CALOMEL WHEN BILIOUS? NOI STOP! ACTS LIKE OYHE ON LIB I Guarantee "Dodson's Liver Tone" Will Give You the Best Liver and Bowel Cleansing You Ever Had—Doesn't Make You Sick! Stop using calomel! It make* you •lck. Don't lose a day's work. 11 you fsel lazy, sluggish, bilious or consti pated. listen to me! Calomel la mercury or quicksilver which causes necrosis of the bones Calomel, when It cornea Into contact with sour bile, crashes into It. breaking It up This Is when you feel that aw ful nausea and cramping If you feel _l'all knocked out." if your liver Is tor pid and bowels constipated or you have headache. dizziness, coated tongue, if breath Is bad or stomach sour Jußt try a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone. Here's my guarantee —Go to any drug store or dealer and get a 50-cent bottle of Dodson's I.lver Tone Take s ARE YOUR KIDNEYS WEAK? Thousands of Men and Women Have Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect It. Nature virnn you when the track of health n not clear. Kidney and bladder troubles cause many annoying symptom* and great inconvenience both day and night. Unhealthy kidney* may cause lumbago, rheumatism, catarrh rif the bladder, pain or dull ache in the l>ack. joint* or mus elea, at timea have headache or indiges tion, a* time passes you may hare a tal low completion, puffy or dark circlet amlrr the eyes, comet irnes feel aa though you had heart trouble, may hare plenty of ambition bnt no strength", get weak and lose flesh. If such condition* are permitted to continue. serious results may be expect-- ed Kidney Trouble In its very wont form may steal upon you. Prevalency of Kidney Diaeaaa. Most people do not realize the alarm SPECIAL NOTE -You may obtain a sample size bottle of Swamp-Root by enclosing ten cents to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Hinghamton, N. Y. This give* you the opportunity to prove the remarkable merit of this medicine. They will al*o *end you a book of valuable information, containing many of the thouaand* of grateful letters received from men and women who saythev found Swamp-Root to !>e ju*t the remedy needed in kidney, liver and bladder trouble*. The value and succeaa of Swamp Root are so well known that our reader* are advised to eend for a sample *ize bottle. Addre** l>r. Kilmer k Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When writing be sure and mention thi* paper. Portable Medicine Cheat. The cartridge bolt medicine chest is | for use iii iM'ttcc it s well ns In war, but It Is especially Intended f«»r hunters, prospectors uml such persons who have need for remedies, but who can not be burdened with chests and simi lar bulky paraphernalia. It has been devised h.v Dr. Otto Summer of Seat tle, Wash. »The belt is made of can vas or leather, as desired, and It has ; numerous compartments for vials con- ; tabling medicine. Just as a cartridge j belt and swallows it. If relief does ■ person wearing the belt wishes to take a shot sit some internal disorder he plucks a medicinal pellet from the belt ami swallows it. If relief does not follow he plucks another of a dif- i ferent kind tintll Ids medicinal ammu- i nltlon Is depleted. At this point he dons another belt fully loaded and re peats the operation. The Inventor says the belt is useful on long walks, trips and on horseback expeditions. Covera for Planta. Folding covers, easily put Into use, hare been Invented for protecting plants from cold. Pulling up pigeonholes concealed In i Its top converts n new library table Into a writing desk. Sor* Eye*. Blood-Shot Eye*. Watery Erta, atlcky Bye*, all bra)*l promptly with nlcht ly application* of Roman ICys Balaam Adv. Wall paper that is made from rubber has been Invented by an Englishman. WHAT IS LAX-FOS LAX-FOS It AN IMPROVED CAftCARA A DIGESTIVE LAXATIVE CATHARTIC AND LIVER TONIC Lax-Foe ia not a secret or Patent Madi- j cina bnt ia compoaed of tha following old fashioned roots and herbs: CASCARA BARK BLUE FLAG ROOT RHUBARB ROOT BLACK ROOT MAY APPLE ROOT SENNA LEAVES AND PEPSIN In LAX-FOS the CASCAIA is improved by the addition of these digestive ingredients making it better than ordinary CASCARA. I and thus the combination acts not only as a stimulating laxative and cathartic but also as a digestive and liver tonic. Syrup laxa- I tivea are weak, but LAX-FOS combines strength with palatable, aromatic taste and does Dot gripe or disturb the stomach. One bottle will prove LAX : FOS is invalnablo for Constipation, Indigestion or Torpid Liver Price 50c. ECZEMA^ Money buck without question If HUKTB CtT** falls in the traataaent of ITCH. EJNGWORM.nKTEK or other f ft — £fl| Itching akin dlamse H Price W-Vlr 'jl tOe at drag (lata, or direct from f*\M / /1 I I IKM MTDM CI IMRMI LII ( /\F / I $u KODAKS & SUPPLIES |>o|{l We m\mo do lilghett clut of finishing' IJ|cL Prlee* and Catalogue upon request. S. Galaski Optical Ca., ItiilsM.l, Va. : spoonful and if It doesn't straighten you light up and make you feel fins and rigorous I want you to go back to the store and get your money. Dod son's Liver Tone Is destroying'the sals of calomel because It is real liver medicine; entirely'vegetable, therefore It cannot salivate or make you sick I guarantee that one spoonful of Dodson's Liver Tone will put your Blupßlsh liver to work and clean your bowels of that sour bile and consti pated waste which is clogging your system and making you feel miserable. I guarantee that a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone will keep your entire fam il> feeling fine for months. Give it to your children. It la harmless; doesn't gripe and tbey like lta pleasant taste. —Adv. ing increase and remarkable prevalent? of kidney disease. While kidney dia oriler* are among the moat common die eases that prevail, they are almost the last recognized by patients, tcho usually content themselves wxth doctoring the effects, while the ortginai disease may constantly undermine the system. If you feel that your kidneys are the cause of your sicknes* or run down con dition, try taking I>r. Kilmer's Swamp- Root, the famous kidney, liver and blad der remedy, because a* soon aa vour kid ney* improve, they will help the other organs to health. If you are already convinced that Swamp Root is what you need, you can • purchase the regular tiftv-cent and one dollar aire bottles at all drug atorea. Don't make any mistake but remember the name, Dr. Kilmer'* Swnmp-Root, and the address. Biniihamton. N Y., which you will find on every bottle. Harvard Students Economize. A decline in the minor vices that lie ! set college men is indicated at Harvard by the annual figures. given by the Harvard Union. In the past year Har vard students have smoked fewer ciga rettes and cigars and have played bil liards and pool less than they did a year ago. There was a loss of about j 20 per cent In the sale of cigarettes {and cigars. Harvard students spent s.'l.o4'J for tobacco In 101." and only [ $2,.W In 1010. Curiously enough. Ihe reading habits of Harvard men slumped last year. In 1!»1. r > sl..'VJfi was spent for reading matter; in- 1914, GIRLS! GIRLS! TRY IT, BEAUTIFY YOUR HAIR Maka It Thick, Glossy, Wavy, Luxur* lant and Remove Dandruff—Raal Burprlsa for You. Tour hair becomea light, wavy, flut* I fy, abundant and appears aa soft, lus trous and beautiful aa a young girl's after a "Danderine hair cleanse." Just try this —moisten a cloth with a littla Danderine and carefully draw ft through your hair, taking one small strand at a time This will cleanse the ha'r of dust, dirt and excessive oil and in just a few moments you have doubled the beauty of your hair j Besides beautifying the hair at once. Danderine dissolves every particle of dandruff; cleanses, purifies and Invig orates the scalp, forever stopping Itch, lng and falling hair. But what will please you most will be after a few weeks' use when you will actually see new hair—fine and downy at first—yes—but really new hair—growing all over the scalp. If you care for pretty, soft hair and lots of it. surely get a 26 cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderine from any store and just try it. Adv. j Good for the Nerves. To obviate the noise of pneumatic civeting machines, one lias been In vented that squeezes rivets into place with a pressure of a ton. Dr. I'ierce'h Favorite Prescription make* i weak women strong, sick women well, no -j alcohol- Sold in tablet* or liquid.—Ajiv. Sucees at Last. "Hurrah! Hurrah! Five dollars for my latest story, 'A'Modern Husband.'" "Congratulations, young man. From whom did you get the money?" "From the express company. Tliey lost It" What Dr. R. D. Patterson, of Lib erty, N. C., says: ABOUT MOTHER'S JOY SALVE. My boy had pneumouiu, his tempera ture was 104. Had tried other salves, didn't have any effect. L>e«l jar of Mother's Joy Salve on throat and chest. In one time his tempera ture was normal.—Adv. It Is the intention of the govern meat of Uruguay to Increase the manufac j ture of chemical products In the IjjaH i tute of Industrial Chemistry. THE ENTERPRISE, WILLIAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA LATE NORTH CAROLINA MARKET QUOTATIONS Wee tarn Newspaper Union Newa Mrrioa Prices Paid by Merchant* for Farm Product* in the Markets of North Carolina at Reported to the Dlvlalon of Markets for the Week Ending Saturday. March 10. 1917. Ahoske. Corn $1.2(5 bu; oats, 72c bu; peas, 2 25 bu; sweet potatoes. s7scsl bu. Western butter. 45c lb; N. c butter, 40c lb; eggs. 25c doz; spring chickens, - 15c lb: hens. 20c lb; hogs. |»0 cwt— Oolton. middling. 17.50; cotton seed, 85c .bu; lbs of meal for ton of sede, 2750. Charlotte. Corn, $1.24 bu; oats. 71, .»u; peas, s.'! bu; Irish potatoes. $!» 50 hbl;6weet potatoes. 90c bu Western butter. 40c lb; N, OAbuttor, 40c lb; eggs. 30c don; spring chickens, 2. c lb; hens. 15 20c lb; hogs slOl2 cwt Cotton, middling. 17.75; cotton seed. I'OC bu. Western butter. 40c lb; N (' butter, 4i'c lh; eggs, 25c doz; hens. 15c lb; liogs. sl2 50 cwt Cotton niiddlln,. 17.50 c. Durham. Corn. $1 25 bti; oats. 75c bu; pens, s:i bu; Irish potatoes. $6 bid ; sweet pota toes. $1 tin. apples $4 bbl. Western butter, 45c lb; X (' butter, 45c lb; egg*. 20c doz; spring chickens. 20c lb; bin's. 15c lb; hogs. sl2 50 i \vt. Cotton middling, 17.75; .cotton seed, Psc; lbs, r of meal for ton.of. seed. 2500. Fayettevllie. ( orn. $1 25 bti; oats, 75c bu; soy beans. $2 bu; peas. $1 !Hf* bu; Irish potatoes. s!i bbl; sweet potatoes. 85c. I'PHs. 25c doz; spring chickens. 15c lb; liens. 50e each-;-hogs, s!2,\n . W |, CVotton, middling. 17c; cotton seed, 85c bu Greenville. Cornr $l 25 bu: oats. 75c bu; beans. s•''. bu; Irish potatoes. $8 bbl; peas, s.'s bu ; sweet potatoes, 75c bu. Western butter 4nc lb; N (' butter. 40c lb; eggs. .'!o'c do/.. Cotton, middling 1(5.75. Lumberton. Corn, $! 25 bu; sweet . potatoes, $1 bu Wester rebutter. 42" lb; N. (' butter, 40c lb; ; eggs. 27c doz; prlng chickens. 18c lb; hens, 16c lb; hnss, Sll cwt. Cotton, middling. 1(».K4; cotton seed, flOe bu. Maxton. Corn. $1 ,'ifl bu; data, 75r i bu; "peas, $2.25 bu; Irish potatoes, $7 bbl; s'veet potatoes, 85c bu N. C. btftter. 4Mc lb; eggs. 2Hc doz. Cotton, middling. 18 50; cotton seed. fisc bu. * Monrce. Corn, $1.37 bu; oats. BGc bu; soy beans, $2 bu; peas, $2 25 bu; Irish potatoes, $lO bill; sweet potatoes, $1 bu. Kggs 20c doz; hogs. sll cwt. Cotton, middling. 15c Uew Bern. Corn, $1 20 bu; oats. 75c bu; soy beans, $2 25 bu; peas, $2 40 bu; Irish potatoes, $5 bbl; sweet potatoes, 90c bu; apples, $4 bbl. Western butter, 43c lb; N. C. butter, 40 42c lb; efcgs. 25c doz; spring chick ens, 18,25 c lb; hens, 16c lb hogs, $lO cwt Cotton, middling, 17.75; cotton seed, 79c bti; lbs of meal for ton of seed, 2800. Raleigh. Corn, $1.22 bu; oats, 73c bu; soy beans, $2.25 bu; peas. $2 bu; Irish optatoes, $8.50 bbu; sweet potatoes, $1 bu; apples. $5-$7 bbl. ,T ~"" Western butter. 4#c lb; N. C. butter, 40c lb; eggx, 35c rfoz; spring chickens, 80-60 c each; hens, 55 60 each; hogs, sl3 cwt. Cotton, middling, 17c; cotton seed, 75c bu; lbe. of meal for ton of s«el, 3000, Rocky Mount. Oorn, 1 22 bu; oats, 76c bu; Irish po tatoes, $8 bbl; sweet potatoes. $1 bu. Western butter, 40 elb; \ C. butter, 40c lb; eggs, 25c doz; spring chickens, 21oilb; hens, 13c lb. Cotton, middling. 17c; cotton see}, 85c bu; lbs of meal for ton of seed, 2500. Bcotland Neck. . Corn, $1 .20 bu; oats, 72c bu; peas, $2.75 bu; Irish potatoes, $lO bbl; sweet potatoes, 90c bu. Western butter, 44c Jb; N. C. butter, 43c lb; eggs, 25(: doi; Eggs, 25c doz; spring chicken*, lb; hens, lb; hogs, $13.50 cwt. Wilmington. Corn, $1 .24 bp oats, 70c bu; Irish po tatoes, $8 bbl; sweet potatoes, 85c bu. Winaton-Salem- Corn, $1.15 bu; oats, 73c bu; soy beans. $2.40 bu; peas, $2.30 bu; Irish potatoes, $6.10 bbl. Chicago, -111. ? - Xo. 2 white corn, $ 1.98$ 1.0925 (de livered In Raleigh, $1.23-11.2450); No. 2 yellow corn, $1.0775-$1.0975 {deliv ered in Raleigh $1.2275 —1.2475). Butter, 32 40c (creamery); eggs, 26- (firsts). New York. Irish potatoes, 9-9.50 bbl; sweet po tatoes, sl-$2.50 (Jersey basket.) Butter, 41Vi-42»4e (extra); egga, 32V4-36- (extra fine. • IfIBMnONAL i SUNMRSOMEI LESSON (Hy R. O. SKt.UERs, Actlnp Director of Sunday S, in>oi Course of Moody Bible inatltule i (Copyrlitlu, I'M:, Woi»ern Newapiiiirr tTnlon > LESSON FOR MARCH 25 JESUS THE WAY, TRUTH AND LIFE. (Review.) SCRirTi nK I.KBSON—HeaI John 14 1-14. QOLDKN I KXT—Jeaus ealth upto him. 1 am the m>v Hie truth, and tlie life, ti" man cometh unto tbe father, but by rat John 14 ti The purpose of John's gospel Is rc vealed in John 20:31. It was to prove that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and to prove It in such u way that men might believe It In their hearts, ami thus obtalu, through thai belief, eternal life in his name. There fore the best method of review tor the lessons of the past quarter would he to go over the lessons one by one, and find out bow it is that this great trufh, which bt;ings life to men. Is Il lustrated in of the several les sons. The object of such a review should be I » make Jesus as leal to HX us If we Were with lit in unit bis disci ples, and could realize that the Word Is now'dwelling among us, full of grace and truth, giving dally of his ful- I ness and "grace for grace." (Ch. 1 :ll 1(5). Jesus is "the way," the way to heaven the wnyHo all that Is high est and best on earth, the way of life, the way to the lather, the gnal of all human aspirations, the way out of nil human ilaiKness and sin, the way to holiness ami to (Sod. Jesus Is also the truth, the n tcnled truth about (Sod. He revealed the forgiveness of (Sod for the sins of men, the right way of liv ing. Jesus is the life, the. source of life, tin l life 11-elf; the I rue life here . on earfl*. and the eternal life which Is to Itblde forever. Thus our entire re view centers about Jesus Christ. It would lie good to have n map chiefly of the vicinity d' the Sea of Galilee to use In this review. Leaaon I. Jesus, the Life and Light of Men. Tins is the central truth of the gospel, Vote the pre existence of Jesus ClirNt us the eternal Word, "In the hegltiniiiK' with (Soil." Then again we see it as plainly showing forth or ileelurlng him to he Und. We see lilni also as tlie (Yeator of all things. Leason 11. John the Baptist. This Is a less.,ii of John's testimony to Jesuit as the Sou of (Soil; also that Jesus was the Liimh of Clod, eternal, pre-exlstent, the (»rie who was baptized by the Holy Ghost, showing us the. real nature of ! Jeans as the Word of God. Itcscribe who and what lie was and did that 1 made hih, the perfect Savior. Lesson 111. The First Disciples of Jesus. Andrew and Philip discovered the Messiah of whom Moses and the did write, and revealed hi in unto .Vutbanlcl, who discovered lu Jesus the Son of (Soil and the King of Israel. Relate how Jesus found these dlscipl.s, their names and their char acteristics, and why each one was espe cially fitted for Ids particular work. Lesson IV. His Father'a House. Jesm., manifesting himself us the Son of God, the Father, was the Ruler of God's house, and drove from It those who defiled It by milking that house a house of merchandise. Leavon V. The Savior of the World. Jesus, as the only begotten Son of God, can give eternal life to those who be lieve on him. Describe the character of Nlcodrmus, what it means to he born uguln, and what Is meant by be ing burn of water and of the spirit. Lesson VI. The Woman of Samaria. Jesus (jf.lured himself to this woman | as the Christ, and also as the giver of eternal life; therefore he was God. Referring to the last lesson, emphasize what Jesus meant by his reference to Moses and the brazen serpent, and bring out the fact that the water of .which he speaks Is the gift of everlast ing life. Leason VII. The Nobleman's Son. Jems made his glory to be seen a sec ond lime in C'una of Galilee by healing sickness although not present at the bedside of the sick one. Healing und faith are co-partners. Lesson VIII. The Pool of Bethesda. Again Jesus manifests his power by healing by his bare word the man who hud been Infirm thirty and eight years, and who was utterly helpless and hope less. Ilrlng out how the man showed his faith. Explain why Jesus shcrtfld si!.\ In*him: "Sin no more lest a worse tiling befall thee." i Lesson IX. Five Thousand Fed. Di- I vine power multiplying the loaves and t fi; ficv aud divine prudence Irr assemb- j jing the fragments reveals the unques- | tioirable, creative act fcf tbe power of ! Je.sus Christ as perhaps none oilier of hi- miracles. Kinpliusize the part winch the boy played in co-operating | wiih Christ. Lesson X. The Bread of Life. Jesus is the Bread of Life as well as the giv er nf everlasting life, lie is the Bread of Life which cometh down from heav en, und. the one going to whom we shall never hunger nor thirst. Lesson XI. Jesus Saves From Sin, Jesus, the Light of the World, has pow er to set men free from sin, and "whom the Son shall make free is free in deed." In this lesson we have the slav ery of sin and the freedom of believ ers. True faith is built upon facts, and those who accept and believe on thesx I facta have "everlasting liXa." Keep It Ward off attacks of grip,! colds end indigestion by timely [ U' medication with the thoroughly test- ■fBUmMMMy IH IF ed and reliable remedy of the Ameri- I ' I It's better to be safe than awry. Many a load ■pell of dUtretilni slckams ' H r——J. . il mUht have men prevented If this proved Z. „ I 'I remedy had been naorted (o In the flrtt JHIwiW"?! Utßi I I •taat*. Aay article that hai been eSrlmily U ffl ■aed for nearly half a oenturv hii proved SSt' I . n lu value. Tablet form If you desire it. S«si jP ill W. L. DOUCLASI "THE SHOE THAT HOLDS ITS SHAPE" $3 $3.50 $4 $4.50 $5 $6 $7 & $8 aJ8 r WBMN Save Money by Wearing W. L Douglas -jjmiv •host. For aale by over 9000 shoe dealers. The Beat Known Shoea in the World. Jry YV7- L. Douglas name and the retail price is stamped on the In*- " torn of all shoes at the factory. The value u guaranteed and ''Ki the wearer protected against high price* for inferior shoes. The retail prices are the same everywhere. They cost no more in San Matt* ul Francisco than they do in New York. They are always worth the JM price paid for them. # Kf I quality of W. L. Douglas product is guarantee! by more A than 40 years experience in making fine shoes. The smart J/ styles are the leaders in the Fashion Centres of America, y They ane made in a well-eauipped factory at Brockton, Mass., | by the highest paid, skilled shoemakers, under the direction and / '' 'iov.' supervision of experienced men, all working with an honest A determination to make the best shoes for the price that money Aak your shoe dealer for W. 1,. noa(laa dlinea. If he can- /( VZ- nr T7,I not aupply yon with the kind yon want, tnkn no other IS" - - BtWE °f- !»/ J m»kf. Write for Intei-entlng booklet «-ii>li>liiiii|r how to L W |!!RjCTi %.• «et (lioeaof the hlKhnat ilindsril of quality for tlie prlre, V)J iH,? 1 n .. by return mall, |>ontHyn free. \ MP/ BO T* Shoea LOOK FOR W. L. DougUa /// (t . nn ®" , ' n ?V W ° r '° name and the retail price S.IOO $2.50 ft $2.00 ■ nn |k. Frulilniil "W. L. I)nu|(lm Kliun (!«., atamped on the bottom. Ihft S,mrk St., »ro. kt..n. M.n«. FRtSR-CRISP WHOLESOME-DELICIOUS H ' " Changed the Bill of Fare. (Sent Is there any soup on the bill ; of fare? Walter There was. sir, but 1 wiped It off Obstinate nttnckn of Pile* are relieved nad the difficult ntools wlmh accompany them nrc softened through the use of Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills. Send for trial box to 372 Pearl St., New York Adv. One Way Out of It. She was condeniunlory in her man-j tier. "I refuse to lake this paper cutler," she declared sternly, be , cause It Is not Ivory, and I want t" I use it as a gift." The clerk looked lit her with the "I don't doubt yourword madam" expres slon Indigenous to clerks. "That's very strange," he said, "the ele phant must have had false teeth." GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWER Few persons can he sick who use Green's August Flower. It has been used for all niliucntk Hint are caused by a disordered stomach and Inactive liver, such us sick headache, constipa tion, sour stomach, nervous Indiges tion, fermentation of food, palpitation of the heart from gases created In the stomach, pains in the stomach, and many other organic disturbances. ; August Flower Is u gentle laxative, regulates digestion, both In the stom ach and Intestines, cleans and sweet- | ens the stomach and whole alimentary canal, and stimulates the liver to se crete the bile and Impurities from the blood. Try It. Two doses will relieve you. Used for fifty years In every town and hamlet In the United States and In nil civilized countries.—Advt Needn't Explain It. "There's one good thing about golf." "What Is It?" "It's seldom that your wife Insists ori you taking her to see It played." Important to Mother* Examine carefully every bottle of CASTOR IA, that famous old remedy for Infants and children, and see that it Signature of In Use for Over 30 Tears. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria India has begun active mining of | pitchblende, the chief source of radium. Died of Premature „ Old Age! (BY V. M. PIERCE, M. D.) How many times we hear of compara tively young persons passing away when they should have lived to he 70 or 80 years of age. This fatal work Is usu ally attributed to the kidneys, as, when the kidneys degenerate, It-cause* auto*_| intoxication. The more injurious tlie ' poisons passing thru the kidneys,'the quicker will those noble organs he de generated, anil the sooner they decay. ! To prevent premature old nge and ! promote long life, lighten the work of the kidneys by drinking plenty of pure | water all day long, and occasionally tak ing Anurlc (double strength) before | meals. This can be obtained,at drug stores. Anurlc will overcome siichron- Tlitlons as rheumnttsm, dropsical "swell ings, cold extremities, scalding and burning urine and sleeplessness due to constant arising. ItfjNTERSMiTH's SH |I (KJLLTONIC t Cockroaches ARE filthy 11 It w K1 „ Them Bjr Utlo# STEARNS' ELECTRIC PASTE U. S. Government Buy* It SOLD EVERYWHERE— 2Sc and SI.OO I lov* you RHEUMATISM Lumbago or Gout? Take Rll RIJMACIDRtoreinoTe the cause and drive tbe polaon from the system "BHKI BAMDR ON TUB IN«lf>| PI Tt BHIIBATIfcB OR TNI OUTOTDI" At All DrvfKlaii Jas. Bally it Sob, Wbolciale Dittrikvlort Constipation Vanishes Forever Prompt Relief —Permanent Cure CARTER S LITTLE LIVER PILLS never fail. Purely vegeta ble act surely but gently on e the liver V 7X L i Stop after lIVER dinner 1 j PILLS. i tress-cure 2r I indigestion, improve the complexion, brighten the eye*. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSF., SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature STOCK LICK IT-STOCK LIKE IT rtMMM Por Horse*, Cattle, Sheep pWffffWi and Hogs. Contain* Cop- peras for Worms, Sulphur for the Blood, Saltpeter for the Kidneys, Nux Vomica,aTonic.and Pure K"Si Dairy Salt. Used by Vet flhha£flj9t erinaritns 12 years. No Hjyrfji fift Doting. Drop Brick in jffiHßl feed-box. Ask yourdealer EBtßßßttir for Blackman'* or writ* BLACKMAN STOCK REMEDY COMPANY j CHATTANOOGA. TENNESSEE. W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 12-1917. A West Virginia Woman Speaks V6l en , W\' Va.—"Golden Medical Dl»- covery proved so beneficial iu my past state of" 111 health that I was glad to try Anurie, the new discovery of Dr. Pierce. I was in a delicate condition and suf fered from many disc > m fort s. I ached all over, was j'-constiputed, had Indigestion, was .ex- It remely nervous; another discomfort J was shifting rheumatism, something 1 j had had for years. At that time it was in my hips and lower limbs. I took I the" Anurlc Tablets according to direc tions. and can say, and speak in the bounds'of truth, that I have not had rtn nmatlsm since. I have no Indiges tion and am not constipated. The re lief could not be more satisfactory."— MH.i. JOSEPHINE CORDER RYMER.

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