V U. S. Army Deserters List of names of persons under tlie jurisdiction of the Local Board of Martin Count} who have been inducted into the military service who have failed to appear. I heir appre hension and delivery to the nearest - nohlization camp will entitle the person making the arrest and delivery fifty (50.00) dollars for each one. Name Race Last Known Address James Henry Mohlcy, White Williams(on, N, C. Henry Frank Corey John Ballard, Col. Simon Fegan Jr., Will ie Rogers, Willie Barnes, John Staton, " Hamilton, N. C. James Brown, Charles Morris, \ * " Ldenton, N. C. George Drew, " Jamesville, N. C. Klias Daniel, James Anderson Boyd. Joscp h L. Ilardison. NN hitc John Henry Savage. " Palmy ra v |NJ. C. Lester Williams, Col. Charles Sears, " Oak City, N. C, Edward Williams, " o " Kenneth Williams, * James Jones, " llohgood, N. C. Kelly Alhritton, Jonah Andrews, " Rohersonville, N. C. Lugene Harrow, John Lorenzo Stokes, Lowquarters & Pumps For Mm, Women, Children V & Our stocks arc larjjv and well se lected - in fact we hclieve we can please the most diseriniinali 1114*. Prices Reduced STRAW HATS This is open season for Straws - and good ones arc essential. You will find u wide' variety of styles and patterns at our store - all good one too RUTEN.'IRG & ADLER Williamson's Shopping Center :: Next to Biggs Drug —-J r •' : ... ■ • JE) re* >. -sj" 'ii . , '/- ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS OF LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS TO RED CROSS FUND \V. K Mar hall, slioul,d be 5.00 Mrs. Ida 'Everett 100 Mrs J i> Biggs. Jr' >5.00 \\* .jj' Alexander. |r. i oo K C Bai.le\- io ? oo (rv j Sal ter white ' - i oo I. I . s°° .. ~ • 'M Mrs. Mel lie llvman i oo I 1' 15a l lies, new 100,00 .... ' Mrs. ,M njfljn- Alexander 1 00 I (). livereti, new 25.00 lyeon Andrews 1 00 Will 11 a mston (Colored) M-»*ses Alexander 1 00 \V T. A lex a ikU r 1000 Win I.atliam 1 00 W V. Orm .ml 75? Wliit Rutiin _ 1 00 A. M K. /. Sunday Si/howl 770 Sylvester Woolaril 100 t*s. I. A. Rojjeis 500 \V. Samuel Williams » 100 Mrs. I'eitie Andrews i; 00 Iarrissa I >aru ill 100 K I) Ormoiid 500 Millie Slade V - I 00 1 |) Sladr . " ■> 00 Sadie Kagen 1 00' Sam Winloi h ' 500 Dr. K A. Lloyd !•' 1.. Allen 300 A ). 15rjjyv 11 1 00 Ml- SI»1 io Hap San. School 300 I. 11. Hines '' . 100 Colored Red llros- Aux. J. I. Hyman 1 00 U ulien S1»«• lie 1 t 200 l and) Riillin jOO lames I), (iray -1S ' Te>ek iah Spruill * 100 I'"en ner Re-11 >as-. .'OO I; 1,111 k 11 11liu > 100 i. Hin-k Sjiellei 1' O'i Alll tn .11 \ Sk\les 2j Uiihald Mlmi 1 hi; . 200 1.111 i.jn Spru ill 100 >liss P.itsie K"'vs 1 IJ' >!" 1 le--j-a \ 5.. Mi.? Mar"; lel 11 v 111 ■ 111 1 id j Nettie SI ,'idi ",1 1 Cleop 11 1 ..1 Alldl •\\ 100|M Is. Not a>i it I[l 1w 11 ite j i>o V M I'. / * 11111 •11 1o? llen 1 \ I' . I'. \elrt I I. iO WILI.IAMSTON AND VICINITY,, 1,1 " r K v 1;",' 1 (aty, was hereSuridav at.d left Monday accompanied iiy Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Henry ( ] > «*ruiU;t>niand,Uui cliidr*->-»—*4H#= sire visitors in town. " 'have been the guests ot Mrs, ■John Martin was here from J* • 11 (Jodwin. Hamilton Sunday. Jacob Orleans, of Wasliii.j-ion, Mrs. iJ. IL* Biggs and Miss is injjr his uncle, Nathan Penelope Biggs l«*ft last week Orleans, on (•hureh Street fur New York where they visit- Mlss Sa „,v „ tMl , ev rftturilH , ' d «• li'KKS who .s Mon()av from a vjsjt lo frje(i(ig stationed at ( amp Mils. Lieutenant W II Harrell, Mrs. Bettie (Jurkin is at home who ha« been at Kale,gh taking afUjra vj „ jt t() n . |atiwH in the examination before the s,nitfifit-1,1 State Boa d of Kxamir.ers, is at borne thi week with his mother Roland Ellison, of Suliolk. i> a on Simmons Avenue. visitor '» ,(,wn this w> i'k. Miss (iussie Wiristead spent Charles Hughes, of Norfolk, is Saturday- night and Sunday in v ' s|l| "K his uncle, Mr hred Washington. (iardner. Mrs Hunter Price, "accompani ''*• Mrs. J. W. Williams ed by Mrs. Marcel I, of Baltimore ji ; 1 "1 children, of Everett*, spent returned home this week. Sunday here Dr. James S. Rhodes, who lias | Mrs. .) VV Watts and Miss sull'cred with symptornsofappen j Mary Iladys Watts .sp'ent Sat ilicitis, recently, is in Richmond ! urday and Sunday in Plymouth. this week for treatment. | Mr s, J. A White and little T. Smith and Reynolds j son, of Hohgood, iire tho quests Smith have been here this week, | of Mrs. (' I). 'arstarplien. stopping on their way to the ~ , , . , ~, , - j Mrs Sam r'l .lohnion, ol iif South aroliua tobacco market*? i ,■ tolk, is visiting her daughter, Hubert X, Warretwuf Durham, i ;Vlrs , Ve( , (Tarduer A ho was en route t> the South 'aroliua markets, has been a Mrs. \ ivrctte and children, of visitor in town this week. ' Battleboro, left. Tuesday after a . ~ ... . I visit to Mrs. (ieorge Harrison on Miss Miriam Stancill who, lor!.. ~ t ,. , - I lassell htreet 'months has. been stenographer md' hook-keeper for W. Mann ; Mrs Taylor and daughter are ing. lias resigned and returned ' 'he quests ot Mrs. W T. Ward to her - home near Washington. | Main Street. She lei'i Tuesday acccmipaiiie !by | Mrs. Anna Harrison left Wed- William Stancill, Miss Ella Mil . r, 1 r.esdav for a visit to her mother ol Kichmopd. .and. ■ Alms t uuper, ijn South Carolina of Washington. rs (trover Havdison with a Arthur Wooten. of Koberson- party of friends motored to Wash ville, was in town Sunday. ington Tuesday. Mrs. R. B. Hayes is the guest Mrs. Eulghum, of Wilson, is of Mrs W. C Livermanon West the guest of her sister, Mrs. P. Main Street. *» | |{ Cone on I laughton Street. ArTime for Conservation • T i"" v - —* nr We are all called'on by Uncle Sam to conser ve our every resource. Jfj What doing to answer his call? ifj You can do no better than opening a Savings Account with this bank , Call and let us talk it over with you ; •v • • • * - - — r •- ~ ;c:. - I—A ' • . . • " ' ' . ' v . With a man that does not save Opportunity is like ships that Pass in the Night " THE PEOPLES BANK WILLIAMBTON, N. C. J. G. STATON, Pres. J. L. HASSELL, V. Pres. . V. R. TAYLOR, 2d V. Pres. C, H. GODWIN, Cashier JNO. L. RODGERSON, Asst. Cashier LUHER PEEL, Teller Is There a Fire Extinguisher in YOUR home? What would YOU do in ease of FIRE? ; "j >- ♦ Every" home should have a good Fire Exting uisher, every store should have several good Fire Extinguishers, every automobile owner should have one for his ear; every user of gasoline for commercial purposes should have at least two good Fire Extinguishers. Indeed there is so few people that do not need them we eannpt rceall them. Instantaneous Fire Extinguishers are saving millions in property every month. They will save jour property if used in time. FARMERS you will not he dependent on your neighbor's help in ease of fire if you own one or more of these Extinguishers. The general agency of Eastern Carolina for the Instantaneous Fire Extinguisher has been secured by me and I will be glad to supply (he people of this section. Agents Wanted I want a real live agent in every Township in Martin County.. Liberal contracts will be given to honest and energetic agents. Those interested should either #cc fr write 111 c once F. M. SHUTE Enterprise Pub. Co. Williamston, N. C. —do you believe in patron izing home industry— —or do you believe in giving the "foreigner" your busi ness when a home enterprise ean furnish you the SAME arliele at the SA M E priee. buy your office furniture and office supplies at home —from us (i-F All Steel Filing Fqnipment and Office Furniture, Culler Desks, Tilylor's Muster Line of Chairs, Kovul I ypewritcrs, Wales Visible Adding and Accountiivg Nlachines Dennison's Tags und Specialties, (Hurler's Inks, Webster's Typewriter Ribbons und Carbo'n Papers, I-1 * Loose Leaf Account ing Ilookkccpiiig Systems -l orms und De vices, etc., etc. Our prices ure the same us the other fellows. Enterprise Publishing Company

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