(PERJONfIL] Miss Lois Yarborough left Wednesday for Washington. William Carstarphen is in Nor folk this week with his brother. J. A Getsinger. of Dardens, was in town Monday on business. Miss Helen L. Maynard is vis iting in Newark, N- J., for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Watts and Master Billv spent Sunday in town. PatH Williams, of Charlotte, spent Saturday night in town. Miss Fannie Myrt Manning spent Monday in Everetts. John C Lamb and children spent Sundav with Col. W. G. Lamb. Misses Leon a and Bessie Page and Sylvia Upton spent the week end in Parmele. Miss Laurie Ellison, of Rober sonville, visaed here last week. Miss Lela Hadley is visiting friends in Enfield. Ben Long Rives, of Roberson ville, was in town Wednesday night. Mrs. A. R Donning and' little child went to Robersonville Tuesuay. Mrs John Daniel, of Wihon, visited Mrs John L. Hassell here this week. Mrs. A. D. Mizell left last Fri day for Blacksburg, S. C,. to visit her mother. Mrs. Jennie Moore and Sarah Harrell are visiting Mrs. B. T. Cowper in Raleigh. Rev. W. R. Burrell and J. W. Anderson have returned from New Orleans, where they attend ed the Baptist Convention. Messrs. Louis C. Bennett and Duke Critcher, Misses Margaret Taylor, Hilda Crawford and Car rie Dell Blount motored to Bel haven Sunday. Mrs. Grover Hardison and children and Mrs Arthur Ander son and Mattie Lou Anderson spent last week in Rocky Mount with relatives. Misses Irma Woodhouse, Syl via and Louise Upton with Roy Everett and Whit Purvis motored to Scotland Neck on Friday even ing last week to attend a dance there. Reginald Burrell, Leon Stalls, Earl Wynne and Misses Brown and Pittman attended the dance at Scotland Neck last week. Misses Martha Baldre and Jes se Hodges spent the week-end here with Mrs. A. J Manning. Mrs J. L. Thrower and Dorothy Thrower left Sunday to visit rel atives at Hoilisterf Halifax Coun ty. Mr. and Mrs Harry M. Stubbs arrived here Sunday evening and are at the Atlantic Hotel. Mis» Gladys Hornthal who spent several days here last week returned home Saturdav. J. W. Watts. Jr., Sergeant S. E. R. C. Station, Newport News, spent Monday at home with his parents. Frank F. Fagan, of Rocky Mount, spent Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. Rome Biggs. Ben Long Rives. Thrower Tay lor. Walter Roberson and Char ley James were in town Sunday evening visiting friends. Among the visitors' in town this week are Mr. and Mrs Cal vin W. Hassell who reside in Washington City, where Mr. Hassell has been in the postoffice department for several years. They are visiting their sister, Mrs. John L. Hassell on Smith wick St. WANTED:— Boarders. Pre fer married couple. Apply at Number 204 Simmons Ave., City. RESTORED VITALITY CHANGES YOUR ATTITUDE TOWARD WORK AND PUT Run Down Systems Need Iron and Plenty of It. Take Natural iron If Run Down. You .ire nervous, at work, in your sleep and at homo. You seldom sUep without vivid dreams and often you at* melancholy and things don't to be going right tor you. Maybe you ar. cross and irritable sometimes an 1 h avedixzv, weak spells aud prob anly vou do not naturally at all times. You have lost confidence and physically and mentally ii things keep up you are likelv to becukne nervous wreck. There are thousanc s of men ;)rrd women iust like that. Theit whole system lacks strength and stamins. Iron, and still more anil iron, is needed. (» »d, pure, stiong and powerful natural iron known .is Acid Iron Mineral is what you need. Your muscles are ilabby, you are devitalized and debilitated. Your meniot v is poor, your lack of ambition and business and soci al duties hi've vou. Nature is crving aloud tor iron. Ihe great system rem-vator and buildee. DON'T TAKE ALCOHOL Often when a man gets in such shape he will turn to turn to drink and for a time this seems to buoy him up, but every one knows that a reaction must set in. and ah o-j helica now known to lw a d*ad v enemy of the nerves, brain, st«»m och, 'kidneys blatter. No do not take even a medicine it it con tains an excessive quanity of al cohol. No matter how good the otl er elements may be. Avoid alcohol and other habits forming which only have a temporary ef fect. Take iron—plenty of it in a I ijhly concentrated and power ful form .is put up '>y th- I c:"o dine Chemical C u-ponv.in. I' not a patent medit ine. C«|UtaijL.s no intendrrt it sho-ti/J-be tjkcn T.d;- a half teaspoonfui after meals and on retiring Watch how quickly life begins to look better to you When vou are well and vnpn familv means more to vou. Busi ness gets better, you teel like run ning a foot race like a kid once more. ".o to the nearest drug store and get fifty cents or a dol lar-* • Wijftli t>( Acid 1 rot) M inei a I It goes two to instead of injures stomach, kidnevs and liver. Ask for Acid Iron Mineral today Miss Alice-Nichols, of Windsor spent Wednesday evening in town with the Misses Upton. . Mrs. A. R. Dunning, Mrs. Maurice Moore, Miss Irene Smith Mrs. J. -H. Saunders. Mrs. Rome Biggs and Mrs. J. S. Rhodes spent yesterdnyin Rocky Mount. W. C. Manning and Miss Fan nie Manning attended the coin mencement atlhe A. C. College. Wilson, this week. The May Meeting at Bear Grass was attended by many town people on Sunday. Sunday, the heat, was intense being more sensibly felt on ac count of the extreme cool spell the week previous. The wind blew from the North-West and the mercury played high jinks gjl day. Penalty for not registering on June sth is one year in the peni tentiary. WANTED:—Ladies , or men with rigs or automobiles to rep re sent a Southern Those with selling experience preferred tho not necessary. Fast selling proposition. Brand new article. Excellent pay for hustlers. Address Mr. Gregory, 160-4 th ave. N. Nashville, Tenn. FOR SALE. —A house and lot situated in East Williairiston. : For terms apply to Mrs. Bettie Gray Gurkin, City. THE ENTERPRISE. WILLIAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA ■ Bank Account I ' Start a bank account with us and we will help you make it H :r. We arc equipped to care fo r your deposits with absolute s"i - \y. There is no function of a bank we cannot perform.. Eev jA-—;• IHy affords to farmers and others for the transaction of 111 h 'nkinK business. Accounts may be opened by mail and i T t >n »• h deposited or withdrawn in this way with equal facility. I th * scores of young men in our town who should start a I'.m ' iunt. The dimes they throw away every month if yi hr to our bank would make (hem Indpendentas they reach ■« :».c noonday of life. In fact every person who liasa dollar should start a bank account. Try it and you will always thank us for this advantage. 1 Farmers & Merchants Bank * V - ,_ "7 5 ASSETS OVER 5600.000.00 * Willumiston, IN. G. D » •• /Km jr. Jj-j FMRI WII.LIAMSTON I ( \ I TO WASHINGTON \ F ACCOUNT CONFEDERATE V m VETERANS REUNION V F fom Virginia and the Carolina*, H From Caorgia, Florida and Alabama, \QT\ Ticket* tin-tiled to r/-nch final destination not latar thnn Jtinn 2! »i, cxteri [XjW\ *ion ot finti liriftii in July Gth, 1917, majr 't\\ be obtained bv dapaiit with Terminal Agent and payment of fee of 50 cU. » JT JftflW/ lvl LOWEST RAITS EVER OFFERED 1 I MLWMIV X |>\ TO THE NA riONAL CAPITAL A •WW '*l jJ fl . \ For r#ierv»l».n» or any information. if« I N 7 km/jt I f \ •ddrr«% «njr \f«ot of the ! l'jolM-i ! O- \V .ik S • - iNOTICH i 1 lie , . i ( ai . •. 11 -.'it oi Tnst in- i l> \if all v, i u i"' ..n-'th'-r I • R \l.-x.mnet ami wi««- Sa.i'li Alex*- I . I• , ~ , 1>- ,rt I ti).- V-I V , J 111" .1 \ I'll') Hit '' ''• •' sn ri h..k M i ..t iV' 1 fars-npr- nt . 1.111■ ■Ht J-++—• —-Mu-rtttt-coimtv i|u- iii'Ji!ln!. , ,V . •? which tiot havuu' U.-eit • :«n !i«"> wit vvli" h.ivi- ~N stnm.,,ll!, nire.. . , v .jj msl! «• t w huh,-,. !,!•!• r h.r .„s lie '• 1 • r i 'il shi" .• 12 ii'citrrfe M i)i *• • ijii '!hv of Ma i ,i :7 V t.h W-'.li.un ,L! ' '' N.i the IUIIOWIP.' >le'( rlhf.) j.rn . ri' !■, 1 • .:i | 'l irl an tti■ • i.. wit t IIT vk' .. i • • •' i .. i ' i.. . ' ctrJttin tiM-t «»t i«.» f» When ti, - V' . ■*..! i;V11 f* ' v S\h •»-«»•» IM-.-.n* mu ** • rf| VNIUII W-l '» . t :»»• fi*»r! 11 b Sylvt*- when 1:14s 1 •■•• =«* -t'liii. Monet. on the cast b. ! !! !'nv after cat 111 LT t !.-••' K hnin! '.l >( l 'HE boil.lt L>, I IRRUIA • lialh • 4 mill un Hit ivi-i hv thf h -|> et Cham • .'lain > I --ts t■ • 1 ' , l)u . h() . n „ w ._,, !irrt then the s-'.m .. a:.; 1 ' !, ilv rer..!.!«■• I ... the lovi-t-r - EN* OFFICE* '.l* W 11 I!HINSI'»II. bowells. Thev are n.sy to t. ■ J-,)m !>. !,i:h v, Tru-tee. am| plcasi,; • in «-!i t-j : . FEWER PEOPLE CROWING OLDER The Public Health Service rt ports that more people live to the age of forty years to-day, but from forty to sixty years mortality is increasing from degenerative diseases. Thousands of weli-informed men and women to-day are learning the true value of SCOTT'S EMULSION OF NORWEGIAN COD LIVER OIL fas a powerful hlood-enricher and strength-builder to ward off the headaches and backaches that mean weakness. SCOTT'S helps fortify the body against grippe, pneumonia and weakening colds, through its force of medicinal nourishment ' Befuae Alcoholic Extract* That Do Not Contain Cod Liver Oil. * Scott & BOWM. BlmrfUU. N. J. Eggs For Hatching I From Prize Winning Single Comb Rhode Island Reds, §I.OO and 31.25 per 15. r Oakhurst Poultry Farm R. F! D. NO. 3. Williamston, N. C. v 1-m SKEWARKEE EODGE NO. |9O. Lodge No. 90, A. F. &A. M f :, meets ever® second and fourth Tuesday night at 8 o'clock. ki wwlyigwi? vvv v%?v YOU ARE i 9 * SPECIALLY IDVITED TO SEE | I d Our line of Spring and Summer Goods, Fan i ey Lawns, White Goods, Embroideries, La d ces, Flouncings, Ribbons, Shirt Waists and Collars. Shoes in Summer styles for every J $ member of the family to iook well and wear J i well. Suits and hats for men and boys, the I , ... ' •' -1 P cheapest and the best. Larj?e assortment ' y \ P of hats for women and children. We have ;> i r the verv latest styles. . ■0 ' % Make Our Store Headquarters \ X Harrison Bros. & Company j w ' 77 • —J i ' MAIN STREET ' $ Williamson, - Norlli (xiroiin.t f. i We are equipped to supply your every want in the furni nitureline. H Our stock is large, and complete. It is right here for your inspection before you buy. y j More than all, we stand behind every, sale we-make and yon are satisfied all of the time if you trade here.