"Mav there he nunc nnenlisfed" —M >nlrcu ll'i/mm SEPTEMBER 21 HONOR FLAG DAY Counties That Have Received War Savings Honor Flags Requested to Raise Them September 21 Ceuntlfru that havo received their War Savings Honor Flags, or will have ruccived Ilicm by September ill. are requested to celebrate the ncca ion bv holding a patriotic rally on 'hat day nt the county Heat Col W II "riuß, State War Savings IMreetor, Ken the i balrrnen of every county rblrb will have on that day a ion jit cent War Savings record, a rnc il that tin citizens of the county ivp pledged themselves to buy their ti 11, (inula of War Savings SltftnpH"jhe •ure January 1 l!il!i to emphasize i!;1s evidence of their patriotism for '! e Inspiration II "ill have for a con 1 inned anil even greater service 'trough the War Havings campaign While the chairmen of uai li couuty Vill make the plans for his county's .'lehratlon. Colonel Fries suggests hat patriotic si dies music, pa ..des and a pbnb dinner bo made nine of the features, anil that every patriotic citizen of Ihe county he In it. 0 lo attend As the War Saving's Honor Flag rep ments as vol only the pledged vie "or> of tiny county tn the War Say ii/8 ( wmpalgn, tho occasion of rali»- or All Occasions j on Short No(ice I. specially For Funerals I Kept c- int I lie 11 .mi mi mil 1 11 Kii li ill' itnl [ Mi. Nt.nl in, l\i 'i k \ Mhint \Y. 11. (il RKIN Wlll i.iiiisi» >ii N. \ | . caaaßHamiMmw ** >«* —■ S Tobacco Farmers-Take Notice I » I'lu (. i..ist Kimlin l i hi1 1i.iii\ of Petersburg, \i , lias subdividcd, ami is going to sell at .till t 101 l sail f > I US till following propM ties: Nilniher one: Oil NN eilnesday, September 251h, ill eleven a. m.» the Sheriff Keed fiirm in Washington eounly. t out.lining ( acres, in iulti \at ion, with ,i splendid dwelling house on same, barn, tcili.nto li.iiii .NIL) otlii'i 1111111h11I's witli several tenant houses. I his farm is situated six nil Us tiuin I'lpmouih, cm the mam road Iroin I'lv mouth to Mackcys I'erry. I his is one ot J tin In st famis m\\ ashiii"toii C ouiitv, \ei v line neighboi liooil, near seliool house and I i hun h, and 140011 white neighliois. Spji nilul drinking water, healthy section. Number two: on Thursday, September 26th, at eleven a. 111. the Briggs Farm, in Beaufort County, \djoining the tow 11 ni I'nutovvn, contain 2~0 acres with about 100 acres ready tor cul tivation, and two tini Mts ot buildings, good dwellings, barns, and out buildings. (iood drink'-njr water, liea.ltln section. Splendid location in white neighborhood. One ot the struts ot the I own extended, runs through tarni. will also sell at three o clock in the af tiruuiin, same date, tin \Y. | farm near the town ot llelhaven. NumbeHHiree: on Friday, September 27th, at eleven u. m. >ve will sell •SOU aeres of the W. I). Crimes farm in Iteattfort county, ■# l.vingjust two miles North of the C'itv of Washington on Main Sand-Clay Road. Magnificent loi.ition, splendid coniniiinitv, good white neighbors, g.ai.l di.nking water, and healths section. Lies on the best road out of the city of \\ ashington. I ;iis tract has ""been Vi'ibdividcd 111 sizes from ten to fiftv acres. A sandv loan soil adapted to tobacco, (iood drainage. ()n the main line of the Atlantic Coast I .me Railroad with railroad siding 011 farm. Also lies on Tranters ("reek, deep water, two and on.: halt njiles to city, with a public boat landing 011 farm. Splendid opportunity to buy ( a small farm near the City. Good land tor trucking, tobacco and other crops at a very reasonable price. I (use are splendid opportunities tor Tobacco tanners to buy them good tobacco farms, at reasonable prices, and on such easy terms as your crops vv:l! make the yearly payments. Come to these sales where lands are just as good, but cheaper, and it you buy, your rail road fare will be paid by us both ways. For any futher information,' write, Washington-Beaufort Land Co. WASHINGTON, N. C. iiig the county's Honor Fla* Htoould b« uw (I to impress upon the inlnds of ilii' peoplo tlie; Importance anil value of their roilecnilng their pledges as mmhi as possible and increasing them lo lhi' full extent of tlii'lr ability to | (my li Is believed ttiut county chair men run turn to good account till* in easion mill should lojjc no time In making their plans for llh muccos«. j Ttjn Honor Falk Is t feet long hy live feet wiili' a nil Ih similar In de sign to Hip National Service Falg In the large white center in place of Ih" stars iirc I In? bluo letters anil figures "W K S HMiThin flag hlhhilil be raised i'ilher on the flag pole Just he neath i Mil (ilory. or on a separate (lag i pole eri iti ll on the Court House or i the Court lloiiHe grounds for this purpose. To ditto sixteen counties have re reived their War Havings Honor Flugs The Hi. are VVilnnn. Martin, tlroetie, I'll t. .Tones, Periiulinnns, Kdgeeonibe. Nash. f.enolr .Frenklln Ftirsylh. Cabarrus, Isedell, I'nlon, Henderson and 'dates. Muny other counties are expecting■ to raise their full quota* and pledges and to rorclys tliHr Honor Flag by .September 21. >V- Curry ill nil l imes n omi-lctc Slock of li*:11 m I Wooden Hiirinl Cuskrts I.ntcst Designs ANDKRSON, CRAW FORI) A CO. NOTICE li hereby given that no building of any kind can be done in Martin County, nor any : building repairs costing over $2, | f>oo without first making oppii llcation to the undersigned, ac ! | . | i r*orru?anit*«l hy a sworn state ment of the fact.-*, which will l»e Uulimitted to the War Industries I Hoard for its approval, i This IxN'omes neceisar\ that I We lllrtV will the war in 1919 W (' Manning 'lmirinun "I Mf in County. (Vioncilof |)efen»c; A great conference of wnr ! workers .tic gatheiv t at Uilei; 1 ! today and are organizing for tn«- put pose of combining the variou for u'iir relief woif., mi that, a V M C A work, ;i lied 'rosi worker, or any other helper in *;tr work cho»en * i'l represent all of said oryurniz > lions. tins will j-Hve tune t« r j botii the r'preset,llves «> f tli•» >»• I wanization arid the public in j eliminating repealed appials. STRAY KlM)ne' hlack shoat with white spot* weighing about 100 llis., marked crop ofr the right ear, lias been in my field ahout two weeks Owner please come and get him ,1. L Britton. Wear your old clothes and buy I Liberty bonds in this next drive! beginning Oct 24th. iti.i'oicr or Tin-; inhi'i'K»\ or THE HANK 111 HAMILTON tn J Im* m| :i• •• «»I* North *:iiolimi ;it 111• • . |om«- of .t M f 11, l!»|s j • 'Ksor i« i:s I .nil lib 111 .1 • . f".\l 'I 17 j I II It 1 ll' 111 , , f I,'JIIII III! , I 111 II it II M :i ml I I\ f 11, . , +l.l 'ill,mi .',,:;.\ii.ihi | vit niin I.i'iil iNint i>« in-.I | i urn ..it inM il liiiiil,* I.ill I ; 1 I >ll,' I inn. Mint. |! Mill, 1111. 1 I: ink.M ' ;l" i l.i*.'K* I'm i 11*:11 in-; .IIMI ' . i,lll.1 i 'inn ..17> 1 ' |S| I \ I-I I IIHI, i li. I l.ri II 111 11, ill I ',IIII I 111 I I 11. \ ''.l II N .it nni.il 11.ii.1 I' \hi• '.i',.1 7 "" | T„till *7'| -• I• I 7" : i.i M ii.ITII.s I .1 |■ 11 ;i I Min I. |.ii' Hi . 11111 l i ii i , v >i l |.Iu i* I 'nil-1 1 11,11111 l >. i ! I ii 111 \ nl. .1 I'm.l'll iii i nl . • I :i nil. Ili \ nil J. I I !* I j 101 l I 'ii \ jil.li* 1. 11, |.ii- 111 ■ nl. i. i t in c4h ■I- "'.,"71 i ! 1,1111- I i-ltlliriltl'i i•'l I. | i.-lit • l|l,ll|fi.l I j t'llMlii. I rlll'ik ' i.. IMI 11.. IiII n I ill. s.~l | Tni ii I +7ll. J 1W.7 ; nt vi i: «»• • \i urn i twuous , t 111 NT\ III' Mm i I ii., Nr|,l rinlii'i II I• I s | I' 1.. lln iNli|i, I 'teiliii'r nl' I lir nlio\ *• I null eil I til li U iln fiilriiilih M\»iiii llnil l.ii .(Illlll- --liiti iin-nt In 11 IK' I" tin- ln't in I tnv Uitiiv. anil lii'lirl I' |, II MHl.t I', I 11 nilll' 1 I iirri'i I All.'nl: I' 1,. KtlMluiry W. N. I{ll • ■ 11■ T« It I, I .nun l'i|ii>i'liir« NIIIIM riliril Mini swum tli lirfuro MI , this II iln\ of Ni'|ilriiil>i'r ItUS. .1 \ |»A VKN t' 11IT. Not in * 1'1i1.1.. BWWJR'F OK THK HJNOJTIO.S FarmtnA: Merchants Bank Will in out on In tlit* fctate of North Caroli na at the clou* of bu«lnr«*» Augu*t .to iWIH. KKHOL'RT FCB Lofiii* anl iliurounta th4o;:U^/JT Overdraft* h«« »!/»•• 1 9,271.5J ( T iii t«*! Htuti's Boml* and 1/Uuf.rty Boml* - 1i4.150.ii4i All «»tln*r Nto k*. am! Mortjrag*H -,500.0n 1 *r« iiiium on — #o«l Itankinn IIOIUM'". ♦IH T MM),(iO, Korm tun* ami I'ixtwn-", j)t-m;«itl loan* . .. io,(M»o.o») IMm from National Ban! i>,r##*o.i 0 DIM' from Bah kit :»:»■! Banker* . 2,777..'1H lii'i'kff for rli'ariiiK L'.tlfo.O > (iolil Coin ...... 055.0n Silver iiH'ltnliiiK minor .oin • urrenr\ - - - - 751/J5 National Hank Note* ami other I H. Noten . - 1 I,iOD.no Total . r - - > fI.OAii.UHM .» LIABILKriKH ♦ a|iital Htoi k pa..l »n *7s.ow».ti Surplus Knml - - 12.5iMi.n0 11 ii'ffvil««l, Profit* lih fiirri'iit «•* |i«'l}k«*h ami t:!X»*» |»:»»• 1.. t . ti,'»l r ».sj Nut cm ami 111 I f.li «-« iiritiX - - Ol,o::5 70 HIIIH j»nyal»l«- L 15, nun no t nil!•)•'• t to«'lM*i k ;:.7 111 in rime 4 Vrt «ln at.' uf Deposit . Jn7,.t'. I 7 I 'a* liiei '* I 'll.- k* iiit«tiuiiljii[*- *. 1.'i5.0.l I#ll«* to National Bank* . fi.noo.s, fii »«- to nt.'.i It iiil ►. Finn«• r an. l Till*-1 im'i|- llf )'• . . . . . . Iy.OOH Tli ir# n Jl»» rt\ liomls - .Hl'Ollllt ' HfS.iMIO.IHI Total *1 M50.0H0..;1 hTATL "I NilllTll AHOLINA OI NTY ni MAIiTIN He|iteml«r I' T, It. ti. I l.i it mod ('futhicr of tliw jibovr nrtiiieil Bunk «l" Holrmtilx nw«*ar tha*, ilii' •!:• t i-uiviit ix trnv o tin* l«^s. nf inr knowl«'l«;e ami IM*IM - F. H ; I ! ALC IllNt >.\ bmlimm Oirreet All* 'mo. I > l'"ft* Wheeler klart m t I>. '*l«t•i| •h•* II Mllii .HI Hulmeilll ami nworii to lirfnii lite, thin I M flit\ ftnlM*r 101h. I i: I'lll'K Notary I'IIMH My 'oiniiilsg, \pire* I n*i i'l 101* • i--~=sr » \._;- * "in * t Look at a few of the averages made for primings at Roanoke & Dixie Warehouses K during the past few days: RHODES & DANIEL R B. GARDNER REEL & JACKSON 102 Munds'at 60 '3O pounds at 39 f>l pounds at 40 : I U ;>0 pounds a. 4s 210 pounds at 46 ~ poUMds at r „ J* 274 pounds at 4S 306 pounds at 4K Average 6.82 i3O pounds at 48 Average 46 4*i ,»r d sT NCTON 65 AVeraKe 47 74 ROGERS ft FOWDKN H ™° A ROBERSON 4 S pound, » t 41 2f>» pounds at 50 480,pounqs at oO 322 pounds at 45 266 pounds at' 45 414 pounds at 4b 3i4 pounds at 47 14» pounds at 40 P° un( is 45 440 pounds at 47 ' Average ' Avera * e 47,7 Average 46. 19 1 —————————— ,—— MARKET WILL RE-OPEN MONDAY WITH PRICES BETTER THAN EVER. BUYERS ARE * » , ANXIOUS FOR TOBACCO. COME TO SEE US . . . \ J* Imperial Tobacco Co. is now on the market for tips. "*V. JIM STATON, rianager ► . .: ; -; v .. . ' - ;• ~ M ' 1 ..• > -S ' A + 'M I ■ HBMK'T FHK UOJJWTION OK The Martin County Sav ings and Trust Company | ''ompanv at Williamnton ui \iie State | of North f'rrolii.a at the rlo-i- of tMlxi i iii'dr, Au>(u*t ,-H l iIH, * Zhr* l Hi KH ! l.oaiiM ami .."on..ti .. f71,554.10 j (trnlruf (» wuwl •♦•'Hh.H5, un-« » nrnil, f7»iO.HX . . 1.155.7 V ' I'liitcil HtntfM lion'l- .in! Lih.rtv Boimln . .. '.(MIO.IM {'ankiiiK 11 Kuril it urn ami tivturrI*, 1 *, fni# ». w » , . M#o h i I'rfiininl Loam* - ... 1,4H1».»H1 I On* from National linuks 1.1N*»7- Itui- from Htati* Isnnk« ami I tank «*r« . 7.l''»!. I.' (' irks for t'l«*a'jin» H'.fi.OJ Uo|.| oin . 5.0 Si»\#r or roil i y ... 1*1.77 National Bank Not.* nu\ otloT I*. H Note* .- I 001• liiHiiraiMf' I n vent mint 1,-Mi.u. i'.ioiiary aii'ount L'J7 "»I Total . (!'•'» HW.M) 1.1 A Bl IJT'IKS Capital Stork I'aol in ||n iiimi mi ' nf j*l 11 h Km ltd _ . tiOO.'Mi I tills l'ayahl«> . . . JO.ooo im in kiilijfct to rlici-k . . -♦' 71H/J1 Tun- iM*rtitirat«>N nf in p«Mit M» >'a\ ing* in poNit- .. ■ u-liifr 'm *!• f-f !». m 'Ai ' Mh-'I - 1 -po | • ... .. Total J STATK :>l NOimi rAIMLI\A i ol'N » fit* MAKTIN H€'|it« i• t»• r hi. I*lv f I, ' I*,'. fop.*, * anhirr of Vm :nHiv.' j iihiiho' 'iunk lu •oli i mai> «!»• i | tin- ii • • •x • ■ ntutrim lit 11 in* t .» *.e l««»f nf ini ' non' nml ln%Jii*f. .1 l IN il'K. i i^iit»*r ' j'inr. ri Atti'nl: ; T. K. Harrison ' ' 11. it r.-t :i rpi >ll Warn ii I h i i*u , or » , I S tlisrrili« 1 ami sworn to I . »i«• m«\ | ;I, is 10 «lit \ nf Si-pt I'inln r 101 V WILLIK TI.I L Notary I ,M \ «oin in i *«f ii»n •• x}»i r. • II 510 j RjdPoBT M THE WW WHOM 0' THE PUNTERS AND MER CHANTS BANK I Everett* N. C., iit tlif Wtale nf North [ Carolina, u I the rlo»e ot busioM, ' iwt 191*. KKHOIRCKH ami "»,> ,Ov orilraft* uiiM'ouroil ; ('mtcl JStato* llnmlit ami Liborty | J toad* .... 1 M'.ITi.OO : Hanking llo'itft, sl*7s; Kurnitin* 1 ami Fixture tlf»ll.."#o .'MH6.SU Demand Loan* •- I>ii•• from National limik* .... | I»ut* from Ftato Bank* him! f*arik»*r>* I V-7 r »> I i#oM %»i«i - - Hilwr Viiii, iiirlmlinif :ll minor coin oiirronov 1,4*4.6* Nation aI Kjmk nnto# ami otbor I 8. Not.-* 1 War Having Stamp* 1!3*.75 Total $114,4*7.1* IJAItVMTIKH raj»it.J » v 'tork | not in t | iijmni.ihi Kuiltl - ----- -- JiOO.IM I 'lull'. •«!«-• I I'rufit* lon® riirr • * 111 i'K jh•!»•«« * ami ta\* H j»ai»S 1,-X~»..V> i \ I «!«*>• IH I*lt | *.'4 14 i I'UMI Jill!' l'a \ :i)ilr . .. JH.iK. MHi S»« |#o-lt* ittoM i . k ' ."#ll m", l.fiH Y:nio i it! ifli'*lt»*H of I )f«|in«it L J.-21 ..'»i ' *a-S i••i '* i *!»• «k* oiifwt a inline ."Mil* Total til ».457.!i.H 1 hT Vl'Kor NORTH ' VUOI.INA 10l NT V Of Mlt 111 «♦. IS»1«. I J, W. 11. T;i\lm, I'iiwhjri •■!' 111»■ utiurc I Hank lo Hohiritilv *wi*nr that tin* ii lnt\ y *t b« Irn« tit tko i of m\ k ami holivf W It TA Yl.nit, rf.hifi iit i t*r t \ t t«-at • J. 11. I>. I'oolo I T Huriili ill , \ |{. Ta vim Ilirootor* I I Shlimi rili« i| 7iii• I nvviiiii to ImToii* mo, I 1 1.1 II -lav of H»-|»tomlM'r, liil*. i I H \ VKKS Sotarx I'wlilir | ; HUP.IHT I* TUfc lUVUITIOK o*' ! THE BANK OE OAK CITY , t!.i» Ht*»r nf North Hrt»lii«H tit tlif ClO j hi »»♦•»*, August «UMb 1918. KESorKCES untl dipiouiit sl*l,9l£ i Overdraft* untMviiVt*«l 1,4*4 I I iittod State* Bomt.- -iiii.l Liberty { mi»«l« - -1 10£» * 1 t-jnkiiiJfotMon 4 4,r»0.i.iM»; Kurili j tift. an.l Ki\tnn *. *ikhh> __ s,:itfo ♦ Iftoiiiami I-oan* 11,074 lluc froiii \riti'»t!al Hi. k .» v . _ _ U f (Ml9. j I>ur from HtMo aiM j Hanki.r - 1.4K0 ; io|i| Coin 9. r )9 \ Hilvit i yiu, iuoludiiig ail iiunor j i-oin I'urrrinv 1,4-7 i National liaiik* \ot«> atnl othor | I*. S. Nuten 2 # (KH Total $1 -\7ii.i LIAI.IMTIKH • a|'it;il 8to« k |»»i I in I Hurplu:* Knml .. I"mli\;ii|i*«f Profit:*. I« i; niri«*iit ox i |h lim a ami tn\o.. paid HjlU |«avu »>lo . - - 301KMI I it* I nisi t** > ill i«« t Jo tli i*4' k 50,527 I Tiim •• ri .fit ati *ol I»• j.o it -7,. r »7" ,♦ .ifloiT > kj «• 111 -.?aii'linn - 490 i Total j KTvrK « H Mil; 111 i'A Kol.lNA ' oI'NXV 'M' M;ii tin St jtjtombor 10 It I I. It. M W»r*|r\, i anliior of th* 4 alß> iiaini'il -in m»|i inuly fv*i*Hr that T a I MIX !• hta to iin-iit i•* tru»- t«» tin* lii'wt I kiiovnl»'i|jfe all'l IM-IH I' 45. M \V JKHI.KY, t awtiier j 'orrei't Atti-sl: { H. M K.\ cr.-tt j.l ( lillK!" > It I. I.onif / Hiri'ito I Siilmi>ril»t-U ;inll swoiiy'fo l>cfori' ii | tlii* Villi tia* uf Hi plemwr IV#I H. / K. 11. .lnliiiMtii Nuturv I'ulilir it y I iiniin jMnion i xpirrM ~ Don't fail to rcnaw your stil scriptiou U> the Knterprise b October Ist IDIH. Wedont wai to drop your name

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