EVERY MAN OVER 18 AND UNDER 46 (not previously registered) MUST REGISTER NEXT THURSDAY Mr • MHHMMM Devoted to the Interest of I M iil'n C aunty in General & I I W in Pellicular I Yolmnr 19. Number 4=2 LNTHUSIASTIC HIGHWAY MEETING HELD MONDAY NIGHT-PROMINENT MEN PRESENT The Pathfinders of the Bank- K'ad Highway arrived in Will* smston Monday as previously rranged. and were enthusiasti cally received. Col. Benehan Cameron had preceded the party aavi ig *ome on Saturday even tu r . The people of Martin and the adjoining counties had been :.sk»'d to come to Williamston to meet the Pathfinders, and to add i heir strength to the meeting, which was called to be held in tne auditorium of the Graded School Monday evening. At the hour named for this meeting, a large and representa tive number of people had filled the vast space, and the air was pregnant with enthusiastic in n-rest. The meeting was called i) order by Senator Harry W. Slubbs, and Judge Stephen C. Hragaw, of Washington, was inade chairman. Mr. Stubbs was asked to state '.he purpose of the meeting, and he said that since the 6th of Mav, '.he date of the first meeting at Wiljiamston, he had attended l ight meetings for the discuss .on of the route of the Bankhead Highway, and each one was full of enthmiam. Col. Benehan Cameron made a lousing speech in which he em phasized the need of the High way through this territory, and the splendid opportunity the peo ple had to sgcure the same by imply falling in line and doing he part required of them. To )01. Cameron the people are nore indebted for the opportuni \y offered than to any one el»e, as it was to his direct influence - tlwi Highway w to some thi», iar to the Southeast. Following Col. Cameron, came \lr J. A. Rountree, of Birming ham. Ala., Secretary-Treasurer of the National Bankhead High way Commission: he spoke inter j rstingly on the history of the Highway which already extends through Georgia, Alabama, a part of Tennessee .and Arkansas. State Engineer Fallis made • ilain the Jaw governing the nw -ssary co-operation of Stafe, 'bounty and National Highways He gave the assurance that his department would be in position 10 proceed with the work imme diately, and that the only thing •IOW needed was to procure funds to begin the operation. Mr. D. H. Winslow, Mainten ance Engineer, addressed the audience urging the co-operative community spirit, that being the only means whereby people may expect to attain success. Messrs John Lashley and Ernest Will iamson, members of the High way Engineering Corps, were ilso in attendance to add their strength to the meeting. delegations of citizens from Beaufort, Hertfort, Bertie and Pitt Counties were present, among whom were prominent bankers who are intensely inter ested in securing the Highway. Judge Bragaw and others pledg ed to support the project in what ever was asked of the counties they represented; he said that though Martin County and Will lamston would get the bridge, all county lines had been effaced and Beaufort would do her part. Perhaps, no meeting during all the campaign for the High way has been more enthusiastic; co-operation was the keynote and it struck a responsive chord in the mind and heart of the visitors and the Martin County people. Tuesday morning, the Path finders accompanied by Wheeler Martin, Dr. and Mrs. John D. Biggs, C. A. Harrison, R. E. Roberson. J. W. Watts. John L. Hassell, Reynolds Smith, Samp son Hadley, John L Rodgerson, A. R. Dunning, and Senator Harry W. Stubbs. left for Ral eigh on auto via Robersonville, Bethel, Rocky Mount, where they were greeted enthusiasty ■cilly. —J THE ENTERPRISE Chapman-Hadley The home of Mr and Mrs. Thomas Shepherd Hadley, near Williamsion, was the scene of an early autumn marriage on Tues day morning at seven o'clock, when Miss Lela Hadley, the eld est daughter of the home, wed ded Mr. H. Craig Chapman, for merly of Chesterfield, S. C. The betrothed pair stood before banks of lovely ferns and asters and pledged themselves for life, El der Asa J. Manning, pastor'of the bride, impressively perform ing the ceremony Mrs. Warren Biggs rendered Mendelshonn's Wedding March and other se lections during the hour. The bride was charmingly dressed in a taupe colored cloth suit with hat and gloves to match, and carried bride's rosea She is one of Martin County's splendid young women, who possesses a trained intellect, and has won much success as a teacher in this and other counties. Her qualities of mind and heart properly fit her for the relations of the life into which she has just entered, and the making of a home in an- town. Mr. Chapman is an efficiency engineer, and his territory covers four states He and Mrs. Chap man will spend some time in the mountains of Tennessee, later making their home in Greens boro. Mr. and Mrs. Z. Hardy ROB* and children, of Ntjuse, Wake County, were present at the marriage R«cky Mount Fair The principal feature of inter est to everv man, woman and child who attends the fair is the exhibits, in fact, a fair is simply an event that affords the people of the section it embraces an op portunity to see what that sec tion is doing in the lines of ag riculture, livestock poultry and other branches of rountine en deavor. At the fair the people see the quality of the crops beins raised in their section, the quali ty of the livestock, the poultry, and the work being done in the schools, home, etc. It is alwaye interesting and the big exhibit hall at the Rocky Mount fair if always crowded during the foui days of the fair by large crowds, eager to see the exhibits and profit by what they see. The Rocky Mount fair has been noted for the excellent quality and variety of bits. Every farm product is or display and every manner of ex hibit native of this section wil be seen The largest nnmber ol exhibitors in the history of tin fair will have their exhibits or display this year and because o! this fact additional space has been provided by the fair com pany to accommodate the variec exhibits that have been arrang ed for. The livestock exhibits, whiel are of interest to all, will be ar especial feature, as will be th displays of farm products. Prac tically all available space already has been requested by the exhi bitors. Besides the usual local exhibit: there will be exhibits by the gov ernment of the United Statei Department of Agriculture These exhibits are to be sent t( the Rocky Mount Fair by th( government for the purpose oi stimulating interest in food con servation, the raising of biggei and better crops, the promotior of the art of canning, and everj other movement that would aic in the successful prosecution ol ' the war. ( Sell your tobacco in Williams . ton and buy your goods at th same place. Willirtinston, Martin Count*, N. 0. September >, 10 is Williamston Personal Mrs. Myrtle Evans spent Sun day in Jamesville. F. E Boone returned from 1 Lexington, Ky . this week. Mrs. S. I). Matthews visited Mrs. Wheeler Martin last week. ' Luther Peel has returned , from Camp Wadsworth. George Howard Kent is visit ing relatives in town. Serjeant James A Leggett is at home oil leave for seven days Ben Long Rives, of Tarboro, was in town Sunday evening Misslrma Leary, of Norfolk, is the guest of Mrs. Eli Gurgan us. H I. Coffield, of High Point, visited Mrs. J 11. Purvis here last week Wllnvr ('handler, of Rober sonville, was in town Sunday evening. Miss Martha Ward left yester day for Lexington where she will teach in the High School. W. T. Meadows is having very attractive additions made to his home on West Main Street Miss Esther Gluyas. left Mon day for Charlotte to visit rela tives Clyde Everett, of Roberson ' vifle, was a visitor in town Sun day. Miss Helen L. Maynard is the guest of Mrs. J. G Staton this week. Misses Mary King Ellison and Musa Eure with Hermon Taylor went to Washington Wednesday. Miss Alma F. Sparks spent the week-end in Robersonville ' with her parents. Dr. J W Webb, of Washing ' ton, was in town Tuesday on business Miss Beaulah Baker, of Little ton, is visiting friends in town this week. Miss Irene Smith has returned ' from Beaufort and Virginia ' Beach Mrs Julian Freeman, of At lanta, Ga , is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. S Rhodes Mrs. Clayton Moore and little I daughter are visiting relatives in Washington this week. . Bill Peel, who several months r ago volunteered for the Navy, . left Wednesday morning for Norfolk. ! Miss Emma Robertson return s ed from Suffolk Tuesday accom ; panied by Mrs Roland Robert i son and children Mrs. X. T Keel and children, who visited relatives here for ' several weeks, have returned to Rocky Mount ' H. Marriott Britt, who is sta tioned at the IJ S. N Hospital, Norfolk wts at home this week ' on a short furlough. I Mr and Mrs. Mark Ruflin, of f Tarboro spent Monday and Tues ? day hece with their parents Mr , and Mrs. J. 11. Britt. f Don't forget to buy some i shares in the Building and !/>an - tomorrow or next week. It pays 1 to save, and this is an excellent - opportunity to save systematical* ly 1 Scuppernong grapes ar,? ripen -1 ing, and town folks are enjoying 3 rides and visits in the country these cool days and nights. r From the nnmber of cars seen here on Sunday, there was not a j close observance of the gasoline saving request, bu' many of the 5 folks just took a pin around own. ) C. D. Carstarph >r» has had the ; interior of his store improved f greatly by the addition of white - paint, and everything has the ap r pearance of thrift. 1 Roy T. Griffin and family are ' now occupying their new home * in East Williartiston. The home is ' one of the most attractive in the town, and is fitted with electric lights and water. J. Robert Har - rell and sister will occupy the e Hobbs house just vacated by Mf. Griffin. The need for homes Accepted Pastorate The oflici il ■embers of the! Mem rinl Church ai •• j pleased to aaaounce that i I Rev. J. F. of Mock\ die, N. C., accepted a call P> 'he pastorate of that Church, ami will preach In rt Sunday morn ing and ni .lit. He came heie and preached i i \iitfiist and made a most favorable 1 * irrtprcssion on the congia ,rat ion, and it was de cided to pirmally call him to serve here He Is a young man about thirty two years of age and attended the Baptist Then logical Seminary at Eouisville, and has been in the pastorate for more than three^ears. The public 1a cordially invited to hear him at each service Goes Back to Former Field The Knterprfle regrets that Mr Fred M. Shute has severed his connection With the business, and returned toßoannke Rapids, his former field of labor. It was satisfactory to have him work with us, because he had previous experience her* and knew the people and th# work. Hut the call to come back to Rnaiit ke Rapids was too, strong, ami so In severed all business relations here, and Sunday morning ac companied by wife and little daughter, left'fdr the Rapids, where he will manage the Her ald Publishing Company. Before he left, Mr. Manning secured the serflces of Mr Roger il. Hurriss, foi*nerl\ of South port. who has had many years in every phase of a newspaper and job oflice. He i 8 splendidly equip ped for service to the printing trade Won Cofennission Thomas J Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs T J Smith, of Dan ville, Va. K «rrived here last week to visit his farther, who repre sents the Imperial Tobacco Co., on the local market. He has just returned from Camp Gordon. Ga., where he was commissioned Second Lieutenant in the In fan try. He was in the selective draft and was sent to Camp L"e, and from there to Camp Sevier, and graduated at ('amp Gordon. is great, and there should be something done to meet, the need. Big tobacco sales on the mar ket every day, and the prices are still in the air. Bring every pound to Williamston and get happy right away. If you want to save your earn ings, purchase some shares m the Building and Loan- new se ries to QPMl .tomorrow. Go to the Martin County Savings and Trust Company and learn about it Those who have seen the fence around the home of Fred Gardner pronounce it a beauty. Mr. Gardner made the cement blocks in the backyard and tlem built the fence an excellent ex hibition of resourcefulness A small colored boy. whoso parents live in the vicinity of the County Home, was playing with a loaded gun Monday, and killed himself .Just another case of carelessness on the part of the parents in having a loaded gun in the home Dorothy Thrower, littledaugh ter of Mi and Mrs. J. L. Throw er, was taken to the Fawle Memorial Hospital, Washington. Tuesday, where Dr. H. W ("af ter operated on her for diseased tonsils and adenoids. She was able to be brought home late in the dav. Miss Frames E, Knight arriv ed home Wednesday evening. She has been at Wrigjitsville and Wilmington, where she with was her school friends, Miss Lucile Grey, of Woodruff, S. G.," anil Miss Emma Cross, of ('harlot te, i N. Cv, who were the guests of Mrs. Howard W. Goodman, of i Wilrhington. Limited Men Aral Other '.» r The I,ocai lio in! \w' ;•> 1 ll Oil 10 Si'llli lllt'l. II til 1 service class, and mi A • Miliar,l Harroll Wariv.i .mil t Ira U , Edgar Smith were sent '■ •'amp Greene. Charlotte, V " On September Ist, th !'. ing selected o»U»r 1 n« \ •i• ed for Camp Le. V.;: 1 LMlry ('. Nuim, 11 . Sur\ VV. itaker. Clint"!! l irn 11 nert Spruill, Lnm n, (!r \, \i. Lan .Id-, ii.-r, 'lai > .u* !. ;• i. A : gust us Lo>), Willie Hopkins Turner Ward, II n Im i t l>a\ i Oil Sept. I'll, th>' iollov itii li riiteil servie • whit • m n \\ • r • sent to Camp I Inm|ihre>\ i: Win llarv. \ linker. • \.S ■ Everett, V\ m. IMllai .1 I ' ll!" i • " son, I iOiniie (' Gardner, iI. i I), .lenkins, .1 as Adrian lit son, S\ I Vest ei' S Ml' ire Today, Sept mil, I\\ o v\ 11• mi'ii in tin- 11 in ill ■ lela • It 11 . n Camp laeliS'in: Perlit' I \K*lli" \lon • Roberson. Oak (ity Win. Aiiis|.'» u' [i ,|n- i s spending a Yew layo vy ■t i» .Mr and Mrs. .1. ,1 I i , t!ii M.s. I. F. HiiWi ii l. f; heme in I lop. well S n urdav night Miss Air. 1111; "!. I lor i'i' 1 weight' - Wharf Mot,! , m •• o ing Shi' will ol i • 11, i I)rivers, \ a. Miss liuv. WiMvmi i I and \l i- s Ma nie >'l\«l - \'\ do n - of lioaiioke dv 11ml.', *i,' t i.i. guests ol M iss i' 1 110-■ 11• •ii 11« 11 ' Miss Ht'r SIC Maiimn • r.■' ii' m(I from a visit to Rohei; i.uville • day. Miss Aildi• * Ailam.i. ni llnpe well, Va , spent a |o,C d.n : at the home ||[M. A. 1: i t!. Herman Mnimrtij.', m' Uoftrtdn Kapifl spcii! he i uri ( 'i! 1 1 : " 11.ii'i'iiIs, Mr . J. \V . Ma 1 .i. •. M K I!et111' ti nd litlij n , of Roanoke Rapid , v' ,;i ' -"i. day wil Ii Im; fat In r, I. A. net I .W. I»rv ant I 11 unl io. I\, of Palmyra, speal ;ju : la, a father's, Messrs Slaile \v mie Meeks, ol Spring «r • i, I lie guests II ! I A. I Jennet i .Vll day. Tom Vale Mi ; ■ (iertic Yale ; petii 11 « - ».. • at Emporia, Va Mrs. Ri'S ->ie Manning I Sunday p. in wiili M' ; All ■ « Alligood - Miss Est e|je J I in", , do, -it" of Mr. .1 W. 11'. . a i : i to Mr • I »:ii lip a , colli lie I "i>1111 tV, Sues.', I a» Ihe iI'I HI d parents, R"v ' '' i 'o mg. Miss Ella 1 v'ohi r m., ,t daiightei ni thel.it- I' Roberson, was ip;e fciy- -pi e-H to Mr. J a :ob Vaugh in. >-i S land Nee;., So• d i . I' . ' Ist R--V. T. .1 i Y'isp p. r:- ~ , in ceremt>n\ Word.n of Appreciation We wish lii tliank cad every niv In - 'a • help and cotniian , d i",e.: ness ni ;,.ir ■ i ' f .,'r. W press our ippr/ei .'i ■• i I e haild and hnr he •' and could not I.vr i . The people ol tae have bee a a ;n--ai 1,. and we wish tle rn all / >•»•! , ThaiiKs to von ail. Mrs. W'al"- S --i ' STRAYED 1 ha. n pan, one black and \, about one and on • hall ear old; split in left, ear 1 1 I s i • tooth in right ear. O.vn e.r have same by*"*paying d mages and for this al. !|r. .1. S Rho I s SALESMAN WANTED. Lu bricating Oil, Grease, Spe. ialties, paint, part or whole tinv. Cm. -mission basig. Man with car or rig Relin king Company. Clcvefand Ohio. COLORED iiOY KILLED NEAR HERE SATURDAY —■JOHN ABHEORD HELD WITHOUT BON) . . mdav a,'t ■.-1 noon, Peter i ra-imand l"!in ll.nry Ash ford. ■ .*'!!• TO I lio\ s, aei'd respect ■ i> 1 1 and .'li \a ar.-, drove in t - te. -v ii t ro II ; ' n 'ho and report I i thai ilonian Hurt, another t' '! Ie ei lio V; ■: >. 11 1. i' \ c'ar s nil, • I : ' o:''i ;eh at rho hum.' of', i'•i.'ii he ■ o! i 'o||.i\ Speiloi, ,tepfather o' oan . Hurl, s •eiired a team ami aci'i iiipain d h> a friend, • hai".'■ ia '! il\ Io the house to i' luli'i' aid lo 'lie liny 1 'pon ar ii'>o: ,'n'v i• iilllll thai lie WI.SI I 1 ad. 11.,\ no. In , slim through so ,u rk .vnifti severed the jugu lar \. p . V loaded gun was rest- In i w'i en ins knees and ae.- ii l lift' '.iio a; up in a rack on tiif 'A dl V i' ii an I nipt vsludl in it, s:,l e a - u'.dieat i.i:i |K)inte I to Jo ■ai I. i,at It :ia I been recent - i I ■' li Kuigiit. eln P io il a i liny composed is A ,1. Manning, A ■ I Sr. ale i !ei. .1. i I I'urv is, ,1 II as ,I 'h i mrganus and a. w liti after In ar li. '. 1 i- I ; ' i", i ieiic't- dial etiiild I e■ ■■ | in tlie iMe, , and oi 11. i , "r. i 1 rs"! ;hi. verdict; i" ie I>iirt eaiiie ie his i • . -a Ol I> ni either I 'otfl' * i .'ia* 11- or\ \ diloril. 'I \-.'i!' i:'d' v'.'-re ur. st i'a ai i j- s - d i i jail riie i 'asoii no, '« a ..ft | iii la.k, and I i i: 1 .1111 a; .i I'elea; tti n.r o l oial ul and Ashlord a , si at la ck tu .pill without in.,el ('list i told thai lie and lt rnsm { .it were al the home ni ('liai li I' u nes at play ill the v-.im 1. wool. .Inan H 11rv Ashford oiivc ai iiiK .ni a e.trt , and I 11• fiji' d i" j Mr, them in play, .a 1..., . ;In v.lap lash of ;: i ■a: 11 o • ■ t fi• • i i\ca, , i i in. a iik . \ ill 11 ml with R ID I ■ I ■ • .'■' lin . ad naturally in ■ll aA ; nj'd, lin\\ ever, abtnil lii i i' i.e imi, ihe wit I. . , .. ( .| t ie ■ ■a A I lie bit;; ' 1.. ' i . a , aid .: -ki'd the ntln r I ... . y :. dp lain i. i ;.oi ttie;u ■ oi•, i. ,• .. ;;,i . ,i'i l used lie went, .i .a. , .. aa a, :;i" li I I h. 'heard a " ... i ( 111. •I ■• " ; is' lel lll'llt' I I'. I i. ; ■■ ■, ! AAS HIT I ;t the \ .!•:•••• !, li" aid to TAIL'. I) HI . \II I', 1 1 VOI DO I'll k i . \ ■ a " ('as a; a .ed what iki l: -a a! ■ ,'.as ia 11 A -di loi d • , i'il i; I . i a clit alone :'ii i-" :.;j' ii.'iad l.lie i i i HI .;. ■ 1 ■I ■ iif ii )*••! on sea 11 i • t" ' ■ I a',',' li I o 11 'I I 1 ait a ai i.ad ■■■>', hmi'.eil. Io !'ay r.u •a ! Veterans il 'i .. in • • I f . Wei e i i In i I'd' 'd I lie ' • .m; • aoaers mi . • i. , 11,," - in' a. . it i m-diV-1 lie' I! .11i oi ( '■ .mini- ione s 'a _l»i11 v, thai an I I ii ••• 5,,.e rail* j t.lt ••. 'i* ■I. . a 'on federate i; , : . ' o l I .ll I'lils-il, , , I'M i, , ! tae a | ipropriati 1. ; •! • . a.d . a r ■ ...I to .1 'ihn s. iii or 11 I o: - e 1 ■ . .. I'.HS " L , .. i i tiy the| i, . 1 :aiinii'-s|oi • aas ■. i r. t-a 'ie be dis- I . ; ,i ,os it ::o, mis. ■ ;j, w ; ; a 111. at which sIP 11 !.. - ... l ie i'l I pil red . i . i .aI o, i ia: • u .if, or the .. ilat.nu; same will lie en i'o 01>;crve .L'v*ish New Year ■; T,: ' ■.. ar of tiie Jewish era be- as .-• -111. -« i■o I•. (Sept. tit h,) li. ti, ,■ ien la-. - , l'ne store ot 1;.. nberi: vV. Alder will bel ei ..a-d.'-lu gii.ning at sunset to* • t. in,ti! 7 eciock Saturday (to , trim i tiw.i Mr. Ruten'berg desires r to niuke tla.s to ais customers, st» they will understand the reason for clot- I ing. Advertiser* will find our Column** Latch Key to MOO Martin County Home*. fifttablished 1898 Junior Red Cross Members present at the Ju - ior Red tiroes meeting, Augu t !hh: Esther. Evelyn, Martha at J Louise Harrison, Catherine He • (iison, Susie James, Virgir a Heriick, Mary King Elliso Musa Kure, Eva Eure, Franc s ami Eugenia Hoyt Mrs. Warr n Biggs. Present on August 15th: Louise Harrison, Carrie L e IVH Martha Harrison, Virgin a M. Herriek, * Esther Harriso > Frances and Eugenia Hoyt, S - rah Harrell, Evelyn Harriso , Mrs. VV. H. Harrell, I'resent on August 22nd: Esther, Velma and Marti a Harrison, Louise Crawford, Ev I\n Harrison, Minnie Robertso i, Homier Gttrganus, Carrie L- e I'eel,.Elizabeth Gurganus, Fra i ces and Eugenia Hoyt, Virgir a M. Merrick, Susie James, Ma y M Andrews, Ellen Cowen, En - ly Wood Hadham, Virginia Ho - ell, Ruth and Ethel Britt. I'KtIIESSOK WOOD HAKES STATEIHEf \ Georgia Educator Says He Nt cr Saw Anybody Improve Like Wile Has since Taking Tanlac "Tanlac is the only medici e that ever did my wife any good ' declared I'iofessor W. A. Wo I, of the Central graded school >f Winder. Ca. "It has restored b ;r health us of unt( d anxiety, for her case was a m it serious one. Her main trouple seemed ,o he nervous indigestion," he C( i linued. "She had suffered fc ir years and had lost strength a. J weight in spite of the best tre; l meiit we could get She was c trcmely nervous and loss of sUp Mulled her down to a shado /, She could digest little that s ie ate and sutfered from gas on t ie stomach, heartburn and naust i, and she had headaches all t ie time, with persistent constij i t 1011. "After some hesitancy we ( cided to try Tanlac, and she I 3- gan to show decided e mi iit with the second bottle, S ie has since taken several and t ie n\sult.i have been simply mar' e lons She is gaining in stren? .h and weight every day and prac i cally all her troubles have 1 ft her. She eats and enjoys at /- thing she wants and rests w II at night. I have never seen a ;y such improvement in any pers >n in so short a time." Tanlac is sold in Williams! in exclusively by Dr. Knight; n I la-sell by the Salsbury Supi y Co , and in Robersonville >y Cannon's Pharmacy. NOTICE Ai a regular session of the Bo; rd "i v."■ »iiiiiii»ners of Martin Coi i . in ilk Court House in Willia :i ••lull. N. C , on Monday, the. ; h i\ oi August, lols, incompliai ce , lii the provisious of Chapter I o. -■1 ui the Public Laws of 1 1 »17, to pmvide lor Special Tax Levy >r tin• liiiililinn and maintaining ie ;Mil'l ic mails, it was ordered >y i lie lio ird of Commissioners t at in c lection he held in Jamesv le Township to determine said |U s tion.on Tuesday, the loth day of September, 1 1 >1,S, at which sid 1 election, all the' qualified vot rs therein shall l>e entitled to vc e. The s.iid election with all incid' i tal requirements will be govern -*d l>\ the provisions of saiil act. 1 te election w-ft 1 be held at the us al voting place in said Tovvnsh >, and notice of same is required n The Ivnterprise," a newspaper in Williamston, N. C., and posted m four poblic places in Jamesvi le Townrhip. By order of the Board, i J. I S. S. Brown. Clerk to Board. 8 lb

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