Devoted W tka el Mart-n County in General fc WlUnalon in Particular Volume m %i!hi>e^so Roger H. BurriM Dead Roger H. - Burriss, son of Alfred Burriss and wife, Miizabath Burris, was born No .cmbcr 17th, 1888, in the beau- iful town 9f Soutbport, N. C. He was an industrious and de •endablo boy and at an early ve began working in the of ce of the Southport News, here he learned the printing usiness. He married Miss ladys Greer, of Whiteville, i. C., two years ago, since hich tinio he has worked at lie printing business at Raleigh nd Solma until August 23rd, vhen he accepted the fore nanship of the Enterprise, vhere he rendered very ac eptable service until taken J vith the influenza on the 10th 1 this month which developed »ito pneumonia a later, com which he r died* Sonday norning. after all that physi ians, nurses and loving" nanus ould do to save him had Fail d. The"! body was taken to Vhiteiiille on the early train jnday morning by his wife •id six months old baby, ac- Tmpanied by Mrs. Burriss' fa ier, Senator Jackson Orecr of olumbus county, where he us buried, funeral services be g conducted by the pastor of t Methodist church of which e had long been a member. The Enterprise truly feels his ?ath a blow, not as much om a? business standpoint, al lough he was one of the most iluabh; men ever in charge of •i office, but more from the ; use that a good man has en taken from the commun , from a yotmg grieving wife ; ul an orphan baby who' will ver know of the protecting . in of a father. If we could « iitemplate the sadness of i Hiding by the bedside of our lends and fellowmen and see i g them struggling and gasp i g against such a fearful mal : !y as influenza and pneumon i we might take greater pre i utioris against the spread of 1 is disease. We most tenderly sympa t ize with the bereft wife and 1 tie son, aged mother and i her relatives. Wounded in France - News was received by rela tes saying that Sargeant i hit Purvis, son of Mr. and I vs. Jule Purvis had been bad -1 wounded in the right shoul t r and is n an Austrailian hos- I lal located in "Belgium but 1 pes to be transferred soon t England and from there pro l bly to America. Mr. J. T. Ambrose was noti i dby the war department this \ >ek tha this son, Mr. Jesse J nbrose had been slightly ■\ »unded in action. We regret very mu4i to hear l c these two young men being > »unded, they were well k >own in town and county and h d a great number of friends v TO sympathize with the boys a d loved ones in their hours 0 uncertainly and suspense. Spencer Leggett Dead Mr. Spencer Leggett, of the 1 ar Grass section died at his Y me Saturday morning of f eumonia following influenza. 1 : was the son of Mr. and Mrs. J hn H. Leggett of near Mace d nia church and frtatfied Mis: F becca Leggett nine years a o. Mr. Leggett was only 30 y ars old and leaves a mother, f- .her, wife and three little c ldren to grieve fJr him; idso fi ir brothers and six sisters. He was a member of the C ristian church and was ; rr in honored and loved by 1 n &hbors and friends and not o his family mourn his 1 *3, but the whole community k i£' which he lived. •* N 1 THE ENTERPRISE HAMILTON ITEMS ' - I ~ Mr*. Harper M. Peel Dead i Mrs. Harper M. Peel, 21 | years of age, died at her homo in Hamilton, October 18th with pneumonia following influenza. Her death fills entire com munity with grief and sadnc Mrs. Peele was Miss Eflie r buck before her marriage, i'-u .aughter of the late Rod artd Linda Roebuck. She is sur vived by hi r jiusband three '.mall children. Also the follow ing sisters and brothers, Job Roebuck in France, Dennis and Robert, of Hamilton, Mrs. Jim White, of Martin county, Car rie Dell, Martha and Alma Ma ree, who made their home with Mrs. Peele since their She was a woman o r mother's death. disposition and fine character and had many friends who will miss her. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. J. L. Rogers. , , "We loved her, yes we loved her, But Angels loved her more And they have sweetly called her To ponder shining shore. The pearly gates were opened A srteet voice uttered "Come" And wijih farewells unspoken She ealmly enfcred "Home." T In Memoriam In loving remembrance of our little boy, Frank Caswell Davenport who died October 26th, 1916. A little childish voice is stilled, Two little hands are crossed, Two little eyes forever closed, The smile BO sweet to ua is lost. A little form from out our home Was borne loving dsbyhanin Borne by loving handa away - And laid to rest within a tomb and now lies moldering in the clay. We know our darling is at rest Within the tender shepherd's fold He tjook him from this sinful world, He shields him from its blast and cold. But how we miss our darlir boy, And, oh, our longing hearts are sore To clasp again the little one That left us for a brighter shore. We hope some day to meet again Our little Frank, our . one, . ... And now dear Lord we bow our heads And calmly say "Thy will be done." FATHER AND MOTHER. The Red Cross rooms will open again Tuesday night Nov. s,.aqd will be opep all d#y .ev ery Friday and every Tuesday night, ,AU workers are urged to be pres ent. MRS. C. H. GODWIN, Chm. Soup Kitchen Closed The Red Cross soup kitchen that has been in operation since the influenza epidemic has sus pendde work upon the advice of the health officer, there be ing now so few cases. It is to be understood though that if anyone is suffering for lack of attention the Red Cross is to be notified and assistance will be rendered. MRS. C. H. GODWIN, Chm. It is earnestly desired that a full attendance of the Red Cross toiembreship be present on Tuesday evening at 8 o'- clock at the work rooms. Im portant business, relating to next year's work, is to be dis cussed. 1 Mrs. Jdhn D. Biggs, Jr., Sec.' Wiiliaitiftton, Martiu County, N. G. November, i, 1918 AN APPEAL TO ALL PATRIOTIC CITIZENS , h tha fturt of NrU Carol to*: ' Tki mi KptrtMl (imrl «»«f frepo'f* lit tha NIMI Malory if «on«a »p far your aula* Ta««ay, htaakar Ilk. > t OB Uat «•> atak »aVar la irlvllanl U Hit a * Ml lot raa4ta« -FOS SIX MtNTltt IONM. TflOl- V nil la mm% a I»—ulanrt aUartWM i»t, tat aaana ataylf ikai Ua eaMllUUan a* MU Carel}ne »U1 hara allar gworaatoo to fcaay (MD Ua aaheol tear* far at laaat a ali-aaaiM aaMal lam ta »»ary aaheel lUWKt la our IMraat aa vail aa In aar flikMl \ •MiilaMalf tka luta Oenrantlana kM bath topabllaan a»« laaaaralla parllaa anlartal Uita propoaed anandaant la ttolr piatfaraa Ha* Ut ua not fcara aarajy a largo, but aa aaarly aa yaaalfcla, a aaaniaoaa rata. T« all IM.wll, mm Novo*bor e«h. lat tka proud aaaaa«a ha aaal tkat aat only haa aar Itali takon ihia rami* at ay, tat ttiat It haa da«laro4 far It alaoat aa ana nan 1m avary »atoc--Baaaaralla. Ropakllaan, aid lataaartaN»afaallM Ma Mkalf at oar taaaaa lo»o (ar aar MM itatc, W aaMr Ut aa HN*a Aa aagallw rataa an Mil |MM taiaJl ■!»!■— a W any nan f» aar alaanlty aannal oat* (ar tka aiaaara. Ut Ma Jaat paaa tha boa by Lot a ran ratar raaaahar to aat tar tha *POM 111 rarau MMH MP kallat ofcoa ha gaaa to «ka polio, mt tat aorta Carollan raaart no ao#atl*a rotaa aa a yraereeaiva and rttally laportent a*aa>tliaal pellay looyoatfally ••baltta«, - fusel l lal at*. «. 1., Oatohar 84, IMt. Jk /. V Joe Mart Melson v 'I! ,■ ' # ' ' Joe Mart Melson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Melson, of VViiUiamston, died at Charlottes ville, Va., Tuesday, October 28, of pneumonia following influ enza. He went-to the-Univers ity of Virginia to take govern ment training in mechanical engineering two weeks ago, be ing taken ill upon „ arriving there. His mother and Mr. J. W. Johnson went to see him on Monday. Mrs. Melson and Mr. Johnson came home Tuesday, the government sending the re mains Wednesday. Rev. H. M. Eure conducted the burial ser vice and amid beautiful floral tributes the body was laid to rest in the Baptist cemetery. Joe Mart was a boy of fine character and was a most duti ful son. He leaves many friends to grieve him with his sorrow ing parents. Jesse Melson, h»s older brother is in France. Market Open Agaii The tobacco market will open again Monday Nov. 11. throughout the State and prices will be as high as they were be fore the suspension of sales. We are prepared to take your tobacco and promise you satis faction in prices. It is our desire to please. Thanking you for all past fa vors, We want to ask every person who has tobacco on hand to give it careful attention. The price will be right if it does not dam age, watch it. THE BRICK WAREHOUSE. Influenza • f' » I i ■ ■ Martin County has been for tunate in checking the spread of influenza. The County Board of Health deserves much praise for its action in the handling of the situation which has without doubt saved the lives uf many people. The people too have in most cases rendered the best service by helping as far as possible in carrying into effect the health and quarantine regulations. We cannot be too careful for now, a new out break may occur anv day. Juat as soon as the public begins congregating, mixing and going to and fro tin; epidemic will break out again, ihe disease is not gone hundreds .ire now dy ing dailft any person promiscous ly traveling is liable to get it, take it to his family and neigh bors. The safest thing is to stay home a little longer, schools, churches and business are all important but health and life are al?o important. Red CroM Training Ricnmond, 1 V». The fourth training school on Red Cross Home Service opens at Richmond on November 11th and continues for six weeks. Dr. W. A. Sadt ler, director of tfie School of So cial Work and Public Health is in charge of the Institute The course consists of lectures on FO cial service topics combined with practical field training. The lat ter will be under the direction of Miss Ruth Jones, Potomac l)i vision, American Red Cross, and Miss Mary Dupuy, supervisor of social work in the School of So cial Work anrf>ublic Health The Heme 0»»oiee Section in each R?d Cross Chapter is a Bu reau of information and service ready to assist in straightening out allotment and allowance diffi culties compensation and insur ance claims, family problems which are doubly heavy during the man's absence. The Institute provides the training which is so essential for those whose task ii is to meet these wartime prob lems in the home. If the war should close to-mor lOW, the men would not lie home for a year; during the demobili zation period, no less th in dur ing the time of combat, a very great responsibility rests upon every Red Cross Cnapter to maintain in the homes of men who have won the victory for democracy, the elements of that democracy which they left in our care when they went away. After the war reconstruction is 'going to be the biggest problem that has faced the Red Cross. Each community must be ready to do well its part in this work which President Wilson calls the the field of "increasing oppor tunity." Don't fail to see Harrison Bros.' adv. in this weeks issue. In Advocate Department Luke Lamb has b-#en appoint ed to go to France as 2nd. Lieu tenant Army Service Corps in Judge Advo'nte Department. He i* no - * at S r icme, N. Y., hav ing been very ill with pneumonia and slowly recovering. His* brother Wilson G. "Lamb Jr. is with him. Mr. Lamb has many close friends in town and county who will be glad to learn of his ap point Killed in France Mrs- Jane Hyman of Goose Nest Township received infor mation from the War Depart ment Baying that her son Ernest Hyman had been killed in acllfifi in France on Sept. 30th. TFifsTis the third Martin County boy to be killed on or around that date. Election Day Tuesday Nov. 5, is election day, every person should exer cise his franchise rights on that day. If you favor the Federal He serve Banks, the institutions that have kept the countries fi nance in balance and saved many men, many institutions, many sections from financial ruin, vote the Democratc tick et. They created tho Federal hanking system. If you favor the Farmers Na tional Farm Loan Association which loans farhiers at a very low rate of interest money to buy, to improve or to pay for the farm already bought, for forty years time. The best op portunity ever offered the far mer. Then support the Demo cratic tjckeJ- created the [■National Farm Loan system. | If you favor the new ship ping Law, permitting our coun try to buy and build ships, which is soon to make for us the greatest Merchant Marine in the world. Remember it is the present-administraiton that did it, support it. Many things have been done which will commend themselv es to the present voter, but more to the future generations who will get a brdader view of their importance and influence. Among them are the War Fi nance Corporation, the Govern ment Control of Railroads, the War Risk Insurance, Tariff Commission, Promotion of Commerce, Vocational Educa tion when the poor hoy as well as the rich is gjven a chance in life, The Agricultural Exten sion Act which is enabling the, farmers of the country through' various ways to greatly in croaae his use both to himself and his Government. When we view the military and naval establishment and look without prejuidice we see the most wonderful achieve ments not only of any organi zed party but more accom plished in eighteen months than any nation has ever ac complished in a generation since man was created and so ciety was organized. The achievements have been so great that it is the marvvl of the world ancLyet this has been done by a party that some would charge as being incom petent. The reason the Demo cratic party has made such a noble success is because of the principles upon wheh it is bas ed and was created, that is tli all men everywhere shall be free. That there should be r> Czar of Russia, no Emperor of Germany. For that reason the present administration in tl country will ever be hailed as the world liberator and all rul ers shall cease unless they rep resent the will of the peop' whom they serve. Truly God has raised a ruler who represents world freedom Then show your interest on Tuesday by supporting Wood row Wilson and every man on the Democratic ticket. Some crooks are going through the country offering stock in goldmining or worth less land schemes and many other things of no value for government bonds, of course they pick such people as they think they may deceive. The public should be warned against such schemers. You cannot get any thing as good as your government bonds.Hold them, the interest is sure and they will rise in price. If any of you become unable to hold your bonds, get your bank td handle them for you or better get a bank to lend you the money on them until you are in a position to redeem them. WELD SEVEN WAR WORK AGENCIES INTO RELIEF MMY Great Organizations Whloh Are Helping to Keep Up the Morale of Fighting Millions Unite In Campaign for $170,500,0001 With million* of American men on war fronts. In training camps and on the Hem and with thousand* of Ameri can women on foreign soil, all engaged In the stupendous tnsk of making the world safe for democracy, a great duty dovolve* upon those who remalu la the United States,—the duty of send ing Home to those who have put Home frehlud them for the period of tho war. The agencies through which this can be accomplished nro Joined In the United War Work Campaign. From belug given the cigarette or chocolate bar, with which he stays his hunger in tho fury of battle, to the theatrical entertainment or the ath letic games, which relax him luto nor mal comfort after weeks of terrific combat, the American fighter Is de pendent upon the continued efforts of tho Y. M. O. A., the Y. W. 0. A., the Natlonnl Catholic War Council and K. of 0., the War Camp Community Serv ice, ttye Jewish Welfare Board, the American Library Association and the Sulvatlon Army. To carry on this work the combined welfaro organisa tions are seeking a fund of $170,(500,- 01)0. Tho Y. M. C. A. provides 588 huts In American training camps and more than 800 In tho war tone a* oeutrea which tho tighter* con UKO ns clubs, schools, theatres, stores, churches, li braries nnd writing rooms. More than 7,000 m«u and women had been sunt overseas or approved for overseas work by early autumn and 8,82*2 were •ervlng In American camps at home. Y. M. (J. A. hut* are the canteens of tho American Kxpedltlonary Force and are the theatres where the American entertainers, sent over by the "Y," ap pear. Noted American public men and clergymen speuk In the huts. Claaaea are conducted there. Millions of letters are written there on pnper provided free by the M I." rhyslcal directors of tho "Y" tench and spread mass ath letics, ualhg material furnished free by tl»e organization. Tho Y. W. 0. A. does similar work for tho thousands of American women In war work overseas—signal corps telephone operators, nurses and French munition workers. It provides cafeterias, rest and recreation centres, entertainment nnd rending for these women and girls. The Y. W. C. A.'s outstanding con tribution to soldier welfaro work In training camps was the establishment of Hostess Houses, where the soldier or sailor may receive his mother, wife, sister or sweetheart In the surround ings nnd atmosphere of tho best homes. The National Catholic War Council co-ordinates ull Catholic welfaro work In support of the government nnd through the K. of C. provides club houses for our fighters In all Ameri can training camps, as well ns having seventy-flvo centres In Franco and threo In Kngland. In their huts the K. of C. provides entertnlnlngraent, movies, boxing bouts, educational work, religious services, free station ery, reading matter and writing rooms. In F ranee their rolling canteen ac companies the American urmy, their secretaries march with tho troops, giv ing away cigarettes, cookies, clioco lates, soap and towels. The K. of C. had 300 workers In France at the beginning of aulutnn, with 450 mora passed by the govern ment and 200 others signed up. At the an mo ditto they hnd 108 secretaries In American training camps, 150 build ings, llfty-slx more In tho course of erection and contracts let for flfty more. War Camp Community Service functions exclusively In America, Its special mission being to "surround tho camps with hospitality." In placo of lenvlng tho soldier or snllor to the promiscuous companions nnd diver sions formerly bis lot, the organiza tion obtalnsiror him tho best to be had In communfi\ps adjoining camps or through which he passes. W. C. jC. S. obtains for him Invita tions to dine, bathe or spend the day In the best homes. It Introduces him to the best women and girls at social gatherings, church $•: tertnlnments, theatre parties. It arouses communi ties to provide concerts, athletic con tests and other wholesome diversions for the soldier, and to drive out or discourage the vicious elements which have been historic camp followers. The Je\ytnh„W£l/are Hoard Is corre lating th£' strength and purposes of 100,000 Jewish soldiers, sailers and marines with that of the Genjtlle sol " dlers. The board tenches tho English language, American civics nnd ideala to thousands of young Jewish ujen who were Inducted into service after only a few years' residence In this country. While safeguarding his re ligious rites, the board assists In the process of welding the Jewish soldier Into the solid American unit and In bridging over the differences between him aud the others. Tho American Library Association la providing reading matter for every America* soldier, sailor, marine and prisoner of In addition to gath ! eriag and forwarding three million v ... A i . m M a., t . HIS Ott Cd in h iiK«r*H6o * Martin Court? HOBM. i i ■ .a' ✓ v.l Established 1818 Williams ton Personal Mr. Julian Saunders sp at last week in Richmond. Mrs. Walter Clemens Re v es of Battle Creek, Mich., is t le guest of Mrs, J. D. Simpson .n Main street. J. Earl Leggett cashier of i ie Hank of Dover, was at ho for a fc wdayH this week. Mr. J. H. Taylor of Rob r sonville was in town Wedn v* day. Mr. T. F. Harrison has be.n in Philadelphia and New Yo k this week buying goods. T) •i'~ is the second time Mr. Harrist n has been to the north to b y merchandise this season. Mr. J. C. Dowd of the W !- liamston tobacco market w s called' to Lexington, Ky., Tut day to attend the funeral of 1 .s sister. . • f» 'J '»■ * 1 J. Dillon Simpson of Was - ington is visiting his father, M •. „ J. D. Simpson this week. Mrs. C. M. Lanier arrive I Sunday from Arden where s) has been teaching in Chri t school for several winters. Mrs. Rome Biggs, Jr., ar i Miss Irene Smith spent tl • week end in Edenton with Mr. Biggs sister, Miss Charlotte F - Can who is preparing to sail f> ■ France in the Y. M. C. A. Ca/ teen service. Miss Fagan h; visited in Williamston sever times and has many war; friends here. Misses Sallie Hadley, Esth Gluyias, Mrs. Myrtle Evans an Messrs. Clyde Sewell and R. 1 Roberson with Miss Edna Sev ell of Windsor motored to Mu freesboro Sunday. \ Messrs. Leslie Fowden, C. 1 . m Hassell, Charlie Godwin and . G. Staton spent Monday i Norfolk. Mrs. J P Boylejand Mrs. I* B. Watkins of Hamilton were i; town Friday. , . ~ ( Another Martin County Boy Wounded Mrs. S. F. Roberson of Gril fin Township received a lette Wednesday from her son Arthu Roberson who is in France sayin that he was wounded by a shrai - nel shell bursting near him. H is in a hospital, but his physicar, think the wound slight and th& he will soon be out. The Big Bertha sounds like dynamiting rock for the Nev - York subway to one young wc man, working as a Y. VV. C. A secretary in Paris, whodisctairr special credit for bravory." She has been in one air rai with her co-workers of the Pan. Hostess House. All lights in Pai is are automatically turned oi four minutes after the alarm i given. The girls keep flash light beside them all the time. "There are plenty of" othe thrills," she wrote home. "Fou of us were told, to do nurses wor, at the hospital, so we got ou Red Cross Workers Permits an> started out." This slip of red paper issue , by the Adjustant General A. E ... F. made them militarized civi! ians, and they went to duty sut ject to all military rules. John Mizell son of Mr. anc Mrs. J. R, Mizell died in Franc Sept. 30th from wounds receiv ft ed in action. Notice , Cotton Oil Mills can only opdr " ate at 60 per cent of fheir nor mal capacity, there fore canno..,, take seed as fast as the gin wil ( furnish. Farmers should keepth • seed cotton at home at) long i ! possible, it willimprove Also the price is almost sure to gi up.

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