j>iji m + + + jpCRJONfIL? Harry A. Biggs went to Wake Forest Wednesday. Fon Gray, of Robersonville, was in town Tuesday. L. H. Mizell, of Jamesville, was in town Wednesday- Master James Smith wick was here from Jamesville Tuesday. Miss Miriam Standi! spent the week-end with relatives at Wil son. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Watts and Master Billv Watts spent Sunday here. Mrs. Bettie Gurkin has been visiting relatives in Wendell this week. Mrs. Eli Gurganus went to Plymouth Tuesday to visit rel atives. Joe David Thrower left for Hollister Wednesday to visit his brother. J. Ben Roberson, of Roberson ville, was in town Monday on business. W. C. Manning and Miss Daisy Manning left Tuesday morning for Baltimore. Mrs. W. J- Hodges and Master William Hodges went to Nor folk Mondav. W. Fountain Lipscomb, of Nor folk, spent Sunday here with Mrs. C. W. Keith. Mr. and Mrs. Staton Peel, who have been visiting in the county returned to Belhaven yesterday. Hon. A. R. Dunning went to Raleigh Monday to appear before the Supreme Court in several cases- W. 0. 'Andrews, representa tive of the Metropolitan Life In surance Company in this section, went to Washington Thursday to attend an important meeting of the head officials. The Professor Say* The teaching spirit is like spir its of ammonia. When you once uncork it everybody recognizes and respects it. It is strange how the folks will boast about the boundless resour ces of their counties, and yet al low them to be classed as pauper counties, when it comes time for school appropriations. How is it that many folks who know so much can be so outrage ously uninteresting, especially when they tra to deliver a speech? ' We often hear about the blind alloy jobs. It is a disagreeable fact that there is too much blind alley teaching in our schools. Trustee's Sale By virtu? '»• tlieauthoi itv coiifcrie'l in me bv ft Deed "f Trust executed to me by Raymmirt C. Atige ami wife' Carrie An*e on the Ht'n da- of Marram)rs awl 4n»y recorded in tlie Register of 1 perl's office in Martin County. b-jok Ilr. page to secure the payment of a certain bond bearing even (late therewith: atul th« stipulations in said I)eeil of Trusts not having been complied with. I shall eir ose at public auction for cash, on Monday the sth day of March 1917, at t* M at the Court House door in Martin County, the following property: ROUNDED by S. E. Ange anu others. Beginning iu the Corev line at S. E Ange's corner and running Nortbernly with said Corey line to a lightwood ■tump in Francis Ange's field known as the M. W. Ange corner; Ibence with said M. W. Ange's line to the head o» Tiger Branch; thence with branch to S E. Ange's line; thence with said linf to the beginning containing twenty sevan (27) Acre*. This the 28th day of January. >917. H. G. GRIFFIN, Trustee. 22 notice of sale ■ ■Under and bv virtue of an order of re aala in the Special Proceedings entitled W. Robert Melson and wife, el als. said resale being made on account of a raise in bid of the former sale, the undersign ed, will on Monday, February, 26th 1917, at 12:00 o'clock M. at the Court House door in the Town of Williamston, N. C. offer for sale at public auction, for cash, the following described property; Begining at the corner os High and Union Streets in the Town of Hamilton, N C. thence aTong Uniqn Street to Mrs. A. Bryans line; thence along Mrs. A. Bryans line paralell to High Street, to Mrs. A. Bryans line to High Street thence atoffg Hi.di Street to th» begin J ing containing '> acre more or less, am' being the same tract of 1--1 Fannie J. A HobSs - . vf public R FFF. p» • V Ihis ii ' » WANTED: —Young women of gO>d character over 16 years of age to work in our Cigarette Fac tory. Good clean work. Good wages paid. A limited number of»young men also wanted. W. DUKE SONS & CO. BRANCH Durham, N. C. To the first 100 boys and girls opening an account of 81.00 or more; we will give a nice water proof school bag. 4 per cent in terest will be paid compounded quarterly. Martin County Sav ings & Trust Co. Bank of Mar tin County's Old Banking Rooms. MONEY TO LEND:—On im prved farm lands and town property. Reasonable brokerage A. R. Dunning, Williamston, N.C. LET EVERYONE IN~THI FAMILY save a few pennies every week and be sure to have a happy Christmas Savings Club at the Farmers and Merchants Bank. ~ Don't Have Catarrh One efficient way to remove nasal catarrh is to treat its cause which in most cases is physical weakness. The system needs more oil and easily digested liauid-food, and vou should take a spoonful of scorn EMULSION after each meal to enrich your blood and help heal the sensi tive membranes with its pure oil-food properties. The results of this' Scoff's Emulsion treatment will surprise those who have used irritating snufts and vapors. Get theGennine SCOTT'S MONEY TO LOAN:—On im proved farm lands in Martin County —Clayton Moore, Will iamston, N. C. No, 666 Thi» to a prescription prepared especially for MALARIA or CHILLS 4. FEVER. Five or six dotes will break any case, and "If taken then as a tonic 'the Fever will nol Calomel and does not gripe or sicken. 25c NO RED TAPE. NO FEES. NO FINES. if the Christnr s I Savings Club at Farmers and (Merchants Bank. B> on hand I next TyJunday.' Your friends ure jenroliing.'Juin the Happy cpk\ .1. | I Avvi i-.-;o by Rals an I jj 1 ! with lii'* one exterminator ' s I ills quickly;- -mummifies , j without odor; —harmless JMRS'/A to humans. XAT CORN I 25c. 50c ..*l*l.oo .t Seed, Hardware, Drug >^3 tnd General Stores. l i'li uat Bica.. WiMiannion S'atle, Rh dei & Co., Hamilton Oak Ct:y Supp'y Co.. Oak Csly Bailey & Harnhiil, Lverett* MONEY NEXT CHRISTMAS. —Yes, it takes money Christmas times. Come to see ua-or ask for circulars. Begins Monday, Feb. 12th. Notice Uuder and by virtue of the an thority conferred in me by a Deer of' Trust executed tome byUaile Hodges on the 20th day of Fc 191 5, and duly recorded in thi Pu-bUc Registry of Martin Count\ in Buok Hi, page 386, to secure 'the payment of certain bond bear ing een date therewith and the stipulations in said Deed of Trust not having been complied with. I shall expose to sale at public auc-' tion. for cash, in front of the Court House door in the town,of Williamston, at 12:00 o'clock, "on the 16th day of February, 1917, the following described real prop erty, to-wit: Beginning at a corner between and partly in Burrough's line. theme t-he livUiing 1 ine be tween said \ 'Vtles to a corner of jthc Tuiner tn:ct of la/*'"., thence j along the line of said Turner to a corner k» Burroughs line, thence " " rougii'jj 'ino to tfc Obtaining Ho .. err-. ' ' ■ *• j j.d iv ~of Ja.;i . JO'7. • THE ENTERPRISE, WILLIAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA P THFPEBPLES BAN!? I tfa' 3P %£■' -- - __ _ .••«..Js..; • AS RECEIVED the furniture to conveniently equip its Banking House in the Hoyt wfo 4pU Building on Main Street. Every requirement of the present day banking system JL WP w ill be met by the officers of the Institution, who are trained in the best methods tffi* used in the world of finance. Mr. Charles H. Godwin, who for years has served as Cash iier of the oldest bank in the county, will assume the Cashiership of the PEOPLES BANK HV and his graining and ability guarantee the efficiency of the bank service. Why not open an account with this new institution? Its .safety,. its security, its soundness are assured.^ jj Make This Bank | Your Bank § § " , f © £---- ■ S Y —— . -- ..- r a? | The Peoples Bank | | Williamston, N. C. |jj €•€■€} €•€♦€£•:>•£3 OS €K> " • j . ANbl-i'" . ;RTAI3!.LvS. u«ra, SYSTMM 'I h* |«11* { ! ~ r •' 'ltoiKKtr wifh m-J-i •' ' n and t*;orougli.v w^.-rj-in'r-t 1 •'» jjrvrnl icrpa;'-. . •' j •' • l ' , " i i[ Authorrrt. Writ** l'->f Culai': /\lao X atr r i'l•' f tm J. O. ! IEARNE, K CKV.LN I i'KoDL -IS ( v>. Wlntakera; N, C. Wilmii.tfo... N C. | - NOTICE North Carolina, Martin County, In the Superior Court. lih>. Purvis vs. Mary I'urvis The defendant above named will take notice that an action, entitled as above, has been commenced i:i the Superior Court of Martin County, for the pnrposc ola« di vorce between the parties, and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required""'to ap pear at the Term of the Superior Court of sai«l County to be held on the second Monday alter the lirst Monday in March ■ y l 7• being tlie 19' th day of March 1917, at the court house of said County at Williamson, N. C. and answer or demurHo the ccitnplainl in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief deinand eg!. v.. . , —Tliis ?;ti day of Fgb. 117• « 'R.J. PETTp C'erk Superior (■ >urt. 2-9 C H I'iiSTM A S SAVIN 03 CLU B begins uy, Feb,, 12th at the l Deposits made weekly.. Classes to *I.OO weekly. See Notice i Under f.nd l>y vtrtiie-ot h power of >ale coiittiued in th'U t:er'*in deed tn trust exe utul Uy Ge';,;eM Rofoerson atil wife, to the undersigned trusie . bearing date Mar. 10, 191b of record 111 bo' k Mi, atpaKe.ll6, Martin Registry, to secure the pay ill-lit of h certain bond of even date tiiere with, and the stipulations therein, (•••ntuine l nit having t>eea coni plied, and a', the rttjnestof the party in interest, the under lotted, will, oil Mon day the i2'h dav of March 1917 «t 1 1 00 r.oon. Ht t'ie roi:ri>r>use door of Martin Countv a'. William'ton. N, C ofT-vr at public s >l" i" the highest bidder for cash, the folio* ii:g described lnnds towit ing in the center of second St. in the town '>f Rob'.*r'«>nviile, N C. run ning tlience with thr* center «»! Second Street an Kasterul-y course to M .'V 1 >u.l - corner, thence a Northerly course to I/. T-»> lor'a corner, thence with.L. A Taylor's' line a Westerly-course to the center ut Grim'es Stieet, thence a South erly co rse with the ceiiter of Grimes Strcfct ' the beginning, containing x /i acre more or less. 2'j-l beginning at stak•: i-i the line the Mar't et Lot owned b- j. G. I). IV>bers-'si. r:;ns Ihei 1 r•. N6r4j W3B ft. h 11 inches, to tire of the ;,toW of J. C. & M. A K ibi-r-o 1, vht-nce wita said line . S 80 i 1 W .4 it an 16 inches to 4 stake, Ira 1) yobrriion's corner; theoc«f S. 6 1-2 K. 39 feet and 6 inches to the Street, thence S M>A W24 ft and (> inches to the beginning. This 30th day of Jan. 1917. S A. R. DUNNING, Trustee 2*9 —j, la , m i cas -ma •WE HAVE [{'! J j On Hand j j III! Ft Of or bale j \ ' "| i |§f j=J Shinnies, Hackney and Piedmont » Wagons, Flannagan Bifrgies, Av ery Disc Harrows and Cultivators, J| Oliver and Chattanooga one and ® j two horse plows. Come to see us 4 ,1| j*j *' 1 - 1 ! U Harrison Bros. & Company | J Williamston, N. 0. • Jm mm-MY'TjSM Will cure Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Burns, Old Sores, Tetter, Ring-Worm, Ec zema, etc. Antiseptic Anodyne, used internally or externally. 25c Still U a year. Subscribe now. ■ # » ' • • •7**"., FOR SALE:—I have for four (4) colts. If you are in the market for cheap horses, see me, , Wheeler Martin, Williamston. | RUB-MY-TISM - Antiseptic j Relieves Rheumatism, Sprains, j Neuralgia, etc. Still $1 a year. Subscribe nomjl