- 9- ~ . - Calomel Users! Listen To Me! v I Guarantee Dodson's Liver Tone Tour druggist gives back your money if it doesn't liven your liver and bowels and straighten you up without making you sick. Ugh! Calomel makes you sick. It's horrible! Take a dose of the dangerous drug tonight sod tomorrow you may lose a day's work. Calomel Is mercury or quicksilver which causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel, when It comes Into contact with sour bile, crashes into It, breaking It up. This Is when you feel that awful nausea and cramping. If you are slug gish and "all knocked out," If your liver Is torpid and bowels constipated or you have headache, dizziness, coat ed tongue, If breath is bad or stomach ■our, Just try a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone tonight. Here's ray guarantee—Go to any drug store and get a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone for a few cents. Take a Relieve Your ] NR,laeßil1 ' improving «%« _# | digestion, assimilation Rheumatism elimi „a\ion- For 25c. the logical way. NR Today— Relief or No Pay - Thar* ara threa vital proceaaea of I rheumatic poison U Mowed to human existence.—tha dlcestlon of I main In tha body, food, tha extraction of nourishment I Think of this. It explains tha na» from It and the elimination of tha caaa of Nature'e Remedy (NR Tab* waste. lets) In so many caaaa where other Let anything Interfere with theae T s oul * n 'J* procaaaea,—let them be Interrupted or ' u * lr !f V a *. Improperly carried on, and alckneae^^^^^^ 1 " 1 * r ® u *f- Whypy " r * ortea of soma kind follows. , ancertala Poor digestion and mmlmllm-M A \ Remedy (NR° TabletaE con? St'AVS r EES k r-f.O £5 anemia, ate Poor aUmlnaUon M 00,1 yoa ESFer c r^ U t o h n . bodTVower. , An * Remedy U not only ®f|* r which potaonsi the body, lowars for tha relief of rheumatlam. It lm vltaUty, decreaaee tha power of re- prov## digestion, toceTthe llrar. rut atatance to dleeaaa and leads to tha uiHes kidney and bowel action lm davalopmant of many serious Ills. proves tha blood and olaanaas the Rheumatism, —due to aoma Interfer- whole system. You'll feel like a new •nee with tha process of elimination, person when you've taken NR Tablets failure to rat rid of certain body a week. Tou'va tried tha expensive poisons,—cannot be expected to yield medicines and doctors, now make tha to any medicine that falls to correct real test. You'll set results this time, the condition responsible for It Could Nsture's Remedy (NR Tablets) la any reasonabls person expect to rid sold, guaranteed and recommended by himself of rheumatic pain aa lone aa your druggist, Get a 2v,80x You Can Now Eat Your Favorito Food Without Any Foar Kramer Says: "Eatonic" Rids Weak Stomachs of Acids, Gas, Heartburn, Food Repeating and Stomach Miseries What miserable feelings are caused "EATONIC neutralises the acids, by an upset stomach! That dull, that form the painful gases, "sweet heavy, "bloated" sensation that follows enn" the stomach, and gives the gastric a full meal, robs good living of half Juice a chance to do Its work as It Its pleasures. Is there any way out should. for you sufferers with stomach weak ness? *Yes; H. L. Kramer, the man' who originated Cascarets, has.found a sure, quick, relief for Indigestion, dyspepsia, "sour stomach." heart-burn, formation of painful gases, "bloating," etc., etc. He calls his stomach relief EA TONIC, and It certainly is making a wonderful record. Countless thous ands of people who formerly ap proached their meals with dread, now eat their fill of their favorite foods without fear of the after-effects. Mr. Kramer says: "My EATONIC tablets are the solution of the age-old problem of Indigestion and all forms of stomach misery. Carter's little Liver Pills You Cannot be A Remedy That Constipated wSSnJ£ and Happy T L R [ Worth Living Small Pin I wilt GMMIM IMM aicaatur* AIgSFS £.■£££ pARTER'S IRON PILLS many colorless feces but W Vtmtiy help moat pale-faced people fiEpg*nß| SOLD FOR AO YEARS. fa MALARIA, CttILLS and FEVER. - 25 , S L JESTES spoonful and If It doesn't straighten you right up and make you feel fine and vigorous I want you to go back to the store and get your money, Dod son's Liver Tone is destroying the sale of calomel because It Is real liver medicine; entirely vegetable, therefore It cannot salivate or make you sick. I guarantee that one spoonful of Dodson's Liver Tone will put your sluggish liver to work and clean your bowels of that sour bile and consti pated waste which Is clogging your system nnd making you feel miserable. I guarantee that a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone will keep your entire fam ily feeling One for months. Give It to' your children. It is harmless; doesnt gripe and they like Its pleasant tasta. "To promote appetite and aid diges tion, take EATONIO tablets—one or two after each meaL They are per fectly harmless. Eat thera Just like candy. "For distress after eating; sour, "gassy," ndd stomach, vertigo, nausea and belching, and that wretched, puffed-up, "lumpy" feeling, after over eating; there is nothing to compare with EATONIC Tablets." All druggists sell EATONIC (soc for a large box. Watch out for Imita tions. The genuine bears the nam* EATONIC on each tablet—guaranteed to do all that Is claimed; or If yoor druggists don't carry EATONIC—send to Eatonic Remedy Co., Chicago, lIL THE ENTERPRISE, WILLIAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA WEEDS SOMETIMES USEFUL IN ADDING ORGANIC MATTER AND PREVENT EROSION Land Turned Out to "Rest" and Grown Up to Batsafras Bushes and Weed*. (Prepared by the United Htntes Department of Agriculture.) Weeds are not always useless. Sometimes Ihey are the principal means by which organic matter Is restored to the aoll, and. generally speaking, a soil Is productive In proportion to the quantity of organic matter It contains. In many parts of this country It Is customary to farm land until the crops are too poor to be profitable and then "turn It out to rest." This merely means that weeds are permitted, to grow on It for several yenrs; after that the boII wBl be more productive. Weeds are nlso useful at times In preventing soil erosion, especially during the winter months. Weeds are further useful In collecting and holding the nitrates and other soluble salts during periods when crops nfe not being grown, thus preventing those valuable nutrients from being washed out of the soil. Ordinarily, however, all these benefits may be realized through proper rotations, In which case It Is a serious mistake to let weeds grow. HELP PRODUCE FOOD TO FEED SOLDIERS . t r - . 9 " V* fown Man Qualified for Farm Work Should Offer Services. Many Communities Throughout United States Must Depend on Volun teers for* Heavy Seasonal Needs—lt Is War Job. (Prepared by tlie United Mates Depart mcnt of Agriculture.) If you are a town man qualified for farm work In your county during the rush periods of planting, cultivation and harvest, and If you hesitate to offer for such service because it will be Inconvenient and difficult and be cause you will earu less money for that short period of farm work than you would have earned In town dur ing the same time—lf this is the case you have failed to grasp either the seriousness of the present peril to civilization or the Importance of the personal responsibility resting upon you, and every Individual. If you are a farmer In need of ex tra help, without which your food pro duction will be diminished, and If you reluctant to use emergency towTi volunteers you also have not Been the peril—have -not heard the call that has Inspired other men to give their lives. The higher wage Inducements of city Industries and plants producing war materials have drawn mnny workera from the farms during the last year or two. As a consequence most com munities all over the United States must depend upon local emergency supplies of farm labor for their heavy seasonal needs. Plans have already been put Into effect In a great many sections whereby sufficient town vol unteers have been secured to supply the need of the adjacent farm terri tory during the busy periods. Of course this Is hard work. Of course, In most cases, It means some financial sacrifice upon the part of the town man, and some annoyance to the farmer who would prefer permanent, skilled help. But you are called to that service I It Is Just a situation that must be met. Suppose soldiers hesitated to do things that are hard and difficult and annoying! Suppose men wouldn't go Into the army unless they profited financially! If Ameri can men had taken that attitude Ger many would already have crushed "the defenders of civilization, and you would now be concerned about the safety of your wife and children—not your convenience and your money! The last two would certainly be taken from you with a Hun victory—and the Hun will win If soldiers ever hesitate, as some civilians have hesitated to do the difficult, the unpleasant, the finan cially unprofitable thing! It Is your war Job to work on faring In your county, when and where yonr services aie needed to produce and harvest food crops, war-winning crops. It Is the farmer's war Job to use such help to the utmost advantage. Our soldiers are gloriously doing their war Job over there. The most you can do Is Infinitely small, by comparison with what they do. Do farms in your county need help? Then think of the boys from your town, going over the top under shell fire today—and go to work to help feed them! Beat 8«n For Soy Beans. Any land that will grow corn will grow «oy beans. It is often recom mended that these two crops be grown and hogged down ttogether. LOCAL LIME SUPPLY USEFUL Neceaaary Food Furnished for Planta «nd Is Great AJd In Speeding Up Many Crops. (Prepared by the United Rtntes Depart ment of Agriculture.) While llni»> IN not usually listed among tins, commercial fertilizers, It furnlHheH n necessary food for plants und when properly used Is n great ald In speeding tip the production of many crops. Its greatest value Is fur correcting acidity of the soil under which condition many plants will not thrive. It also Improves the soil's physical condition and Influences fa vorably the decomposition of organic matter. In some cases It may make available to some extent soluble forms of potash and other minerals. It Is particularly valuable If there Is 11 good supply of organic matter In the soil. Spring Is a good tltne to apply lime, particularly the hydrated form and specialists of the department of agri culture are urging that local limestone deposits be utilized In every possible way. This Is already being done In many places but no doubt the practice could be widely extended. However, It Involves, In the case of grinding, the purchase and delivery of grinding ma chinery, which may be difficult to ac complish, and In the case of local burning It means the purchase und de-" livery of fuel unless there Is local fuel available. Wherever fuel, either wood or coal, is available, however, togeth er with a local supply of limestone, every 4'ffort should be put forth to make use of Mils limestone In the pres ent emergency. ANIMAL-PROOF SHEEP FENCE Department of Agriculture Gives Plan for Barrier to Keep Out Doga and Coyotea. (Prepared by the United Btates Depart ment of Agriculture.) A fence constructed In such a way as to l&r dogs and coyotes from territory In which sheep are pasturing has been designed and put to use by the forest service of the United States department of agriculture. Specifications for th« dog-proof fence follow: Posts 7V4 feet In length, set 2% feel In the ground and 10 feet apart; a barbed wire stretched flat to the surf ace of the ground; 3 Inches higher a IC-lnch woven-wlre fence having a 4 Inch triangular mesh; 5 Inches hlghei a barbed wire; 0 Inches higher a sec ond barbed wire; 7 inches above thli a thlrfl barbed wire. Total height, 51 Inches. It Is essential that the bottom barbed wire be stretched flat on the surface of the ground at all points. This Is ac complished by grading the ground be fore the fence is built and by filling ID the small holes afterwards. BANKS HELP BUY TRACTORS Notes Given for Farm Machines Will 1 Be Treated Bame as Other Agricultural Paper. (Prepared by the United Btatee Depart ment of Agriculture.) Federal reserve banks are to re discount notes secured by farm trac tors. Instructions have been Issued by the federal reserve board to all federal reserve bunks authorlzlnf them to rediscount tractor paper pre sented by any member bank, provid ed It has maturity not exceeding slj months and the tractors are pur chased for agricultural purposes. This action of the federal reserv» board means that notes given for fanr tractors will be treated In the saxm manner as other agricultural paper, thus making It easier for farmers ' obtain, tractors where needed. dJI/liy f Tempting veal loaf \Y /HAT is more tempting W for a summer luncheon than Libby's savory Veal Loaf 1 Prettily garnUhea ~ it makes a dainty yet sub stantial dish and one all ready to put on the tablet Order Libby's Veal Loaf today. You will want it always on , your shelves —for quick lunch cons — for unexpected guests. BSSSKaUSSiSiSiSSSiiiSiiiiiiiUiiiHHSiUiUUill No Virtue In Number*. At the Opera. Mary had r little lamb. "What a powerful, voice that teMV "Probably more famous than the has!" "Yes; I can't hear myaelf tafll president's sixteen sheep," she cried, when lie's singing." \ The Farmer's i | Share A Live stock is marketed from farmer to consumer at a lower I I cost than almost any other farm product. The United States Department of agriculture reported in 1916 that the I 1 farmer gets for his cattle "approxi- U lijj mately two-thirds to three-fourths" of the final retail price paid by the con sumer for the resulting beef. y I Under normal conditions, the farmer's share of retail prices of various farm I products is approximately as follows: Butter 71 per cent CATTLE 66% to 75 per cent Eggs 65 per cent I Potatoes 55 per cent Poultry 45 per cent , Fruits 35 per cent The difference between farmer's price and retail price represents the necessary expenses of packing, freight and whole sale and retail distribution. [ Swift & Company not only performs the manufacturing operations of pre | paring cattle for market in its well equipped packing plants, but it pays the freight on meat to all parts of the United States, operates 500 branch distributing houses, and in most cases 1 even delivers to the retail butcher. All this is done at an expense of less than 2 0 ill cents per pound, and at a profit of only about y 4 of a cent per pound of beef. H I Large volume of business and expert management, make possible this indis | I pensable service to the live-stock raiser and to the consumer, and make possible | 1 the larger proportion of retail prices received by farmers. Year Book of interesting and j, IS |ijj instructive facts sent on request. I Address Swift & Company, I Union Stock Yards, Chicago, Illinois I Swift & Company, U.S.A. |i Sapolio doing its work. Scouring for U.S.Marine Corps recruits. Join Now! 5§» w Sr r POST OFFICE US. far I MARINCS SERVICE UNSCR THt» EMtLEM -