I National and Local I I Meat Business I The meat business of the country is conducted by various By small slaughter-houses in villages— By local Abattoirs or small M Packing Houses in towns- Using only a part of the - local live stock supply I Furnishing only a part of the local demand for meat These slaughtering and distributing agencies fill a well defined but neces sarily restricted place in the distribu tion of the products of live stock. But only packers like Swift A Company, organized on a national scale, are able to undertake the ser vice that is more vitally important. An Obligation to the Producer To purchase for spot cash all the live stock the producer may send i to market for slaughter. An Obligation to the Consumer To make available to every con sumer, everywhere, in season and I out, the full supply and variety of meat products, of the highest standard that the market affords. Year Book of interesting and instructive bets sent on request. Address Swift & Company, Union Stock Yards, Chicago, Illinois L—————l j Swift & Company, U.S. A. | Farmers! Watch Your Stomachs In Hot Weather Wc and Our Allies Arc Depending Upon Your Strength To Supply Our Armies With Food You men who work long hours In the fields under a blazing sun—you've got to be big eaters, because your food Is your strength, and now, more than ever, your strength is badly needed. Bo guard your health. Be sure and watch your stomach, for in the sum mer time nearly all illness can be traced to stomach and bowel com plaint. You, yourself, know how lia ble a man is to sunstroke If he goes In the hot sun too soon after eating a hearty mid-day meal, and also how liable he Is to sudden attacks of stom ach miseries. So cool off in the shade before going back to work. Don't take chance*. Take care of your stomach, friend. You know you can't work well with your stomach out of fix. "Safety first," must be your motto, so send to your druggist and get a big box of EAT ONIC, enough for yourself and family, yea, and the hired folks, too. It's the wonderful new compound for the quick relief of stomach and bowel mis eries. It was originated by H. L. Kra mer, the man who made millions of people happy with his first great rem edy, Cascarets. Now, all you need do is to take a tablet or two of EATONIC after your meals. It's good—Just like eating candy. Enjoy the quick, sure relief It bring*—how almost Instantly It re lieves ladigestlon, heartburn, food w ©nnxli&sjiie * f mtr AIL m IMB. 11/ ANTS? fl IteiMiMf to Mil Boor IvmlM. •9i jttn imwtiMi »««nin wniim —d repeating, Hour stomach, and that pain ful, puffed-up, bloated, lumpy feeling lifter eating. EATONIC will help you all to a pain-free stomach—a sweet, cool, comfortable stomach —In fact, those who take EATONIC say It makes them forget they have stomachs. They never dreamed that anything could bring about such quick and wonder ful results. Don't wait until the sum mer sickness of stomach and bowels weakens you—but start using EAT ONIC today! Just one or two after meals; that's all. Your health—your folks' health—ls a matter of vital Importance, not only to yourself, but also to the nation. And you know one can't be too careful of one's stomach and bowels during the hot spells. EATONIC only costs a £ent or two a day to use It —a big boi 50 cents— no more. That Is the price, and re member, EATONIC Is absolutely guar anteed to do all we claim—ln fact, more. It's the best Stomach Remedy you ever used. You know your druggist; trust him then to make our guarantee good; tf EATONIC falls In any way, take It back; he will refund your money. If your druggist does not keep It, drop us a postal and we will send It; you can pay when you get It. Address H. L. KRAMER, Pres. EATONIC REMEDY CO., 1018 8. Wabash Ave. Chicago. ninn WANTED Second-hand fiagi, ,KR LS kwtaf. »am k**ta« mt tmima. Wrfct DA u u us. SKS; e&srtr W. N. U-, CHARLOTTE, NO. 2S-1116. THE ENTERPRISE, WILLIAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA mriOVED UHTFOIN INTERNATIONAL SNMrScnooL LESSON B» KEV. P. U. KlUh A i elk. D. D.. Teacher of English Bible In the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago.) (Copyright, HIS. Wnttrn Newepeprr Union.) LESSON FOR JUNE 23 JESUS TRIUMPHANT OVER DEATH. LEMON TEXT-Mary l«.l-». GOLDEN TEXT-Now la Chrtst rl»en from the dead.—l Corlnthlana 16:20. - ADDITIONAL. MATERIAL FOR TEACHERS-Matthew 28:1-20; Luke 2S:M --14:12; John 10:1-16; I Corinthians lS:l-5»; I Theaaalonlans 4:13-18. PRIMARY TOPlC—Jesus' power over death.-Mark U:4l-i6 k INTERMEDIATE TOPIC—The living Chrlat. SENIOR AND ADULT TOPIC-Chrtafs resurrection and the Christian's assurance of Immortality. I. The Ministry of Love (vv. 1-4). 1. By whom (v. 1). Mary Magdalene, the mother of James and Salome. 2. When (v. 2). Early In the morning, the first day of the week. (3) Their perplexity (vv. 3, 4). They questioned as to wbo »qhould roll away the large mouth of the tomb. To tljelr surprise they found the stone removed. rThey, like us, find their difflcultles are re moved before they come to thein.">'lf they had believed him, their anxieties • nd sorrows would not have been. 11. The Angel In the Tomb (vv. 5-8). Jesus knew that these women would come to tfie sepulcher with unbeliev ing henrts, so he had sn angel waiting there to announce to them the fact of his resurrection. How many times wo are helped out of doubts and difficul ties by an angel which the omniscient Lord knew would be needed at a par ticular time. With such companions and helpers no place need seem lone ly, and no condition "need affright us. The angel's message: 1. "He not affrighted" (v. 0). What comforting wftrds these must have been to these bewildered women. The open tomb Is the cure for fear; It steadies our hearts when things look dark and we do not understand. 2. "Ye seek Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified (v. (1). This threpi-foltf designation with mnrvMous clearness shows: (1.) Ills humanity—Jesus. (2.) Lowly residence—Nazareth. (3.) Ignominious death—crucified. 3. "lie Is risen; he Is not here; be hold the place where they laid him* (v. fl). These words throw light upon his birth, humility and shameful death. He who was born In lowly clrcum stances, and suffered the shameful death of the cross. Is now the con queror of death. Ills resurrection gives meaning to his death. If Christ had not risen, then his death would hnve been meaningless. "If Christ be not risen, your faith Is vain; ye are In your sins" (1 Cor. 15:17). 4. "Oo your way, tell his disciples and Peter" (v. 7). As soon as It was known that t'hrlst had risen from the dend, they were to toll It to the disciples. Knowledge of Christ's triumph Involves the responsi bility of witnessing concerning It. The disciples all needed this blessed news, but I'eter especially since he bad so denied him. Wonderful grace, this I B. "He goeth before you Into Gali lee: there shall ye see him" (v. 7). Christ had told the disciples that he would arise from the dead and meet them In Galilee, but their unbelief kept them from this blessed truth. 111. The Appearances of the Risen Christ (vv. 0-14). These appearances had as their ob ject the restoration of the disciples from their awful failure and discour agement and the convincing them, without the peradventure of a doubt, of Christ's resurrection. Since his resurrection was Jto be the central theme of apostolla preaching, It was necessary that thej( hnve certainty of knowledge as to m|s rnntter (Acts 1 :3). Without the resurrection of Christ, his death would be meaning less. Out of the ten or more appear ances, Mark selects three. 1. To Mnry Magdalene (vv. 9 11). Mary's heart responded to the Sa viour's gracious deliverance of her from demons. Her sufferings were no doubt terrible. She Is the first to the tomb. Her devotion Is amply reward ed by being the first to meet the risen Lord. Light will surely come to the heart that really loves the Lord, though the faith Is weak. She went at once and told the sorrowing disciples, but they refused to believe. 2. To two disciples on the way to Emmaus (vv. 12, 13). % Luke gives full pnrtlculars concern lug this appearance. Jesus had walked, talked, and eaten with them, convincing them that the I/ord Is risen Indeed (Luke 24:13-35). The testi mony of such is trustworthy. 3. To the eleven disciples (v. 14). IV. The Commission of the Risen Lord (vv. 15-18). After the disciples were convinced of the truth of his resurrection, Christ sent them forth to "preach the Gospel to every creature." What a glorious and supreme task la this! "He that belleveth and Is bap tized shall be saved ; but he that bellev eth not shall be damned (▼. 16). V. The Activity of the Enthroned Chrlat (vv. 19-20). After giving the disciples their com mission, he ascends on high, and from the unseen sphere directs their activi ties. Wherever they went be coo- Ormed their word. A CHILD DOESN'T LAUGH AND PLAY IF CONSTIPATED LOOK, MOTHERI IS TONQUE COATED, BREATH FEVERISH AND STOMACH SOUR? •CALIFORNIA BYRUP OF FIQ8" CAN'T HARM TENDER STOM ACH, LIVER, BOWELS. A laxative today saves n sick child j tomorrow. Children simply will not take the time from play to empty their bowels, which become clogged up with waste, liver gets sluggish, stomach ■our. I Look at the tongue, mother 1 If coated, or your child Is listless, cross, feverish, breath bad, restless, doesn't eat heartily, full of cold or has sore throat or any other children's ail ment, give a teaspoonful of "Cali fornia Syrup of Figs," then don't worry, hecnuse It Is perfectly harm less, and In a few hours ull this con stipation poison, Bour bile afid fer menting waste will gently move out of the bowels, and you have a well, play ful child again. A thorough "Inside cleansing" is oftlmes all that Is neces sary. It should be the first treatment given In any sickness. Beware of counterfeit tig syrups. Ask your druggist for a bottle of "Cal ifornia Syrup of Figs," which has full directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups plainly printed on the bottle. Look carefully and see that It Is made by the fornla Fig Syrup Company."— Adv. Wooden Motor Tires. Motorcycles are being shipped abroad with wooden tires Instead of those of rubber. The former answers all purposes lu some localities, but no rubber Is allowed to go abroad now ex cept for war purposes. FARMERS ARE WORKING HARfiER And using their feet mora tlisn ever before. For *ll these workers the frequent use of Allen's Foot— Euo, the antliepUo powder to be shaken Into the shoes and sprinkled In the foot-bath, Increases their efficiency and In sures needed physical comfort. It takes the Friction from the Shoe, freshens the feet, sad prevents tired, aching and blistered feet. Women everywhere are oonstant users of Allen's Foot— Kase. Don't jfet foot sore, get Allen's Foot—Rase. Bold by dealers every srhere, 2&c. —Adv. Norway has established a domestic •cience school for girls at Stavanger. Constipation generally Indlratea H»ord»r«d stomach, liver an« bowels. Wrlght'e Indian Vegetable Pllle restores regularity without griping Adv. Chile's tillable soil Is held by seven per cent of the population. Grove's Baby Bowel Medicine aids JMgeetlnn. relloTns Sour Hlonisch, Diarrhoea and Flu*. It Is Ju»t m effective for /.dull* as tor oil Id re n. Perfectly harmless. The flnllclnn oil fields are especially rich In paraffin. I Children Cry For ; Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drop* and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the . i Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea —The Mother's Friend. ; GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS j In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought * Exact Cop) R of WnpfNb TH« OMTAUW COMMHV. W«W Tonight! Take Dodson's Liver Tone! Better Than Calomel For Liver Calomel sickens! If bilious, constipated and head achy read my guarantee. \ • / Listen to me! Tnke no more sicken/ lng, salivating calomel when bilious ch: constipated. Don't lose n day's work I Calomel Is mercury or quicksilver, which causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel, when It comes into contact with sour bile, crashes Into It, break ing It up. This Is when you feel that awful nausea and cramping. If you are sluggish and "all knocked out," If your liver Is torpid and consti pated or you have headache, dizziness, coated tongue, If breath Is bad or ■tomach sour, just take a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone. Here's my guarantee—Oo to any drug store and get a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone for a few cents. Take a spoonful tonight, and If it doesn't Be very certain that Just as soon ns you start feeling sorry for yourself, everybody else Is going to stop. NO WORMS i In A Healthy Child All children troubled with worms have an un-, healthy color, wtiich indicates poor blood, and as a rule, there is more or less stomach disturbance. Grovo'a Tasteless c contains just what the blood needs, Iron and Quinine in a form acceptable to the most delicate stomach and if given regularly for two or three weeks will enrich the blood, improve the digestion and act as a general strengthening tonic to the whole system. Nature will then throw off or dispel the worms, and the child will be in perfect health. It is pleasant to take. Price 60c. PERFECTLY HARMLESS. CONTAINS NO NUX-VOMICA OR OTHER POISONOUS DRUGS. When A General Strengthen ing Tonlo is Needed in the Home For For the Mother or Take Drove's chill T_ Sapolio doing its work. Scouring for U.S.Marine Corps recruits. Join Now! APPLY AT ANY POST OFFICE us. ••"IS-rST" for MARINK SERVICE UNDER THIS EMBLEM straighten you right ap and make yaa fool fine and vigorous by moraine, I want you to go back to tbe store aaA got your money. Dodson's Liver Taa* IN destroying tbe sale of calomel ft* cause It Is real liver medicine; entlr»> ly vegetable, therefore It can not mM» vate or moke you sick. I guarantee that one spoonful «f Dodson's Liver Tone will put yMV sluggish liver to work and clean ftmt bowels of that sour bile and coMtt* poted waste which Is clogging fMK system and making you feel I guarantee that a bottle of Dodmfe Liver Tone will keep your entire AM* Uy feeling fine for months. Give It ftM your children. It Is harmless; docaTl gripe and they like Its pleasant —Adv. FOR SALE-PEAS Whlppoorwlll S2.t& for quick sale. Drafl wife bill of lading. 4. W. CABTtB C#.. JACKS#*

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