jPERJOMLI V? Www w"F wqp* v w Simon Lilley spent Tuesday, in Washington. Mrs. John Chitty went to Mur freesboro Saturday- Mrs. W. B. Watts visited here Sunday. Mrs. E. A. Hamilton of Red Springs, is a visitor here. Mrs. J. T. Ward, of Green ville, is in town this week. Miss. Sue Leggett went to Tar boro Thursday. Mrs. Jack Saunders, of Kins ton, visited here this week. Misses. Nettie Ruth, and Ethel Britt, went toTarboro Thursday. Miss Mary Smith has returned from a visit to relatives at Ham ilton. Miss Daisy Manning is in Ral eigh this week attending the Red Cross Convention. Mesdames J. A. Everett and W. J. Ho Igei went to Washing ton Wednesday. Mrs. B A Critcher has re turned from a visit to relatives in Lexington, Messrs Harry A. Biggs, J. W. Watts and CritcherWheeler Martin motored to Charlotte last week. Rev. and Mrs. C. H. Jordan and little daughter went to Ply mouth Monday evening to the Convocation. * » Mrs J. P. Boyle. Mrs. Norma Grimes and Mrs. Ralph Watkins with John Martin were here from Hamilton Sunday. Mrs' Louis C. Harrison, Misses Taylor, Winstead and Teague with R. E. Roberson motored to Greenville Sunday, D. G. Matthews. G. R. Roe buck, with Misses Lelia Pippen and Rachel Edmonson, of Ham ilt&n, visited the Misses Britt, Tuesday night. Mrs. J, G. Staton went to Ply mouth Tuesday to preside over the meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary there in the absence of Mrs. Skinner, who" wao de tained by illness of a relative. LOCALS John C. Chitty left Saturday for Missouri to purchase a fine lot of mules for Martin County farmers The open season for killing par tridges commenced Wednesday, and Bob White will have to keep close cover as the local hunters are after him and his family, It was regretted that Elder Thompson failed to reach hereon Friday evening in time for ser vice The train reached the stat ion here just before nine o'clock. There have been much com plaints about the sidewalks being blocked, especially Saturdays. The police will not hurt any one's feelings if they ask folks to clear the way. and then it is a law of the. town. Mr. Jack Frost and Mr. Cooley Iceman arrived in town Tuesday night, and left the impress of their fingers on nearly every thing. It was the first visit of Mr. Iceman this fall, and people shivered when they saw his pre sence, Notice of Sale of Land Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed by W. J. Hyman aud wife, Sarah J. Hyman, to the undersigned trustee bearing date, 7th day of October 1915, and of Recoid in the Public Regis try of Martin County in Book 39 at page 581 to secure a certain bond of even aate«nd the stipulations therein con tained not having been complied with and at the request of the parties in in terest the undersigned will on Monday, December 3rd, 1917 at 12 o'clock m. at the court house door of Martin Connty in Williamston, North Carolina, expose at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following described land to-wit: « Adjoining Ed Ormand and others and being the same land now occupied by W. J. Hyman and family and being the aame land conveyed to Wheeler Martin by D C. Jones trustee by deed dated April 3rd 1889 1 nd of record in the Pub lic Registry of Martin County in book 00 at page 433 containing two acres more or less. This the 31st day of October, 1917. WHEELER MARTIN, Jr , Trustee ' Excellent Fan For Sale. Ths Bynum Roberson Farm containing 180 acres. 115 in high state of cultivation. Excellent two story dwelling:, 2 tenent houses, 3 tobacco barns, all ne cessary ontbuilding. One of the very best farms in Martin Connty. Smiles from Roberson ville, miles from church and school, in one of the very best sections of the county. For price and terms see or write G. A. Peel orR. G. Harrison, Williams ton N. C. For Sale North Carolina, Beaufort County. Bv virtue of a power of sale ccntaine-1 in two certain deeds of trust, executed by Lo'iis M. M'zell aad wife Fannie Mizdl to K A. Daniel, Jr. trustee, dated June 7th, 1915, and recorded, one n book K-l, page 139, Register's office of Martin County, and llje other in hook H i, page 436. Register's office of Mrnin county, said deeds of trust l>eiug given to secure certain indebtedness thtrebv secured, and therein recited, default having been made in payment of snid iiiViebtedness, and the holder of s»:d cotes haviuK made demand uion the undersigned to foreclose under "the power of sale contained iu said deeds of trust. I will fTei for sale, to the highest b.dder, for ca-h, at the Courthouse door in Martin county, at 11 o'clock m. on the nth day of November, 1917, the fol lowing tract of land. Beginning at h black gum in Tinn branch in Jesse Mi/ell's hue. Redmond Harrison's corner, thence north 10 west 37 poles to a pine, n corner in Redmond Hairison's line, thence along Harrison's line ot m/uki'd north 13 west to Harrison's corner, a pine, thence along Redmond Harrison's line of markel trees to a corner at the path, a pine, thence north along the path of niaiked trees with Haysison's line to a corner in J as. F. Bailey's liue, a black gum, thence with Bailey's line to Bui lev and ilin Rogerson's corner, a light wood stump thence with Rogersou'a line of marked trees to the run of Thin brunch, a cortu 1 a pine, tlieuce down the run its variou courses of said branch to the begtffnii'g containing 57 acres, more or les-. K. E. DANIHL. K , Trustee. This the Stli day of October 1917- Farms For Sale. 300 acres of good upland, 125 in cultivation, 6 tenant houses, one eight-room dwelling, good barns and out buildings, one new 60 saw gin, grist mill, peanut picker, 12 h. p. gas engine, t mules, one year's forage, ade quate farming machinery Lands adapted to growing peanut-, cotton and tobacco, situated or the main road 5 miles from Ply mouth, N. C., railroad station and siding on the farm, within !j mile of good eight-month school, good community, health ful locality, / Other gootUdarms for sale at low price. Address, Washington County Realty Corporation, Inc. Plymouth, N. C Money to Loan On Real Estate From One Thousand Up For Five to Ten Years CRITCHER & CRITCHER RUB-MY-TISM Will cure Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Burns, Old Sore:, Tetter, Ring-Worm, Ec zema, etc. Aufiseptic Anotlyin-, used internally orextern2lly. 2i-c ROANOKE CAMP NO. 107 Roanoke Camp No. 107, W. O W., meets the 2nd and last Mon day nights of each month at 8 o'clock. Skewarkee Lodge No. 90 Skewarkee Lodge No. 90, A. F. & A. M., meets every second and fourth Tuesday night at 8 o'clock. —i —————■» ( NOTICE Having qualified as adminitratrix up on the estate of S. H Hyman, deceased, notice is hereby given to all persons holding claims against said estate to pre sent them to the undersigned for pay ment on or before the and day qf Octo ber, 1918, or this notice will pleaded in bar of their recovery. A! 1 persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. This the 2nd day of October 1917. MARGARET HYMAN Administratrix THis riNTERPRISE, WILLIAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA £ Our Business is IJBfe-- BANKING We will serve you well I The sign l4 Bank" does not make a bank. It requires time, straight dealings, conservative business, close at- I ft WWgJfIESSSIr I tention to business, substantial assets and men of true I■ II B Hi 1 principles and good experience to make a bank. I if j ' VVe claim all of these essentials, which are necessary I E ; jgf|k. to make our business that of banking, and offer our & seS: .• people the service of a bank whose assets endow it with Ijj I' ||p : solid strength and absolute safety. Do your banking with iJi Bl Farmers and Merchants Bank jMH [j | R W '^AUSHURY^V-lVes. TURNER T.ttRIMES, Bookkeeper OVER $600,000.00 Comfort, Economy, Satisfaction Jfcl? vl Comfort > wall lifting cloth**.' /Ji\ IcoMa'T |I«N tk* limit la I \ l\ f\ \ ;w««f end ••rvke, at a moderate price. 1■ j * I T?IM S*tlefectfcM) In knowing you are well dree*«d. K ' Ji ► % I You'll find tbe«« *nd wor* In "Shield Brand" , IVf\ ",—T I Cloth** • That'i Um' reputation they hav* I'J7VJB \£s - Vjhlf k why we eeU themr ~ I Y\ 1 1 New Fal| Pattern* rendyto »Low now. I \\\ y Coa» uf«®d SuTSnx »nywi|. M>ie y l'n Lend On improved Farm ivtnds in Martin County at 5 per ' v\ iM-ei'T Marti'), Williamston Croup If your cliil«'ren are subject to croup get a bolt Its of Chamber lain's Cough li'Miiedy, and win.-it the attack com"> on be >. ;nviu: ' follow the plain minted ditve tions. You win bt? surprised a ; the quick relief w-hiHi if afford-. NO rich Having (j'l > r.c ! r.s :ii.= tiato i: jo the Kst'ite af |fa:ei W. il i!ev dcctHV il Notice i- hereby ail \» i »ns boating 1 hiin> against r>.ihl Ksti'e to j>rc-■ • i.i tlretn to the un'Ws-iv'tieA for payment oa or before the {ah lnv of Oct iliis notice will he [ !eii i in hir « f tla.: ie: »verv A!. re* irt«!« htr-i to •a> t are i •; i s . a t i : ;».»• .. .1 ..'e ji.n > * . T: i^i 11 . ■«. B A-ltjir No tic.' C.n'oiin.i, M rtin County. 1:1 tbe Superior Coun Before the Clerk Sitnon Reddick, vs. Letha ttlTddick, T:.e defendant - above named will take notice that an action entitled as above lias - been com menced in the Superior court of Martin County, North Carolina, for a divorce "A Vinculo Matri. monit," and the said defendant wi|i furthi r fake notice that lie is required to appear at '.lie tvym of the Gaperior tou.t of m d county to be held .on the four teenth Monday after the fust Monday of September, it being the loth day of l>ecember, 1917 at the courthouse of said county, in Williamston, N C, and answer or demur to the complaint of plaintiff, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demand ed in said complaint. This Bth day of October, 1917 R J PEEL, Clerk Superior Court Notice Thosu who have accounts With k. M. Huie, M. !>., can settle >;;ine with J. Rogers and Uro., ; ,ir (;ra.4s"sJ\. c. no 1 Ten North Carolina? Martin Countv In the Superior Court Missouri A Moore (iell Mm ire BY viitiie o4 an execution di •>ted t» the undersigned from 'the court of Martin i ,/unty in the above entitled aiise, I will, on .Monday, the 3rd day of December, 1917. at 12 ■ •'lock M, at the Court house '!o-#r of said county, st*ll 1 • the ,hest bidder f• ■ r cash t-> -.-.tisfv sa •! execution. ah the 1 ight, ' ' Seand interest .vhicli tu said George II "Moore, the defendant, 'has in the following described real estate to-uit: Situate fn the town of Williams- Hon, N C, and on tin north side lof Main street of said town and ■'bounded on the south"by Main I street and on the east by C H j Godwin and 011 the west by J II JMizeil and on the north by C H Godwin, and being the" same (premises now occupied by I) J) Stads This 9th dav of October, 1917 J II PAGE, Sheriff Mrs. Smith Recmmends Chamber lain's Tablets "I have had more or less j J .-to:iiach trouble for eight or ten ye;oV writes Mrs. G. H Smith, ili'-'werton, N. Y. "When suffer ing from attacks of indigestion and heaviness after eating, one or two Chamberlain's tablets 1 have always relieve me. I have also found them e ple&sant laxa tive." The«e tablets tone up the stomach and enables it to per form its function, naturally. If ycu are trouble with indigestion give them a trial, get well and stay Well. VVV Wvwvvv THE AIM OF THE WORLD IS TO LEAD j Not only in wealth and power but in | FASHION i -- , . \ Deck yourself in our READY-TO-WEAR CLOTHES i and you will head the crowd I ] __ T 1 \\ e mv carrying Hip fullest ami /\ 1 1 prettiest line in the country "SEEING IS BELIEVING" - EXAMINE QUH STOCK j Harrison Bros. & Company MAIN STREET ; Willuimslon, - Norlli (i.irolin.t • ' ' - - •:r.zrz:~ l Zi-:y£ w^Zz/i 1 1 V ir Our m'H think ash There are Articles of Furniture that we do not carry in stock, but it isn't likely that you will have need for them Ninety-nine times out of a hundred we can fill your requirementsUf! a moments notice ' . \ f That is what we are here to do and you won't have to wait if you trade here