| vultci to iKt tbUmi bl [ Vi' p County in General 8t .i-n>(on in Particular V«-« !u«» 19* Number 47 Sp t:U.i . iiiuemi-Thiee-daf Fever " I be Flu " '1 In i now oocuring in »' !-• ry s«rv.' called "Spanish 1- tl i. resembles u very con tavi 'i. Kind of "odd" aecom pu!iii'*! !> fever, pains in the h«-!:d i •. **ars, back or other (Kiri-! i in- body, arid a feeling of se\ t-ickne-ss. In most of thi ci tiie symptons ditappear aft* r t it- or four days, the pa tient u rapidly recovering: some i ihf patients, however, deveio pneumonia, or inflamma tion o! lie ear, or meninigitis, and n' y of these complicated cases i > Whether this so called ' Spat.i i" influenza is identical with ti epidemics of influenza of earl r vears is not yet known. Epid iiiics of influenza have visited nis country since 1647. It is • creating to know that this ei '(.'tnic was brought here fruni \ encia, Spain. Since that time tl e have been numerous epiden -s of the disease. In 1889 and 18 an epidemic of infhifn , zs, sti inir somewhere in the Orient -pread first to Russia, and th ce ever practically the entire ->rld. Three years liter there * is another flae up of the diseasi Both times the epidemic spread .videly over the United State?. Alth igh the present epidemic is call i 'Spanish influenza," there i no reason to believe that it orii: ated in Spain. Some writen who have studied the questii believe that the epidem ic can from the Orient and they c ! attention to the fact 1 that tl Germans mention the disease ts occurring along the easteri -ont in the summer and fall of 17. In m l cases a person taken sick w ii influenza feels sick rather lddenly. He feels weak, has pa 3in the. eyes, oars, head or bacl and may be sore aEI over. Many itients feel dizzy, some vomit .ost of the patients com plain o reeling chilly, and with this co es a fever in which the tempei ture rises to lot) to 1(M. In mos cases the pulse remains relativ. y slow. Wha s the course of the di sease'.' people die of it? Or dinaril the fever last from three to fom %ys and the patient re covert ut while the propmtion of the esent epidemic has gen erally i en low, in some places the oi break has been severe and de hs have been numerous. When ath occurs it is usually the ret its of a complication. No 3tter>T what particular kind o' the epidem ic, it it low believed that inflen za is a ays spread from person to per? the germs being carri ed wit air along with the very small v oplets of mucus, expelli edbyc jghingorsneezing, force ful tali ng. and the like by one who a 'ady has the germs of the dit tise. They may also be carriet -.bout in the air in the form c dust coming from dried mucus rom aouKhing and sneez ing, oi rom careless people who spit or he floor and on the side walk »in most other catching diseas' . a person who has only a mild ttack of the disease him self m i give a very severe at tack t others. Wht should be done by those \ who c; ch the disease? It is very import nt that every person who becom • sick with inflenza should go hor, ■ at once and go to bed This w 1 help keep away danger ous cc iplications and will, at the sai 2 time, keep the patients, from s ittering the disease far and w 2. It is highly desirable * that n> jne be allowed, to sleep in the .me room with the pa tient. I fact no one but the nurse ould be allowed in the room. If tl re is cough and sputum or run Bg of the eyes and nose, care s ould be taken that all discha ,'es are collected on bits of gau ior rag orpaper napkins and bi ned. If the patient com plains f-fever and headache, he THE ENTERPRISE should be given water to drink, a cold c mpress to tj»e forehead, and a light sponge. Only such medicine should he given as is prescribed by the doct>r. It is f«>ollsh to ask the druggist to prescribe and mav be dangerous tu takt* ihe socalled "saf.\ sure, and harmless" remedies adver tised bv patent-medicine manu facturers If the patient i-« *•> Hitunted that he can be attend'* I only by some one who must ,i'» • look af ter others in the family. it is ad visablo that such ;itu-tidnjit wear a wrapper, apron, or gown over the ordinary house clothes while in the sick room, and slip this off when leaving to look after the others. Nurses and attendants will do well to guard against breathing in dangerous disease germs by wearing a simple fold of gauze or mask while near the patient Will a person who has had in fluenza before catch the disease again? It is well known that attack of measles or scarlet fever or smallpox usuaily protects a person against another attack of the same disease. This appears not to be true of "Spanish Influ enza." According to newspaper reports the King of Spain Buffer ed an attack of influenza during the epidemic thirty years ago and was again stricken during the recent outbreak in Spain How can one guard against influenza? In guarding against disease of all kinds, it is impor tant that the body be kept strong and able to fight off disease germs This can be done by having a proper proportion of work, play, and rest, by keeping the body well clothed, and by eating suffi cient, wholesome, and properly j selected food. In connection with diet, it is well to remember that milk is one of the best all-around foods obtainable for adults as well as children. So far as a di sease like influnza is concerned health authorities everywhere recognize the very close relation between its spread and over crowded homes While it is not always possible, especially in times like the present, to avoid such overcrowding, people should consider the health danger and make every effort to reduce the home overcrowding tc a mini mum The value of fresh air through open windows can not be overemphasized. Where crowding is unavoidable, as in street cars, care should be taken to keep the face so turned as not to inhale directly the air breathed out by another person It is especially important to beware of the person who coughs or saeezes without covering his mouth and nose. It also follows that one should keepout of crowds and stuffy places as much as pos sible, keep homes, offices, and workshope well aired, spend some time out of doors each day, walK to work if at all practica ble in short make every possible effort to breathe as much pure air as possible. "Cover up each cough and sneeze, If you don't you'll spread di sease." ' DONT'S "1. Don't associate with the impolite and careless, who spray your air with their spit. "2. Don't go to unnecessary public gatherings while the epi demic is on. Put your moving picture show money in Thrift Stamps. "3. Don't drink from common dippers and drinking cups. "4. Don't use a roller towel "5. Don't patronize a soda fountain that does not use paper cups. "If you get the grippe: Go to bed and stay there until yoy are well, until your temperature has been normal for at least two days. If you are past fifty, or if you are not strong, stay in bep four days after normal tempera ture. Remember, the danger of grippe is pneumonia, pneumonia Williamston, Martin County, N. C. October, 11, 1918 Another Letter From Fruce The following is a letter .receiv ed by Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jones of near Williamston from their son. Corporal Mack M Jone9, who was wounded in action in July, carried to a hospital and now re covered. We are all delighted to hear that he is wHI again Base Hospital No. 15. France. Aug. 20. 191 S. My dear Mother and Father: I received 22 letters yesterday, most of them were written in May, but I was certainly glad to get them. I know that you have been worried lots since I was wounded but don't worry any more for I am well and at work again. I wa" lucky enough to be near a hostipal when I was struck just above the hip bone by a sharpnel shell. Had the best doctor in the world and he says that the wound has heal ed nicely and will not trouble me any more. 1 am doing guard duty at the Base Hospital now, it is a nice job and I like it. I cant say whet her I will ever go in the trenches again or not but if 1 have to go I am ready and willing to do my part. Mother you asked me if I could come home, no, I cant until the war is over but that want be long now and besides I feel that it is my duty to my country to stay and help win the war. I received a letter from Mr. Harry Biggs telling me that I was the first man from Martin County to be wounded. Mr. Crawford wrote to me also Mr. W. C Manning and he sent me a paper, I surely did enjoy that for there was lots of news from the home falks in it and the peo ple over there are speaking so well of the boys over here, we feel better to know that you are all so proud of us No Mother and Dad, I haven't seen any of the boys from home since I sailed but Sgt Carter is dead He was killed at the same time 1 was wounded and in about five feet of me, Ithis is what he said to me as he was dying, "Mack, 1 hope you have better luck than I've had and when your time comes meet me in heaven," Mother you know 1 hated to give him up but we are all willing to die for our country As I have asked you before do not worry about me, I am well and getting along fine, the only thing that bothers me is to know that you're miserable over me. With love to all, Your devoted son, Mack Jones. is the penalt) for disrespect to the grippe that gets out of bed too soon. "In conclusion, public officials can do little to protect you. You can do a great deal to protect yourself" Schools Closed Schools all over the county have been closed for two weeks at least on account of the epidemic of Spanish influenza Parents are requested to keep the children off the streets to prevent the spread of the di sease. It is a personal matter with every mother and father in the county and it can't be under stood why they allow their chil dren to be out visiting and walk ing the thoroughfares, enevitab ly coming into contact with the malady. Churches, Sunday Schools, theaters, and all other public gatherings places are closed for the present. And with the hearty cooperation of the public the physicians and health officers hope to stop the ravages of the grippe before the whole county afflicted as it is in some parts. Latest fad in neck ornaments, Asafoetida bags with a dash of turpentine for a reminder. Farm Demonstrator* Here Mr 0. F. McCrajfy, FarmDe momstration Agentin charge of the north eastern district with quite a number of Oiunty Agents and Farmers tufijred Martin County last week, examining the permanent pastures .which have been planted under Ihe direction of our County Av»'ii| Mr. J. L Holiday, who luutlfdnne much good work along Uii* line. On Thursday they had a meeting at the LuluHDluh where they were'velco'tittf by W. C. Manning. Mr MeOpeary made an address on the Work of the county agents. Dr. John D Biggs made a short speech/expressing the willingness of th# Finanicial Institutions of the COUhty to co operate and help it financing the movement of tha farmers in promotion of good terming. l)r C.acardwell, Agricultural Agent of the Atlantic} Coast Line R R. Co., at Wilnhgton was present and made soike splendid remarks on the needkfmore live stock Mr M. C. Agent for Craven County fcnd C. L. Sams of Raleigh spoka on the im portant subject of bte keeping, and pleased our folki by saying that Martin leads all Other conn ties in the State in hotoey produc ing Interesting and instructive speeches were also mide by Mr. Rouse, Agt for Jones County, R. W. Johnson, Agt. for Washing ton County, J. W. Williamson, Agt. for Pamlico Couiity, Mr 11 H. Lawlev for Beaufort County, Mr. W. H. Laughinghouse for Tyrell County, also Mr T. C. Butt of Aurora. Among promi nent farmers at the meeting were Messrs. T. R. Hodges, J. P. Gray and T. C. Butt of Beau fort and W. T. Meadottra of Cra ven County. We hoped that lift*-. Holiday will be able tfl get these good people to visit our County often and show them the good work he is doing and the maiy advan tages we have to offer. Miss Helen Truitt Dies Of Pneumonis Miss Helen Truitt, age 22, died at the home of her .parents Sunday morning from pneu monia as a result of contraction of Spanish Influenza. The young lady had been ill for two weeks.. She is survived her by father and mother, Mr and Mrs H. C. Truitt, who resides on Battle street. Several sisters and bro thers also survive her. The young lady had been a resident of Rocky Mount for only a few months. She had many friends here, to whom the news of her death was known with sincere regret. The funeral services held yes terday afternoon, at 5 o'clock, at Pineview cemetry, and were conducted by Rev B B. Slaugh ter, pastor of the ('lark street Methodist Church, and the Rev. Frederick Dschl, rector of the Church of the Good Shepherd. Interment was in the Pineview cemetery. —The Evening Telegram. It with sincere regret the town learns of the death of Miss Helen Truitt. Miss Truitt lived here with her mother and fath er on Main Street for many years and in that time made a great many friends. She was a young woman of sterling charac ter and was an active Church worker. The town extends its deepest sympathy to the sorrow ing Don't Forget To Register The Registrar of your town ship or precinct will beat the vo ting place each Saturday until Oct. 26th, You can see him at his home or places ot business however prior to that time. Remember the Election Nov ember sth. Fifteen deaths in Rocky Mount up tq Wednesday from Spanish influenza- Help Needed And At Once The Health Department of the County has asked the local Red Cross f.>r assistance to cope with the influenza situation A soup kitchen has been established and nourishing soup and milk are to be sent to patients ill without at tention, twice aday. Volunteers for going in the homes and help ing for a few minutes, these peo ple where every member of the family is seriously ill and no one to even give a dose of medicine, have been called and it is earn estly requested that women able to do this respond at once. It is the Christian duty of the people in this county to help. If you arc afraid to be in direct contract with the disease furn ish milk, bread or ingredients for soup, lind out from Miss Ciluyas, the head of this Depart ment the time you are needed at the school house to help prepare nourishment for these people. This work is hard for a few and it isn't right to leave it up to a few, almost every woman in this town can help in one way or an other, show your human kind ness if you have any bv doing something at this time. We don't want to expose anyone to the di sease hut we can't allow people to die in our midst without at tention. iou may need assis tance some time yourself. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." In Roxboro there is no one to bury the dead, we don't want that situation in our own County, Keep the children oir the streets, visitors off" the road, be precau tious and help all you can. "Don't be a Slacker" Dr. W B. Warren, Health Officer A. J. Manning, Clerk. Dies From Influents Blizaheth City, N. ('., Oct. 7th Willis Owens, Sr., died Monday morning at t o'clock, at his home in Bdenton from Spahisli influ enza at the age of 48 years. He was the brother of W. L. and Mathias Oweng, of this city, who were called to Bdenton Sat urdaynight when his condition grew very serious. * He is survived by his wife and three sons, Lieut. Willis Owens, Jr., of the United States arm/, and Alfred and Gerald Owens, and by six brothers. Mrs Owens, wife of the de cease was Miss Sadie Rogerson, sister of Mr. J L. Rogerson and formerly of Williamston Announcement To The Farmers: The Local Warehouses will be closed until further notice on account of the epidemic of Span ish influenza. It is considered necessary on account of the widespread of the disease through out the county Tobacco is selling high now and the prices will be same when the market opens again. Thanking you for all past favors, Respectfully The Brick Warehouse. Red Cross Shower Friday~~mfeht at the Masonic Hall a Linen Shower tor France was given by the local Red Cross Chapter. A great number of hand and bath towels were re ceived. The Martin County Chap ter of the Red Cross has a larger allotment of linen to be given than any chapter in the south its sizeylarger even than Raleigh This proves that we are making good in the eyes of the Directors in charge of the Southern Divis ion and we must keep this repu tation. ROOMS WANTED.- Married couple with one child, is anxious to rent three or four rooms for light housekeeping. If you can let such rooms please call, phone, j write or send word to this office i at once. Special Appeal For Prayer To the People of Martin County: While physicians are battling with the Spanish Influenza and must of us are using what means we can to guard against infection is it not wHI for us to ask Divine aid in our tight. Our churches arc closed and congregational prayer cannot be used. There is then all the more need for an in crease of personal and family prayer. I therefore suggest to every individual and every family that at least once a day special prayer be olfered. Let us pray; let each one oiler his own pray ers privately; let each head of family gather his own family altar and lead them in prayer. Let us pray God to stop the pla gue; let us pray for the sick; let U9 pray for the well that they be not taken; let us pray for the physicians; let us pray for the nurses. I also wish to offer my services in visiting the sick, white or black, wherever the presence of a minisiter may be desired, re gardless uf denomination or no denomination, the only condi tion of such visit being that the request must come front the sick or some member of the family C. H. Jordan Cotton Producers Are Glutting Raleigh N. C, Oct.—Without apparent rhyme or reason to the hurt of themselves and country, farmers are overcrowding gins and selling their cotton at use less sacrifices This unwise prac tice has become so serious that the Food Administration % has compelled to request that all gin neries in the State he closed down for a week Mr. 0. J. McConnell, of the of the Division of Markets, states that cotton producers in North Carolina have nndoubtly lost at least a millions dollars in the last two weeks by accepting any price that they could secure in glutted markets. It does not appear that price fixing rumors could have been responsible for the situation, as figures mem tinned in connection with this talk are higher than cotton has been selling recently, Farmers are urged by Mr. Mc Council to sell moderately at fair prices on advancing markets tiut advised to cease selling up on every decline of conse quence. Pick the cotton cleanly and rapidly, gin on first-class suction outfit when convenient, and the price will take '-are of itself. Cotton Gin* to Close Owing to the shorage of labor and for the purpose of taking better care of seed. All cotton gins in Martin County will be shut down on Mondays and Tuesdays of each week until further orders. This Oct. 10th i'J 18. W. C. Manning Food Administrator Appeal For Help The scarcity of labor makes it practically impossible for far mers to hire help, and there are numbers of farmers who are down with pneumonia and from all indications will loose their peanut crops unless volunteers rescue them by going and digg ing them. Now is a good time to test your stewartship. Ye, are your brothers keeper, if willing to help, please furnish me your name, subject to call to help a neighbor house his crop. W C. Manning Chmn. Council of Defense Miss Flossie Tiiley, left Fri dav morning for her home in Hillsboro, to spend a few days. T. J. Smith and Reynolds Smith, left Friday for Danville Va., where they will spend a few days. F\ H. Saunders spent Wednes day in Rocky Mount. Hubert Warren went to Dur ham Friday. A (mIM IAJ nUYVKMVH Will WHI OUf Cehtaau Utah ICay to 1100 Martin CtMtf Homu, Established 1898 WiUiamaton Personal j M. W. Haynes, of Tarboro was in town Tuesday in interest of the Coastal Plain Fair. Miaa. Virginia Herrick, of St. Mary'a School, Raleigh is at home for a few days. Miaa Clayton Crittenden of Scotland Neck is visiting Mrs. John Manning. Mrs Lucy Roberson and Miss Marv White returned from Raleigh Saturday on account of the influenza in King's Busi ness College. Miaa Ethel Griffin came home Sunday because of the closing of Massey's Bussiness College in Richmond. Mr. R. L. Rollins, formerly employed by the Home Telephone Co . of Nashville, N. C. is now with the Williamston Telephone Co IJeut. Donald C. Godwin has been .promoted to Flag Officer on the i staff of Admiral Williams and is now on the Sup-Dread nought New Mexico. Lieut. God win has for the past year been in the Submarine Service. Miss Katie Philpot is William ston'B first Lady mail carrier. It is very strenous work for Miss Philpot but it certainly shows her patriotism to be of the right sort to come to there scue of the local post-office in its need of assist ance. Saturdav is a National Holiday and all Business Houses all over the country are to be closed by order of President Wilson in the interest of the Fourth Liberty lxmn. The day is to be given to the campain workers so as to be able to aee every available person during this Drive. It is a good thing for Martin County that this order should come at this time. Stopping bus iness for a day with a strict quarantine will help the influen za situation. The Jule Purvis Farm at Spring Green was sold at auction yester day by Burton Bros, of Wilson. Thin farm is one of the best in the county and bids were high. The epidemic of influenza kept many people away but the sales were good, a brass band and sandwiches bought from the Jun ior Ked Cross by the Company making things interesting for the crowd The Reality Compan ies have sold many farms in this part of the country recently. Gold Point Items J232 Several of our people attended the show at Robersonville the past week. B' E. Moye is preparing to open a stock of General Mer chandise in the B. H. Roberson old store. Hon, Harry Stubbs was here for a short while last week. Our Farmers sold most of their tobacco before the present slump in the market. Mr. David Allen has sold his farm near here and bought one at Scotland Neck and will move there another year. B. E. Johnson has purchased the residence of Arthur John son. Mr. Johnson moves to the country next year, Jails In Bad Condition At a recent inspection of jails by the State Health Inspector" it was found that the county jails are not in a sanitary condition. Most all reports show that the prisoners are not examined by the health officer when committed to jail. No precautions are made against vermin, failure to pro vide bedding and clothes and bathing facilities and no meas ures against flies and mosquitoes are some of the charges, Martin County scores 71 1-2 in percen tage, and Beaufort ranks lowest 68 1-2.

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