. WAS MISERABLE CDIILOW'T STAND Testifies She Was Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Lackawanna, N. Y. —"After my ft rut child was bora 1 felt very miserable and 0 could not stand on my feet. Ify sister in-law wished me to try Lydia EL Pink ham's Vegetable Compound and my nefvfu became firm, appetite good. »tep elastic, and I lost that weak, tired feeling. That was eix years ago and I have had three fine healthy children since. For female trou bles I always take Lydia E. Link ham's Vegetable Compound and it works like acbarm. Ido all my own work. "-Mrs. A. F. Lackawanna, N. Y. The success of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, made from rootj and herbs, is unparalleled. It may bo used with perfect confidence by women who suffer from displacements, inflam mation, ulceration, tumors,irregularities, periodic pains, backache, bearing-down feeling, or nervous prostration. Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound is the stan dard remedy for female ills. Women who suiTcr from those dis tressing ills peculiar to their sex should • be convinced of the ability of Lydia EL Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to re store their health by the many genuine and truthful testimonials we are con stantly publishing in the newspapers. If yon want special Advice write to Lydia IC. Plnkliam Medicine Co. (confi dential) Lynn, Mas*. Your Utter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and hold in strict confidence. Sticking to Hit Prediction. - Two workmen"raoT in the gtraeTKHiT stopped to chat about their friends. "Casey seems to bo doing well where he is," remarked one presently. "He'll not stop long at that Job," re plied the other with a gloomy shake of the head. "Why not? He seems to be quite comfortably placed." "But he'll not stay there a mohth. I say it, and I'vo said it ever since he got that job eighteen months ago." ONLY A FEW PIMPLES But Many More May Come If You Neglect Them. Try Cuticura Free. Cuticura Soap and Ointment are most effective in clearing the skin of pimples, blackheads redness, rough ness. Itching and irritation as well aa freeing the acalp of dandruff, dryness and itching, besides satisfying every want of the toilet and nursery. Sample each free by mail with Book. Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. Y, Boston. Boid everywhere.—Adv. • Worthless Gift. "Every time Dubson opens his mouth he gives himself away.'*' "Even at that, he's no philanthro pist." How It Happened. The Venus of Milo explained "Wore 'em off with wrist watches." she cried. Pain in the side? Rub on and rub { In Hanford's Balsam thoroughly. Adv. Fat women retain their husbands j better than lean ones. Feel All Used Up? I Does your back ache constantly? Do you have sharp twinges when stooping or lifting? Do you feel all used up as if you could just go no further? Kidney weakness brings great discom fort. What with backache, headache, dizziness and urinary disturbances ifris no wonder one feels all used up. Doan's Kidney Pills have cured thou sands of just such cases. It's the best recommended special kidney remedy. A North Carolina Case fMrs. D. M. Hill. 509 Ql(b th St.. says: "I was In such bad shape with kidney trou ble that I never expected to be well again. I waS a nervous wreck and the pain I endured was terrible. I had blinding spells, when I couldn't see and my Joints were stiff and lame. Doan's Kidney Pills rid me of all these troubles and I haven't suf fered since." Get Daaa's at Aap State. BOe a Bee DOAN'S fOSTnUOLBURN CO, BUFFALO. ML T. Te care cestlveaess the ■■Slrtni aart be urs tkn ' l —r~"~ — It am»t contain taalc. ■lterative eatf cathartic properties. Tuffs Pills pee sets these s—*'«»■ sad epeedgy restore te the bowels their aetani peristaltic atlsa. aa assmtlsl to resalsrtty. —aa> TRY THE OLD RELIABLE UfIHTERSMITH's f! CHILL TONIC For MALARIA Arms aaßMLmawfiEHiKamn Send for Fall Catalogs aa* halfee. Btaper the riortst, B. I. Henodsbeas. Ky. - V • HANDICRAFT FOR BOYS AND GIRLS Br A. NEELY HALL and DOROTHY PERKINS vwwwvwwwwvwwwwvwwuwwvwwwwww (Copyright, by A. Ne«ly Hall.) HOMEMADE LAMPS FOR THE PUBH MOBILE. There should be two headlights and two sidelights (Fig. 1); also a tail light The headlight shown In Pig. 3 is made from a syrup can. the kind hav ing a flanged cover that fits Inside of the rim. The bottom will be the front of the lamp; therefor* it must have all but a rim of the tin removed (A. Fig. 3). Cut the tin with a can opener If you can find an old alarm clock of the right sise, the glass from it will be Just the thing for the front Of the lamp. ÜBe a measurement that will make the glass fit fairly snug in the end of the can. To get the glass in ► side of the can, It is necessary to re move the rim on the top, which can be dQBg by holding the can over a flame 'Tor a"few second*, and then knocking off the rim (H, ig. 3). Wl.an the glass has been slipped into the can, replace ; rim B. Cover C, fitting inside of rim | B, will be left removable for the pur pose of lighting the lamp. Fasten the glass close against the front of the can by means of short nails driven through holes punched through the side of the can, just inside of the glass (Fig. 2). With a can opener cut a hole a trifle smaller than a candle through the side of the can (D, Figs, 2 and 3) for the candle to stick through, and an other directly opposite it (B) for a chimney. Cut a bracket block with its upper edge curved to fit the can (F, Fig. 4), nail the can to the curved edge, and then nail the block to the side of the pushmobile (Fig. l) r The lamp shown In Fig. 5 la made out of a pint or half-pint varnish can. Remove the bottom, and cut away all but a narrow rim of one side for the glass front (Fig. 6). Cut a piece of glass to slip in back of the opening. J-P I and faaten it In place by means of two pieces of wire run around it and ttae outside of the can as shown at A (Fig- 6). ' Cut the block (Fig. 7A enough smaller than the can so the/ can will set down over It. bole through its center, and nail to a block • trifle larger (C. Fig. 7). The candle sets in the hole in block B. The can «ets down over block B on to block 9, and is pinned to B by two short -ails D slipped through boles made In opposite sides of the can and block B (Visa. 6 and 7). I - • THE ENTERPRISE. WILLIAMBTON, NORTH CAROLINA. GARDEN HANDICRAFT. Probably every one of you girls has had experienoe in growing vines, but I wonder if any of you have used tbe simple method shown In Fig. 1 for putting up the strings. Place tbe stakes from three to four feet apart, instead of using one for each vine, then drive a double-pointed tack (Fig. 21. or nail, Into the top of each, connect the tacks or nails with wire or heavy cord,"and tie the strings to it at the required distances apart. These strings wttl fasten to a row of nails overhead, possibly in the top of a fence (Fig. t). You will need no ladder once tbe nails have been put up. If you use the unique scheme shown in Fig. 1 for attaching the strings. Screw a screw-eye Into the end of a stick, thread the screw-eye with the twine just as you would thread a needle, then use the stick to hook the string over the nails. As the diagram must show the con struction of the framework, It is im tposslble to give you a good idea of what a beautiful bower the barrel hoop rack shown in Fig. 3 becomes when thickly covered with vines. The diagram shows the use of six hoops, but If you cannot get this many, the three bottom hoops may be omit ted and stakes driven Into the ground to tie the lower ends of the strings to. Fig. 4 shows how each set of o§f?i w f @ hoops should be arranged, and how each hoop should be bound with cord to the adjoining two. When the hoops have been connected, it is only necessary to get a clothespole for a support, to complete tho rack. Drive a nail into the upper end of the pole, and connect the nail and each hoop with strong cord; then place ground, with tho center over a hole made for the end of the pole support, and set the support in this hole. Flk 3 shows how the strings connect tho upper and lower set of hoops, and how they are Bpaced. You can tie the strings to the upper hoops before tho pole is set in position, If you like. When the rack has been put up, plant your vines at its base, so there will be one for each string. A box with a board nailed across it, as 1 , shown in Fig. 5, makes a splendid the other set of hoops upon the weeding stool and weed receptacle. And two boxes like it, one enough smaller so when stood on end (Fig. 6? It will fit inside of the other box,, be tween the end and the seat board (Fig. 7), will make a handy set of garden steps. , . UNDER SHELTERING FOLDS' Aged Darky Felt Secure, In Haiti, With the Star*, and Stripes at Hand. During one of the revolutions In Haiti a party of Americans made a riding tour of the mountains. One morning a member of the party sud denly drew rein and pointed to a lone rldge where an old. tattered Stars and Stripes fluttered on a bamboo pole. "We must pay our respects," some one said. Arter some search they found a path that zigzagged up to the wild place. They followed It, and at last dlscov •red an aged negro sitting before his wattled hut smoking his pjpe, while ha kept an eye on the flag. "What's the flag for?" someone aakt>(l. "I'ertection," said the old man. qui etly "I heah dey done begin anudder resolution, so I put it up. Yes, suh, 1 come heah twenty-two yeahs ago, nn j has dat flag wid me I'm George, cook | on a steamer outer Savannah "Like de place? Yas, Bah. Plant | yan> an* coffee an' cassava. Resolu j tlons don't trouble dis nigger. Ebery I time dey resolute yander up goes de flan an' dat's all dere's to It." To Drive Out Malaria And Build Up The System Take the Old Standard GKOVIi S TASTELESS chill TONIC. You know what you are taking, as the formula is printed on every label, showing it is Quinine and Iron in a tasteless form. The Quinine drives out malaria, the Iron builds up the system, jo cents. Adv. Sensible Father. "What you must do, son, Is to lay the foundation for a solid business aUi'i(>Bß." "Thai's my idea, dad. Now, first of all, 1 require sound financial backing." "I get you, son. I'll provide car faro until you land a Job." vv* ' Treatment of Bores. Apply Hanford's Hulsam lightly and you should find that gradually the sore will diminish In site. The older tho jcase tho longer it will take, but fi wTII help the cases, after other rem •dies fall. Adv. Thore are three kinds of baseball: Professional, amateur and that played by ludy teams. For nail In the foot use Hanford's Balsam. Adr. If an old man wishes to got himself dlMlked let him marry a young girl. a pound of^e \ J First, get a coffee that has been thoroughly aged when green. Proper aging changes the raw, strong taste of the bean to a mellow, rich flavor. Next, it must be roasted by experts under perfect conditions. Skillful roasting brings out the full delicacy of the natural flavor. Unskillful roasting spoils the flavor and causes a heavy and waste- fill loss in weight. Finally, coffee must be packed in a way that will keep it fresh, and protect it from outside odors and from moisture. —^. . In Arbuckles' Coffee you get all these advantages. You get a coffee thoroughly aged when green, skillfully and uniformly roasted; then guarded from moisture and odors in special, sanitary, sealed packages. If you haven't used Arbuckles' Coffee lately, do so now. See what big value you get —how the delicious flavor will please and satisfy. Get a package today. UGH! Ha MAKES YOU SICK! - CLEAN LIB JLBOILS If WHY Just Onoe! Try "Godson's Liver Tone" When Bilious, Consti pated, Headachy—Don't Lose a Day's Work. Liven up your sluggish liver! Feel fine and cheerful; make your work a pleasure; be vigorous end full of am bition. But teke no naaty, danger ous calomel, because It makes you sick and you may lose a day's work. Calomel Is mercury or quicksilver, which causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel crashes Into sour bile like dynamite, • breaking It up. That's when you feel that awfhl nausea and cramping. Listen to me! If you want to enjoy the nicest, gentlest liver and bowel cleansing you ever experienced just take a spoonful of harmless Dodson'a Liver Tone. Your druggist or dealer •ells you a 60 cent bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone under my personal money ifTfJV Yau Know 4bout MFMJKMW SHINE CHEWING TOBACCO "SwMtar thsa CkickM." Try Ik* S»ok«—M«lLw as tkt MsoalighL Mari* far BAILEY BROS. Inc. WINSTON-SALEM. N C 10c Worth of (gU POND^I Will Clear SI.OO Worth of Land W&jA iGet rid of the stumps and grow i big crops on cleared land. Now is the time to clean up your farm while products bring high prices. Blasting is quickest, cheapest and easiest with Low Freez ing Du Pont Explosives. They work in cold Write for Fret Handbook of Explotiver No. 69F, - . DU PONT POWDER COMPANY WXMINGTON DELAWARE Clear Case. Jack—Miss Oldgirl was explaining today why she never got married. Lulu—l suppose it didn't take her long. A light heart lives long.—Shake speare. back guarantee that each spoonful will clean your sluggish liver better than a doss of nasty calomel and that It won't make jrou sick. Dodson's Liver Tone Is real liver medicine. You'll know It next morn ing, because you will wake up feel ing fine, your liver will be working, your headache and dizziness gone, your stomach will be sweet and your bowels regular. Dodson's Liver Tone Is entirely vegetable, therefore harmless and cannot salivate. Give It to your chil dren. Millions of people are using Dodson's Liver Tone Instead of dan gerous calomel now. Your druggist will tell you that the sale of calomel U almost stopped entirely here. A champion lasts only five or six years, but a boro often outlives hll generation. Cool a burn with Hanford'B Balsam. Adv. Nothing dries up sooner than a tear.