THE ENTERPRISE , Niuan amv niDAT WUliamatoo. N. C. > WILLIAM C. MANKINQ, BDITO* 1 SUBSCRIPTION KATES •m Tttt SIOO m mmUu 50 Hill Month* 15 ( Strictly Cash la Advance Batctcd at the Pat* Olßcc •« Wllllamtton, B.C.U Second Claaa Mail Mailer. 1 AMnu all Communication* to THE ENTERPRISE, Wllllamaton, N C. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5. • • 1917 Notice of Sale Under Execution. Now!> C .rolma. Id the Superior Court. V ,)( ii Count P*u Mauul»i tiring CUINPAR.v Vs V.. W. Swain |u \ 111 lire >f an eicntion ilirecteel to the from the Superior Court of v. n ; v i>«.i> t y in the above en'itieil action, I will on Tues'lv, the 3"th of Or i .it t we! eo'cloik. M at ti e enr!!)nu«e-i'oor of »at'l couhtv se'l lo the highest bidder for cash satisfy »nul ' Xculiotl all the title and m erest which the aaid 1. \V. bwaiti, the drfetibatst, has i'l the following describ ed t'liot of land, to wit Lying :»nd be Poplar Point Tnwpihip Martip Ct>- \ , Not'll Caiciln i, »itjo tling the lit!' 1 - bf Warren 1.-gKet'. Henry \V>tir, »t M H M 7. • .''s I.e jinn at a ' eai . bruise on tire count .' roid, thence H'lmght hue to n I'ght-wcoi nt;ike on | thi l uk of ihc, tiiclicc up Slid ditch ] tc tin- county roan, theuce Hlui;g said tOiiii to Wan en line, thence with l.efg' "line h» Hem v W'vnii's coriicf, heme wiih M H M'/ ll'« line to iLv !>«•« i .. ii ik. being the J K hwaiti home place. 1 hi-, ilie aHth dav of September ig:7. J H. PAOH, Sherifl E. P. BUNCH Agent For Carolina Metal Shingle* Williamston. N. C > Phone 170 .Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the Moat Reliable After many years' experience in the use of it and other cough medicines, there are many who br'fer Chamberlain's to any other. Mrs V. C Kirstein, Greenville, 111- 5 ., writes, ''Cham ' beriain's Cough Remedy has peeu used in my mothei's home and mine for years, and we al-j way* found it a quick cure for colds ;trd bronchial troubles We find it to lie the most reliable cough medicine we have used " Mr*. A I>. Mizelle left Tues day for Raeford tu visit friends, and from there will go to Ashe villi- to join Mr. Mizell who has accepted a position there. Toe push eart law is being en forced and those who owned the sidewalks are protesting. The people who think that the. town was made f>r them specially, are very numerous around here. Tobacco is higher here this week and the farmers are realiz ing the situation and are bring ing great loads in for sale Una Andrews, a highly res pected colored woman, died at her home here early Monday evening. She had suffered with heart trouble for some time and her death was sudden. The regular meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary of the Church of the Advent will fct i.eld at the Rectory on Mon day afternoon at 4. 00 Members are requested to bring in the United Offerings and -Articles for the Mission box. FOR RENT —Safety • deposit boxes. Prices reasonable.—Mar tin Co., Savings and TrustT.o. a AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE * %' One small 5 pasenger Buick," with starter, lights and A 1 con dition. Will sell cheap, a bargain S- R Biggß Iron & Motor Co. r ~ , | Professional Cards : I S. J. Everetl j Attorney-at-Law Gr*enrille, N. C. WllHamaton, N. C. Greenville Look Distance Phone jaf Wm. K. Warren - J. S. Rhode* Drs. Warren & Rhodes Physicians and Surgeons Office in Bigg* Drug Store • 'Phone 7». B. A. CRITCKER B. D. CRITCHER CRITCHER & CRITCHER ATTORNEY-AT-LAW MAIN STREET PHONE 7 Williamston. N. C. A K Djnn.rm Clayton Moot» Dt'NMNG & MOORE Attorney « and Coun»ellor« Al Law Office 114 Mam St.. over F. K. Hodget »lore Williamson, N C Phone 13} i Jos. H. Saunders, M. D.| ' Physician and Surgeon Day phone 53 - Night phone 4> 1 Williamson. N. C. Hugh B. York, M. D ' V ' 1 Microscopy, Electrotherapy, X 1 Ray, Diagnosis, Specialties i /Hire on Smith wick St rear Bluimt Hio Office hours, H to lo a. in , 7 !'■ Ul - ■ Offic: phone 60 ■ Night 'phone 63 ,). I). SLADK j Undertaker ami I- i« ensed Em'oal mei PIvm«»u11?, - • Vs - C Ph>ne '37. Williainston, NC. Dr P. B. CONE Dentist Office over Farmer* and Mer- I chants Hank. Hours 9 to 12 and 1 to B Phone No. 9 Res. Phone No. 156 Dunning & Smith Attorneys- 't-Law Williamston, N. C. Robersonville N. C. Dr. R. L. Savage of Rocky Mount will be at the Atlantic Hotel fourth Wendnes day in each month to treat dis eases of the EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT and FIT GLASSES WANTED Mv Rosemary M uoilactiinng/ Cum patty, Ruauokc K ipi.l;, N. C J families ami single men and wuineii f of wm k in i ntt'iii mill. W'r'hav l ' "iie >t tlie liest mills in ' tin St.ite, ami a very lieaitliv viU 1 luge, wi'h line mll.>u!s au*l rhiiii lu'S. (i >ud jvages jiaiil while learning. For Inrtlier information ■ write T. \V. Mullen, Snpt., > mary,' N. C.. I To My Customers Owing to the high prices of all materials used in the laundry work 1 anvobliged to make slight advances commencing October Ist IDI7. on collars and cuffs as follows; Shirts Plain from lOto 11 cents - Collars from 2c. 2 A-2c I Cults, per pair, from 4c to sc. i; CHINESE LAUNDRY, lj 'lO7 Main Street, Williamston, N. C. Mrs Costenbater, of Rich mond, is the guest of Mrs. Sta ton this week. ' * Miss Mae Blount was here from Washington Tuesday. Mrs. J. A. White, of Hobgood, is in town this week with rela tives. * Joe David Thrower left Wed nesday for Washington where he will work in the office of the A. Q. L. Railroad. "Mlsfe. Bessie Page went to Rocky Mount yesterday. W. C. Scanning. Chairman of the Martin County Council of Defense, attended the State Council at on Thursday. THE ENTERPRISE, WILLIAMBTON, NORTH CAROLINA * _ • ' •', ,V ' ' * • ' : v-4* -f . V . f '« CONDENSED STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF .i.:. - ,3'.gt. ; ■ _ ■ ' -• The Peoples Bank 7 u I J-- * At Close of Business, September 26, J9J7 | RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and Discounts £394,722.88 Capital Stock $50,000.00 Bonds 21,542.71 Surplus and Profits 31.125.06 Real Estate 4,475.00 Deposits - 330,878.89 Furniture and Fixtures 977.65 Bills Payable and Rediscount, 101.982.52 Building Account 1,211.81 ' Cash and in Banks 91,056.42 ' 8613 986 47 >513.986.47 ' COMPARATIVE DEPOSITS Sept. 26, 1917 $330,878 89 Auk. 26. 1917 174,636 97 Increase 30 days $156,241.92 J. O STATON, President J. L. HASSELL. Vice President V. R. TAYLOR, 2nd V-President C. H. GODWIN, Cashier Williamston, N. C." Sour Stomack Eat slowly, matsicate your food thoroughly, abstain frogi moat for a few days and in most cases the sour stomach will dis appear. if it does not. take one of Chamberlain's Tablets im mediately after supper. Red meats most likely to cause sour stomach and you may find it best to cut them out. Notice North Carolina In Tli« Supreme Court Martin Countv C. C. Joyner V* Victoria Joyner The defendant above-named wilt take notice that an action entitled as alxjve has been commenced in the Superior Court of Martin Countv, North Carolina, for the purpose jot obtni - inn an absolute divorce, and the said defendant' will further take notice that he is required to aopear at the term of the Supreme Coutt of said County, to be hel.l on the i4tli Monday after the Ist Monday of Sept 1917, it l)eitig the tenth day "of Decem ber, 1917, «t the Couutheuse of said County in Williamston, North Carolina, ami answer or demur to the complaint in >-ajd action. or the plaintiff will anply lo the court for the relief demanded in i/said complaint. / This the jQth day of Septetnder, 1917 / K. U I'ICHI/ Clerk Superior Conn NOTICE I North Carolina ! Martin County. ! Having qualified as executor of the estate of John W. Coletraiii. deceased, late of Martin County, North Carolina this is to notify all persons hiving claims ni/ainst tl»« estate of said deceaaed to ex hibit llinn lo the undersigned at the office of Dunning and Moore, Attorneys, Williamston N. C. on or before the SUI il.i) of October 1!• 18, 01 this notice will be pleaded in bar of their rsccvery All persons indebted 'o siiid estate will jdease make-immediate payment. This the »nd day of October 1917. tOSKPH 1,. HOLLIDAV Executor of the estate of John Cole train, deceased. NOTICE Having qualified as aduiinitra(rix up on the estate of S. 11 Hyman, deceased, notice is hereby niveu to all person? ! holding claims against said estate to pre sent them to ihe undersigned for pay ment on or before the and day of Octo ber, 191.5, or this notice will pleaded in 'bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. This the 2nd day of October 1917. MARGARET HYMAN Administratrix Notice of Sale Under and by virtue of an ordor of the Superior Court of Martin Coubty, made in the special proceeding entitled, W. B Daniel, et als vs \V. O Andrews, et als, the undersigned commissioners will on the 30th day of October, 1917, at 12 o'clock. M., at the courthouse in Williamston, N. C., t-ffer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, that certain, tract of land, lying and being in Martin County, North Carolina, adjoining the MmlsofS. S. Hadley, Joseph D. Digga, and others, aud more particularly de scribed as follows: Known as lots, number five and six, in division of the late Otis Andrews' land divisions among his ohildren, and the same land upon which the late M. L. Andrews resided, adjoining the land of J. R. Riddick. S. S. Hadley, Joseph D. Biggs, and the Main Road leading from Williamston to Ji contain ing 150 acres more or lessT 7 " This 29 day of September, 1917- B. A CRITCHER COMMISSION F.R. Gold in Your Soil _ 7»- . Vou don't have to go to Alaska to find Qold It Is right in the soil of your farm But you can't get it out without MODERN IMPLEMENTS Our stock of the latest makes of farm implements embraces the very best to be found in all lines. They will extratt the Qold from your soil when no others can MCCORMICK MOWERS BETTER THAN EVER /W I') \V/ IA 111 l\ 1 v Jk thusiastic over the latest features in IUA Al®ili lul Jfcit the alwa - vs up-to-date, newlv im- > VnJfpf l fi L-U proved McCormick Mowers. Years of Pri I Ell SJ/ experience back up every point. ' 111 Come in and see the neat, clean /ZA Lvfcft/f \\ strong design, See how easy you can Hfri t W WAII tO "n \\ mrfr handle the perfectly balanced cutter [All wM mKL bar, See the automatic locking and re ! basing device on the lever. See how zlz.'Z 11S very high the bar can be raised with oUt twistingor jamming sickle or cut llfnST El ter bar ' The cannot slip or wkx t work loose Asimpleadjustment from outside keeps the gears always in proper mesh. Both wheels stay on the ground in heavy grass or weeds • no lack of tractive power. ' You want Mower satisfaction—you want to examine an interesting mower —to compare it with jothers point by point—then drop in and study the improved McCormick. J. C. Crawford, Agt. WILLIAMSTON, N. C. , RUB-MY-TISNG Will cure Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic" Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Burns. Old Sores. Tetter. Ring-Worm, Ec zema, etc. Antiseptic Anodyne, used internally or externally. 25c . rz CB — NOTICE Having qualified as administrator upon the estate of I H. K. Green, de ceased; notice is hereby given to all persons holding claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned for payment on or before the 32d day of August 1918, or this notice will be plead n bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. This aand day of Aug. 19 17. J, W. ANDERSON. Administrator. NOTICE ving qualified as Executor cf the estate of Willoughby Roberson late of Martin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persona having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 16th day of Aug. 1918 or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to aaid *~state are requested to make immediate piyment. This 16th day of Ang. 1917. Hi 55SJ- w - Roberson Executor. NOTICE Having qualtfied aa administrator of the estate of Nancy Reddick, late of Martin County, North Carolina, this ia to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned at North Carolina, on or before the 16th dav of Aug. 1918 or thia notice will be pleaded in bar of thefr recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This Aug. 30th, 1917. |J. W. RobersonAdministrator 6t Nancy Reddick, deceased Mrs. Mattie Speller Dealer In GENERAL MERCHANDIS Also a full line of wall paper. Phone 35 Williamston, N. G Wheeler Martin Wheeler Martin, Martin & Martin Attorneys-at-Law - Williamston - North Carolina 'PHONE 23 No. 666 This ia • prescription prepared especially ior MALARIA or CHILLS 4 FEVER. -J T >ve or six doaes will break any case, and : taken thee aa a tonic the Fever will not ~Vyr3. It acts on the livar better than '.alocscl and does or sicken 25c

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