HARRISON BROS. AND COMPANY / "Williamston's Greatest Store" Our buyer has just returned from the Nor- iiern Markets for the second time this season. You and your friends are cordially invit ;d to visit our store and see the values we are offering in our various depart ments. # 4 §ee our stock and get our prices, before mak.;ig your winter purchases. Special Offering I • Ladies Coat Suits, Uress-s, Shoes, Hosiery, Sweaters, Skirt Shirtv. ist and anything that you may need for your winter wardn .e. ' hoiee ( ioats, ( Ml|>s, Sweaters, Shoes ami everything necde. lor the child, girl or hoy. _______ r In Mens Line We iui\ c Suits, ()\ creoars,- Sweaters, Sho , v Hals, Shirts, collars, (Hove and I t »k! rvvear. -We have a complete stock and our pric.; are much lower than those paid else 1 ! here. Something new in MILLINERY eaeh week Don't tail to see it. We also have a complete toek in modern I lout ins; Stoves Winter Hlankets also a new line ol buggy harness. Come in and we will show you the qfiost ap-to-date line of goods ever shown in Willi imston. Yours to serve HARRISON BROS. AND COMPANY , " .VILLIAMSIWS GREATEST STORE" felt? * » YOURS FOR THE , -p-- *mgggt FOURTH LIBERTY IRUN.^ j THE PEOPLES BANK WILLIAMSTON, N. C. J. (J. ST ATOM. Pres. J. L. HASSELL, V. Pres. V. K. TAYLOR, 2d V. Pres. L. H. (IOI)WIN, (>NI hicr J NO. L. RODGERSON, Asst. Cashier With The Colors, LUHER PEEL l)r. K. N. GORDON # # Veterinarian I C.ilK .inswernl lay or Of ! lie c |ill011«• (il.iy) 196, Residence j ill' me (n i nil I) i >7 • 1 m Wto 1 1 wwmMMMiaaHMMMMB Trustee's Salt* I I'iulei mill liy virtue of the authority I conve) cd in me by « Peed of 'fruit exe cuted to me liy W N. Roliemon ami I ' wife, Salty Koberaou, ami W. Hli Koli I | eraon and Wife KUle !'. Kol'Crnon on ' the 4111 ilm of December, I «iand ilit illy recorded 111 the KegilUr of l|eed'» I Mice In Martin County In B'jok M i ;I> j p;i«e 301 to tecuie the pa , lueiit of ii certain bond lienrin;; even ili.'e Mute | | with, and the »tlpitlf.!loini in • ii• I '|ecd |of trust not liitv 1 mj' Ix til coirpli. 'l with. ' I and nt the icijiir »(| of the iiwni r ol he | IIOIKI, I sli ill e*pi»e lit I'lihlU / 111 ••••!. if. 11 C.iklt on the 1 Jl!i ln\ of November j 1 IH, nt 1 1 oil M. lit tSii* Con t 11 11-1 lIIKK 111 Mill I 111 Collllt' . lilt' f 111 Willi j triH't of l iiti^* Beginning mu l ■ IJ ii " . iniii 111 >lllillKf 11 N'litli I tii in i-i iiiri 12"J ! \ arils; thi'i >-*• N. i , cnt-c I*6 tmiU to I,cwi- I irl.i 'n 'hi lif 111 In! wiu.l COIIIM .lion,* I,' i*'s A)» in line in , -allium sto 1 . .1 1:1111.1.. I lis. [. 1 e a *• 1.1:1 iilv 11 Hi Ikc lii on iii.l utoli, a I'l liitr, i thence 11 out 111- rll n!oi I \unli Htnvi 11 s 111 c I" 11 11 I'' 1. until, .1 1• 'i 1111; I tilt lit'*' Ii WcvtWillil Co I 1 lltill m '. \V N knliei v >ti '> line, 'I finii; th my a Noithrin COIIIM* h'iii'i. 1 W, N. Rob je 1 Kin'» line to tln Ik y'l iy, >i. . miti« : nrtea. Wine ot If* .In >• | 'I tile , \lnam laiul, Ivii ) mi tin South Kastwaid side of sun I timt of liitnl This Crtoliei nth, mi ' A 11. Vytis Trustee i 4 1 j North CHtolitni | Mai tut I oiintv - 1 1' Y 1 i- Superior Court Sain Nil'l r, Will Mi-mi 11 as. The ileltiuliii.t . Wili Moore. C.eo, Moore, I, nwood Inn ur unit wife, Jen ! Nic l'm/iei, will take notice tli.it an ar , '.ion entitled as aliov.i has been coin I tnenctd in the Stiheiioi Court t»l Martin j County, to sell for division the land ! formerly owned In Uranville Moore, 1 their father, containing nineteen acres more or les», mid the smd defendants j will further tiiko noticetliat they arc required to appeal before the cletk of the Superior Court of M irtin County 011 Noveinlier illh. and answer or iltiinii to the aoniplatit in said actimi, Di the pNintifT will apply for the relict demanded i:> said complaint. This i*t h. 1 lav of October, 1918. R. J. Peel l lerk of the Smpgrioi "X'ouit. WANTKD A manager for a farm in Pitt County, worked chiefl> by tenants, rais ing tobacco, cotton and corn, two miles from a splendid school and churches A good 3 opportunity and permanent position - for the right man. Post Office Box 7, Washington, N. C. 4 wks. When in need of TOMBSTONE or MONUMENT TSec »• X* % ~ ' B. S. Courtney Oh You School. t RLTENBERO 4 ADLER Willianiston's Shopping Center. Next to Kiggs drug store Trustee' J Sale H\ virtue of the authority couferred in tne bv H ' I>eed of T-tist" executed to 1110 by P.iul \ Ballard and wife Kiln C Bnllat.l, oi> the 28th day of September. 1917, and duly recorded in the Register of Deed's otfice in Martin Con tit V; Book O-l Page 145 to secure (he tMynient of * certain bond bearing even date there with, aud the stipulations iu said Deed of Trust not having hectt cotiiplied with, I shall expose at public auction, for cash, on Friday the 15111 day of Nov- Lemlier, at i 2 co tii. at the Court Mouse door iu Marti'.i County, the fol lowing property: Beginning iu the Public River road leading from Williamston to Hamilton, where the Poplar Point road makes iuto it; thence a Southerly course along (oi lane, T B. Slade's line, to the head of n branoh near where Jt:o Cane formerly lived; thence down said braucli to T. B. Slade's comer in the Downing patent line; thence North 74 West a'orn; s .id ; Downing'* line to M H Hilt rdV, J G. Stat on. Tru te?. .in>l Perry Banc more, corner; thence H Northerly course to the ruu of a 4 biancfi; thence up the various courses of said branch to the pnblii- road, t.ear the school house; thence along said road to the beginning cot Mining 60 acres, more or less, ex cepting one acre conveyed to the SYhofcl Trustees for a public school, and being same land conveyed to Paul \. ll.allarl by Joseph R. Ballard, by iVe.l which appears of record in l ook I'", I ai p ige 57 J, Martin Count* Re. ist;. . . This,4th dav of October, 191S Clayton Moore, ' Trustee' FOR SALE on ten years time Nine Farms one mile and a half from Speed, N. C. 24 aeres to 90 acres B, F. Shelton, Speed, N. C. James Pender, Tarboro, N. C.