Devoted to th« Interval of Mait'n County in General 8c V -n»«on in Particular uiie 19. Number 52 ; . rica races Big Food Talk " i ere are 180 000,000 people in K nani*, Russia, Poland and F nd whom we have not been a; o reach heretofore," "With ti gning of the trmistice the u open to reach these peo p; cHiise shipping will be :n and the inland routes .. , «p irtutinn will In; re open ed radically all >f these people ar rhe verge of starvation. under high heaven can ;eraily millions of them !'i, leath the approach in; inter unless the American pe !e will deny themselves to a nn lent extent to supply their tnii lum needs. We cannot hope ino than their minimum needs an ve shall fail in that unless our people keep constantly in i id the fact that every food pro in America is measured to i in terms of human lives. " Uh shipping available the win situation will no doubt be reli- 'd to some extent within a few eeka, Australia and Argen tina singable to supply a part of _• wheat requirements of Eur e This country, however, is tl great fi>od storehouse and we . all to supply practic ally 'I the pofk products, fats, «Jai »■ products, meats and sugar thai oes to Europe. is should properly be an houi if rejoicing for our people but is an hour of solemn re flet" n and earnest work ard earn it thought as well. The peo ple t our country have an op port lity to render the world and inanity a service that will not forgotten as long as his tory read We must not, and canr and will not fail to make the i st of this opportunity for serv •, even the denial from our well nourished bodies of the esse v.! food products which may oat conveniently and satis fact vbe transported and us ed t. -ave human lives on the othc' :de. Some of those lives whic inay be saved are lives of the ves and children of our form enemies. We must go full lengi " PRO AM FOR ANNUAL MEET- I OF THE RED CROSS A jraded School Novemb»r ). I«)IH. 2.30 P. M. to 4:30 P. M. Op itig chorus My Country 'Tis « THea. Pi >;r Rev. H. M. Eure. Ch J3 The Star-Spangled Banr. Ri 'Jroas Talk Rev. Mr. Jor dan. Ins- umentalduet Mrs. Carrie Bigg Williams and Mrs. Warren Bigr R- rt of Committees. Ti) We'll Never Our Old 1 :? Fall. Elt ion of Officers. Ch JS Keep the Home Fires Burn Re ing Mrs-John I). Biggs. In.' 'jmental duet Mrs Mar tin, c , and Mrs.-C B. Williams. Ch .is There's a Long, tamg Trail Be diction Rev. Mr. Carter. Co nittie. Mrs. B. Crawford Mrs .artin, Jr. Mrs .aton. . amp Fire Girls Meet Th ('amp Fire Girls held their moni y cermonial meeting at meet gat the home of Mrs. A. R. I) ning on Thursday, Nov. sth. wo new members were madi Vood Gatherers and a full repot of honors won by the lo cal v was given. The Unit has ; -pted a French orphan for one > and is doing splendid work Th> President is going to send Food Administrator Herbert Hoov to Europe to direct Food Relie Work. Re em Your War Saving Pledfc s. THE i ENTERPRISE Terns Of Armistice Monday, November 11—The terms of the armistic» with Ger many were read to Congress by President Wihon at one o'clock this afternoon. Assembled in the hull of the House where nineteen months ago senator and representatives heard the President ask for the declaration of WH . 1 H**\' today heard him soeakili • vordn which herald the comin«r peace. The strictly military terms of the armistic ar«» unbraced in eleven specifications which in clude the evacuation of all invad ed territories, the withdrawal of the German troops from the left bank of the Rhine and the sur render of all supplies of war. The terms also provide for the abandonment by Germany of the treaties of Bucharest and Brest- Li tovsk. MUST SURRENDER SEA FORCKS The naval terms provide for the surrender of one hundred and sixty Bubmsrines. fifty de stroyers. six battle cruisers, ten battleships, eight light cruisers and other miscellanous ships All allied vessels in German hands are to be surrendered- and Germany is to notify neutrals that they are free to trade at once on the seas with the allied countries. Among the financial terms in cluded are restitution for damage dop ')y the German armies; re st!* _ »lon of the cash taken from the National Bank of Belgium and return of gold taken from Russia and Rumania. MUST GIVE UP ARTILLERY The military terms include the surrender of 5,000 guns, half field and half light artillery; 30, 000 machine guns. 3,000 flame throwers and 2,000 airplanes. The surrender of 5,000 locomo- tives, 50,000 wagons, 10,000 tor lorries, the railways of Alsace Lurrane for u|% by jfec allies and stores of coal and iron also are included. The immediate repatriation of all allied and American prisoners without reciprocal action by the allies also is included. In connection with the aban doning of the left bank of the Rhine it is provided that the al lies shall hold the crossings of the river at Coblenz, Cologne and Mayence, together with bridgeheads and a thirty kilo meter radius. The right, bank of the Rhine land, thatoccupitd by the allies, is to become a neutral zone and the bank held by the Germans is to become a neutral zone and the bank held by the Germrns is to be evacuated in nineteen days. The armistic is for thirty days, but the President spoke of the war as "coming to an end." MUST EVACUATE RUSSIA German troops are to retire at once from any territory held by Russia, Rumania and Turkey be fore the war. The allied forces are to have access to the evacjted territory either through Dantzig or by the river Vistula. The unconditional capitulation of all German forces in East Afica within one month is provided. German troops which have not left the invaded territories which specifically includes Alsace-Lor raine within fourteen days be come prisoners of war To REPATRIATE CIVILIANS The repatriation of the thous ands of civilians departed from France and Belgium, within fourteen days also is required. Freedom of access to the Bal tic, with power to occupy Ger man forts in the Kattegat is an other provision. The Germans also mugjt reveal mines, poisoned wells and like agencies of de struction and the allied blockade is to remain unchanged during the period of armistice. All ports on the Black Sea oc cupied by Germans are to be sur rendered and the Russian war vessels recently taken by the German naval forces also are to WiUiainstoii, Martin County, N. C. November, 15, 1018 be surrendered to the allies. These are the "high spots" of the terms as the President read them to Congress. Germany's acceptance of them, he said, sig nalized the end of the war, be cause it made her powerless to re new it. The President made it plain that the nations which have overthrown the military masters of Germany will now attempt to guide the German people safely to the famiiy of nations of de mocracv. Beside the surrender of one hundred and sixty submarines, it isyequired that all others shall haveVheir crews paid off, put out oT commission and placed under the supervision of the alli ed and American naval force*. War Savings Pledges Due Don't get angry when you re ceive three little poet cards, each of which is to remind you of your War Savings plegde," says today's bulletin from State War Savings Headquarters. "These cards are not sent as "open duns," but to inform the person to whom addressed, first, that his pledge card is an out standing obligation to the Gov ernment until it is redeemed and, second, how he may regain his card after having purchased his stamps. "Read all three of the cards carefully," advises the bulletin, "and you will know exactly what to do. If you have bought the number of Stamps for which you subscribed, take them to the agency or post office designated on the card sent you by your county chairman, and there get your pledge cards marked or stamped 'Redeemed in full ' Re member that your pledge card is an outstanding obligation to the Government until redeemed by you. "The sending of three cards (o each individual has been found necessary, firat, to get the pled ges redeemed; second, to keep the records straight, and third because people expect and wait to be reminded of the pledges they have made. Again, the im portance of the work demanded that more than unual efforts be made that more than usual re sults be obtained." Clayton Moore Chrnn. Why in The World Don't People Listen to Reason? - Influenza, in spite of the good, old-time remedies of sulphur in the shoes and asafoetida around the neck, like a hurricane passed from the seashore to the moun tains. from household to house hold, exacting its toll, paying no respect to persons. When the fi nal count of the present epidem icis made known, we will proba bly see that more than six thou sand North Carolinians have laid down their lives on account of it. The germs which cause influ enza, like the gerniß which cause whooping cough, scarlet fever, diptheria, tuberculosis, colds, pneumonia and many other di seases, live in the mouth aud nose secretions of people These germs die in the air just as soon as the secretions dry, and there fore they can not live long to float about, as some of the sul phur'and asafoetida fiends might think. One gets the disease hy coming in too close contact with careless people. —Prees article. Mr. C. R. Roberson of Poplar Point Township leads in patrio tic farming, he recently present ed the Enterprise office with an ear of corn with all the National colors in it, Red, White aid Blue. And when we remember it was the Red, White and B'ue that gained the victory, we remem ber that corn will help win the victory over famine and hunger in Europe the coming winter. Conserve your wheat- Redeem Your War Savings Pledges. Redeem Your War Savings Pledges. A Message From The Red Cross War Council "The mom nt is now come to prepare for peace Actual peace may come nt any moment; it may be deferred for sometime. Un f il peace is really here there can be no relaxation in any Red Cross effort incident to active hostilities. "But, even with peace, let no one suppose t l .ui the work of the Red Cross is finished. Millions of American bo.vs are still under arms. Thousands of them are sick or wounded. .Owing to the shortage in shipping, it may take a year or more to bring our boys home from France. But what ever the time, our protecting arms must be about them and their families over the whole pe riod which must elapse before the normal life of peace can be resumed. "Our soldiers and sailors are enlisted until the Commander in Chief tells them there is no more work for them to do in the war. Let every Red Cross member and worker our returning sold iers and sailors that to care for their health, welfare and happi ness, we are enlisted 'or no less a period than they are. "The cessation of war will re veal a picture of misery such as the world has never seen before, especially in the many countries which cannot help themselves. Peace terms and peace conditions will determine how we may best minister to the vast stricken areas which have been harrowed by, war, and in this great act of merc.v, the heart and spirit of the American people must con tinue to be moblized through the American Red Cross "On behalf of the War Coun cil, we accordingly ask each member of our splendid body of workers throughout the land to bear in mind the solemn obliga tion which rests upon each one t» 'carry on'. We" cannot abate onejinstant in our efforts or in our spirit. There will be an abun dance of work to do, and specific advices will be given, but even at the mement of peace let no | Red Cross worker falter. Signed, E. R. Black, Manager Red Cross Southern Division. Patriotic Parade On Wednesday afternoon the colored people of the town had a patriotic parade. The horses, cars, and wheels were decorated with the National colors and the Red Crosß members and the jun ior Red Cross members wearing white and the Red Cross caps made a very stirring scene. Rob Johnson, who was wounded in Fiance and who came home last week took part in the Canteen tableau. Patriotic songs were sung and the War Campaign Banners carried. It was a well gotten up parade and speaks well for the colored population of the town. Wedding Among Colored People Alice Tee., daughter of Henry Teel of Gold Point was quietly married to J. A Taylor a colored preacher at Gold Point, on Tues day Nov, 12th at 7:30 A. M., the Rev. J. W. Williams of Oak City performing the ceremony. The bride and groom left immediately for atrip north. Reported. America Feeds The World The area of the United States embraces about 7 per cent of the worlds territory and we raise be tween 40 and 50 per cent of the food produced in the world. Some America, this country of ours. Notice I Martin County Ginners report Ito Nov. Ist. Showed 3307 bales ginned against 1868 for last year at the same time, > Rules For Maritn County Teachers are hereby ordered to be vigilant in the execution of this rule and thev are hereby directed to collect evidence of violations as pertains to schools, and to present same to the quar an tine officer, or other proper of ficers for indictment and prosecu tion. One -(H) Evory case of intiu en7.a shall be isolated. (b) Every house in which there is a case of influenza shall he placarded. (c) Every case of influenza shall be quarantined till cessation of all catarrhal symptoms, and the quarantine shall only be lift ed by the county quarantine of ficer upon receipt of a certificate of the attending physician to the effect that all catarrhal symp toms have ceased. Two No person residing in a house in which there is a case of influenza shall be permitted to attend any public indoor gather ing. For each and every violation of this rule, a penalty of shall be imposed. By public indoor gathering is meant schools, theatres, church he, public speakings, etc. Three That any person with symptoms of cold, such as cough ing or sneezing, shall not be per mitted to attend any public gathering. However, if by chance any person with any of these symptoms happens to at tend these gatherings, upon coughing or sneezing, they shall be requested by the mapager to leave, and upon refusal to do so, they shall be subject to a fine of $5.00. Four--The anti spitting ordin ance shall be rigidly enforced. Five That no soda fountain shall be permitted to serve drinks unless an individual cup is used. Penalty for violation, SI.OO for each and every offense. Killed In France Lieut. Frank L Williams of Wilimgton was killed on the Hindenburg line on October 18 Lieut. Williams married Miss Fannie Lamb Haughton of Wash ing, and who at one time livtjd here She was the daughter of T, B. Haughton and a niece of Mr. Wilson G, Lamb, More Flu There has been a frenh out break of influenza, which proves that it is necessary to be pre cautious now that the bans have been lifted and it is up to the individuals to care for the health of himself and his neighor. Avoid crowds and take care of yourself. Card of Thanks We desire to express our sin cere appreciation to our friends who showed us so much kind ness and sympathy in our be reavement Mrs. T. J. Smith and children Be Thrifty Accounts will show you how. Know where every dollar comes from and where it goes. Study your record book and plan ahead Buy carefully today and give to Uncle Sam to-morrow. Save food, fuel, and clothing Redeem Your War Savings Pledges. War Savings Drive November 27 December 6. All War Workers called to meet-on Thanksgiving Day, Plans made for House-to-House Canvas. Redeem Your War Savings Pledges. Help in the War Work Cam paign. Redeem Your War Saving Pledges. fHßMMHHHfcstablished 1898- Work of Army And Nary ii Not Ended Signing of the armistice with Germany, which brings the world war to an end, does not mean that the great American military machine will cease to operate at once. America must play an import jant part in disarming and guard ing the enemy until this work is completed, even the movement of troops to France will be con tinued, although on a greatly re duced scale. During the interval between the cessation of hostilities and the conclusion of the peace con ference, it is assured that the major portion of General Per shing's expeditionary forces in France must be retained there. It is posible also that for reasons of international politics some American garrisons may be kept in disputed territory even after the actual peace negotiations have been brought to a close. WILL RETURN VETERANS FIRST Troops which have soon the longest service in France prob ably will ho returned home soon to be replaced by new men now in ttiis country who will preform guard duty or other duty over seas, There are more than 1,000, (XH) men now in the camps in the United States The question of discontinuing the calling of men to the colors under the selective service act with the ending of hotilitiea has been under consideration. It is known that General Crowder's adviser's have favored cancelling all outstanding calls as soon as the armistice is signed, but this matter must be passed on by the general stalf. The movement of a large number of men to camp due to begin this morning under the November calls, which em brace about H00,(K)0 men. Return home of American na val forces—battleships, destroy ers, TKfbmurtTHM, converted y*eht« supply ships and other craft— also will follow the end of the war. Mrs. O'Brian Dead Mrs Elizabeth l'hilpott receiv ed H message Tuesday that her daughter Mrs, liilah O'Brian had died in Cincinnati, Ohio of influenza. She was married just a week ago to Sgt. William O'Brian of Middleton, Ohio and was taken ill immediately. She had been living in Oak City for several year? before her marri age. Mrs. O'Brain was the oldest child of Mrs. Philpott and leaves a mother, husband, aijed grand mother, one sister Miss Katie Philpott and one brother Stft. John Philpott of the American Expeditionary Forces in France. The community swnpathizes deeply with the bereaved family. Pender-Meadows Miss Pearl Meadows, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs W. T. Meadows and Mr Joe P. Pender were married on Thursday Nov. 7th in Florence, S. C. by the Pastor of the Ist. Presbyterian Church there, and went to Ham ilton Friday to visit Mr. Penders mother and father Mis. Pender is an attractive young woman and has many friends ill town and county. She had been attending Oxford Col liege before her marriage. Mr. Pender is the son of Mr. I and Mrs. J. .1 Pender of Hamil ton and is of two of the oldest families in the State, his mother was Miss Hal lie Leerie before her marriage- Mr. Pender has been connected with J L. Has sell and Co for two years and is popular throughout Martin Coun ty. . \ Just received car load singltes let us hear your order while they last. Sullivan Lumber Co,, E J Conklin Mgr. Plymouth, N. C. Column** Latch Kmy to f 100 I Martin County Hw. Williamaton Personal J. H. Martin of Hamilton vu in town Sunday .3* t Mr. and Mrs, Wataon Sherrod, i of Enfield were in towij Tuat , day. Lt. T. J. Smith, of Camp Wadsworth, S. C. was in town J . Monday. 1 Clarenc# Taylor and Earl Co burn/of R bersonville, were in town Sunday. Lewis Johnson, Lester Crofton and Josiah Johnson, of Gold point, were visitors in town Sun day. Reginald Burrell and Seaman Lutz both of the Battleship Penn slyvania are visiting Mrs. W. R. Burrell this week. Mr, J. H Thrower and family of Hollister spent, the week-end in town. Mrs J A White of Hobgood is visiting her sister, Mrs. Alon za Hassell on Haughton St. this week. Mr. W. A, Ellison of Belhaven spent the week-end here with his family. Mrs. Jule Purvis and Miss Mil dred Purvis spent the week end in Kitrell this week. Mrs. Grover Hardison, Mrs. M. E. Peele and Mrs. Polk Mc- Craw motored to Richmond this week. Mrs. J. L. Rogerson and chil dren, Mrs. T. R. Getsinger and Mrs Mark Dawes of Ricnmond motored to Tarboro Thursday. Seaman Samuel Gardner spent a few days herewith his parents this week. He was wearing the stripes for Foreign Service, Mr* and Mrs. J. G Godard, Miss SalHe Hadley and Mr, Clyde Sewell attended the show in Washington Monday night. Miss Marv White and Mrs. Rptaenap left- Tuesday morning for Raleigh to take a course at Kings Business Col lege. Misses Johnie and MaggieSparka with Marshall Rodgerson and Hubert Johnson of Robersonville, were visitors in town Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Bras well and children, of Scotland Neck spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Britt. School begun on Monday with full attendance. Parents are urg ed to visit the school and gie whut their children are doing. Show some interest. We have had a bad beginning and it is necess ary that teachers and parents cooperate to get good work. Two Salvation Army Lassies Baked 324 pies for the boys, in twelve hours, and used a Broken wagon shaft for a Rolling pin. Loyalty To Red Cross Co. B. S. A. T. C. W. Raleigh, N. C. Nov. 7, 1918 Martin Co. Chapter of Red Cross Williamston, N. C., My dear Madam;- Please accept this one dollar to be used in pour glorious work. As long as I remain in the service of Uncle Sam you may expect one dollar per month from, Yours very truly Prt. Jas. E. Harrell. All that we have is simply committed to our hand its not ours we would use it in the way that will do the most good. The cry for help comes to us, Heed the call. .... . Redeem Your War Savings Pledges. Don't keep your charity at home all the days of your life, Lest you be remembered among the selfish at the great day. feel good. Redeem Your War Savingt I Pledges.

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