~' • Yoluine 19. Number 38 NORTH CAROLINA GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION ENDORSES ACTION OF WASHINGTON MEETWC Resolutions Passed Commending State Highway Com mission for Appropriation - Recommends State and Federal Aid The North Carolina Good i lioacU* Associa :ion met •, at | V.'iightsville this week, and Mar , tin County was represented by Messrs. IV W. Stubbs, A. R. Dunning and Wheeler Martin. Wilmington is vitally interested in the Hankhead Highway's l tute through Eastern Carolina. ; ml it was expected that great t lthusiam would prevail, and a telegram was received by W. C Manning from the represen tatives announcing that the res oiutions favoring the route over tle Roanoke at Williamston had been unanimously adopted amid great enthusiasm. A copy ot the resolutions was sent here at once and appears below: 'This convention receives with approval the gratifying informa tion of th? gre t meeting in the interest of the Eastern High way on the 30th day of July, l!U8, in Washington, N C. The project is both feasiable and practicable. Resolved: That we approve the location of the contemplated highway, beginning at Wilming ton, N. C. and crossing the Roa noke riverat Williamston, N C., and ending at the world's great est naval base at Norfolk, Va Resolved: That we recommend fiat the various Highway Com missions—National, Stats and County—contribute to tha build ing and erection of the said highway and necessary bridges, and we endorse the action of the North Carolina State Highway * Corf)mission in making liberal appropriation to said enterprise." Oak City Items Mrs. Wilmer House left for Albermale Monday to spend a couple of weeks ♦ Rev. R. D Carroll, of Char lotte. left Monday for his home. Rev. T. J. Crisp returned to 'Mildred Monday Jim Council, of Greenville, spent the week end with rel atives. Mrs. Clara A. I lines and daughter, Miss Clarice Cart wright, are spending a few days in Norfolk this week. Miss Jefferson House returned from Rocky Mount Sunday even ing, ► Mr. Spencer Harrell, after a long illness with typhoid fever, died at his home last Tuesday morning He was buried ia the family graveyard Wednesday af ternoon. He leaves a wife (who was Miss Hlount Johnson,) two brothers, Ben arid- Lester Har rell, his mother and one sister, Mrs. Van Harrell, to mourn his loss.. Needham Hyman, Ben Har rell, Tom Sills and Thurman Bunting left for camp with this last draft of our boys. Mrs Margaret Manning and children, of Washington, spent Sunday here as the guest of her brother, W. H. Laughinghouse. j - Received Appointment Dr. William E Warren, coun ty physician, has received from Surgeon General Blue in Washington a letter notifying him of his appointment ..as as sistant collaborating epidemio logist in the United States Pub lic Service. The duties of such in official, the principlal of these ia to report with an effort of try to control the various contagious diseases of the country. The gen eral public could render a good service to the officials as well as themselves by reporting all cases of this character. Williamston Personal Miss Louise Bridget- the week with ifr-'r father at Elrod, and returns! today. Mr. iindMra. F.n W.ulluyt, Mrs. J. S. Rhodes, Mrs. Rome Higgs, Mrs. J. (i. Staton, Mr. and Mrs C, H. Musself funl K 15. ("raw ford are at Virginia B\ich tins week. George Phillips, of Battieboro, spent Sunday in town Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Thrower and children spent Sunday here. Mrs. A J. Manning and chil dren visited relatives in Washington this week Misses Martha Slade Hassell and Lida Cook are visiting Miss Sallie Cook at Hopewell, Va. H. H. Pope and family, of Rob ersonville, motored here Sunday to visit relatives. Miss Anna LtWis, who is a prominent educator in the .City of Chicago, has been the guest of her cousin, Mrs. Julius Purvis, this week. Mrs. J. H. Saunders and Miss Irene Smith went to Virginia Heach last week. Clayton Moore joined his wife and child at Virginia Beach last week James Edwin Harrell spent Sunday with his mother. Roland Crawford was in Raleigh last week. Mrs. Herbert Perry and chil dren, of Hamlfto?T~*wterc here this week. Miss Lilah Philpot, of Oak City, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. J. L. Philpot, on Ray Street. Mrs. Myrtle Evans spent the week end in Jamesville. Miss Pansy Smith, of Enfield, is the guest of Miss Gladys Balance this week, f Earl Leggett, of Bayboro, is visiting his mother here this week. *Sr Miss Lessie Wells, of Rocky Mount, is the guest of Miss Pearl Meadows this week. ' lieon Timberlake, of Rocky was a visitor in town this week. Arthur Wooten, of Roberson ville, was a visitor in town Sat urday. Miss Mary White went to Raleigh last week, and on Mon day entered King's Business Col lege to take the course. Miss Musa Lure has returned from to Red Springs ac companied by Miss Allene Odom. Dr. B. L. Long and John Mar tin were in town Monday on business Mrs J. G. Godard and Master Joe Godard, Jr , - with Misses Sallie Hadley and Jessie Hodges left for Ocean View on Wednes day. Mr and Mrs. Thomas Crudup and children, of Kittrel, visited here this week, and left yester day -moVning accompanied by Mrs Julius 11. Purvis. Vernon Sewell, of Murfrees boro, is the of his brother C. P. Sewell this week. Rev. Mr. Woodson, of Vicks burg. Miss., is a visitor in town this week. Mrs. C. B. Clark has as her guests this week Mrs. J. H.Clark and Miss Nellie Clark, of Dur ham. Miss Helen Powell, ofParmele, is a visitor in town. Dowell Burroughs, of Nashville, was in town this week on busi ness. . I ' Rev. H. M. Eure has gone to hold a series of meetings. " Williamston, Martin Coiyity, N. C. August Mils M ill UN SENDS ANOTHER i QUOTA TO TRAINING CAMP The Martin County Exemption Hoard under call No. 5)74 sent,, thirty white men to Camp Wads i worth on Monday. July sth. The | following young men entrained: Geo. Washington Corey, Win. Orlando Griffin, Jesse Thurman Hunting, 'LeMondc Clyde Brown, Sylvester Oscar Heel. Henry Baser Smith. Waller Leander Gurganus, Edward Hunting Jr., Arthur Lee Woolen, Lewis Out law Clark. JustuS Bryant Jordan -Hyman, -fohn I Thomas Si lis, Arthur Earl Mann ing, Charlie Mack Hulloek. Ho lland (iuy Coburn, William Henry Modlin, Mayo Heel, James Barn hill, Jr.. McOaniel Beach, Me Luther Peel, James Robert Legg ett. Llovd Lawson Ausbon, Many Roberson, James Arthur Corey, lien Lewis Harrell, Stephen M. Ewell. Lafavette Roebuck, Henry Stalls, John Alfred Philpot. The Board also sent, lour limit ed service men to Syracuse, N. Y., where they will he placed in whatever work for which they are prepared. These men were Luke lamb, Collins Peel, Duke Cri teller and Arthur Perry Messrs. Lain!) anil Critcher were allowed to leave several days previous as they desired to visit New York Citv en route. T. A Patrick and family will move to Robersonville, where Mr. Patrick will be in the em ploy of W. A. Koberson & C'«»., manufacturers of the famous Parker Buggies W H. Leggett has raised the finest watermelons seen here this season. He farms atConoho,. and i 3 making splendid crops not only in melons, hut in other produce on the lands there. The melons went; easily at f>o e«uU the piece. The office force can vouch .for the quality of the mel ons, for Mr Leggett graciously presented a fine one Tuesday for which lie-received the thanks of the entire force. £t your tobacco right to sell the Williamston market; s- high and plenty of money to back them Senator Harry W Stubbs, Hon. A. R Dunning and Mr W J. Whitaker are at Wrightsville this week attending the North Carolina (!t od Roads meeting. It was asked that each county send at least three representatives, and Martin complied with the request. If one desires to know how thewar is going "over there," glance up at the top of the build ing occupied by Matthew Spann, the Italian patriot; Both the American and Italian llags are flying when the Allies are winn ing. The Williamston tobacco mir ket opens the 2lst Keep your eye on it, and bring every pile here, ....... ir . Rev. H. M. Lure will -conduct a meeting at Williams Chapel next week. R N. Griffin brought a corn plaint in Wednesday that a crowd of boys were bathing at the creek bridge clad only in Na ture's garments. The law requir es that those bathing at the bridge must wear bathintr suits or clothes of some kind. Perhaps, the boys were HO hot that they forgot the law Prof. C. VV Wilson, of Green ville, will occupy the pulpit of the Baptist Church Sunday morn ing and evening. Master Demingo S.iano. son of Mr. and Mrs. Mat ew Spa no, was at home to a I rge number of little friends on\ Wednesday evening. There wei • games and ice cream and delicious cake were served in abundance. Miss Veatriee lioberson pre-_ sented the office force a box fill ed with grapes and flowers this morning, and a hard day rendered less tiresome thereby, Miss Roberson has a prominent place on the list of the good | friends of the force. FREE ANTI-TYPIHIID VACCINATION 111 11 111 II The Typhoid situation in the ,|Stateis ai plvsent particularly iemtoarrasi-ing to the State Hoard of Health, I, '•> •li Nort.li Car olinians com' 'rued for the safety ami reputaii i i of the State, not only on hV .not nf -the farts themselves. i>.ii is they are, hut because tl iu ition in the Slate is giving e >-f mmi !o the "liieers of the a; 1 in »o aecntwit of its beariug on t.f health conditions j in military eoc .nipinentp j i)rHfte*t nv-nit'iog io nium lies m the State in which Typhoid fever pre vails mili tary cam!).-:, may carryribc di sease into- liie camps, loiivey it to other., and impose! an un necessary sudtijess rate as a •miliary in the way of the plans of tlfe counlryi to win the war as speedily as possible. An active Anti Ty|>J|»d cam paign will soon boxful in this county under ' the dirvtiuu* of Dr. Wm, Fj. Warren.flu the meantime those desiring the treatment, which is fre4» will be given to tlieni at his in The Peoples Hank building,! Those that have been vaccinate! within two years do not need ■ The treatment, is absolutely harm leSS. ' | I Average typhoid fev« ' death rate by North Carolina' ounties for the years 1914. 11)1 i, 11)1(5, 11>17. 11)17 rate for St» 30 a. Martin County ha|» tin highest in the State, or 61. Rev. W. R. Burrell In N v York A card was received lj W. C. Manning from liev. W. Bur rell on Tuesday saylr.g that he was at Columbia University "hik ing, studying French, eating and doing things genfrally ftvmi 7 a m. to 10 p. m., and feeling line " l> every word one could learn of the spirit within the man that, carried him oil' to care for our boys "over there" as far as he was able to g*et in touch with them. Fueling thai his knovvf edge of French needed to he "brushed up," he entered Col umbia for study, as lie desired to be perfectly prepared to meet any emergency in France. That he will do his full duty in what ever work he may be pi iced, is confidently expected. Though his life has been filled with service, he has entered u|T7u Lli't! larger work which calls for the best in a man. Resolutions Resolved: In the death of Mrs. Eliza Hodges Keith, which oc curred on July (ith, 11)18, our Church and Aid Society have sustained a loss that cannot easily he filled. Oh beautiful rest! Who could wish her back t> a life of dis couragement because of no hope of regaining health. To her hus band and loved ones wo extend our sympathy; That a copy of these resolu tions be spread upon the minutes of the Aid Society and a copy sent, to the Italeigh Christian Advocate, and I" our ** home paper, The Enterprise, for pub lication. Mrs. Ceorge Gnrganus, C. I) 'arstnrphen, " II M Eure, " .John 1 K Simpson. Guards In Uniform 6 ' The muni hi y drill of the Mar tin County Guards was held here Tuesday on the campus of the Graded School. Though the ther mometer climbed high, the men, clad in--uniforms of forest green formed and were put through the drill according to regulations. The Guards now present a very i soldierly appearance, and when 'eqipped with guns etc , will make a fine looking part of the State's militia. , I j PEOPLES RANK MOVES INTO ITS HAND* Nil HOME f riie hand Mine building of the Peoples Bank is-lining occupid now by the-oll'n .t ami eh ual force l'lie buildim'. sle nl ] 'liave been read) for o. cupaney by February Ist, but .owing to the extreme weather nf last winter, and the inabihu to net ship'«"nts ol 111 it.-rial. the completion of the building .vie; greatly delayed. As it stands finished, il is one of the hand soinesi bank hongs m i |j«> en tire -Htnte, -«v»-Hiog more than S.|O,IHH) There ire three doors with an eiilreiol in' intv./.mine lloor, making (lie munling room one of the most commodious' in .1 modern building The vault was placed in with the guaran tee that it was e«|iial to anv in North Carolina, c-ombiniug both in utility, and • safely Tnere the President's room, Farmei room, Rest Boom for women, toilets, lavotorie ;m fac'tevorv thing in keeping with a model i structure. The furniture ami II ; lures of lluL Cuuntng room are of mahogany with marble wains coating and tiled floor. On the second floor front-are the offices occuiped by Kader It. Crawford, and the third lloor I contains the offices of Dunning & Moore and Drs Warren & Rhodes. Though the institution is just a little over a year old. it has rfiached heights in banking still unattained by many old institu tions in tlie United States. Its officers and directors are trained business men and know ho.v to "carry on" as the English say these war times. Williamston is proud of the institution and its home, and has just cause f> be. . New Regulation* To niit't the growing demand foiled 'ross and Y M C /\ workers the War De partment has decided to modify the regulations which govern the granting of passports to women relatives of men' m the United Stales service so that the sis-, ters of soldiers may be enrolled for fojS'ign service if certain con dilions are rigidly observed. The first of these is that any sister to go across must he a duly accredit'd inepib r of one the regular authorized organi/.a wliich are doing CVork m Europe She must also ho particularly qualified by training for t he posi tion which she is to fill ami is sent to France :5 a Ivorker and not as a relative Shg,.uuxil.mak.t' no effort. to visit lie'r relatives in France whether they uie sick or well, "and if she violates anv of these rules tlie -organizatiou I which she'belongs must in ik" it. self responsible for returning her immediately to America. In. the event that any one of these sisters --should" marry art officer or soldier in the American Expeditionary Forces altvr her her arrival in Europe ohe will automatically b/' sent back to I the United States liy the organi zation in which she is serving This modification.of the regu lions will open I lie field of foreign service to many women who have hitherto been refused passports. The orginal regulations. still apply to the wives, mother.', and (laugtln rs of men in the service ' Dogs Free From Rabies Mr. John Edmondsony who was bit by two dogs last week and who had the heads of the animals examined, received the pleasant information that neither animal had rabies. Now he possesses t hat sStisfied fcellng that he is safe from the dreaded disease, hydrophobia The dogs were just viefous, and owners of such should take proper precau tions to protect people. But who wants a vicious dog anyway? COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MEET IN KEIrtJIAR MONTHLY SESSION MONDAY; Special (iood Roads Election for Jamesville Township - Hug Pole Ordered tor Courthouse Jurors Drawn Heath of Mis. M. i. Taylor t >»»at11 entered tho homo of Mr. Mac (! Taylor on August iird, ISMS, an>l took away tho soul of tilt' wile and mother, whose siitl •rings lot- inonths" hail been in tense. Bettio Taylor was the daughter of the late Levi S. lones anil wife, ami the sister. »f Mrs. A. I!.' Avers, of ltfar llrtss Reared in a quiet. Chris dan home, she embodied in her life and character tin l teachings of that home, and which titled her for a helpmeet to the litis hand, who will miss her through the years. Three little children are left motherless in the home. As a neighbor and friend, Mrs. Taylor nave largely of herself, and all around her are hereft For sometime disease hat] attacked the hody, and h ispital treatment and reinedies had failed to stop i s ravages. Anil so the end came like the gentle closing of Ihe ll nvcr at set of sun. On Sunday, Aim. Ith, the funeral services were conducted at, the home hy Elder .1. N. Rod person in the a large number of people, who had come to pay the last mark of respect to the dead and to comfort the living. Interment was in the Jones Cemetery. lo Locate In Baltimore Eugene M. Gorily, wlio for three years has been proprietor lof tlm Atlantic Hotel and wliuae leasts ends (Iclober Ist, will leave here an I locate in Baltimore. Mrs. Gordy and Mrs. Ihinter Price left laM week for that city. The inability to secure ellicient help high rents imhicetl Mr. t'emly In seek othtV fields It is Ins jjitent ion to keep rooiim for rent in the city Mr. Cortly lias done faithfulwork in trying to serve (lie -public during the three years that he has kept the hotel, and was largely patronized by the traveling public lie vvas al so manager of the Caiely Thea tre Friends .here regret that lie with his excellent famils will re side elsewhere. Merchants are Wnrnednot to Violate Food l.aws —Renminbis' dilution is extremely grave Merchants" are warned not. to violate the aii«ar or anv T« n»«I regulations Simar can be sold lor canning I»■ itpo ,es only \\ h. n the pur chaser has a certificate from the County Food Administrator. The Hour regulations are the ssnie. a=r for the pastseveral morrihs. ■ - v Any customer kicking' the gov eriimenl's policy in the Food Ad ministration should not be per mitted lo purchase any food sup plies. Merchants and customers let iis all vet behind this country and win the war like unselfish patriots. ) * W C. Manning, Food Ad ninistrator North Carolina's Quota Four hundred arid sixty volun teers are to come from North Carolina to increase the Students Nursis Reserve of twenty five thousand recruit?. Four vojun ters are expected to enlist from Martin county. The campaign for securing the quota apportToiT ed tlx Stat' 4 and county will be waged at. once in an effort to have the number ready to begin training a"& soon as-needed. The entire twenty-five thous? and called for are wanted by the first. Advertiser* will find our Columns a Latch Key to 1100 Martin County Homea. Established 1899 The Hoard of County Commis sioners field their August sion on Monday with John L. I lassell, Chairman, presiding. The regular routine business was conducted as usual, and all mat ters pertaining to the good of the county were discussed. One special feature of the session was an order for an election to be * held for the improvement of the •lamesville Township road by a special tax levy. The Woman's Council of National Defense Martin Coun ty Division, at its last meet ing appointed a committee to arrange for a flag-raising day in October; this committee i* com posed of Mrs. J. G Staton, Mrs. •J. W Andrews and Mrs. K. B.„ [Crawford The flags to be raised an' the Liberty Loan and the W. S. S. flags The Board of Com missioners was asked to have a suitable flag pole raised on the the Court. House for this pur pose, and an order was passed for the same. The following jurymen were drawn for the September Term of Superior Court: First week: J. D. Bailey, J. F. Ilolliday, W. J. Warrington, Jos, Lanier, L. (J. Leggett, J, H. Ritldick, C. C. Coltrain, Win, W. lioberson, W. R GrifTin, E. H. Manning, John D. Mizzell, J F. Britton, Charlie Rodgerson, James if. Terry, R. L. Perry, J. o. Manning, W. S. Peel, W. 11. Edwards. G. L Keel, J. B. Ayers, j. 0. Peel, H. (). -Daniel, T. W. lioberson, J. Dawson Rob erson, J. T. Taylor, B. 11. Rob-, ersijn, John D. Parker, VV. T. I'rilie, A. Everett, J. S liob ersiin, (). T. Everett, 11. L. Tay lor,|F. M.~-llarrell, F. M. Price, S. I):. Johnson, E. 1.. Glover. Second week: E (J. Waters. A. 15. Kogerson, Ben R. Mann ing, Redmond Harrison, U. D. Harrison, Geo. W. Blount, John W. J.'B. Waters, C, B. Roebuck, J. Dawson I' V'ick, L. 1. Creasey, Thomas li Johnson, W. S White, 11 J Haislip, Julian Vick,' II l> Warren. Death of A Little Child The home of Mr. and Mrs, hrnpeh If. Roebuck was sadden ed on Wednesday, Aug. 7th, by Tmntrnttrort help Iftße child, -wtnr for months had suffered. Last winter the child had the measles, later being attacked with the whooping cough and then suffered with fever and pneumonia. But tho little body stood the ravages of the di seases for months, and at last gave up the spirit within which went to dwell with the Father of little children. , Yesterday the funeral was con ducted at the home of the par ents on the Washington Road near \Villiamston, and the body of the young child was laid to rest beneath the flower-strewn mound, Down Behind Copper SherifJjPagp is oih the "utill" hunt Jrtf copper, which is not a ij#4*fral product of Martin Coun ty, but is evidently an imported metal This time the copper was found just on the inside of the field of Jim Bowen, and was in the bushes, of course. The kettle holds about («) gallons, and there were four barrels of beei and twenty empty barrel*. The oper* attfr was 'scarce" when the Sheriff called. A Little Child Die* Wednesday, July 31st, at 6 o'clock p. m., the death angel entered the home of Mr. And Mrs. W. H. Gurganus and took from them their little babe, Mel lon Virginia, aged 11 months. Just one week ago today God took our sweet child away. How we do miss her. Written by Mrs. Gurganus.