H IQ*ZMLMPSTfiItICf j | iffllS PERSONAL FIENTIOI* j a^3Haoan jw riiii . ii B. T. Cowper was here Sunday. Mrs J. B. Hopkins went to Robersonville Wednesday. Hon. J. B. Coffield spent Wed nesday in town on business. Mrs. Will James and children went to Everetts Thursday. Mrs. James G. Staton went to Tarboro Tuesday to visit friends. Paul Kitchin, of Scotland Neck has been here this week on busi ness. Mr. J. R. Mobley and little grandson, went to Tarboro yes terday. Mesdame3 Boyle, Grimes and Ballard were here Monday from Hamilton. John Tucker, of Edenton, spent several da>s here this week with relatives. Superintendent Mann, of the State Prison at Raleigh, was a visitor here last week. Mrs. Mary Knight, of Rober sonville. has been the guest of Mrs. John Patrick this week. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Slade and Mrs. S. D. Matthews were in town Sunday^ffonvHamilton. Mr and Mrs. Preston White and son with several friends of Hobgood, spent several days here this week. Miss Marina Whitley left Mon day for Waynesville to attend the meeting of the North Caro lina D. A. R. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Jones, of Durham, who are in Roberson ville for the tobacco season, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wheel er Martin. Mrs. P. F. Apfel, who spent ten days here with her husband, went to Norfolk Monday and will occupy apartments on Coloni al Avenue, where Mr. Apfel will be able to join her each week. New moon on the Bth at 4:28 p. m. October and the time to collect pumpkins. Bring your tobacco to William stonfor high prices. Farmers around here are pre paring to dig peanuts, and the crop promises to be fair. Petty thieving is prevalent over the town, and the owners of property will have to look out for —-the .vagrants. __ „ - F. U- Barnes has purchased the lot adjoining the old Baptist Church and will., .erect a hand some residence thereon The Woman's Club meets this afternoon at 4:00, and all who are interested in the work which they will undertake, are request ed toattend. If Williamstori is a good place to purchase the year's supply, it is the proper place to sell your crops of tobacco, cotton and pea nuts. There is no higher market in the State. Try it and see. The Dixie and Roanoke Ware houses here are making splendid records for averages which can not be beaten on any market. If you don't believe it, bring a load and see about it. The Roanoke Warehouse made v for the week an average of IVA Thursday's sale for 15,000 lbs., brought an average of 12.50. This has not been beaten to date. N. D. Young, prop. While sitting in a chair in front of the Bauer Hotel on Wednes day, Mr. Thomas Lilley of James , ville, fell to the pavement. Sev eral men standing near, picked him up and quickly carried him to the drug store, where he was given attention. It was thought that he had a slight vertigo caus ed by the condition of his system. More people are making scup pernong wine this season than for many years, as there was no market for the garpes for which the county is famous. The wine oan be sold in lawful packages, and there will be a good profit in same. Come to the big tent Oct. 11, 12. 13, The Roanok Warenouse at Wil liamston gives a few averages made the past few days: Willis Daniel, 13He, Rogers & Jones, 18c, McG. Taylor, 15c, Coltrain & Corey, 13c, EsseSprulll, 13 : 4 C, Dar.ey Taylor, 17c, R. H. Rodger son, lie, Eli Rogerson, 15 l-2c, A. C. Coltrain, 14+e, J. H. Cross. 15c. Attend the Chajtauqua. FOR SALE-r Setalene Light Plant, complete. 11 candles, 250 j feet piping, generator and all necessary equipment for setting up at once. Good as new. Will sell at an attractive price. Now I using electricity. Roberson & Holliday, Robersonville, N. C. Come to the Chautauqua. Fire Pevention Day I Gov. Lock Craig has set apart the 9th of October as Fire Pre vention Day through the State. In this proclamation he asks that the schools, colleges, mayors, urge the necessity of looking af - ter the condition of premises in every community. There are cer tain laws which have been enact ed for fire prevention, and these ars called to the attention of the people. Careless lighting of fires with kerosene and oilier inflama ble material causes great loss of life and property every year in North Carolina If people would only think and act with caution, this loss would be reduced large ly. Children need to be taught jwhat to do and what not to do, iand the teachers in the schools j should pay especial attention to Ithe proper instruction along this line. Don't forget that October i Qth is Fire Prevention Day. Chautauqua under big tent at j Williamston, Oct. 11, 12, 13. Average 11 1-2 Cents I The Export Tobacco Company I went uil the market 'prices at once felt the effect. I There were around 300,000 lbs on ! the market .and averaged 11.1-2 I cents. Wilson Times, Sep 1.. A representative of the Export Leaf Co., has been on this Mark et since opening day, and farm ers here did not have to wait until the 28th for the market to show an average of 11 1-2 cents. As an instance of the hig prices giv en here, the Edwa-ds Brothers, of Winston-Salem, came here and found the market too high and so left for a lower one, where they could purchase for their firm. Suppose they went over to Greenville. 1 Prices On Leaf And Tips Get Higher. Since our last article on tobac co in your paper, we have sold wrappers for 20c and 50c, and the market has advanced from $2.00 to $5.00 on colory grades of tips and leafs. Prices on good tobacco are high er, and we want to sell a load for you as Martin County is noted for good tobacco, and it sells higher on our market. Cume to see us and we will send you home pleased. Shelburn-Vaughan Co., , The New Big Warehouse, Washington, N. C. THE ENTERPRISE, WILLIAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA | Bank of Martin (County I |q Organized in 1900 With Total Assets of Over 3 | I S2OOOOO I Invites you to join it* 500 satisfied Depositors. // you have no Bank Account, or your banking connec- 01 PK? tions are unsatisfactory, come in and get acquainted with us fa* |0 WE WANT YOU FOR A CUSTOMER. ,WE HAVE A SPECIAL PROPOSITION FOR THE FARMERS It I Learn What it Is 11 I S : 4°|o - 1 jx Pet id On Time |0 GOl JARn. f. G. VVF. A. K. DUNNING, Any C\ H. GODW4N r CasW«r -Q4 |0 K. T. GRIFFIN, Teller. v #W--C3v. .-Hfck -W&. HfrW -fr*. Xew Crop Bulbs French and Dutch Hyacinths, wh!~ Narcissus, lips, Croeuc, and Liliums. Plant early foi best results. Choice Cut Flowers Roses, Carnations, Violets and Vallies in season. Wedding dec orations in the latest styles. Our floral arrangements are of the fi nest touch. Rosebhues, Shruberies, Ever greens, shade trees and hedge plants. OUR BUSINESS IS GROWING Mail, Telegraph atid Telephone or ders promptly executed bv J. L. O'Quinn & Co. Raleigh, N. C. A Splendid Endorsement. Editor Enterprise: 1 wish to say for the benefit of fhe farm ers of Martin County, that after having the cholera among my hogs for four weeks, 1 had Mr. Holliday, the County Demonstra tor. to treat thorn and have lost | none since, except pigs which were sick when treated. All the others are well and in good condi tion. The treatment has been used on right many herds in my com mu lily; arret +1 as proven very- Hat is factory. The farmers should appreciate and take advantage of the op portunities placed before them by the government and the county. Don't fail to call on Mr. J. L. Holliday, our Demonstrator. He will serve you gladly. Respectfully, W. B. Harrington. Jamesville, N. C. The Famous ' I will have within a few weeks a shipment of fa mous Ford Cars. Wait for the most serviceable car in the world and the cheap est in purchase price and upkeep. JOHN W. GREEN, Williamston, N. C. GROW CABBACE ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ cember and January WHEN PRICES ARE HIOH. We have growing in the mountains ■ of North Carolina the finest lot of CABBAGE PLANTS that has ever been grown for I shipment during September and October, and being grown In that climate, they are touch I and hardy and can stand the effect* of the hot sun better than any, other plants you can set. I We have only »»variety, viz.. THE FLORIDA HEADER. The only cabbaM that, laa I fhru as satisfaction, set during September and Prices. by express, f. ab. Horse ■ Bhoe.N. C.. 1000 to 40000 fl.Bo per 1000; MOO to 8000® IUB per 1000; 10000 and over.ll per ■ 1000. Bayer pay express charges. Prteaa by Pares! Post, Me per 100. Address.orders to I MEaarrT PRODUCE CK, (The TOO AcreTrnek Farm) VOHOM I»LAHP.».C. | Chautauqua At Williamston Thf County is fortunate in be-, Chautauqua at Williamston, Oct. 11, 12, 13. The following are the guarantors: Morrison Bethea: R, (I. Har-j rison; W. C. Manning; J. T. Je-j romc; 1. G. Staton; A. I). Mizell, C. A. Baker; W. E. Warren. C. D. Carstarphon; W. R. Burrell; J. T. Stanford; J. H. Saunders; G. W. Hardjson;S. S. Brown; H. W. Stubbs; John D. Biggs; A. J. Manning; W. H.Crawford; J. L. Hassell; A. R. Dunning. STATKMENT OP OWNERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT Circulation, etc , /ecpiired by the Act of \ngUKt »4, 1911, of Mw P*titer]jrist'. pub lished Week 1v at W MiHttiHton N C\, for ' iriober' i its. Name ol Editor: W. C. Mantling, Wil- I HiiHton, N. C. Managing Editor. Same Uusineas.Manager: Si me 1_ I'u'ilisher: Same Owner: W. C Manning Known'.bondholder*. mortgagees, and I other security ho'ders, holding t per | i nt or more »f the.total amount of bonds mortgages, o* oth»r securities: None W. C. MANNING Ed and Owner. Sworn to and subscribed before me ti ; s 30th dav of Sep' 1^45, C II OOP WIN, Notary Public My commi sin'i xpires 27th /iec. I'j/ji Character Worth Cooy'nn. j Ills eves v.f-re bright r'tji intrdTl nee «nd »r.i f ; >1 powers of otwrva >n; and th y' were beautiful with hllliipks, find will, the hub | If of giving corny! nHenMon .to ofh ■ people n■ i 1 "ir a!i.i!r; s'-lion ha • "Iked With them -Julian i IT Kwlng. Tobacco sales are much larger with prices better. Bring your load on. MONEY -To loan on Improv ed Farm Land on 5 years time. Clayton Moore, Attorney. FOR SALE—No. 1 Heart Shing les (hand made) Apply to A. D. Mizell at the Pants Factory, Will iamston, N. C. 4 wks iNotice * T 'nder and and by vl-itue of an order of the Superior Court of Martin oounty in the special pi oceedings entitled Geo. Williams, admr. of Fannie Williams, v# Pete and I. H. Williams, heirs at law, the undersigned Commis9ionei will on the 4th day of Oct iqis, at i 2 o'clock M. at the Court Honse door in Williamston N. C., sell to the highest bidder for cash the following land: A % undivided interest in and to a house and lot in thetown of Williamston N. C., adjoining the lands of Robert Johnaon, Ransom Riddick, Annie Hes coe and others. ConUining % acre more or leaa. Thia 2oth day of Aug. 1915. 8 27 B. A. Critcher, Com. Wrtrtli Their Weight in Gold. "I have med use! Chitnberl itnN TiS- U-fs ar.d foiltnl tti tut ' ju-t if* repress it »d a q iii'V reltrt t«r headaches. 1 /./ . (.pell.-. .fiit .»i lijri »> moms denoting a t-r j'i't in i .11 h 1 a 'lKorlfrc'll Condition «f tin* ill=irilivv organs. They aTe vortli their weight in gold," writes Miss Clara A ling**, Elba, N, Y. Obtainable ev ery wherr ' Notice. Having »iunlifieti a» Executor upon the estate of Temple Taylor, deceased; No tice is hereby given a" peron>i hold ing claim* against .said estate to present them to the undersigned for payment on or before the ist day ojf Sept. li'is, or this notice will will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. This ist day Sept. 1915. 9-2 J. H Ayers None Equal to Chamberlain's. f, J have tried most all ot the coungh cures ami find that piere is none that equal Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It has never failed to give me prompt re lief," wiites W. V. Haruer, Montpelier, Ind Whan you have a cold gfve this remedy u trial and see for yourself what a apletidid medicine it is. Obtainable everywhere. [Notice Having qualified as administrator of j the Et-tate of Sandy Williams, deceased, | late of Maitin county, North Carolina, j this is to notify all persona having claims ; against tin* estate of said deceased to ex- ! hibit them to the' undersigned ou or b - fore the 1 tt!i day of August J916 or tSi I>} notice will bt; pleaded in bar of theii re- | coverv. All peisons indebted to said es.- 1 tute uiil please make immediate pay ment I'lii nth '} f \ KUst, 1915. C 1/ ir»t>iruheti. Ad rut. j . Ready to Wear GARMENTS Silk, Voile, Crepe Shirtwaists for Women Skirts, Underwear--Special Prices , Palm Beach Middies for Girls" GOING FAST. OCALL EARLY G. D. Garstarphen & Go * Williamston - - North Carolina 1 Atlantic Christian College WILSON, N. C.' ACO-EDUCfITIONfIL INSTITUTION FOR YOUNG WOMEN OFFERING FORfYOUNG MEtfj Limited to Sixty Standard College 2S3BH lndividudl Intereßt Exclusive Care Course Positive Discipline Fine Peisonnel Two Years 5553 [Modern Dormitory Best Equipment iT High School *■* ...t Clean Atheletica Low Expenses Music, Arte I®?Adequate Laboratory Nxcellent Library • Expression |Adequate Laboratory JESJE CSCfILDWELL, x ' , PRESIDBXS Notice ITviiiK qualified as Adtnr , u:x>ti the i suite of CtiiullU llrowu decease !, uot>ce iv hereby «iven to nil persons holding t t i l iims N.iid estate to present them t j YHfe."tiuiler»n?heTl /for. p.ntnvtit "ti or 1 before tli» i6tli day f Sept, iqi6 or this 1 notice will be plead in bar of their re covery All persons inlel>tel to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. This 16th day >t Sept, 1915. I> 1, Hrovfft, Adtnr. 1 9-17 Atlantic Coast Line Rail way Company EXCURSION TO RICHMOND On account of the Virginia State Fair The Atlantic Coast Line will ! sell excursion tickets to Rich j mond, Va., for all trains from I OCTOBER Bth to lfith, inclusive [from Williamston, at *4.75, and ;at proportionately reduced fares from intermediate {joints, limit ed returning October 18th, 1!)15. For schedules and any furth ; er information desired, call on E. A. LaFrage, Ticket Agent, i Williamston

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