A GUARANTIED REMEDY FOR ASTHMA! sts&ruas vtilMi the imm« of ekstiaaw tfca n ■ BR. I. SCRIFFMAM'S W% ASTHMADOR tea ku HflHMtl; can*lto—ewho ku kesn mmMmM iMkk after karlac triad nanolto ■IIH at MW la T«Jn. litaran in tfcrtH u MMMHr M avalltag itwMlrw ot this "Muwf mmrt" IUIUIMUF»r U ikivoak puekulH tram Toi will k« tfc* wU Jadgs M to wkskn rM in MMtMu will («i ton BOHT kMk If m ■M Wa do not I wow of ui blm »rop—lUaa • kick ••(NUula, ft. trli««— Ceb, fiaprtstari. St. FaM. lisa. I MALARIA I I Chills and fever. Biliousness. I Constipation and ailments I [ nfdrinf a TOMC treatment: I DXIDME GUARANTEED I and made b«| DehmuDrutf Co I w«c«. T»*. . A I s « ld SIL J All Draffiib Jvf 1 ECZENAP Moncr buck without question A ' If HUNT'S CI'RK falls in tke treatment of ITCH. ECZEMA. nJ|\ aiNU WORM,TETTER or other f —^J|] akin dlaeaaea. Price jl at arugsrlats, or direct from /"*■# / / I LlMaaMiki b. .ttaau In. I /\( / | rntt lUr,l.ur.i (abfaace Plaal*. th. Wsk«» flelda. etc. (2 1.000 delivered quantl tlea less. Clr Murray Plant Kirm. Krlms.Oa. Damaged Goods. The little bjy of tlie suburb who ruus errands for the neighbors when he gets a penny for It stepi>ed timidly up to the counter pf the hardware store. "I want n—uh, a lock washer! You knod, oue that gm-s on a bolt to keep the nut from slipping, und is station ary." The hardware dealer pulled out a lit tle drawer and tossed out a few metal disks on the glass showcase. Tlie boy e&amlned them. He found thnt they were not only perforated In the center, but that they were split, and the two ends bent apart, much like the clincher rim on an automobile tiro. He handed the washers hack after gravely examining them. "I don't want 'em." he decided. "Those things nre broken." With the Fingers! Says Corns Lift Out Without Any Pain . . „ Sore corns, hard corns, soft corns or * any kind of a corn can shortly be lifted right out with the fingers If you will apply on the corn a few drops of freezone, says a Cincinnati authority. At little cost one can get a small bot tle of freezone at any drug store, which will positively rid one's feet of every corn or callus without pain or sore ness or the danger of infection. This new drug Is an ether compound, and dries the moment It Is applied and does not Inflame or even Irritate the surrounding skin. Just think I Tou can lift off your corns and calluses now without a bit of pain or soreness. If your druggist hasn't freezone he can easily get a small bottle for you froia his wholesale drug house. —adv. Not a Machine Gun. Polishing furniture l»y machine In etead of by hand Is made possible by a recent British Invention. For speedy and effeetlva action Dr. Peerr*« "Dead Shot" has no equal. One doso only will clean out Worms or Tspeworm. Adv. Philadelphia may open municipal food markets. SKINNERS Bill > the bkst MACARONI TEACHERS WANTED SPECIAL ENROLLMENT , J (1) Men for towe sad ooeatry schools, 175 to •100; (3) Ladles oombtnlag music sad oommoe school; (S) Grade and bigh school. Can place all qualified teachers. Unprecedented de mand. Write today. Special enrollment. Swtbeni leaden' A|eacy, Calusbia, S. C. KODAKS & SUPPLIES rfiilflp We also do klgbest claaa of finishing. Prices and Catalogue upon requewt- S. Caisdd Optical U, Kirlsaisl, Vs. LATE NORTH CAROLINA MARKET QUOTATIONS WMUTI Nawspnper Union N«»i hntM Prices Paid by Merohenta for Farm Products In the Markets of North Carolina as Reported to tho Division of Markets for the Week Ending Saturday, September 19th. PRICES OF COTTON AND COTTON SEED .sj ■f Durham. Cotton, middling. 21c. Fayottoville. Cotton, middling, 19.5 c; cotton seed, •Or bu. Hamlet Cotton, middling. JOc. Lumberton. Cotton, middling. 19.5 c. Raleigh. Cotton, middling, 20c; cotton aeed, 80c bu. Scotland Neck. Cotton, middling. 22c; cotton seed. 76c bu. Btatesvllle. Cotton, middling, 21.5 c. Wilmington. Cotton, middling. 20c. Durham. Corn, $2.10 bu; wheat, |t./0 bu; Irlah potatoes, $3.50 bbl; swoet pota toes, $1 bu; apples. $3.50 $4 bbl. Fayetteville. o J Oats. 75c bu; wheat, $2 25 bu; Irish potatoes, $4 bbl; sweet potatoes, $1 bu. Hamlet Corn. $2 bu; oats $1 bu; wheat $2.25 bu; sweet potatoes, $1 bu. tumberton. Corn, $2 bu. Raleigh. Corn, $2 bu; oats, 73c bu; wheat, $2.25 bu; Irish potatoes, $3.50 bbl; sweet potatoes, $1.25 bu; apples, $3- $5 bbl. Salisbury. Corn. $2 10 bu; oats, $1 bu; wheat. $2.35 bu; Irish potatoes, $5.50 bbl. Scotland Neck. Corn, $2.25 bu; oats, 85c bu; Irish, $4.50 bbl; sweet potatoes, $1.25 bu. Statesvllle. Corn. $1.90 bu; oats, 76c; wheat. $2.25 bu; Irish potatoes, $4.50. Wilmington. Corn, $2.15 bu; oats, 78c; Irish po tatoes, $5 bbl; sweet potatoes, $1.50 ba. Wilson. Oats, 85c; sweet potatoes, SI.BO bu. Wlnston-Sslsm. Corn, $2 bu; oats, 82c; wheat, $2.26 ba; Irlah potatoes, $3.40 bbl; sweet potatoes, $1.26 bu. Chicago. Np. 2 white corn, $2.29 2 16Vi (de livered In Raleigh. $2.44-2.31V4); No. 2 yellow corn, $2.26-2.17 (delivered In Raleigh, $2.39 2 32). BUTTER, EGGB, POULTRY AND HOC PRICES. Durham. Home-made butter, 40c lb; cream ery, 60c lb; eggs, 40c doz; spring chickens, 25c lb; hens. 16c lb. Fayetteville. Creamery butter, 45c lb; eggs, 40c dos; spring chickens, 25c; hens, 16c; hogs, sl7 cwt. Hamlet Home-made butter, 36c lb; cream ery, 46c; eggs. 40c dot; spring chick ens. 25c lb; hens, 20c lb; hogs, $lB . Cwt. Lumberton. Home-made butter, 40c lb; cream ery, 48c; eggs. 36c dot. Raleigh. Home-mid* butter, 30-36 c; cream ery, 43c; eggs, 40c; spring chickens, 25c lb; hens. 20c lb. Salisbury. Home made butter, 40c lb; eggs. 40c doz; spring chickens, 30c lb; hens, 22c lb; hogs, S2O cwt. Scotland Neck. Home-made buttei. 40c; creamery, 46c lb; eggs. 35c dot; spring chickens, 25c lb; hens, 17c lb; hogs, $lB cwt. Statesvllle. Home-made butter, 25-26 c lb; eggs, 38c dot; spring chickens, 18c lb; hens, 16c lb. Wilmington. Home-made butter, 35c lb; cream ery butter, 46c lb; eggs,.4lc dot. Wilson. Creamery butter. 56c lb; eggs, 60c dot; spring chickens, 30c lb; hens, 20c lb; hogs. $17.60 cwt. Winston-Salem. Home-made butter. 35c lh; cream ery butter, 42c lb; eggs. 38-40 c doten; spring chickens, 18-20 c lb; hens, 15- 17c lb. Chicago. ~ Creamery butter, extra, 43c lb; ex tra, 42He lb; firsts, 40V6-42c lb; eggs. 44~45c (extra fine). New York. Butter, higher than extra, 44%-45Hc lb; extra. 44»4-44%c lb; firsts, 43-44 c lb; eggs, 44-46 c (extra fine). Permitting Ram With Ewes. Never let the ram run with the ewes any longer than six weeks, for he will butt them around and cause them to j lose their lambs. They will mostly all get with lamb sooner than this, bat it la best to keep him In long enough to be sure. Examine Horses' Teeth. Horses' teeth should be examined ev ery two years for such irregularities as sharp points and edges, elongated molars, decayed ondltlon and ab- THE ENTERPRISE, WILLIAKBTON, NORTH CAROLINA hnmiKm SMFSDOOL LESSON , (By REV. P. B. t-ITaWATKR, D. D.. Tmclmt of Kngllsh Uible In the Moody Bible Institute of Chloac*-) U'vpyrlcht. HIT. W«t»r» N«wip>p*r Unloa.) LESSON FOR OCTOBER 7 PBALMB OF DELIVERANCE. LKBSON TKXT-Ilalmi K and 1* , QOLDICN TEXT—Thoy that low la tear* shall roap In Joy.-Paalm« 136:1. These Psalms breathe the spirit of the true patriot. The Psalmist sees his afflicted country suffering for the sins of the people, prays for their restoration to the Divine favor, and with the eagle eye of faith anticipate* the Joyful day of spiritual and tem poral blessings because of restoration to the Divine favor. Doubtless such patriotism would be pleasing to tha Lord on the part of us all. Psnlm 85. I. Praises for Mercies Received (vv. 1-3). Praise Is given for (1) Deliverance from Captivity (v. 1). lie had In mind the specific mercies of a given time; perhaps It was one of the oppressions of the Philistines from which they had been delivered. (2) Forgiveness of Sin (vv. 2, 8). "Thou hnst forgiven the Iniquity— covered all their sin." God's restora tion was the proof that he had par doned. Great Indeed was the sin of Jacob, but God's forgiveness was great er. He Is peculiarly a God of mercy. Having forgiven the sins Ills anger Is taken away. He stayed his hand from the Judgment which would have Justly fallen, to show his mercy. Ik. Prayer for Restoration From Backsliding (vv. 4-7). He knew how worthless th> outward blessings of the Lord would be unless the people Inwardly turned to ths Lord. He, therefore, besought the Lord to give them the greater blessing, that of a change of heart. Without the change of heart forgiveness would be futile. A change of heart can only ba by God's help. (1) That God would turn the heart* of his people toward himself (v. 4). Knowing the people's utter hclpless ness to turn to God, he cried out to God to save them by turning them to himself. He knew that God's anger could not turn from the people as long as they were Impenitent. (2) That God woifid take away the very remembrance of their sins (vv. 5-7). (a) The ending of his anger (v. 5). The desire seems to be that he would wipe out the very marks of his dis pleasure by not longer allowing pun ishment to be meted out to them. (b) The return to the people's Joy (v. 0). Their Joy could only be realized through a revival from God. The Psalmist now becomes more bold In bis requests. (c)Shall show them mercy (v. 7). "Make It visible," Is his cry. God's Judgment was most real. His desire Is that his mercy would be Just as real. 111. Exultant Antlolpatlon (vv. S-13). Having spoken the sentiment of the repentant people, the poet expresses confidence of the Lord's response. So faithful Is God that those who sin cerely pray to him can go forward with the assurance of petitions granted. (1) "He will speak peace" (v. 8). He knew that a gentle answer would come, but its continuance would de pend upon the fidelity of the people. Turning to folly would provoke agnln his wrath. (2) Will bring his salvation near (v. 9). Only as his salvation was near could glory be in the land. (3) Devise n way by which "Mercy and truth," "Righteousness and peuce," may be united (vv. 10, 11). He did not suggest a way. He may not have known it. Faith now sees the way In Christ. In him such n union has been blessedly effected. (4) The land shall become fruitful (v. 11). When sin Is removed, temporal pros perity shall follow. Earth's barren ness Is due to sin. 'When the curse Is removed frultfulness shall follow. (5) Righteousness shall be the guide of his people (v. 12). In that golden, glad age God's right eous ways will leave a track In winch his own may walk with security. Psalm 126. I. The Fact of Zlon's Deliverance (vv. 1, 2). (1) By whom (v. 1). The Lord. (2) EfTect of (vv. 1,2). (a) The people were scarcely ulile to believe It So sudden and unexpect ed was their deliverance that It seemed to them as a dream. They ex pressed their feeling In Joyful laughter. (b) The heathen noted their deliver ance as marvelous, and ascribed it to God (v. 2). Song and Prayer. 11. The Bong of the People (v. 3). They ascribed their deliverance to the Lord and expressed their gratitude In singing God's praise. 111. The Prayer (v. 4). 0 . , The people cried to God to visit their restoration with frultfulness, even *» the streams from the South spread out and make a country fruitful. IV. The Promise (vv. 5, 0). ' Though the people were still obliged to suffer the consequences of their sins, they were encouraged to go on in sowing though In teara, as the reap ing would bring Joy. : LEMONS BRING OUT THE HIDDEN BEAUTY ■; i i $ v J, » ' «» What girl or woman hnsu't heard of | lainou Juice to remove complexion J blemishes; to bleach the skin anil to \ brim: out the roses, the freshness and j tfce hidden beauty? Itut lemon Juice | nlon>' i* add, therefore Irritating, and »hou|d be mixed with orchard white j this way. Strain through a fine cloth the ,luice of two fresh lemons into a . boti]• containing about three ounces of orchard white, then sliaku well and you have a whole quarter pint of skin and complexion lotion at about the , cost one usually pays for a small Jar I of ordinary cold cream. Re sure to ; ■train the lemon Juice so no pulp gets Into the bottle, then this lotion will remain pure and fresh for months. When applied dally to the face, neck, arms and hands It should help to bleach, clear, smoothen and beautify the skin. Any druggist will supply three ounces of orchard white at very little cost and the grocer bus the lemons. Adv. Timorous Lover. A woman went Into a store for a pair of slippers. She tgyked the shop as sistant to got 1., .r, a pair about size 10. and she wanted them squeaky. "They are for my father," she added. "Squeaky, miss? I'm afraid we have not got any of that kind." "Couldn't you make him a pair of squeaky ones?" asked the young wom an. "There is a young man who visits me frequently, and It would he very convenient for him to know Just when pit Is coming downstairs." SKIN-TORTURED BABIES Sleep, Mothers Rest After Treatment With Cutlcurs—Trial Free. Bend today for free samples of Cutl cura Roap and Ointment and learn how quickly they relieve Itching, burning skin troubles, and point to speedy henl ment of baby rashes, eczema and Itch lngs. Having cleared baby's skin keep It clear by using Cutlcura exclusively. Free sample each by mall with Hook. Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere.—Adv. Renttle Is td have a school for ma rines. 'I *ll Children Cry For | 'ir '-t --p| |jj What is CASTORIA SwFP • Mineral. NOT NARCOTIC Caatoria ia a harmless substitute for Castor Cil, Paregoric, Drop# [fccS U „ . ■~Z7Z'i7mxTMraa and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, jSflS' ywto W Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. \ i| yiUSr **i M . For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the t jOjtf ' relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; ! Dga ! J gKHSiLsM allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the li«? ""rZis—r Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving flSZSlffw • healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea—The grill A h eJpful Remedy for Mother'® Friend. INSS 2 " GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS In Use For Over 30 Years • riMii Xho Kind You Have Always Bought Bnct Copy of Wrapper. TM > OINTAUHCOM^NV.NIWVSIIKOITV, Doglike. "lie burked his shin on n chair." "Then wlint?" "Then he howled." It taken n genius to know when to qalt. When Vour Eves Need Care Try Murine Eye Remedy No Hm»rt!i.s-- lull Kyo Comfort. 60 eenti »i I»ra«!m« orwnill. Wrlu» for fJw BooJ- i MVBIXK KYK UEHKUV CO.. tUICAUO CHIQIS BACK TO OLD HOME 9 Roman Family to Occupy Historic Villa Farnesina—Descendants of Original Owners. After 337 years the historic Vllln Farnesina. on the banks of the Tiber, it half-mile distant from St. Peter's church, will again lie occupied by de scendants of its orlKlnul owners and builders, the Princes of Chlgl, says n Rome correspondent. The'Mioad of the house. Prince Lu dovlc Chlgl, who Inst year was ap pointed marshal of the Holy church and the guard of the Conclave and, therefore, rules the Vatican during the Interim between the death of a pope and the election of a new one, recently disposed of the Chlgl palace to the | Italian government. It Is stated that I by this sale he was pat In a position to j buy hack the Villa Farnesina, erected j In 1300-1 I by the Papal banker, Agos tlnn fhlgl, and notable because of Its frescoes by Raphael. The palace will he restored and re- | furnished as It w as when first occupied i by the Chlgl family, an auction sale having been held recently to rid the palace of the furniture left there by the king of Naples. The return of the Chills' Is consid ered remarkable since It Is proverbial I In Home that when once a family leaves Its home It leaves forever. MOTHER! I Have you ever used MOTHER'S JOY I SALVE for Colds, Coughs, Croup and Pneumonia, Asthma, und Head Cn i tarrh? If you haven't get It at once. | It will euro you.—Adv. Kitty Acquired the Habit. As Mary's mother was a voice teach er, Mary was familiar with the termin ology of the music studio. One day when her kitten was whining vocifer ously outside the door, Mary ex claimed : "Mamma, please let kitty In! | She's outside, forcing her voice terri bly." how'» This? We offer fIOO.OO for any case of catarrh Hint cannot be cur»>l by HAI.i/8 CA TA Kit 11 MIC MCI NIC. lIALIVS CATARItII MICDK'INIC In taken Internally and acts tlirouKb the Blood oa the Mucous Bur fares of tin 1 System. Bold by druKiflets for over forty years. Price 7&o. TosMmonlnlH free. V. J. Cheney A Uo., Toledo, Ohio. Natural Process. "The man whose plant was threat ened with destruction by the strikers performed quite a physiological opera tion." "What was that?" "He armed all the bunds." Don't Need Matches. A cone-shaped plute which Is fastened over the keyhole makes un lockliiK the door lu the dark n sim ple matter. 4' ' Chinese Like American dlgarettes. China consumed worth of American cigarettes In the year end liiK June 30. Th* occasional uac of Itoman Kye Balaam St nlsht will iirrvnnt and relieve tired •yea. watery eyes, anil rye strain. AS*. Atlanta Is trying to stop erection of a fertiliser factory. I LLFIHTERSMITHS W©ILLTONIC | Bold lor 47 years. For Malari., ChUbdid m Fine Qeneml Strengthening Tonic. OOcuill.OOitilllliU*"* GAVE UP HOPE Oftea Wished For Death la End Bar Miaery. Doan's Effected a Complete aad Laatbl Recovery* "I wan helpless with kidney tro®» hie," says Mm. Ellen Jnnls, 1404 IV. Third 8t„ St. Charles, Mo., "and be gan to think my case was beyond the reach of medicine. The pain In my back laid me up In bed and It seemed an If my back had been crushed. I couldn't aleep and m was so nervous I was almost frantic. 1 /Js^V "Flashes of Are \ AS! I came before my eyes .JKJML. nnd the pains In my ttyßP head were terrible. My night was affected Mra.Jaala. and there were large, puffy spot* beneath iny eyes. "How 1 suffered when passing th« kidney secretions! I screamed In agony ami I often wished I might die and be out of misery. I had night sweats and mornings on get ting up I was so weak and numb I could hardly stand np. I grew so pale and emaciated I looked like death. Doan's Kidney Ptllt cured tne completely and I have been as well and healthy since a* uny woman of my age." C«t Doha's >t Ai? Star*. 60c a Bo* DOAN'S "V^V FOSTER-MILD URN CO, BUFFALO. N. Y. DRIVEMAURIAQUTOFTHESYSTEM A (iOOD TONIC AND APPF.TIIKH FOR OLD AND YOUNG Tutt'a Uvif Pill i acta* kindly on the cfcM. the dellcata female or Infirm old age. aa gpM Tufs Pills llvi tona and strength to tha waak itaaack bowtfi. kid nay i and bUddar. TAAiCER'a BUggia HAIR BALSAM . tgriM A toll»t preparatlun of merit ■ Help*toaradtoaWlu>4raC. UfMft. fH For RMtortoa Color and MMati r laantT toQrar or Fadad Hair, FOB HAI-K—Maine Grown Cobbler Heed I'oUtoei, HprlnK delivery. Write for prloaa. A 8. Heeley, ♦ Commerce 81 , Norfolk, Va. W. N. U.. CHARLOTTE. NO. 40-1917. High-Minded Architects. A nouveau rlohe who wits noted for Ills misuse of the king's English la quoted by tin exchange as diluting on tho cost of the kennels for his now country plnce In these words: "It'B Just throwing money Into the fire. Wo haven't nn animal on the place worth I $2; but the way those architect* are fitting up those confounded kennola; anyone would think thnt they expected them to he occupied hy the Dog of Venice himself!" Sometimes n man Is so respectable that his neighbors have but little re spect for him. Springfield, 111., Is to have a now statue of Lincoln, made In Boston.