RUSSIA FACING ' * ECONOMIC RUIN "S " I INDUSTRIAL CRISIS 18 SO ACUTE THAT ONLY MIRACLE CAN SAVE COUNTRY. MAY BRING WAR TO A CLOSE, Demands of Workmen So Enormous it 1 Seems Impossible to Keep Industrial Whe«ls Turning.—Minister of Fi nance Speaks. Petrograd, via london. — The Indus (rail crisis In Russia Is so acute that, according to a recent utterance of the Minister of Finance, M ShirifcarofT, • nly a miracle can save the country frtmi economic- ruin. The demands of the workmen were so enormous, he' declared, that it seemed impossible to keep the Industrial wheels going for any great length of time. The Socialist ministers at "a recent ministerial council said that the only IKxtslbllity they saw of settling the difficulty was to bring the war to a close. Neither the coalition Cabinet nor the newly appointed Commission to regulate* the difficulties between i apl- | laJ and labor has yet found a way to j settle the Industrial crisis The Com mission is composed of the Ministers of Finance, trade and Industry and labor, but since there Is a wide diver gence of views between the Minister of Finance and the new Socialistic Minister of Labor, It seems probable that thla Commission will be confront ed with the same difficulties that at tended previous efforts at reconcllla- j tlon. An Investigation of the factory con- J ditions In I'etrograd leads to the alarming, but Inevitable, conclusion that unless the Government noon finds a means of adjusting the present dlf Acuities, most of the industrial enter ; prises working for National defense will be compellt J to close within a few months An investigation shows that j virtually the same difficulties prevail j In all the big factories In Petrograd | and apparently authenticated reports j from the Moscow, Donets and Ural dis-' trlcts Indicate general disorganization In many of the factories, the demands j by the wworkmeti for Increased wagei are actually greater than the entire profits of the factories under the best conditions of production. _ HOUSE PASSES FIRBT OF FOOD CONTROL BILLS. Provides For Survey of Food Bupply, Appropristea $14,770,000. Washington -Tho Administration's ! food survey bill, first of the food con- J trol measures, was pass« 3by the House without a record vote It ap- J propriates $14,770,000 for an Immediate j investigation of the country's food re- j sources and for measures to stimulate production. A similar bill Is under de- I bate in the Senate. The Agriculture Department expects to present a fairly accurate estimate ■ of food resources within three weeks after the bill Is signed by the Presl- j dent. Secretary Houston said As soon as the measure becomes a law. the Department will start Its 17,000 employes and the 150,000 voluntary crop reporters to work on the Investi gation. The preliminary report to be made within the three weeks will be supplemented with monthly reports and probably by a further complete report within six months if necessary Material gathered will be turned over to Herbert C. Hoover, who was named as head of the food adminis tration, as soon as the pending latory food measures becomes law In the survey bill, passed virtually as it came from the committee. Miss Rankin, the woman representative from Montana inserted an amend ment which would require the Depart ment of Agriculture to use women in the survey work whenever practlca ble. An amendment by Representa tive Mi Kenzle of Illinois would make all persona employed under the bill 4 military service, and another would permit citizens to refune to go more than .'U)O miles from their homes A or places of business to testify in n food Inquiry. RAPID PROGRESS ON REVISION OF REVENUE BILL. Washington—Making rapid prog ress in revising the House war tax bill, the Senate Finance Committee decid ed to exempt from taxation many articles, to substitute stamp taxes for the manufacturers' gross sales plan of the House, and to consider new taxes upon second-class mail matter. The latter were advocated by Senator Hardwick and Postofflce Department heads, and would be based j. upon the advertising space in publications. It was agreed that Jhere shciuld be no direct taxation on Jewelry, motion picture film, chewing gum and plaltos and aelf-played musical Instruments. For the Houhe gross manufacturers' sales tax of five per cent, the commit tee determined to übstitute stamn taxes on mechanical musical instru mentß, Including talking machine rec ord*, athletic goods, perfumes, cos metlcs and pft,ent medicines. For the House five per cent tax on yachts and other pleasure boats, a new tax based upon tonnage or length waa consider A new tax upon confectionary waa pro proposed by Senator Wllliama. OVER 150 KILLED 111 DISASTROUS STORM SEVERAL SECTIONS OF COUNTRY SUFFER DAMAGE TO CROPS AND PROPERTY. OVER THOUSAND ARE INJURED Property Damage Amounts to Million* in Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Ken tucky and Tennessee Caused By Winds Frlflhtful Play. Chlctfo. —Mor«* than onp hundred and. fifty were killed. a thou Hand or more Injured, anil millions of dollars' worth of property destrpyed by torna does which swept through Kansas on Friday. Illinois and Indiana on Satur day and parts of Tennessee, Arkansas, Kentucky ami southern Illinois Sun day. Reports ladlcate that a large amount of farm Implements, needed to produce the bumper crop desired this year, was ruined, although tho spasmodic wind struck only here and there In Its frightful play through the rural regions. Crop damage is said to be not (jeavy In grains The heaviest toll of life was taken at Mnttooh, 111., a city of 10,000 pop ulation In the broom corn country of Central Ullonls, where 54 are known to be dead and 500 Injured, with a property loss of $2,000,000. Charleston, 111., ten miles east of Mat toon, was also partly wrecked Sat urday evening with a loss of 38 liven and 150 Injured. The property loss there IN a million dollars The next most serious loss was at Andale, Kan., where 26 were killed and a scorn Injured on Friday. Dub lin, Ky , suffered 3 dead and 17 In jured. South Pyersburg, Tenn., was report ed to have lost 2 killed and 15 Injured In a tnniailo that swept Dyer County" Sunday Near Hlythevllle, Ark .!) per sons were reported killed and '2 hurt. Reports from Indiana show seven persons killed at Hebron, Kouts and other places and the death list may reach twenty More than two hundred were Injured In the In diana territory swept by the storm Smaller towns In Illinois lost a dot en dead on Saturday with two score Injured, while In the southern point of Illinois windstorms Sunday killed a half doten and Injured a score Summary of tornado dead and ln- Jured: Dead, Injured Mattoon. 11l 54 800 Charleston. 11l 39 150 Andale. Kan 26 60 Other 111 towns IS 65 Arkansas • It Indiana 7 200 Kentucky 3 17 Tennessee . ,». >—. r. %i- 2— — 15 Totals 157 1,019 Property damage, $5,000,000. SEVENTY-SIX KILLED BY GERMAN AIRPLANE RAID. Most of Victims Women and Children at Foodstuff Sale. A town of the southeast coaat of Kngland, via London.- Women and children who had stood for hours In a long line In the busiest street here waiting to purchase potatoes were the principal victims of the Oorman air plane raid. The women and children had little warning of the raid and were easy victims of the air vultures who dropped their deadly bombs in dlscrlmlnntely. w The raid, which claimed the lives of 76 persons and caused Injury to 175 others, proved more deadly than nny raid made on Kngland since the beginning oj, the war GUARD SHOT IN EXCHANGE OF BULLETS. Norfolk, Va. —Frederick Rooch. a guard at the Virginia Reach wireless station, was shot and slightly wound ed In an, exchange of bullets with two men, who were apparently attacking the net around the station. The men escaped. BRAZILIAN CONGRESS ABKED TO ABANDOON NEUTRALITY. Rio de Janeiro.—The committee on foreign relations in the Rrazlian Con gress drafted a measure recommend ing the cancellation of the decree of April 26. 1917, which declared the neutrality of Hrnail In the War between Germany and the United Pres ident Brai, under the bill, would be authorized to take necessary steps for the carrying out of this law and to put Into practice the acta which result from the cessation of neutrality. ISSUE REGULATIONS FOR GUIDANCE OF THE PRESS. Washington.—Regulations for the guidance of the American carrying out the voluntary censorship I the newspapers have imposed upon •.emselves since the United States entered the wflr. were Issued h" the Virtually all of the matter specified by the committee as dangerous and Rable to bo of value to the enemy is of the character which most of the newspapers have clinfinated. THE ENTERPRISE, WILLIAMSTOW, WORTH CAROLINA :| THOROUGHLY AMERICAN •* «'|>> I »«lHt » ( 'MORE MONEY FOR ENTENTE APPROXIMATELY $400,000,000 WILL BE ADVANCED DURING JUNE. Have Been Outlined Definitely.—ltal ian Commission Will Submit Pro- I gram Soon. —Russls's Credit Estab- I llahed. Washington. Treasury' officials have turned their attention to the fln anvlal requirements" of the allien for June, and are engaged In formulating a more or lews elastic program design ed to stand for several month*. Indi cation# are that approximately 1400,- j 000,000 will be advanced the allien In June, bringing: thu total up to mora than $1,000,000. The Italian commlHHlon has yet to submit a program to meet Italian fi nancial needs British and French needs have baen outlined definitely, and tentative pro posals contemplate loan* to these Gov ernment* at a rate of approximately $250,000,000 to $300,000,000 a month. Russia baa not yot drawn againat the $100,000,000 credit established for her here, and It I* thought that this aura will take oare of her requirements for eome time, poeslbly for the wKlre month of June. Belglnn need* already have been anticipated for alx months by the eatabllahment of the $46,000,000 credit recently authorised. Thus far, the loans to the Allies have been chiefly to meat their most pressing requirements. Negotiations have paused thla stage and arc now proceeding on a baai* of the payment at elated periods, of fixed lunm, all of which will be *pent In the United Htatos. Offlslal* have allotted among the banks of the Federal rwsorve districts thelliOO, offering of treasury certificates of Indebtedness which was closed The allotment wai made on the basis of 72 per cent of the sub scriptlons, the offering having ikmsii oversubscribed about. 40 per cent. In a statement lamed officials mads It clear that subscribers to the so-tail ed "baby bonds" of the Liberty I-oan -the SSO and SIOO denominations are not required to pay their full amount of subscriptions in advance, but will re ceive the same privileges of paying by installment* as are granted sub | scrlber* to larger amounts ' HOOVER GET® MANY OFFERS TO CO-OPERATE i Southern Grocera' Association Ten ders Service —Paokers Will Help. Wushlngton. -Offer* to serve with out compensation In the national food administration were received in greet number* at the administration offices just opened by Herbert C Hoover No 'names were made ptibllo. but It was Mfrtd a surprising number of proml j nent and able business men were among the volunteer*. Mr. Hoover, who agreed to act as food administrator iwi condition that he and most of his aides earfce wHh , out pay. will select the men who are to work with him without delay, and will proceed with organisation of the administration to be ready to start work as soon as Congress passes the food bills. He went over detail at a conference with President Wilson. The food ndralnlstration will be di vided Into four branches. The first will comprise a number of separate executive bodies for regulation of cer tain commodities, organization arhwg the lines of commercial institutions with a board of directors, a presi dent and executive officers, who ln j s.itute measures necessary to regu- v late distribution and prices. The mem bership of the executive bodies will comprise leading producers, distribu tors. bankers and consumers ITALIAN MISSION MEMBERS " -"WHITE HOUSE GUESTS Prince of Udlne and other members of the Italian mis sion were the guest* of President Wll j son at a stato dinner at the White I House closing a day spent by the visi ' tors in receiving honors similar to f 'lose conferred on their British and I I'reneh predecessors and In making > the acquaintance of the American of -1 flclals with whom they will negotiate during the coming month. WAR REVENUE BILL PASSED: . I f , MEASURE IS VIRTUALLY AS RE-]' i PORTED BY THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. 1 Final Passage la Not Expected Within j a Month.—Designated to Bring Into the U. 8. Treasury $1,800,000,000. I I V* Washington.—The war revenue bill, > framed to bring into the Treasury $1 ,- ,800.000,000 through new taxation dur ing the coming year, passed tho I louse by a vote of 329 to 76 in almost j the same form that It was presented Iby the Ways and Means Committee two weeks ago. All the opposing votes were cast by Republicans, although there are many members on the Democratic side strongly Opposed to certain section* of the emaaure. Virtual redrafting of the bill In the Senate la regarded as certain. Material changes already are contemplated by the Senate Fi nance Committee as a result of pub lic hearing* held during the long de bate In the House Final paeage'of the bill probably cannot bs accom plished In leas than a month. Outstanding features of the bill are the greatly increaaed income. Inherit ance, excess profits, liquor and cigar and tobacco taxea, virtual abolition of the present custom* free U*t and a 10 per cent addition to existing tar iffs, new taxes on manufacture*, amusements, clubs, public utilities and Insurance, a far-reachliig stamp tax, and a greatly Increased mail matter rate based on the parcel post sone ' system In only four particulars does the measure now differ substantially from the original draft. Surtaxes on In comes above $40,000 have been In creased about one fourth above the committee schedule Several articles. Including print paper and pulp and gold and silver, slated for a 10 per cent dally, have been kept on the free list. Slight reductions In the second class mail matter rate have been made A proposed Ave per cent tax on all advert lalng except newspaper and periodical Is ellminted. Attacks on the bill In the Senate will center around the excess profits, income and manufacturers' taxes and the second-class mall rate Increase sections. Business men generally are protesting vigorously against the taxes, and virtually every publieher In the country Is opposing the dras tlcally increaaed mail rate. VIVIANA AND JOFFRE ARE AT HOME IN FRANCE Crossed Atlantic Before Many Knew t They Were Gone. Paris. —Marshall J off re and former Premier Vjvlani arrived at Brest on their return from the United Statee They went directly to Paris Washington—Vice Premier Vivi anl. Marshal Jocre and the French mission sailed from New York Tues day. May 15th. unknown except to a few official* and many American news papers. So well was the secret kept by the volunteer censorship by which American newspapers are co-operating with the government that the French commissioners generally were suppos . Ed to be still in Washington and up to yesterday Invitations to them to visit > various sections were received In great . number. I The party slipped away on the same steamer which brought them over, and convoyed by a French warship. ONE BUYER MAY MAKE I PURCHASES FOR ALL ALLIES i Washington. A program under • which the American government, vlr • tually would pool Its purchasing with 1 that of all the Allies, construct a buy ing machine Into' which of I experts In many lines would fit as cog : wheels and place one man in charge - of the whole gigantic enterprise, is > fast assuming definite outline. This woald be the world's super-buyer. BRITISH MISSION ENDS CONFERENCES CONCLUDE THEIR WORK HERE AND CROSS OVER INTO CANADA. NATIONS ON CLOSER BASIS Efficient Ce-operstlon Mads Possible By Thslr Visit. Understandings Reached In Trsoe Matters.—Joint Buying Committee. "Washington.—The British War Mis sion left America and crossed into Canada aftej six weeks of conferences which hatfe reached Into every phase of American life and are expected vitally to afTact the future of this country. If not of the world. Uncertainty has l**>n removed an(J an efficient co-operation made pos slble by an exact definition of the re sources and needs of the United States and Great llrilain This coun try knows the Allies' needs In detail land In The order of their importance the Allios know America's resources and the degree of their availability There have been no formal agree merits or binding treaties Much that has been tqnLatively agreed upon cannot finally be put In to effect until legislation has been pnssed by Congress. A*, a result of th» Mission's visit,/tlre'at Britain and ' the United States undoubtedly have been placed on a closer basis ol friendship than ever before. The Immediate diplomatic result* has be«*n to lenthgen the British view from a near-sighted absorption In the immediate war needs to a broadei consideration of world reconstruction afterwards. Similarly the Amerlcar viewpoint has been foreshortened from absorption in the future to the Immediate pressing emergency League of Nations. President Wilson's plan for a league of Nations has beben discussed infor in ally, but not conclusively. The most far-reaching understand inga arrived at have been In trad' matters In general, the United Statei will give the Allies preferential trsat ment In commerce. I MMENSITY OF NATION'S TABK IS OUTLINE* Cabinet Members Address Meeting o Editors. Washington.— Members of the cabi net and others actively engaged in th conduct of the war outlined the wai Mm* and needs to a meeting of edlton I of the country's technical and tradi publications All emphasized the mag nltude of the task facing the nation and urged the publishers to suppor the government in the change froo peace to war conditions in Industry. The food situation was presented bj Herbert C. Hoover, who will be namei food administrator. The country, h' said, faces a war that probably wll last from two to five years, and onl; by the most careful measures can th' United States give the Allies enougl foodstuff* to keep them in the w j with the constance demanded to brfcii victory. The Allies' grain needs this yeai Mr. Hover said, will amount to abou one billion bimhels. America and Can ade. with good crops, can furnish 6' per cent of this without deprivation but the Allies muet have, he declared at least eighty per cent of their need to keep their efficiency at the hlghes average. means some deprivation fO aald Mr Hover, "but we mus fill their needs " Food prices in the United States an too high, and if they continue at th present level, he eald, wage re-adjuel ments muet come or the working msj cannot live. Secretary Baker declared the out come of this war would show whethe the world really is progressing. Every resource of the' Allies, Mt Baker said, was near exhaustion whei the United States entered the wai There is no way to establish perms nent peace, he declared, except thn exercise of the euperlor power of tk • United Statee. Secretary Daniels asked the editor to "get it into the heart of buslnee , men that It Is a crime to make mor out of the war than a normal profit. Tfy® press, he said, is responsible fo letting the people know ; about the government, and the aplrl i and criticism are the very life of i • democracy." i The purpose of the expert limits : tlons and trading with the enemy bill : were explained by Secretary Redfleld who said the measure* were necessar , as a protection for the country's com I meres afid resources. The government's attitude toward labor was discussed by Secretary Wll son. No changes In wage standard* 1 he said, would be attempted withoa first giving the government a chano r to mediate between emplos£ra\ an • workers. , What the General Munition Board i doing was (old by Frank Scott, It chairman. In the battle of Gettysburg r he said, the Union Army In three day i fired only 32,000 shells, while toda; » the same number of guns would fir> i the same numberof guns would fir 3 of the administration "is the commeo that number of shells in tnree minutes MOBILIZING ALL AVAILABLE LABOR FOOD CONSERVATION COMMIS SION IS ROUNDING UP LABOR ERS FOR TARMERS. OVERCOME GREAT HANDICAP Mr. Lucas Saya Men and Boys Who Work on Farms Render Nation a Great Service. Raleigh —The mobilization of the tabor available in the cities and towns of North Carolina for the benefit of the farmers who are suffering for lack »-. of labor in the latest movement in the campaign being waged by the North Carolina Food Conservation Commis sion for Increased production of food and feedstuffs in thlx state. One of the greatest handicaps to be overcome If the suite is to very great!) Increase It* acreage and production of food and feedstuffs is the labor short age that exists on the farms of very nearly every county In North. Cv° Una, according to a statement by Paul Lucas, executive secretary of the State Food Conservation Commission. Mr. Lucas emphasizes the point that a man or boy who Is able to work on a farm can render the nation juat as valuable service on a farm as he can In the training camp or In the trences "Provisions are Just as Im portant as men and the more proris 'onns we s«nd abroad the fewer men and the lea# blood this war will coet ua." declared Mr. I.uoas. "President Wilson and other high officials have laid great stress on this point and the fact that labor employed in agricul tural pursuits will not be drafted for military service Is evidence that Con gress looks upon the matter in the same light. "Many of our people have not real ized how very serious Is the fbod situ ation In this section. We have been solemnly warned time and time again that we must not depend upon the west and other sections for the tre mendous amounts of food and feed stuffs we have been Importing, the total for North Carolina last year cost ing us the snug sum of $90,000,000. while at present prlcee it would have coat $176,000,000 or more. Whan It la too late to plant It will be too lata to realize. Even those who are not particularly alarmed should realise the truth of the old adage that It Is better to be safe than sorry "Tq offset the needs of thousands of fanners who require help and who oould largely Increase their produc tion of food and feedstuffs there are thousands of men and boys who could be spared from our towns and cHJee. In every town and city In the state there are young men just returning from collage and high schools and v other boys and jfien who at preeeat are either idle, partially employed or employed at work they nan readily drop for awhile for the more Import ant work of producing food and feed wtuffa Let these men and boys vol* unteer for this patriotic service. The work may be hard snd the pay seam small, but boys in uniform are working hard too and their /pay la email —and In addition to that they are offering their very Uvea. Now let those who remain at home and are available for service volunteer their servlcee— Don't be a slacker." The county farm demonstration agents throughout the state have lists r* those farmers who are needing extra ! .abor. Men and boys who are willing to serve their country In this capacity should get In touch with these agents, ! »r with the Food Conservation Com mission of their county, or write to the State Food Conservation Commla slon at Raleigh. Pender Defeata Stock Law. Burgaw.—The board of county com missioners met here to receive and canvass the returns of the stock law election held last Saturday.. Official and unofficial returns gave the vote ■KB follows: For-'stock law, 1U; against stock law, 852. Did Not Buy Votes For Britt. Asheville—Dan W. Hill, chairman of the Buncombe County Republican i Executive Committee, took the stand at the hearing in the rebuttal of James i J. Britt to testimony of Congressman Weaver, and declared that he had never given Will Swlnk any money to vote for Britt or a.iybody else. He also declared that he had no knowl edge of ajjy money given to Swlnk for buying votes. Hill admitted that he "stood" for a lumber bill for Swlnk at at local lumber company but said that he had nothing to do.with the election. Council of Liberty Meeta.^ High Point—The State Council of North Carolina Sons and Daughters of Liberty, were In session for two days. Aside from the selecting meet ing places for next year, the business transacted has been of a routine na ture. There are some three hundred Sons and Daughters In attendance Rocky Mount waa chosen over Greens boro and Durham for the 1918 session. New officers for the coming year were elected with. John F. Reynolds, state councillor. r l