VW ; j ' ' vot«d M tK« lnt«r«*t of N t>-i» County in Ganertl Ai V •-nttaa in Particular V'i inV' 20. Number^f 'ed Cross Meeting The A 'uai Martin Conoty Chap ter et» on NOT. 20 FB, 1918 A 1 Graded School Auditor ium i r .'nii;imston, th.* Annual of thf Martin County Chrip of the American Red OtJSS s h**oi • »?» Nov 20th at | •«. Alu r iand a in is ,»ro irv.Tn lh-full reoorts for tli i-ir v'iven as fol lows: il. , ; (/i) Influenza Work ()v. . h) spent for supplies. Four chines were sent each day i. lifferent part" of the count ith soup, chicken, milk rusta' lymoiis, sugar, ic«? and prefer d stimulants fortho sick. Manv «nations of milk, and food a » much money was given to the fluenza cause by people in the • >unty. The Red Cross wishe: i thank publicly each indivii i for any act of service at tha .;tie. Other porta The ollowed the election of officer' >r the following year Chs nan. Mrs. C. H Godwin, Vice .irman, Mrs. Warren BiKgs. cretary, Mrs. John Man ning, *. asurer, Mr. Roy Griffin. Sup* .sor of Surgical Dress ing. M BS. Courtney, Super visor . hospital supplies, Mrs. L. B. larrison, Supervisor of Misce teous supplies and knit ting, I' J (I. Statonand Mrs. F. W. yt Chief ' rk. Mrs. Clayton Moore Purch: ig and Shipping Agent, Mr. 0 .r Anderson. Cha an of Home Service De par tm Mrs. Carrie Biggs Willia. , Chairman of Nursing Depar : ent. Mrs. J. W. An drews, 'nairman of Conservation Depar .ent, Mr. Mert Stubbs, Chain .i of Membership Com mittee Vliss Deborah Fleming, Chairr .n of Finance Commitee Mrs. I B. Harrison. Chairman of Pi ' city Commitee, Mies Daisy tinning. Rep. tof Secretary, Mrs. John Biggs, iov. 20th, 1918. Members. Willi Piston, 427 (white). 45 (Col.) i'dens, 2 (Col.) Everetta, 29 (Co Hamilton. 93 (white), 10 (cci Jamesville. 34 (white), 19 (u ) Oak City, 50. Pal my r • '» Parm eI e, 1 Toti number members of Chapt> 710. A 1 ancial report of the Martin ounty Chapter, A R. C. for the .ear ending Nov. 18th, 1918. RECEIPTS Cas! >n hand Nov. Ist, 1918, $168.1 Funds received from memk" hip dues and Magazine sub. $ ' .75. Miscellaneous Do nation ,2565.88. Total $3141.78. •ISBURSEMENTS For tlief supplies, $1320.44. r *toiscei ueous expenditures from j the ge ral fund, $1159.25. For home ' vice work, $427.37.. To tal e>. nditures for the year, $2907 The ceipts less the expendi tures .ves a balance on hand now o '234.72. T. R. Getsinger, Treasi :r. Mrs J S. Courtney, Supervi sor oi Surgical Dressing Nov. 18th, ) >8: Ar; ; "8 made and sent to Head irters. Nov. sth. 1917. 100. tuze - strips. 1 pkg gauze stript i pkg gauze squares, 35 pkg > laparotomy pads, 5 pkg ze compress. 5 pkg gauze spong 12 pkg gauze rolls, 2 pkg four- ?d bar.dage head, 2 pkg abdoir ai bandage, 5 pkg Trian gular ndage. No. Articles made and sent to Ht. uarters, 1918. 1,11 aadages (T. bandages, trianv at, four-tailed & many* tailet' 1,593 gauze compresses, 4,800 uze wipes, 1,000 conta gious aease face mask, 2,010 absor pads 12 x 24, 35 pro perty igs- Linen liower for France: 210 ath towels, 180 hand towel: 166 handkerchiefs, 48 napki . 122 sheets. Mrt L. B- Harrison, Supervi sor of iospital Garments & Sup- THE ENTERPRISE CMTntioa of North CirtliM And Virfiaia Peanut Grower* West Raleigh. N. C.. Nov. 26th l9»8. Dear Sir: — A meeting of the Peanut Grow ers of North Carolina and Vir ginia has 1-een arranged .to be held at Suffolk. Virgiwii', on Sa'- urday. November SOU>. ;.r the Court House, i .orniii>j s ssiom at 10 a. in. nrd afte tiwon session at 2p. m Sever.i 1 impmtHnt speakers will api'«% *• npO'i the program to show ihi-> > ear's cost of production of peanuts and to give a report from different sec tions of crop conditions and prices received. Growers will consider what would be a fu:r price for all the interests concerned as based upon this year's c st of production. Every community in North Carolina and Virginia should be represented bv one or more peanut growers in order that this conference may have the united wisdom and support of all. Yours sincerely, Wm. R Camp. Ct»ief Division of Markets Field Agent in Marketing \ A Week of Prayer A week of prayer will begin Sunday at the Episcopal Church during the week there will be services twice daily, '0:30 a m. and 4 p. m The Church will be open all day during the week for the benefit of those who cannot attend either of the services and may wish to offer private peti tions in the church at another hour. A cordial invitation is ex tended to the public to join in 'the observance of the week. Raral Carrier Examination The United States Civil Ser vice Commission has announced an examihation for the County of Martin, N. C. to be held at Edenton on Dec. »4th 1918, to fill the position of rural carrier at Williamston and James ville and vacancies that 'may later occur on rural routes from other post offices in the above-mentioned county. The ex amination will be opened only to male citizens who are actually domiciled in the territory of a post office in the county and wfto meet the other requirements set forth in Form No. 1977. This form and application blanks may be obtained from the offices men tioned above or from the United States Civil Service Commission at Wagjiirgton, D. C. Applica tions should be forwarded to the Commission at Washington at the earliest practicable date. plies, Nov. 18th, 1918. Sent to Headquarters: Feb. 21nd "918, 12 bed shirts May 27th 1918, 16 pr. pajamas April 4th 1918, 16 pr. pajamas Mar. 29th 1918, box for Bel gium relief. Oct- 3rd i9iß, 8 boxes for Bel gium relief. Mrs. Clayton Moore, Chief Clerk Report of Supervisors of knit ting, Nov. 20th i9iß. Articles given to Martin Coun ty men: nObweaters, 12 muffier?, 35 pair sockp, 11 pair wristlets, 8 helmets. 179 knitted articles. Shipped. 50 sweaters, 50 mufflers, 17 pr. socks. 20 pr. wristlets, 137 knit ted articles Shipped and given to Martin County men since Chapter was formed. 160 sweaters, 62 mufflers, 52 pr. socks, 3i pr. wristlets, 8 hel mets, 3i3 knitted articles. On hand at Red Cross rooms to date. 6 sweaters (old directions). >5 sweaters (new directions), 3 pr. socks, 3 mufflers, i pr, wristlets, 2 helmets. Respectfully submitted, Mrs. James Grist Staton, Mrs. F. W. Hoyt, Supervisors. Williftuiston, Martin County, N. C. November, 29, 1918 SHE KEPT THEM ON THE JOB Hon. Champ Clark at Graded School Auditorum Thursday Nighfc Hon. Champ Clark, of Mis souri, Speaker oi the House of Congress, lectured at the Graded School auditsrium on Thursday night on Picturesque Public Men which was very interesting Mr. Clark having been in congress for the last generation gaining a personal knowledge of such treat men as Tom Reed, J. G. Blaine. Chas. F, crisp. Sam J. Randall, Jno. T. Carlisle, Wm, F. Vilas, and all thecongressional lights of this age. His tribute to Claude Kitchin was splendid. Mr. Clark is decidedly the biggest man who has ever visited Williamston and he has left impressions to bear up»n the minds of our citizens for some time to come. In Memoriam Dead, our dear one dead! Why should our eyes grow dim? Choke back the tears, we will Be proud and glad. No black upon our service flag for him Our country called We gave all we had. Now that this brave young spirit paid the prke, Now that he has made the last great sacrifice, In Gods' celestial legions now enrolled Change we the azure star to gleaming gold. So may his spirit shining thru the night Over our land of freedom far and wide Enkindle in all hearts an equal light For love and truth, for which he fought and died, He left his home in perfect health He looked so young and bravo We little thought how soon he'd be Laid in a soldiers grave. Out Beneath the LiUiesof France he is lying The silent s'ars in love look down and see What a glory was his in dying For Liberty, Country and God. Clyde M 2311e. Notice Restrictions on building are re moved. W. C. Manning Chm. County Council of Nat ional Defense. Great Food Conservation meet ing at every school house in the United States next Week. Letter From Prance Am. E» F. France October JJBth , 1918. Mr. Editor: Trusting that you kwill find a small corner in the En terprise" for the following mes sage to my friends, r Friends: How very very mu|b I would like to write to eaMf at yott and tell each personally how much I appreciate your thoughts of one who is quite a far way from you. But should I-undertake such a task, (for task it would be as I have so many who are my friends in old Martin County), I arn a fraid that I would not have time for any othef duties You will please take this mess age, each one of yon, as a per sonal letter from me and know that although I have not written to you, I am constantly thinking of all and I am only waiting for that glorious day when I shall be back with you once again. Since leaving the States, July 23rd., 1917, I have had many varied experiences which would interest all to a certain extent, I am sure, but especially thoße who know something about the aviation game. Some day I hope to be able to relate them to you. I am very glad to be able to say that I am well, happy and getting aLng very well in every respect. The only thing I would have you do to give me more pleasure is for each one of you to write me a long letter telling me all the news, Do not think that you do not know anything to tell me for I would be so very interested in anything at all For instance, how did the crops turn out? Were the prices gooU? Im provements going on, And Oh! just ANYTHING. Rtmembtr that I have almost forgot that there is a place which looks like a real American Town; These French Villages are so different. Sincerely yours. James W Watts, Jr. ist. Lt. A. S., U. S. A. Am. E. F Notice On account of favorably war developements, all restrictions placed on the buying of lime by the War Industries Board have been removed, Forsake you? - ** Never- Beloved! ' , V\ hile I am I, and you are you. So long as the world holds us both, Me the loving the loth. Prof iteerinf is Still Under Ban Raleigh-Would-be food profi teers who have judge! that the signing of the armistice will r-'- 3 lease them from the watchful eye of the Food Administration have a surprise in store. State Food_Adinii istrator Henry A. Page declared todav thai while a number of the rules and regu lations of the Food Administra tion havejbeen removed and o thers may bo- 'removed later, those relating to margins of pro fit and- to the distribution of food and feedstuff* will not only remain in force until,the Peace Treaty is signed but that they will be more rigidly enforced hereafter than they have been in the past, Profiteering and speculation will be punished ruthlessly Vol untary contributions to the lied Cross will no longer he accepted in lieu of more drastic actions. Merchants who are found to he willfully disregarding food rules and regulations, especially those relating to margins of profit, will be put out of business until normal times come again. In line with this policy the Food Administsation has fixed specific margins upon an increas ed number of food products. Their margins are absolute and any merchant who exceeds them will be subject to discipline by the Food Administrator The pro ducts upon which margins have been fixed and the margins there on are as follows: Ca»li f Credit ji' Cnriv Delivery per. bl >1 Flour (wheat, barley, rye, corn) MM) 120 Corn meal 3-4 c lc Hominy & grits 2 1 2c 3c Sugar lc IJi Oatmeal - bulk 11-2 c2c Lard & lard substi tutes - bulk 5 fic Lard & lard sub. pkg's » 5c Break fast bacon (-icper lb. may be added for slicing) 6c 7c Heavy bacon 5c 6c Ham (4c par lb may he added for slicing) 6c 7c Cheese 7c He Butter 6c 7c Butter substitutes 5c fic Kggs 7c 8c Potatoes 1" 1 11 Onions 3c 3 J per ct per ct Kvaporated milk 25 30 Oatmeal pk'gs 25 30 Rice 25 30 Beans 25 30 Edible starch 25 30 Corn syrup 25 30 Canned corn, peas, tomatoes 33 1 40 Canned salmon, chums pink and red. 33' * 40 Canned sardines, Domestic ( 40 Dried fruits. Raisins, Prunes, pefiches -53 1-3 -i0 Wheat feeds and cotton seed meal 5.00 6.00 All feeds other than pure wheat 15 per ct LOYALTY IN LITTLE THINGS LAST PROOF OF PATRIOTISM Americans without murmuring cut their sugar allowance front four pounds a month to three aud then as long as need be to two pounds for loy alty's sake. Food Will Win th« World. America earned the gratitude of al lied nations during war hy sharing food. America under peace may win the world's good will by saving to ■hare. People Do Not Get Influenza From The Sick 1c is established on good au tority that since September Ist up to date we have had 360,000 casts of influenza in North Car olina, and that 26>.(H)0 of these cases were contracted from well people, Tins is more than twi£e as many as were contracted from sick pebple. We all know that one is much more liable to be bitten by a snake in the grass than by one in the open where it can be seen. The same reason ing is true with many diseases. One is not so liable to Ret influ enza, "scarlet fever, whooping cough, measles, diptheria, and many other diseases from sick people as from well people who carry the disease germs in their mouths. When the news gets circulat ed around in a community that sonir! one has a contagious di sease, most people Ret afraid and stay from him. The few people who do go to see him usually wash their hands and use other precautions' before leaving the sick room. Sick people are con fined to a very limited urea and come in contact with very few people, and therfore they can't spread disease very widely. But listen! the fellow who gets the disease is infected from one to several days before he comes down. Between the time he gets the disease germs in his mouth, and the time he gets sick is the most dangeeous period. During this time the infected person, not suspecting how dangerous [he is, Roes into crowds at theat ers, dances, moving picture shows, on railroad cars, and in other public places, and there he scatters the disease germs. People should know these facts, and they should also know that many persona carry the disease germs in tjieir ptyutha who never have the disease. Peo ple must always be on guard if they hope to prevent getting and spreading diseases. They ahould always use separate drinking cups, dishes, and tow els, or have them boiled before using them after another, and they should hold a handkerchief over the mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing. When an Epidemic Disease is Present in The Community, Stay Away From Public Meetings. In analyzing the requirement for the prevention of diseases, the methods narrow themselves down to individual effort, and the sooner the people, individu ally, realize their responsibility in disease prevention, the better it will be for the people, collec tively. Report all case of whooping cough, measles, diphtheria, and 9carlet fever promptly, and vou will be instructed how to prevent their spread Win. E. Warren Asst. Collaborating Epidemiolo gist. Conservation Don'ti DON'T burn up all the leaves now falling on your lawn or around your house. Put them in the compost heap. This is no time to burn up fertilizers. There is as much plant food in a ton of leaves as in a ton of good stable manure. DON'T use your best timber for firewood because it is near or easy to split Use up laps, down logs and defective and inferior trees. In this way you improve your woodland, reduce the fire danger, utilize waste material and save the good trees l'or x other uses. DON'T burn tha dead grass off your field before plowing. Your soils need the nitrogen and humus. The air contains enough nitrogen without that which is liberated by burning grass and haves. DON'T give even your beg friend permission to exterminate the partridgts on your farm. They are worth ten times as much to you as insects destroy ers and weed seed consumers as they art t•> anyone else as an in* ducement to take needed exer cise, or tven for food. . - v- ,m;w \ - AAwHeen will M m* CelumattLaultKfjrto 1100 r Corner Heme*. * tablished 1808 Pergonal Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Cunning' ham Bpent Thursday in town. 'J. G. Godard and C. H. God win were in Norfolk Montfay. S. J. Everett, of Greenvilltt was in town Tuesday. * , Mr and Mrs. Oscar Anderson, Misses Daisy Wynne and Mary Smith spent Sunday in Enfield. N. T. Leggett, of near Has sells was an Enterprise visitor Tuesday. * Messrs. Alphonsa and Robert W. Everett, of Palmyra were in town Tueaday. Seaman Ernest Burrell is spend ing the week with his mother Mrs. W. R. Burrell. Mr. W. W Parker and family of Henderson are visiting Mrs. W. J Hodges on Haughton St. Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Courtney and children spent Thanksgiving in Roanoke Rapids. Mr. and Mrs. Turner Grimes and Lester Page of Tarboro were in town Wednesday. " Private Jas. E. Harrell, of S. A. T, C. at A & E. College, Raleigh, N. C. spent Thanks giving here with his mother.' Hon. Champ Clark was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Manning on Haughton Street while in town. Mr. and Mrs H E. Ortman, of Willmington spent Thanks giving with Mrs Ortmans' sis ter Mrs J. R Mallard Mr. H. Craig Chapman spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. Chap man at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs. T. S. Hsdley. W. B. Watts and family, of Plymouth spent Sunday with MX't Watts parents Mr. and' Mrs. J. W. Watts. Walter Orleans, of the S. A. T. C. of the Atlantic Christian College at Wilson is in town on two days leave. Miss May Little, of Pactolus is visiting her aunt Mrs. W. E. Warren on Haughton Street. Dr. J. S Rhodes, Messrs. Henry and Kader Crawford and J. G. Staton are hunting duck on Currituck Sound this week. Sam Harrell Jr. is at home from the University of Virginia for Thanksgiving. He is of the S A T. C. there, belonging to the Motor Transportation Service. Special Services at Baptist Church Listen please, every Baptist at the Baptist Church Sunday morning at eleven o'clock. Im perative that ycu come. We are challenged for that hour. Come and let us meet it. Hon Ashby Dunn, of Scotland Neck will bring us a message for the hour J. F. Carter, Pastor. North Carolina Martin County In The Superior Court Cassandra flyman, Widow of lshtneal Hyn.iui, Deceased. Vs. J. B. Hyuian, W. T. Hyman, Z. H. Ilytnati, J. G. Hyman, Lucy, Robert, Major and Dorcas Hyman, Casmmira Savage, Kred Jones aud Paul Junes, Heirs-at Law of idimael Hyman, deceas ed. The defendants, Cassandra Savage, Paul Jones and Fred Jones, above nam ed, will take notice that an action enti tled as above has been' commenced in the Superior Court of Martin County, North Carolina, for the purpose of hav. lug allotted to Cassandra Hyman, the widow of ishuiael Hyman, her dower in the lands of her lale husband; and aaid defendants will further take notice that they are reqiiired.to appear at the office of the Cleik of the Superior Court of Martin County at Willianiston, N. C., on the 30JI1 day of December, 1918, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to th; Court for the relief demanded in taid complaint. This 27th day of November, 1918. R. J. Peel Clerk of the Surperior Court. 4-1