Sarely b The Linebfht Unfortunely the State of North Carolina ia before pubHc eye in such unsavory cases as that of Gastoh Means and the Bingham affair at Wilmington. And money is at the bottom of the whole thing Another feature of the mitter is the prominence of the parties involved. Whatever may t>e the outcome of either case, mtthe outside world may assured that the officals of North Carolina will do their whole Report of the Condition of The Bank of Jamesville Jhmesvi,ie, N C., at the close of bush els Sept. 11, 1917 ■ ESOVfcCRS loans --d dtacouuts '3 Overdrafts unsecured 657.h7 Banking boukr. Fur. At lis 3 Wo? 00 Due from banks & l»at)k11 * • -1' 3 Due from National Banks Casli items 333 "6 ©old Coin 41H 5o Sifn-i emu. including MII miror coin currency IS7 74 Nhuouhl bunk note* and other U. S. note* * 3" 00 Total fno 2 7 .6 UAIHMTIK* Capital itcck jiaid, in Surplus 2 50 ' 00 IV .ivicied pu fits, less current • ex, e:. ses and taxes paid 130 01 Bills Payable 35 000.00 Di-i oMts subject to check 3ft 4*5 Twe (citificates of deposits 35,t5 1 Deposits Total f 1 J0, 307 26 Ht .tr el North Csioltus, Count) of Mstlin. s>- 1 jno I). Lit ley, Cashier of the above tistiied batik, dc tnltmaly nwratlhst the alKive Mute ■nr nt i» I rue to the best of my knowledge audi twltef. JNtl t>. L.ILL,KV, Csshier Cotrect Attest J K. Siuithwick, L W Mi»ell h I. Wallace, Directors, oubsrrit>ed sod sworn to before me, this * day 0 O t i)i? A Corey Notary Public PR RE OF CHARGE A:m «lilt s .Ifriiug frcui 11 "(,'li cold cr bronchitis, is invited to call at the M tvtundeis Foi.iien Mini gel ui If free, n sample bolt e "1 Boschee's German Svtup, •« sooth rug and hurtling remedy for all lutiw troubles. wli:i b Vn» a euccessfui record ol fiftv jeais. Ou - e» the Jan cut a k'ood night'* rest tree (ruin with tree ex prctoiiition in tee morning. Hernial M/t-f, 25 »nd 7") tents. 101 J ule in all civil'/. ;d coutitiifs. Money to Loan On Real [£>tatc I rt nt One Tht usand l'p For Five to Tin Yi HI S IKITCIIFK S tHITLNEK f , jpfrni/ Y?x* % | ...,., ;^,pg| §f|||^/& : : '■■■••'; "'•>' >,- v I | The British Tank' ' \j^ —and the Tlio British Tanks you've read about are service without adjustment jj driven by sleeve-valve motors. \ (> other ty pe of motor will serve so These engines of destruction must be faithfully or so long, ever ready and unfailingly reliable No other type of motor improves with The Willys - Knights have sleeve-valve use and the \Villys - Knight motor does motors. Just that. B NO other type of mofOi will give such '. Cylinder for cylinder—sire for site—no constant uninterrupted service without other motor Is so powerful—so smooth and I adjustment flexible—so quiet. No other type of motor will so consist- Cothe to offr store—see our complete # «ntly and continuously give top efficiency Willys-Knight line. C 0 COT O N E SKIN WHITENER 25c Box Free A Skin Bleach or Whitener for dark or brown skin, removing all blemishes and cleaning swarthy or sallow complexions and causing the skin to grow Whiter. Don't envy a clear complexion—use Cocotone i : 1 h itener and have one. WHAT USERS THINK Of COCOTONE Macon, Ga. Cocotone Co. Dear Sirs: Fend nie by return mailt* . b>t>s of Cocotone Skin Whitener Mid ibrce cakes of Coco tone Skin *-oap Th»v are fine and I ilo n't care to be without them. Encksed i» nioaey order foi #i 25 Your* trulv. CLARA M JACKSON. Waycross, O». Cocotone Co. Dear friends: Your Cocotone Skin Whitener is the fin est thing 1 ever saw. My skin was very dark and the first box has made it manv shades lighter, and my friends all ask me what I have been using. Enclosed you will find 11. Please send me si* boxes of Skin Whitener an ' two cakes of soap. Yours truly, ANNA M. WHITE. Strongmen Forget Their "Weakness More! than a week ago, thejpapers throughout the State heralded the factjthat the fued of ten years, which existed between E. F. Aydlett and Ike Meekiire had been blotted out, and because a man, perhaps, stronger than the average minister, had gone City with the mess age of love and forgivness. The town had been split into fac tions for years, especially among thejßaptists. The entire State re juices that love reigns instead of hate, and everybody in that town must feel better for the settle ment of the fued. Men and wo men everywhere have their dif ferences, and the only way to settle them is to lay them at the foot of the Cross as did those two strongmen in Elizabeth City. I STRAYED. I have at my home two small pigs, spotted and unmarked. Owner may got same by paying damages and ex p»r,ee of feeding.—W, H Will is n s, City. THE ENTERPRISE, WILLIAM STOH, *OlTm CAftULOV* Montgomery AU. j Cocotone Co. Dear Sirs-: I find ! that Cocotone Fkin Wbitener i» ' the best preparation I have ever ! uaed to clear the sit m gu 1 with i yould mai! me two buxes a: once. (Signed) Mr» C P J hn»on. Do not »c ttp) iubdii'jla cr imiltiKiCc CUT THIS OUT " THE COCOTONE CO, Atlanta, Gi, ! I have never used Ctcotone Skin ; Whitener, but if yon wll tend me ! h asc bo* free, will be pleaaed to | try it. i enclose *:* 2 stamps to ; cover cost of mail), packing, etc- Name . , Address Agents Wanted Racei Will Be Big Attraction One of the biggest drawing cards of the coming Rocky Mount Fair will be the % racea. The excellence of the Rocky Mount race course-and it is in better condition for the coming contests than it ever was - has j drawn many famous horse train-1 ers to_this city, who trained! some of the fastest horses in thef South during last winter and: this spring. Many of these horses! have participated in numerous' contests on Northern tracks and have taksn first money on several, occasions. These horses who! made history on Northern racej courses this summer will be herej for the races this fall during the fair season iu the Eastern Car olina Fair Association's circuit— the .first contests to be staged in this city at the great Rocky Mount Fair, KOANOKE CAMP NO. 107 Roanoke Camp No. 107. \V. 0 W,, meets the 2nd and last Mon day nipfhts of each month at 8 o'clock. TRADE AT HOME AND HELP - , * YOUR HOME TOWN GET YOUR BOY I go ' ' if ►» JH C/D §1 |s "2 VJH ' £L 35 II • M f| ~ I ® f. CJ %fi t3s O 3 g Cd 8 La (Vip^ltbintrtlcUfwrllbil Bring* him to our st>m and let us fit him out with one of pur Special School Suits and All Leather Shoes. Prices are Right and Quality Guaranteed Rutenberg & Adler WILLIAMSTON, N. C. TRADE AT HOME AND HELP YOUR HOME TOWN CLOTHING MAN GAINS 35 LBS. BY TAKING IKON Says six fifty-cent Bottles Brought Relief After Ten Long Years of Suffea illg Tells What Kind of Iron he Recommends 'I was troubled with my stoma- ii lot ten \ears, and in that tunc 1 bought almost every kind i>t medicine and cotildn t t>e gin tu sav how nun h 1 took or paid out lor medical service, yet nothing did me any good Then 1 began using Acid Iron Mineral and don't think I had taken more than six of the titty cent pottles when I began leeli.ig better than I ever did. 1 only wen 1 hed 145 pounds when I began to take Acid Iron Minera' an;. now I weight I'So pounds. It is a pleas ure for me to recommend it to any one who has symptoms of indigestion or stomach trouble and if they will try it I am sure they will find it every thing I have said it to be," writes Mr. \V. T, Cash, proprietor of a well known clothing, shoes, hats, and men's furnishing store in Bristol, Virginia, A statement such as the above] from a merchant of integrity who all the agony of stomach trouble for ten years or more must convince the reader that af ter al! is said and -done, just plain, everyday natural medicinal iron, concentrated as it is in Acid Iron Mineral is the cheapest,(West medicine to bring the system back to normal and purify and enrich the blood. It is unusual, helps..the appe tite, and cost but little, a teas poonftil in 1? glass of water after meals being a most invigorating dose. Whole families take it Fall and Spring as a tonic. Absolutely non-injurious, contains no alcohol narcotic, or habit-forming drugs. Does not upset the liver, stomach or bowels, nor injure the teeth. If your druggist hasn't it send a dollar to the Ferrodine Chemi cal Corp., Roanoke, Va. foi a large size bottle prepaid. SUBSCRIBE TO THE ENTERPRISE SI.OO m YEAR mm*® n • fj FOR SALE ■ 1 ' ij . , ! fed Sugar at o cents per pound, (nod Pattern Hour .50 [23 per barrel. Seed Rye at 52..45 per bushel and afso a large ttS] ,7=l supply of Juniper Shingles. =^ | ! UKORQE W. SMITH, Kobersonville, N C. !| ! u - y aaegsC3B ji_ ■ ZZrEESegQ B QMatesTbast *****" \ Crisp, crunchy toast done to a (uzianne golden brown, spread with rich, 1 v^ Siy, creamy butter —that and a cup of good, old Luzianne. There's ; a breakfast m itself that's hard to beat —nu&hty hard. You buy t c* ' • a can of Luzianne today. If it doesn't go better and farther than any other coffee at the price/ The Luzianne Goarantee : your grocer will refund your if, mftcr u ,ing the content 9 money, without question or of a can, you are not satisfied ... Air- - , in every respect, your gro- qUlbble. Ask for profit-sharing oerwi 11 refund your money. Catalog The Peily-Taylor Company, -New Orleans