UNCLE SAM'S SATURDAY SERVICE LEAGUE: — j Will be Recorded in History a* a Most Worthy Institution \ In an effort to fully utilize all ! available labor on the farms dur ing this period ,of national-emer gency. The Agricultural Exten sion Service is now organizing a . new club among the negroes to be known as, Uncle Sam's Sat urday Service League." This j work will be in direct charge of ' John D. Wray, Farm Makers' J Club Agent for the Extension j Service, located at A. &T. Col lege, Greensboro. He will be as- , sisted by L. E. Hall, Negro Dis trict Agent in Farm Demonstra tion work, and will utilize the services of the 25, or more, local negro agents in the more thickly settled negro commnities. It is the plan of Club Agent Wray to enroll persons above t >ti years of age to join the Lea gue by requiring them to sign a , card and return same to his of lice. Upon receipt of the card, those who pledge to work on Saturday afternoons until Nov 30, 11)18, will be given a button with asilverfield andgoid letters, while those who continue until Novr'3o, 1919, will t)e given a button with a gold field and sil ver. , Wray has recently written to every leader of the colored peo ple in North Carolina, urging them to put thematterbeforo v the people so that it will be an out standing fact that the North Carolina negro is not a slacker. .He has estimated that by working Saturday afternoons the 5,000 negroes in the State can contribute 250,000 days, or 585 years of work each week. When all labor is so scarce, and the need for food so great, au:h a saving as this will mean much to North Carolina. The negroes of Alabama have been organized in this same way, and are accomplishing splendid results for toe State. * "A Soldier Of The Sea" Richmond, Va., June 29 - Charles Smallwood Biggs, of Williamston. N. C., was one of eleven well known young men who enlisted in the United States Marines Corps at the district re cruiting oflice here today. He ap plied for enlistment at the Nor folk station He left tonight for l'aris Island, S C., to begin his training as a "Soldier of The Sea" n Martin Sends Another Fighting Squad Though the hour was early, a large crowd at the station on Friday morning to bid the nineteen selected men good bye, who had been ordered to report on that day. Mr. Simon Lilley was chosen by thT Hoard to take charge of the men en route to Camp Jackson. The lied Cross had provided comfort bags and sweaters for each man, and friends and relatives had present ed other gifts to please the boys who went away with smiles on their faces. The squad was a splendid assortment of the sturdy manhood of the county, and there is no fear that they will not do their full duty. Those leaving were: * George Augustus Burroughs William Dillard Edmondson Vesta La Fayette Simpson Odias Alexander Brown v Albert Taylor Gurkin. John Alfred Hardison Hoy Aulander Coburn Leland I). Roberson Preston M. Holliday Joaeph Guy Forbes John Alfred Lilley Charles Parrisher . Alton T. Riddick George W. Wynn Rnhprt Edwards Herbert L. Rives Gainor Holliday Simon Lilley Pillie A. Long. Teachers Examination Examinations for white teach ers of Martin County will be held on July 9-10, for the color ,ed teachers, July 11th, at the Court House beginning at 10 A. M., new time. , . ' AJ, Manning, Sijpt. NOTICE. H>iving qualified as' Executors upon the F stateot N. S Peel deceased; Notice is hereby given to ail v* rson * holding clat-*-* saia Kttate to present theui uiiut uuders gned tor payment on or before the 17 day of June 1919. or this notice will be plend in bar ot their recov ery. ' All persons indebted to said Estate ate requested to immediate pay ment. * This 17 day of JuneU9lß, . \ J. S; Peel, W. C. Manning Executors. 6—al Notice Of Sale. Under and by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Martin County in the Special Proceedings, entitled "In re; Mahala Hatch, Adeline SprulU, Martha Joyiter, Owen Little; Noah Rodgers Louis Roberson and heirs of Petter Lutle, • to-wit:- Andrew, Peter, William, Winnie, Klia and Ida Little and Mollie Daniel, Kx parte" the undersigned commission er" will, on Monday the 15th. day of July 1918, at twelve o'clock noon, at the court house doot of Martin Couuty at Williamston, N C., offer at public sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the fol lowing described land to-wit:- Reginiiing 011 the public road at the Conner of P II Cotfield. and runs thence S6l w 144 poles; Ihence S 15 poles, thence N6l K IJ7 poles to the road, thence N 34 E. 11 poles to the be ginning, containing five acres, more or less. H M STUBBS, Commissioner. This 1 Ith jay of June i^iH, North Carolina, Martiu Couuty, In the Superior Court Before the Clerk. ltettieC. Gurgatius vs. Rebecca kespass and William Respass. The defendants above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Martin Coupty, North Carolina, for the puri>ose of a sale for partition of the House and Lot situated in Williams ton, N. C., on the South B*st side of Church Street in the said town, it !>eing tlie same premises on which Ix>ui>.i Kep pasu lived and died and said defendants will takefurther notice that they andeach of them are required to appear ut the of fice of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Martin County at the Court House in Williamston, N. C , ou the 17th day of July, 1918, ami answer or demur to the jx-tition of playitilT, or the plaintiff will apply the Court for relief demanded therein „ This j4tli day of June, 1918. K J. PEEL, Sii|>erior Court. fa 28 A APPLICATION Ft tot PARDON John Williams Application will be made to the Gov ernor of North Carolina for the pardon of John Williams, convicted at the Sep tember Term of the Superior Court for the crime of assault and sentenced to the Roads lor a term of eighteen (18) months. All persons who oppose the granting of said psrilon are invited to forward their protests tp the Governor without delay. This the 34th day of June, 1918 Crilcher aud Cntcher, Attys. Ordiance The liofiril of ConiiuiHHionerK (or the Town of Wlllmmstouv North Carolina, in h reKular meeting July I y IM, do enact: Til At It nhftll lie unlawful for a|iy.l>er son, firm or corporation to solicit, Iralxir in the town of Willlannttoii without tirut procuring a written l,iccnsp fioin the Mayor of aaiil town. I'roviilert that this shall not apply to any |ieraon, firm or corporation whose plant or-business i* permanently located in the Town of Williatuiton. The License 011 the l,ahor Soliciting Agent shall be >SOO per year and shall run from July Ist to July Ist, and any per>on violating the provision of this Ordinance shall lie K u, ''y " nisde uienor and shall upon conviction, be fin ed S3OO. This ordinance to £0 into ef fect, this July 1, lyiH. B, F. Godwin, Mayor, Leslie l'owden, Secy. 7—5 Notice And Summons North Carolina, Martin County. 111 The Superior Court Before The Clerk. Hureka Lumber Company, Peti.ioner VS "J. M, Green, James Sheppurd, A I). O. A. Feele, C. B Harrison,, Kll Roberson, Wheeler Roberson, J, B. Leggett, H. W lyeggett. ) B. Wkitaker, J. 4. Roebuck, J. R. liivenport, J. W. Chaupcey, N A Rogerson, George 4- Hoell, Fayette Everett, J. A Urittaiu, Aaron Mi/ell. - ~ TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The parties above named aud all oth ers iptereateit, will take notice" tbat on the »Htb, day of June, 1918, the above naaiel petitioner filed a petition in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Hyde County. North Carolina, to have tbe title to certain lands therein described registered aud pursuant to Chapter yy, Public j JL>»wtf~'of ■ 913, as amended, and lEat summons has been issued, returnable into the of. fiee of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Martin County, on the 26th day ol Auguat, 191H, at 10 o'clock In the \ M. flic slid land is bounded as follows Firat tract. Bounded on the North by (the lends of J. B. l,etKelt. »" the F.ast aud -Southeast by Turkey aud Bear Grass Swamps', ou the South by hurckn Lumber Company and J. W Chauucy, ou tbe Southwest and Weal by. Tranters Creek, James Roebuck and others; c»n taming 4SO acres. Sccouil tract: Bounded on the North Slid Northeast by G A Feel C. B Har risou, Rli Roger sou and Wheeler Rog erson; on the East by James Sheppard; on the Southwest by A 1). Ha llev; 011 the West by G. A Feel, containing 10M acres, f . Third tract: Bounded on the North by Aarou Mizell; on the East by J. A. Uriitain, ou the South by J A. llrittain and on the West by J. A. Brittain; con tain iug 46 8 acrea. _i - WMich sald lfliwis are more fully de •cribedTin' metes ami bounds, iu ihe petition ahd map filid therewith; and the adjoining laud owners are those hereinabove named. Notice is given that upon the return ■ of said summons, will ask , that tbe same be referred to an Etami ' ner and tbat it* title be ajid • confirmed. Given under my hand and official seal, ' this 28th day of June, rqlS. R. J. Peel, Clerk of the Superior Court of Mirtin County. 7-5—4 >ROFESSIONAL CARI>S los. H. Saunders, M. I). Physician and Surgeon )ay phone 53 - Night phone 40 Williamston. N. C. j Win. H. 'Voiron J. S. Rhodes )rs. Warren & Rhodes J Physicians and Surgcori§*^| Iffice in Bigga I>rug Store Thone 7. | hiugh B. York, M. D ! Microscopy, Electrotherapy, X- i Ray, Diagnosis, Specialties Office on Smith wick St.. rear Blount llio Office hours. Bto 10 a. nr.. 7t09 p. ni. ! Offic; 'phone 60 - Niglit 'phone 63 Dr P. B. CONE Dentist Office over Farmers and Mer chants Bank. Hours 9 to 12 and I to 5 Phone No. 9 Res Phone No. 15> Dr. A. It. lIKU, 0«tOO|>tl ill bar. INosti mul I hrout aodard Building, 'Wilii.unstou. N C. Tuesdays and Fridays All other days in Washington. Telephone Connections Dr. R. L. Savage of Rocky Mount will be at the Atlantic Hotel fourth Wendnes- Jay in each month to treat dis eases of the EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT and FIT GLASSES A. R. Dunning ( Uyton, Moorr m DUNNING & MOORK Attorney'* and Counsellor* At Law Office H4 Main St.. ovn K. k. Hodge* »torr I WtUiamflon, N. C. Phone I E B. A. CRITCHER H. I). CRITCHKK | CRITCHER & CRITCHER Attorney- at-IiAW MAIN STREET PHONE H Williamston. N. C. Wheeler Miirtiu Wheeler Martin, Martin & Martin Attorncys-at-Law Williamston - North Carolina 'I'IUINK Dunning & Smith Attorneys-, t Law Williamston, N. C. Robersonville, N. C. S. J. Everett] Attorney-at-Law ■ lieeuville, N. C. - Willlaiiiston, N .I', Greenville I oiik Distance I'honc .1. I). SliA 1)10 Undertaker ami Licensed I'-inli^v 111 IT Pl y mllii 111, - N. C. Phone j7. VV r 111 i,i ill st >n. N, C Dr. K. N. (iOKDON Veterinarian Calls answered day in 11i 14111 . )l --ll e |)lii»iu" (day) iij'i, Resilient * phone i'iii, J. K. POPK Notary Public ()iTi( A' Martin County Savings \ Trust Company Business Announcements j. 1.. PKKLK Watch, Clock and Jewelry * RKPAIKINi; Prices Reasonable :: Work C^uaiafiteed Rooms over W. J. Hodges Grocery .Store- Williamston, N. C. Money to Lend On Improved Farm LnmH in Martin County at f> per cent. Wheolei.* Mm ft in Wililamston, N, C. Money to Loan On Real l£»tate From One Thmisartid lf|> For Five tj 'IVn Years Critcher & Critcher K. I\ BUNCH Ajrent For Carolina Metal ShingleM Williamston. N. C Phone 17 r | Mrs- Mat! .* Speller • 111 I OHNHMAI, Ml ..'CHAN 1)1 •> Also a full line of wall paper. Phone vs «VJ4Mmn«»t on, Pt • Skewarkec Lodge No. 90 * Skewarkee Lodge No. 90, A. F. & A. M., meets every second and fourth Tuesday night at 8 o'clock. HAIL Insurance Let us insure your tohacco oiul other crops against Loss bv ILiil in''l lie Old Hartforil OrgunizeiJ 1 S 1 () Assets amount ing to $35,000,000 Phone us our No. is 8 Old Bank of Martin County Building. I will take pleasure in ex plaining ternies, rates ete. J. K. POPK, Manager Insurance Dept. MARTIN ISTV mm & TRUST COMPANY, MS. RIIONI: NO. s Increased Facilities to Serve the People of VVilliarh ton anil Martin County. The connecting of our stores with two large arches places us in position to give our pat rons a quicker, more econo mical service than ever he fore. Our stocks will con * tinuc as complete as the mar kets will attortl. The people are earnestly invited to avail themselves of our superior facilities to serve them. J. L. HASSELL & COMPANY f V m fell Us About It ' yotl l ' es ' rc ndvice or information about business or financial mailers, conic into thin bank and confer with --•: our officers. MM l f ' Til -ATmk -H iH c ■■. 7 —— J • • vvm r"'t ~-'_•- -* NK l Tt They will holt all conferences strictly cofidentiul and ill •' their wide experience and knowledge in such matters lln ww BBfrW.# ffllrTf •-'»'••//•- , . . , ... i 1 ;'l H[ Kgwr IN will enable llicm lo tfive you sound, impartial and help- i Ij' ill MfoE Si! t i' ; ful advice. _ " C ** | BftigiißSssKiJ fM _ | VVc arc here to Iffc'of service to the community; make ,r f I'M ' jJ9|n i- ftaJ I ..... i full use of our facilities. *, ' HI. K > ' . x * r t IB&... -*• f j|fs l m Farmers and Merchants Bank 11 fflEf Hi ■ i l= S ASSETS OVKR -5800.000.00 li®Sv !Hp I 7 Williamston, N. Q. ; " 7'f CI . V OFFICERS: _ I, ~ 01 "1 Vj-'"" JOHN h/IUGCS, President' R (I. HARRISON, Cashier &&L, , _ ' -£&&£''' c. It, CARSTARPIIKN, V-Pres. OILBERT PEEL, Asst.Cashier " • | vV. SALISBURY, V-Pres. TURNER T. GRIMES, Asst. Cashier " " c.U. CARS'TARPHKN,Jr. Bookkeeper ALMA SPARKS, Stenographer ■ . • - ' r'. . (s•>! ? . . f 1 L ' . as. »I k ®4"> ? ' ■ . ° J iWttt Screen Doors and Windows CARSTARPHENi is headquarters for 'em • r . , ' • I he house fly and mosquito are not only disagree able, hu( dangerous, the former spreads typhoid/ the latter malaria. Screen Them Out and swat those alread> in your home. And inci dentally let us sell you your screening and swat ting outfits. ' 4 / SHINGLES Two carloads of them just received - - good ones loo! I'rieed right. ( . I). (AISSTAKHIKN -w : FISK ( ()A>l) tires air made in the ribbed tread lainiliarh associated with ( ttnl I ires and in the fa mous I isk Non-Skid Tread. No matter which of these I iu-s \ t >iu !loose you cannot /\\ | i ',> wrong! ■fr i || \T lln \ ;irr l>ig, sturdy, \ \V\f lirauti llll combining re mlk in v, speed, mileage, ; all t> and comfort. * York & Peel Williamston, IN. C.