Spring Colds Are the Worst They lead to catarrh and pneumonia. They weaken the entire system and leave it unable to resist the sudden changes. They interfere with your digestion and lessen your ac tivity. Neglected they toon become that dread disease known as sys temic catarrh. Don't neglect them. Ifa costly aa well aa dangerous. PERUNA Will Safeguard You Have a box of Peruna Tab lets with you for the sudden cold or exposure. Tone your sys tem up with a regular course of the liquid Peruna, fortify it against colds, get your digestion up to nor mal, take care of yourself, and avoid danger. If you are suffering now begin the treatment at once. Give Nature the help ahe needs to throw off the catarrhal inflammation, and again become well. Peruna has been helping people for 44 years. Thousands of homes rely on it for coughs, colds and indi gestion. It's a good tonic for the weak, as well. The Peruna Company Columbus. Ohi« 'S HAIR Was Short and Kinky Now It* Long and Fluffy Shm Used NOAH'S HAIR DRESSING Prtre Uc. If your dealer can't aupply you aend lo ua. Refnae auhatltutea. Manufactured bj MOAH PRODUCTS CORP., RICIIMOND. VA. Haue you RHEUMATISM Lumbago or Gout ? Take RHKI7M AC'l OF to remnTe thfrioia and tlrlvo tbn pciiaoD f runi the ayaU'iu. "■Hitminni o* Tin IMIHI rrr* AMI an ma NS TH* OCTSIDS" At All Druggist* Jai. Bail J A Son, Wholesale Dialribolori V Baltimore. Md. Reduce* Bursal Enlargements, II Thickened, Swollen Tissue*, 4.1 Curbs, Filled Tendons. Sore- V nesa from Bruisas or Strains; (top* Spavin Lamene**, allay* pain. Jrs Doe* not blister, remove the hair or lay up the hone. #2.50 s bottle at druggiit* or delivered. Book 1 R free. ABSORBINE, JR., for mankind—an antiaeptic liniment for brui*e«, Cut*, wound*, strain*, psinful. *wollen veins or gland*. It heal* and toot net. sl.2s s bottle at drug gut* or poitpaid. Will tell you mors if you write. Made in the U. 8. A. by W. r YOUNG, f.O. F..rOlMwtetl.Springfield, Ms**. JP®IH3 _ FROST PROOr CABBAGE PLANTS ■fnpjl bayer pa/log rhargea. ,W. «* . „ POST PAIfl ft .191 *: 0 *• »0. hbc ri L2j " im #"««l Potato Plants —*aa«r BaOa aa* Fan* Klaaa I.OUO to H.UOO ai ®LO j f. O. b. 100. tOo 10 oU)ap at 1* ( her* I.OUO, C.7i TOMATO PLANTH-Aprll Ist dalivary Lfrlnaaion Baanty, Marllaca and Bu>ne . SS- •! 51 - . paid her. I.TOKUe 0 lo.ouo at IK) Ist doUvary 1M S.*} f o b. o. rCe m^ A bH JAMISON™ HJMHIRTILLI;£o. Troubles tThat Itch and Burn with Cuticura.. The Soap to cleanse and purify, the Ointment to soothe and heal. Eveni- vhfr* Soap 250lBtmral 25^50^ KSjjM f~~ pfßSMnnife j @]niULH®MIKS laU far MTM fN MALARIA. CELLI U1 Itn Ala* * fh* faaml ItnaftlMaiaf Teak- At All Dn* Item. CABBAGE PLANTS—FROSTPROOF Ready BOW. Barly Plat Dutch. Bl> Wakeßeld. Snra haad gneeeaaloß. All aeaaone, BOUpar l.odO; tJKO lota, IUO per UKA OODBN RURSBRIK,Oo«*e, Ala. COUGHING mors ethers and hurts yoa. Re I leva throat Irritation said ticlcllnc, and set rid of concha, eolds sod hoarseness by taking st onca PISO'S IMPROVED CTOPOIS INTERNATIONAL SUNWSOIOOL LESSON (By REV. p. u. KITZ WATER D. D„ Teacher of English Bible In the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago.) | (Copyright, 1918. Weetern Newapaper Union.) ■ ■ :=■ LESSON FOR APRIL 14 I JESUS REQUIRES CONFESSION AND LOYALTY. I L.EBSON TEXT—Mark 8:27-38. I GOLDEN TEXT-Whosoever will corns I after me, let him deny himself, and take ' up his cross, and follow me. — Mark B*4. DEVOTIONAL. READINGS—Homan« i 10:8-10; Hebrews 12:1-2, 12-15. ADDITIONAL, MATERIAL FOR j TEACHERS—Luke 9:18-27; 67-62. - ) PRIMARY AND JUNIOR TOPIC j Jesus and the Blind Man. LESSON MATERIAL—Mark 8:22-26. I PRIMARY MEMORY VERSE—He bath flone all things well.—Mark 7:3?. The time hns now come for Jesus ! to take account of Ills ministry. Hav | Ing been rejected by the rulers, lie j goes Into retirement with his disciples. ! His primary object in his teaching during this time is to prepare the dls | ciples for the tragedy of the cross, which he knew was so near. ills teaching gathers around the great cardinal doctrines of tlie faith. lie instructs them touching ills person, atoning death, resurrection and glorious coming again, lie knew that in the measure that they Intelli gently apprehended these things they would be able to pass through the | ordeals before them. The same Is | true today. Those who clearly uppre | hend the IMvine Person, the vicarious j atonement, the glorious resurrection, ] and second coming of Christ, are un ! disturbed by the world tragedies of the present hour. I. Peter's Confession of Christ (vv. 27-30). Two questions of Christ provoked this confession : 1. "Whom do men say that 1 am?" (vv. 27, 28). This- question referred to the opin ions of the people regarding Jesus. Some believed him to be John the Baptist, some Klljah, and some one of the prophets. They all recognized til ill to be a teacher or prophet with more I than human authority and power. T>>- | day, un then, there is a diversity of opinion among people as to Jesus Christ. Some think that lie was only ' a man, others Uuil he was a great teacher, but nothing more. Jesus wns tu>t content uiih this acknowledgment. Iliad lie been satisfied with this, he j would not have Uecii molested in 1 Jerusalem, fnr the Jews willingly ac knowledged him as much tnore than a human tenci.er. ' 2. "Whom say ye that 1 am?" (vv. | 29, 30). 11. Jesus Teaching Concerning tA* Crocs vv. 31 33). Christ charged the disciples not to make public his Messiuhship. lis that would precipitate the crisis. The dls -1 ciples needed much instruction yetto* ; prepare them for the crucial hour of the cross. 1. What he taught (v. ,11). (1) "The Son of Man must suffer many things." He suffered physical weariness and hunger, ridicule and contempt, and even misunderstanding and link Of ap preciation on the part of Ills friends and disciples. (2) "He rejected of the elders, chief priests and scribes." These were the nation's o flic In 1 rep resentatives, the very ones who should hove known and received Christ and recommended his reception on the part of the nation. Truly, he came to his own, und his own received him not — John 1:11. To be rejected by one's awn friends and relatives Is doubly painful. (3) "He killed." This announcement was startling to the disciples. They had not yet come to realize that redemption was to be accomplished through the passion und the cross. Jesus now states with deflnlteness and certainty that he must die on the cross. This necessity was due primarily to the fact that It was the divine purpose to make the death of Christ the heart and core of the atonement; and also, to human hatred and opposition. (4) "Rise again." Though this was utterly lncompre- I henslble to the disciples, he shows | them that this would be the glorious Issue of Ills death. 111. The Cost of Diacipleship (v. 34). The law of the Christian life Is suffei*iig. To follow Christ means to turn one's back upon the world. To repudiate the world means to Incur the hatred of the world. To be Chris tians, therefore, means ttf share Christ's sufferings. ]. There must be denial of self (. 34). This means the sufferings and shame which lie in the path of loyalty to God. To live the godly Jife means suffering (2 Tim. 3:12). 3. Christ must be followed (v. 34). This means to have the mind of Christ (Phil. 2:5) and to perform the service of ChrisL IV. The litue of Discipleship (vv. 85-38). The blessed Issue of following Christ Is a life of freedom here and now. and eternal life hereafter. Such sacrifice enriches the life that now is, and pre pares for the enjoyment of the life which is to come. To barter the fu ture life for present enjoyment is most foolish, for*rbe choices of life are fraught with eternal Issues. Those who refuse to follow In Christ's foot steps shall be separated from him nt his glorious nppearlng (v. 38; compare 2 Tlics. 1:7-10). Are you preparer *bw the call shall come? . . I THE ENTERPRISE. WILLIAMSTON. NORTH OAROT.TN* Lemons Whiten and Beautify the Skin! Make Cheap Lotion The juice of two fresh lemons Btraln ed Into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white makes h whole Quar ter pint of the most remarkable lemon skin beautifler at about the cost one must pay for * small Jar of the ordi nary cold creams. Cnre should be tuk* en to strain the lemon Juice through a fine cloth so no lemon pulp gets In, then this lotion will keep fresh for months. Every woman knows that lem on Juice is used to bleach and remove such blemishes as freckles, sallowness and tan and Is the Ideal skin softener, smoothener and beautifler. Just try It! Make up a qunrter pint of this sweetly fragrant lemon lotion and massage It dally Into the face, neck, arms and hands. It should natur ally help to whiten, soften, freshen and bring out the hidden roses nnd beauty of any skin. It is wonderful for rough, red hands. Your drug-gist will sell three ounces of orchard white at little cost, and any grocer will supply the lemons. Adv. Fruit Picker's Dream Come True, An Ingenious method of gathering fruit which reduces the fruit picker'* work to a minimum, makes use of a large net suspended above the ground directly under a tree and does away with the usual frult-plcking harness, buckets, pails and baskets, says the Popular Science Monthly. The fruit Is dropped from (he tree by the picker and It falls Into the net and rolls down through a coneshaped canvas spout Into a barrel or fruit box. The net Is held taut by a framework sup ported by iron post* driven In the ground. LIFTS THE BURDEN OF PAIN FROM THOUSANDS Piles Is a disease to which both sexes and nil ages are subject. Physicians have treated thousands of cases with more or less temporary success—with an ultlmnte recourse to operation in advanced cases. Positive relief comes to users of Eagle Pile Remedy who will and have used this 20-year tried and proved medicine. It is an entirely home treat ment, simple and easy to take, and has succeeded and permanently removed piles of the worst kind. "I have saved a hundred dollars on operations and loss of time at busi ness," reads one testimonial. What it has done for others it can do for you. A postal brings an easy-to-understnnd booklet. A dollar buys a week's sup ply. At your druggist or direct from the Re*d Distributing Company, 146 Godwin St., Paterson, N. J.—Adv. Probably She Didn't. A p-iiilcnum winked at a bright little hoy on the Lew Ist on our tin* otli rr day. The .youngster tried to return the salute, hut both eyes persisted In .shutting. "Mamma," he Anally said to n nice looking woman by his side, "wink at (hat man."—Portland Press. Cuticura Kills Dandruff. Anoint spots of dandruff with Cuti cura Ointment. Follow at once by a hot shampoo with Cuticura Soap, If a man; next morning If a woman. For free samples address, "Cuticura, Dept X, Boston." At druggists and by mall. Soap 25, Ointment 2(5 and 50. —Adv. "Rocky hut profitable," said the cradle manufacturer, describing his | Send for || i Swift & Company's 1918 Year Book S git shows that Swift & Company sells the meat from ||S a steer for less money then the live steer cost! gig % Proceeds from the sale of the hide, fat, and other by-products || covered all expense of dressing, refrigeration, freight, selling w Bl expense and the profit of $1.29 per steer as shown by Swift 8C & |§l Company's 1917 figures as follows: pi Average price gaid for live cattle per steer % Average price received for meat 68.97 HHBHHHHBHI Average price received for by-products 24.09 HUH & 1 g Total received 93.06 HHBHHHHBKHDHI IS This leaves for expenses and profit 8.61 - jpf EM Of which the profit per steer was • 1.29 | 8y There are many other interesting and instructive |SI Sy facts and figures in the Year Book. Igj 7 We want to send our 1918 Year Book, to anyone, anywhere free for the asking. Address Swift & Company, Union Stock Yards, Chicago. t |gg H vgf/ —; Swift & Company, U. S. A. |§l GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWER lias boon used for all nllments that are mused by n disordered stomach and Inactive liver, such as sick head ache, constipation, sour stomach, nervous Indigestion, fermentation of food, palpitation of the heart caused by gases In the stomach. August Flower Is a gentle laxative, regulates digestion both In stomach and Intestines, cleans and sweetens the stomach and altmen tary canal, stimulates the liver to se crete the bile and Impurities from the blood. Sold In all civilized countries. Give It a trial. —Adv. Easy Way. "How did you clear your way with that old grouch?" "Very easily. I merely used a little soft soap." r>r. I'lerce's Pellets ure best for liver, bowels and stomach. One little Pellet for a laxative, three for a cathartic. Ad. Occasionally a fellow may adopt a good gas mask by closing his mouth. Anoint tho rytllda with Roman Eye Bat ■am nt nliht, and In thn morning obaarv* the retrrahrd and •trrn(thene4 aenaatlon in your ryet Adv. Talkative women are usually open faced. I Middle Aged njCTgfeSl Women, gfflfgjft I I Are Here Told the Best Remedy v I for Their Troubles. i ,7 - , I I Freemont, O.—"I was passing through the critical I'*' £», * lm///'/// /'/, I period of life, being forty-six years of age and had all II ' M/m////"/ I ■ the symptoms incident to that chango heat flashes. BUlill , I ■ nervousness, and was in a general run down MH 'I '/ H ■ so it was hard for mo to do my work. Lydia K. Pink- 1 T V f / H ■ ham's Vegetable Compound was recommended to me as \ \ % S* /S J >IJ the best reciedv for my troubles,which it surely proved v % v\ F y Z/ ' ■ to be. I feel better and stronger in every way since xS* A ' » rvvfl taking it, and the annoying symptoms nave disap- y\' gearecL"— Mrs. M. Oouukm, 025 Napoleon St, Fremont, ■ North Haven, Conn.—"Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegeta- v--~y-YT /Al ble Compound restored my health after everything elso il, / lrjDß had failed wheu passing through change of life. Thero la nothing like it to overcome the trying symptoms." W ■ —Mr® Flouscb Ihei.i.a , llox 107, North Ilaven, Conn. I M Smdk Cases : I LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S 1 I VEGETABLE COMPOUND I I J*®g the c*®©©ffd feff A© sjoodl Cautious. "Have you been taken, too, with these arguments about the excitement of aviation?" "Well, I wouldn't so to speak, care to fall for It." How's This ? Wa offer fIOO.OO for any roan of ratarrh that cannot be cured by UAMVH CATARKH MEDICINE. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE la fall en Internally and acta through the Hlood on the Mucous Surface* of Out Hyatem. Hold by druKßlatn for over forty years. I'rtcs 76c. Testimonials free. K. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Think twice before marrying. Di vorce comes high. Calomel Users! Listen To Me! I Guarantee Dodson's Liver Tone Your druggist gives back your money if it doesn't liven your liver and bowels and straighten you up without making you sick. Ugh! Calomel makes you sick. It's horrible! Take a dose of the dangerous drug tonight and tomorrow you may lose a day's work. Calomel Is mercury or quicksilver which causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel, when It conies Into contact with sour bile, crashes Into it, breaking it up. This Is when you feel that awful nausea and cramping. If you are slug gish and "all knocked out," If your liver Is torpid and bowels constipated or you have headache, dizziness, coat ed tongue, If breath la bad or stomach sour, Just try a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tono tonight. Here's my guarantee—Go to any drug store and get n bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone for a few cents. Take a Ideals That Uplift. We cannot revere anything lofty without ourselves becoming exalted; wo cannot revere anything holy with out ourselves becoming purer. The character of our homage determines our characters.—J. 11. Jowett, D. D. To Drive Out Malirli and Build Up The Syatrm Taint the Old Standard OlloVH'H TASTIM.BBH chill TONIC. You know what 7011 ar« taking aa tli«i formula la printed on ever? label, *lu»wlng It Is Quluino and Iron In a TasU'lcMN form. CUe. A little taffy Judiciously applied makes a humble man stuck up. Economy Is the easy chair of old age. spoonful and If It doesn't straighten you right up and make you feel fine nnd vigorous I want you to go beck to the store and get your money. Dod son's Liver Tone In destroying the sal* of calomel because it is real liver medicine; entirely vegetable, therefor# It cannot salivate or make you sick. I guarantee that one spoonful of Dodson's Liver Tone will put your sluggish liver to work and clean your bowels of thnt sour bile and constl pnted wnste which Is clogging your system nnd making you feel miserable. I guarantee thnt n bottle of Dodson'B I.lver Tone will keep your entire fan* lly feeling fine for months. Give It to your children. It Is harmless; doesnt gripe and they like Its pleasant taste* All the Modern Improvement#. "Have you a tireless cooker nt yoar home?" "Worse than that. We've got a tireless furnace now." Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTOItIA, that famous old remedy for Infants and children, and see that It In Use for Over 30 i'eurs. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castorui Thrift and stinginess are similar, hut how different!