Oak City Items Mr. David and Miss Alma House, of Stokes, spent Sunday . with Mrs. B. M. Worsley. Joe Bunting and Paul Rawls spent a part of Sunday in Tar boro. H. S. Everett and family spent Sunday night in Robersonville. Miss Jefferson House spent Sunday and Monday in Rober sonville with her sister. v William and Virginia Ross, of Robersonville, are spending the week with J. C. Ross and family. Mr. and Mrs. T- W. Daven port returned from Bath last Wednesday. Little Mildred Davenport is visiting relatives in Bath G. H. Averett spent the week end in Greenville W. H. Laughinghouse and Ernest Harrell spent Sunday at Ocean Vies v Mrs Mollie Haskett, of Wash ington, and Mrs. Pat/Haikett, of Port Norfolk, are spending a few days with relatives here. Joe Avers, of Camp Jackson, and Miss Kate Beatrice McLean, of Cameron, were quietly marri ed Sunday, June lfith, at the home of the bride Mr. Ayers was with the Oak City Supply Co , before enlisting in the Army and Miss McLean was a former teacher here. It is reported that Lieut. Gro ver Wynne of the Aviation Corps formerly of Parmele, and Miss Thelma Harrell, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harrell, were married Saturday. To Subscribers Of W. Tel. Co. I desire to say a few words to the subscribers of the Williams ton Telephone Company, who have been so kind to me since I have been employed as night operator. I commenced working for the Company about five years ago, and have tried to give the very best service that I could at all times. It would indeed be a pleasure to me if I could continue to work on through the years to come. For I feel that I am doing a great service to accommodate people, and the Central office is a broad field for such accommo dation. I have been called to the colors, and, therefore, am forced to re sign as operator. Some day I hope to come back and resume my old and pleasant dutv of ser ving the people thro the weary hours of the night. Thanking every subscriber of the Company for even the slight est courtesy shown to nr- during the years as night operator, I beg to remain. Yours to serve, Simon Liliey. Annual Recital For the first time, the Graded School auditorium was used on Monday evening, when the music deparlment of the school under Miss Helen Maynard gave the annual recital The auditorium was not quite complete, but suf ficient chairs had been placed to accommodate the 'audience. A new piano was used, and this added greatly to the pleasure of both performers and hearers. The programme opened with a chorus by the High School girls, and between the first and second parts of the programme, the playlet, "The Unexpected Guest" was presented in a pleas ing manner by a number of school girls. The girls in the cast were, Sallie Brown, Martha Slade Has aell, Mary Clyde Leggett, Mattie Lou Anderson, Sarah Harrell, Louise Harrison, Estelle Craw ford, Annie Clyde Gurganus, Janie Edwards, Eva Eure, Mar tla Gotten Crawford, Nina Up ton* Nellie Wynne. The musical programme eon- tained numbers from famous 1 authors, and the pupils showed | thorough training and a close ap-! plication to the study of the art. ! Though the pupils were ali young, they memorized perfect ly and exhibited marked improve ment in technique. Mrs. J. G. I Staton and Mr. W. T. Meadows ] offered prizes for expression and j time: these were won respective-; iy by Mary Belle Harrell and Vel- j ma Harrison. Prof, Edgar E | Bundv presented the prizes in a few well chosen words. Mrs. I Carrie Biggs Williams, Mrs J. ; H- Saunders and Miss Hilda Crawford acted as judges. Who Will Be Responsible If North Carolina Fails? . I If North Carolian should fail to ' 'go over the top" on June 28, is it going your County or Township that made the State fail? Every County and Town ship Chairman has a definite duty assigned him in the War-Savings Campaign. If each will see that the duty assigned him is faith fully discharged and that his own County or Township goes over, the State will triumphantly suc ceed in raising its quota in pled on June 28 Who can afford not to do what the Government has asked him at this serious time? And who can be responsible for the Sta;e's failing by allowing, his own County or Township or Town to fail? Toe secret of -North Carolina's success or fail ure on the 28th will be whether or not every man does the work assigned to him for that week and that dav. I The Kaiser's Talk To Hell ! • I Tiie Kaiser railed the I>evll up On the telephone one day. The girl at central listened to All they had to sav. 'Hello" she heard the Kaiser say, "Is old man Satan home Just tell him it is Kaiser Bill That wants him on the phone." The Devil said "Hello" to Bill, And Bill said "Haw are you I'm running here on earth a hell; Now tell trie wha to "What can I do," the Oevil sai !. "Mj drar old Kaiser Bi!'; If there's an> thing that I ia.i do To help you I sure will." The Kaiser said; ' Now listen. And I will try to tel.' The way that I am r imrn^ On earth a 1110 lern Hell I suved for this fo m:tuy \«ais, Ami I've started out t> kdl; That it will he a modern j,b You leave it to Kaiser Jill. • My a-itu) went through Belgium, , Shootiug women and children down, We tore up all her country / nd blew up every town. My Zepps droppe 1 bomb* on cities, Killing both young and old, And those the Zeppelins didn't get Were taken out and hung. I started out for Pans With the ai 1 of ;.>i-onotn gas, The Belgians, darn 'em stopped me, And wouldn't let me My submarines aie devils, Why, you wouldn't s>-e them fight; They go sneaking through the sea, And will sink a ship on sight 11 was running things t-j suit ma, Till a year or sa ug• >, When a man named ! A oodr Wilsou Told me to g■> m r>; mow. He says to tile, 'D-ar William, I don't want to tnnk ■ \ou sore, So be sure to tell > our t'-Boats To sink .ur ships mo We have tel 1 yon for •time. So. dear Bill it' nri to yoti And if you do not s: j it You'll have to light uje ton." I did not listen 11 him. And he's coming after me With a million Yankee soldiers From their homes across the sea Now tbat'« why I calied \ou Satan, I For I want advice from you; I know that you will tell me, Just what I ought to do " '"My dear old Kaiser Bill, There's not much to tell, For the Yanks will make it hotter Than I can for you in hell. I've been a mean old devil. But not half as mean as you, And the minute that you get here I will give my job to you. I'll be ready for your coming, I And I'll keep the fires all bright, • And I'll have your room all ready When the Yanks begin to fight, For the boytia blue will get you—> * I have nothing more to tell; Hang np the pdone and get your hat, And meet me here in hell." THi. fTNTERPRISE, WTLLIAMSTOR, NORTH CAROLINA # Tell Us About It «If you desire advice or information about business or financial matters, come into this bank and confer with They will hold all conferences strictly cofidential and their wide experience and, knowledge in such matters will enable them to give you sound, impartial and help- NV e are here o be of service to the community; make i Farmers and Merchants Bank R. W. SALISBURY, V-Fres. TURNER T. GRIMES, Asst. Cashier •C D CARSI ARI'HkN.Jr. Bookkeeper ALMA SPARKS, Stenographer Don' t Spend Your Summer In a Hot ivitchen I lon't be sine i*i 1 li MII % ;• •i» HUM'S and wash ing dishes. With a II i • i r K ■ > C abinet you can sit down iDinfui'M:!.' ..i \ out w» : \ '-n an tave nearly half tinif i '* 11 ri re, i t i 'in'narc the n \ ;ind put awav th • cook infill i , •! I pre-. 11' c li. e 1.1. Witc.i li .i ii is di'.order, never unneces sary work and no miles and miles of steps. Summer cook ing is n it irksome—meals are (pikkly gotten in more than a million homes that have tl is abinet. tr *r $ y- W KT- """• r v . M, .• • /• _ j £«. I 4 vlt- 'ilk OA~Mf V II nisur - iv-> : ■•> I nv • >'• in measuring and 111! Mil- .1' I k' • : 'lf! |;,', -s. ,\ 1 ' r,i •'. ■ . ;ed by tlie IJoos ier C'liica • > ■.• i- ;••>•! :t- « .•> .tie incorported in the H ■ ■ - This cabinet i- ~ 2 r . ye.n '!••'.■ .pment There is nothing better. Yet Hooster osts r-oin : 'iien lesser makes. $31.00 to $41.50 East Carolina Teachers Training School A Stale fcclnvrois to train teachers for the public schools of North Carolina, Every energy is directed to this one purpose. Tuition free to all who agree to teach. Fall Term begins Sept. 25, 1918 For catalogue and other information address ROBT. H. WRIGHT, President Greenville, N. C. *- - - Screen Doors and Windows CARSTARPHEN is headquarters for 'em The house fly and mosquito are not only disagree able, but dangerous, the former sprcuds typhoid, the latter malaria. ~ Screen Them Out and swat those already in your home. And inci dentially let us sell you your sereening and swat ting outfits. SHINGLES Two carloads of them just received - - good ones too! Priced right. ( . I). CAKSTAKPHKN I H A I L! I /♦V vt/ 1 INSURANCE! | ■ -ST W jM * . ( , , „ . \V against Eoss by II HI I MI 1 THE OLD KtLlAiii.E I Si/ /|V v \f/ Home Insurance Company of New \ ork m assets amounting to w m W ! $40,000,000 -l A /|\ Call, write or phone. I will take pleasure I in explaining terms, rates, etc. I K. .B Crawford § j| Phone 39. W '•%••" • * ■ .