THE BNTERPRISE rmiUHD ITUT MIIDAY WllltAMlM. lt. C. WILLIAM C. MANNING, Edito* SUBSCRIPTION RATES Om Tear |i.oo Bk* Month« ... .50 TWee Month* .»5 Strictly Cash In Advance ■aurtd at the r«MM Offic* «t Wltliamrtoa,) ■, C. •• SeoMMl CUh Mall Matter. AlifMl all Communication* to THE ENTERPRISE, Williamston. N. C. FRIDAY. Feb. 2 - . - 1917 STAND TOGETHER On Monday there was formed in Wi liamston the Martin Coun ty I Uiiness Men's Association, an o- 'animation for the better co op v\ ion of the county people in the .• of the splendid resouru l ' and the furtherance of the husiti already established throughout Martin County. Without prop.* • cooperation, the county will nev- r be able to rear l the high pin.ncle for which it is destined by vii tue of its nat ural resources anl the who (iwell in it. It iriinrht truthfully be said that the people of Martin County are too contented; what is needed 19 n )t contentment with what we have and what we are, but to look higher and strive earnestly and honestly for enlargement along lines of betterment. This spirit is always fostered by cooperation and without it, 110 people can be great either in moral or material uplift Now is the time to stand togH... r,,so that the wheels of propi-t! s will not be closed. COTTON WEIGHER Tt ■ near completion of the st' * warehouse, brings to our mirnl tj,!« need of a cotton and pean vngher for the market. Nearly U markets the size of Wil'iamton have them and find thei v. nk satisfactory. Th e smal for the services saves the I. 1, •(' much trouble, and in "Sures-seller uniform and cor rect v{hvS. Tli •ertiticate of a sworn weir vould enablethe shipper to c. . against short weights, win 11 p. duce is sent to Commis sion I s 's. Every shipper feels the no i i weights very heavily at ea -n s ason. There i. no rea son v. in' Wllliamstoh should not have a weigher. Two quarts per annuum- just enough for smelling salts. Fro n reports, the acreage in tobac-M will be larger in Martin County this year. The prices last seiso'i worked the charm. ■ _ . Th e suit rage cause in England will be H ss popular, if the Wheel don women are convicted of seeking to kill Premier Lloyd George. Perhaps, the plot ex tended beyond them. T)n tue news of another cure for the drug habit, comes the in formation that mud is a knock out for the auto craze. It has worktd fine in this section, as well as in others. . , And they-nre to make Alaska "bo-'' dry." But who cares much? It is too far away for shipments to come down into pro hibition territory, and rather cold for tourists, who want a morning j eocktail. „ t ... „ , _ • . • ■ ■ .j— - "• 1 Oak City Item* Messrs. R. J. Houso and Jack Harrington spent several days last week in Savannah, Ga. Jim Qaniel. of Robersonville, spent Sunday in town. Miss Grace Starling, of Hassell spent the week-end with relatives here. Miss Minnie Whichard spent the week-end at her home near Bethel. Misses Lambeth, Reid and Mc Lean spent Sunday in the coun try, guest* of Mrs. C. L. Turner. Mrs. B. M. Worselv returned to her home after spending a few days with her parents near Stokep. v B. L. Hines spent Monday night in Williamston. Miss Zolma Bradley, of Rocky- Mount, spent Tuesday night with the Misses Hines on her way home after a visit to her aunt, Mrs. Nat Brown. DANGER SIGNAL. M the fire bpll should ring would you run and stop it or would YOU go and help to put out the fire? It is much th« same way with a cough. A cough is a danger sig nal .is mu li a~ a tire bell. You i sli> >:i id ii i. more 11 v t 1 sii ppress it , thaji i" st.ip a, tirebell when it is ringing, t• >ll should cure th" di sease thai ia.iscb the 'coughing. This can nearly alw.iv l>e done liv taking ("haniberlain's Cough Keine-d v. M 111 y h,i\ e used 11 jyjtll Ih ■" Iji- jj»f.ti 1 -i;i I results , It is I--.;. . .i.i il'v v:t I liable ■ for the persisteii: cugh that so nfieu lollows a bad cold or an attai k ol the gri|>. Mrs, Thomas Hee lung Andrews, Ind,, writes: "During the winter my husband takes cold easily and coughs and coughs. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the best medicine for breaking up these attacks and you cannot get him to take any other." Obtain able everywhere. NOTICE Having lll ull tietl hi adtmni'jtrator np'm the E*t,ite of I H It >|>Wins dei"Cßs».l, Notice ih Ittrehv given to all persons claims ftgainat S'tid Estate to pre en 'th-m to the undersigned 'or pm meiu on or befor the aird day of Jan loiN, or this notice will he plead In liar of torir recovery. All persons indebted t > said Estate aie tequesteil to make inl ine iuitc | aytnent. This 2>rd day ol Jan. 1917 S. S. BROWN, Admr. 1 26 NOTICE Having qu iiilicd is,| mimst 1 lit pr c.l s of tll estate ot J• >llll I. lime deceased, In'e of Martin County, this is to notify a'l pi 1 .oils havn-i: " ! urn tin iest »1 • ot it. ll* rd t 1 1 li I. a them to the nil 111 -h; 11 ; • of •>,'(.111 ■ jlll diy of \ it t\ or tins noli, ~ will In jil.'.id .. r 0.0 ol ilieti. leoAi'M. All lIITS ins r wi i 1 pit', hi .k'- 1 in '.'Mte jti\ in nt Tills ill,* .'4 It |Mot I mil 111 l ".It 7. C. 11l \ S V 1111 s i i'. ix , 1 .'i Trustee's Sale t'n lei and In viitue it the itutlioiity conferred in me bv a i)i-ed of Trust e* ei'tHfl to me j. S bani-r .>rt the 3 ili\ of Dee niber, 1913. and duly record el 111 the INil.lic Registry of Marti 1 Com t\ in book I)t, to secure the pay ment of certain lioada bearing even'date therewith ami the stipulations in paid Peed of Trust not having been en'itpiied with, 1 shall expose to sale (U public Miction, fur cash, in frotia of the court limse door in the town Of Williamston, pt 1 j:oo (t'cioek noon, on the i>)!h day of FeliMiary, 141", the following described real estate, to wit: ReKiuniuK at a cypress at the fork of MacknnpingoSwamp near Welch's Creek theuce running North SS' 2 W. 165 poles, thence, S. 16 \V 137 jxjle.s to a maple, John t> Cooper's corner, thence S. 70 poles to ;\ piue, thence N. 75 E. 14 j poles to a cypress at the Old If-iniestead band ing on Welch's Creek, thence the vari ous courses of the creek to the beginning Containing 160 acres more or less. This the [9th day of January, 1917 WHRMLKR MARTIN, Jr. T r „ # t ee Trustee's Sale Unde: and hv virtue of the authority conferred in me bv a Deed of Trust ex ecuted to me by Will Long and wife Mamie on the 39th lay ot January 191b. and duly rtcor.led in the Public Registry ot'Martin County in Iwok Mi, pa c 136, to secure the payment of cei tain bonds ,Rearing even and the stipulations in said J)*eed'"7l7 Trust not having been complied with I shall expos>e«to sale at public auction lor ca»h, in front of the court house door Tit"the town oT Williamston, nt 12:001 M on the 2?nd day of February, J9t7, ! the following described reel estate, to^wit: B uinded on the North by the Railroad on the South by the land of Sylvester Hassell. on the Bast by S. S. Hadley's house and lot and on the West by Jack bittle's lot Being same house and loti sold to Will Long by B. A. Critcher. I This the a?nd day of January, 1917. J B. DUKE CRITCHER, Trustee. " " 6 - THE ENTERPRISE, WILLIAMSTOff, NORTH CAROLINA 1 Farmers and Merchants Bank, J w WilKamston, North Carolina. DEOSITORY: * DEPOSITORY: • 0 3K State of North Carolina County of Martin .. ■ ~~ j : ~ . ">• : , f 3 J ' / Co-operation is the keynote of success in any 5? community. We therefore desire to cooperate y 'IE with every Farmer, Merchant and Business w X Man of whatever nature in making their op- $ 3E erations larger and more successful. Our in- 1) S? crease in Capital and Surplus will enable us to 0 M extend the helping hand in ajarirer waytoour @ I~ r i 1 FARMERS & HCKCnfINTJ BANK $ Tnt MRnCR ' S WOn ' J -- .. —.— D. D. STALLS & CO. High Grade Fertilizers Including Cotton Seed Meal, Fish Scrap, Nitra Soda and Acid I I The Crops this Year Will Need the Best Grades oi Guanos. There Is None So'V* Good as the Various Brands Sold by ID. D. STALLS & COMPANY Store Phone; 184 # Residence Phone 148. JOHN C. CHITTY I HORSES-MULES When you buy a or /Ylule you want to be sure that you are {getting one that wili measure up to your expectations. You want an animal that you can depend on and one that will not disappoint you. I have this kind of stock and my prices' are as reasonable as they can be sold any where. Come and see them. Remember, John C. Chitty | v * Williamston, N. C. || /I/I «• C#» /A If y°" want the l>est Guano for all crops. IT li # warmer. See ns before buying. We are Factory _ A O-Pirfa f,„. t),a m,w Best Brands. r ' • ~ n * v.' ;■ " l If It s Money You Want to Save, See Us. >» - ... * J. W. WATTS--H. M, BURRAS mmummmmm■■■■■■■■■■■ | High Grade Fert^i 1 810 SHIPMENT-JUST RECEIVED HORSES and MULES I We are at the Newberry Stables with the finest lot of Horses and Mules that the West produces--We guarantee what we sell--Just buy one of our animals and feel sure that your crop next year will be well tended--Come in and examine our stock- Seeing is proof of what we claim. James & Gurganus Williamston, IN. C. -