other inforforrtiation For catalogue, write address Registrar, w-v 1 1 YT **r • 1 1 West Raleigh, \. C. Robt. H. Wright,.. ... ■ . •Presinent. Greenville. N.C. rs MattlC bpeller —% . lioolor In Diplomatic CIENERAL MERCHANDISE John v. e yard Pboke 35 WiliianiNtonC with a cro'v .1 "ot >i".u?r little fellows. Suddenly coav ■>' 1 i,-t' have a - party.' Accords'>, ' >h ne went Fire tlnainc? to his m#thrr f:>r to cou- 51 w ? • -» rlil d- , c of the tribute. John's mli r was Making •**temlh -alary .us« Uw Vaadsquirt copklos and save him one for i-uch of Was intmiuciu mu> England, and they the others. When he came down and were cjteus \.ly used, hi the g»e at raw that the other little hoys brought L° n^on kre ia ICJC. Soon after the bread and butter, he exclaimed, "O, comroenccmf 111 01 the sovetueenth Everybody oat what they brought!" century the Londoners perceived the ' convenience that' would arise from ttAllTllTTm MM| MEM A sin? tkfse ' . a movable cis ~ nHI 7 IIW/ if f 1 irl 1 l iiwnDm* slie n3eer - 8 a '« r ©r and the first en- IL/irAil JilJ MiyjiHSMl * ine hus obtain 'd was considered a great mechanical achievement. PW BIIMT ■ • ' '» f \ j fiVi 1 federal health exr*«s have-derided A -, mL mukm «mL that the feather bsd Is insanitary. A , .... „ Kerid which vrohlfc*t fo to deep and Your building W ill look well. be perfectly t feather bed "The paint will wear well. incarnates total depravity. The paint cost will be lowest, s v : ~ Strtce vtm wilHrarC -UncleFlxn.,— —J FEWER GALLONS to buy & .*,Zr Sfa £*3EJ What stronger agument do you emHy * fetter -mnmrm converse •■-,■ t - - t Professional Cards l Hughß. York,M.D Microscopy, Electrotherapy, X- Ray, Diagnosis, Specialties Smith wick St., rear Blooat Bm. OOco boon, 8 to 10 a. m., 7 to 9 p. m. Ofice 'p bo— 60 - Night *pho«r if] Wm. B. Wine* . J. 8. Rfcodm Drs. Warrcß k Rhodes - Physicians and Surgeons Oteo in Biggs Drag Store - 'Phono «| Jos. H. Saunders, ill D. Physician and Surgeon Day phone 68 • Night phone 40 Williams ton, N. C. Dr. R. L. Savage of Rocky Mount will be st the Atlantic Hotel fourth Wendnea day in esch month to treat dis* esses of the EYE, EAR. NOSE and THROAT and FIT GLASSES V R Dunning - »- C. Smith Dunning & Smith Attorneys- k t-Law| Williamston, N. C. Robersonville N. C. Wheeler Martin Wheeler Martin, Martin & Martin Attorncys-at-Law| Williamston • North Carolina 'PHONK J3 S. J. Everett Attorney-at-Law 1 '.reenvllle, N. C. - Williamaton, N. C. 'ireenvilie Long Distance Phone 328 B. A. Critcher ATTORNEY-AT-LAW MAIN STREET PHONE 77 Williamston, N. C. Clayton Moore Attorney at Law Williamston - North Carolina John E. Pope General Insurance, Life, Fire. Health, Accident, Live Stock Real Estate - Brokerage Williamston - North Carolina Office on Main Street, second floor F. K Hodges building. J. E. Pope. Dr P. B. CONE Dentist OfHe same one used by Drs White. Will be in office each day. Hours 9 to 12 and 1 to 5 Phone No. 9 Res. Phone No. 153 1 E. P. BUNCH Agent For Carolina Metal Shingles Williamston, N. 0. Phone 170 CHICHESTER¥PILLS I DfAMONO ifkBRA NO j LADIES j ! ',rr^ for CHI CIIK3-TKR S A ; r N " tU.S !u Ki:n nni/\ §.?: p ba*«, celled with B Ri ,hon. fAits '.o o:sti. Bv»?r.ta-W Brvrrl»t „«> r OHI-CIII S.t/h 9 V 8K.U.8 r ILL*, for twPntv.fiy® |c tt rsr*RftnJ?-ms A:w«y» ReifaSfc," BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVEBYWHER .1 . Nottce. At a regular noting of the Board of ! County of; Martin Coun ty. held Monday, July sth, 1915/ ap e titfcm ias filkd the r.curd by e;ti - SSB.® of Hfcuttou aad Pj£jw Phi at towu ) slii).. ask said Board to dtaflgt the ! tyiv» ;hip line between said townships as follows: Cegir.nioK where the present township leaves J, H. Purvis and Hxary Smith's liue, thttrce \wtli fcdid Pdrvis stid Smith's laiid line to Robin 'Parvis jand Henry ihaith's liue, thence with ' said lioe to P. P.' Tavlor and Henry j Smith's line thence with said line to the Peeler Swamp, thence Hp iail Swamp to the County road, Whereupon the Board prdered Notice Issued so tint par tics interested in the said change of tfce , township line may bfcfore said j Uoard a% itr meetinprTa the first Monday :iu August 1916, when aaid petition will ,be heard. By order of the Board. t ' S. S. BRDWN, Clerk to the Beard, *t •I S , . . -

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