• V-4 - ; • « I Jcvotcd ta the Inured of j \. ii c n County in General & I V .tattoo in Particular Volume -il). Number 4 William,ston, Martin Cmmry, "N. C. December 20 191# " EstablbheP^f Some Facts About the Government j Farm Lands for Returning Soldiers The prnpusition to provide 'arms for the returning soldiers ' . - like a good thing It sug -o many new phases and ii v.evr»» so many naw results of •a .u that it will Ik* discussed thor n ■ i:l\ and probably put into ;n , • iiNi rlh Carolina las u o' ~f unfilled land If we '-an 'l*' away at the start from the •ii a that putting soldiers on the lir'd is a land speculation scheme tl .it will bo wise Also if we can " i t.wav from the proposition t hnt the land must lie taken awav from the owners for nothing that - .vi!l he will be wi.se The plain Irtiih is that the initial cost of tli • land is an incident, and has little to do with the merits of the fci'iu me. Land values are large- Is «i eculative and underth« gov eminent plan as the land is not to lie salable by the soldier if he gets it the selling; value is airlin er consideration. If he cannot *v .1 e i>n the land enough so that iho lirst cost of the land is a mi. ill matter he w ill be wise to *!;■ v off it entirely. If he cannot mike the land pay him six ptr cent on a valuation of at least sl'ho aii acre he niakps a mistake td undertake farming at all The price a farmer pay far hi- land is not what determines i - successor failure. So wanv oi..er tl ingg enter into th« t a it is the other things that must he eonsidi red It is because 11 the consideration of these otb ••r things that the proposition to ,iut ihe joldiors on the land is a if. ul one. In taking a step of this kind the government will go far enough to see that the sol !i. ris provided with sufficient spiral an.i equiprfSenf to farm There is an essential of success. He will be put upon a fa. rn where farming is his busi ness and not land speculation. He will be provided with a small larm and his interest will be in what his land can produce, not what he can get for it in the y ars to come. The real worth ot a farm is not what it will pro duce in crops. We do not esti mate farms that way at all, but by what they can bring if sold. I l ' the government will put s 1-1 diers on small farms and stand] by them and make of them suc-j cessful producers the benefits wili extend to the whole com munity and will be of far great er importance than merely pro viding the soldier something to do or than adding to the land values of the community Possi bly a project of this kind might lead to a revolution of the spec ulative land farming and make of larmiug a really business oc cupation. "Y" To Use Cand To Fight Alcohol "O Association Men Will Fight Demon Run With Proper Method—The Sweet Tooth Compete Against Wine Shop ■ ■ Q Parti. —(9 Msli.)—A Bu**r-o*4t»« , >»ierlou BMJsetlonary Fore* Is th« | Ideal atv Mnf strtpen f*r Id Im. Oiark-tlK* **>4 m Om trmlaile* tad | demobtlfßeWa, wRk S»— 1 the AMrtcau m«* mkMmST lurneS late t unK»ri«fii ' France. m bu be«n ijuted ! often. h*a TifkHtaa. *Rl cme ot ttm' Is to b« »!•!■»- »*r th* «ie ia- 1 fluencei sa Ml* arar.' In this aanpilfß tba T. H. #. A. Las j.lanaad t'M *»+*• —d tha Mi dierts ar* enrutlßg H. MlnW% the Y. M. C. A. tea «an* Ma *ae» tltion win ffe* »*i*-!*a», aa Mi *ill relata. ' During Mi* p irlod ot ilmOMHstMi% the Y. M. C. A. wlB tore aa mm greater reapant (W*y tkaa It hi while tke war was aa. •i (4M then bad tb* 1 lapMkl 4t tMfee m the fight—or bttltof 9 to spur tfcam ca. "Thry Am ware tremeljr but; ai id ttoafe- thae tar atlon and |ar ®«bdfek« moam limited. , But th*ro haa b*an a Wfr I down stsoa the iwiMn wm atnaC I and th* men 1 a ollv* r*b ar* waft-' tng (or tanno rtstfioß ho©e Idlinaaa maaaa troaßl* aad| THE ENTERPRISE 3 Clyde P Sewell Dead ? ('lode I'. Sewell r*ied December 20th of influenzi »itv pneumonia ' aft-*r an illnest of rvt lvo ilav. f Mr. Sewell cam-. •> Williamston " in January f\ • or from Mnr ' freesboro and hm tie"" engaged 1 with Harrison I'r St ('omp:in> 1 .as stock clerk H-s friemilv «li ' ( position and coi'rieotN manner had won for hint the friendship nf a great manv people "f n " r 1 eountp and his services brought 1 forth the faithful saying. He ' did his duty." How man-, vie ' tim« if influenza in the first ep:- ' demic had their suffering light ened bv his efforts to relieve 1 them He was twenty eivrht years old ar.d the son of Robert Sewell ami wife' L R Sewell, of Murfrees-j : boro, who with one sister, Mrs ' C. W Gardner; and five brothers Messrs. John, Robert, Vernon, Floyd and Charlie Sewell sur vive him. 1 He will be buried at the «•!«! family burying ground Saturday \ and the servioes will be comb.cf ed by Rev. C W Scar boro. r >as | tor of the Murfreeaboro Baptist church of which he was a mem ber Notice f'nder and li\ virtue ot the au , thoritv cn ifcrred in me h\ .1 cer tain iked ot tiust executed to me by Daly Hodges and wife" >n the .filth of February, loi.S, and duly recorded in the register ot deeds 1 office, of Martin count v. in Book H-l, Page* 386. to secure the pay ment of certain bonds hearing evtu 1 date therewith, and the stipul.itinns in said deed of truat not having beeu ceaPUw4.. w iyy T s ' a ' l 1 at public au • tion for cash on the 16tli day of January, I l >iy, at JOO 1 o'clock at the court house door o Martin county, the following- per sonal property: beginning at a corner in t' i Bur roughs lin": thence alonn the li\ill inn line betweeu -aid parties to Beaver Dam Swamp, thence down the various courses of said swamp to a corner of tile Turner tr.ct of land; thence along the line o! said ' Turner tract of land 111 Burroughs' line; thence ;*loiik said Hurioiielis line to the begiiiniUK. cont.iiniiiK I 80 acres more »t less. This 17th day ot Dc-ccuibet i"l 8 H. I)l Ki: CK I'FCHKK. D-'l 4t Trustee It is necessary that people be i more careful about spreading the | influenza Every precaution muni | be taken in the Christmas rush or ; 1 we will have hundreds of cases linoun town Use disinfectants II wisely, inhale fresh air i.i the I luugs constantly and avoid crowds. ihe covarmment hu bo Idea of dump •Mi huadreds of ffcousande of bjt but Jtoto t*ie UnITM S'tM after tUoy ilia** had M*telD| te do but loaf f«r ] maMhi IV do •!« would br to en* at• a verr ankaaltkf aooia) ami indto |trial cexl'.tlon la o* M'l eouatry i There Me drill* aod dMtpli ne and, | tor maw. to« work of befclng to pB > fvatio* on her feet aflprifc At ttm I hum the mm tove »ore l«4 iMN aad mm e eheneee •* toy tMnfi Mfean fhey aad kefOM. ] Oae af th* neat h«port»at tklnut l«te T. Mto A. a««* to 4* dutow* «m deaaMßMtm mM la to ezrMt ton M»r* mmm*rnmm «t« ito Nta* vdM H| *« m.l M Ua#a k Mat fcto •» b«# Lm. »to ftatot to 1m aicotoi Iwtth IIW drt»dt v -tx> medledl Wwi, mi i»du aiosa- JifMi to Wfc %gatn»t the •aare #lmi Bemun. | Bw MilClM Mto J° r "«*« ffc* q[ m#t« uuk m ug k Ui**Qltl«a Wlto chocolate, dhtwlnj gum o4 ootfkfm the Y. M [f. A. «*©»®to to /«*>ce the cojuvudp jffton of to»r wtouiiy. W- —^ : s . | Mrs. Geo. Harrison Dead l' Mrs. i'harlio Woolard Harrison »j died at her home on Smithwick .street Monday nignt, December 16th. She had been ill lt> - s ttin i a Week of influenza and pneu " nionia and despite ail that could i b • done the hand ot death could not be staye.l i Mrs Harrison was the tlau^h * ter ot Mr. K D. Woul.ird aim. I wife, Emily vSooiard, who wait two brothers. Air W. II Woo. ard. of Bethel, state binrk exam ' iner, and .Vlr Judie Weolar.l, a i member of the American lucVs ■ in France, and thrcesisters l , Mrs .1 S. Peele. Mrs. .1 !• Wynne ■ and Miss Es.-ie Woslanl, miimm her She was thirty years old and married Mr i.i*t r k«■ il liar risun hi llMl. They resnied in Battlebofo until January. I'.MT, when Mi Harris,m entered tiie Wholesale bu.iiue-is with Hai i .son Wjiolesale Co. here. She leaves behind her husband; u daug'iter. Velma. eleven sears old, ami lii tie lour year old George lr In fch'=> death is the breaking of one of the most ideal la m y circles where peace ami harmony ever prevailed. Bu* she left a blessed remembrance tv family and friends alike, a well spent Christian life to guide an I cheer the thoughts of fu;ure years Sin had been a member o! tli (Tins tian church tor many y ar- ami .vas an active worker in ell the church duties, ller life was worth living, her reward is sure The funeral were con ducted by Asa .1 Manning am Rev. Harrison ol I'iyni uth am. interment was nuoK in the Bap tist cemetery on I'uesiiay alter noon Notice ol I tu;»iew's S.'tL | >.i\ nieiit ol the nnlel.teiliiisecure by that certain deed ot tru»t inadi to ini as tmrrrf tor the iriTrr*'.' Standaru I.ile Insniane# Coni|ian by Alexaiuh r Corey and win l.il nan J Corey on the 17th !:. o: june, 1917, and ucorded in tlie ol lice of the register of deed* .'I Mill iin county. in hook K 1 pa> ■ !)', i ite I will under and by \irlii' «i Ihe powei of sale vested in lin- l>> haid deed ot trust and .it tin ie ipiest of the cestui .|iu trust, .hi fot tile purpose ol (1 lst'h;rl i; 111 : til. lebt secured by said du dol 11 uM proi ied to sell to 111* loglnst lml del fot e.e li ,ii tin emu t lioim ilooi in Willi.on- !■ .'i N"i: h v no I,IV. al .' o' eloek in on >.it o I'd.iv . I the -till da\ i• I January I'' I' 1 , till following described lands-iiiuii..-in the state ot North Carolina, and in the county of Mm tin and inori particularly described as lollowv i 'low n of J,inies\ lllc adpiifcilig the lands of II T. Stalhng>i \ ~M. Mariner. Wiliner Mi/cll and Annie M i/.ell a lot ill tr.e t. >n ii >l ; ville..adjoining II T. Mallin; North and I'.aM Wat'r Mr. t on the South. Annie and Will »Mi/.ell on the West, and being the* sum» lot conveyed h> I, \ f»rav to Brown and \an Hon tin .'nd day of Decembc-r. l'X'-t, liool i. k 1., page 528. beginning at l.li/a'itth H Marine!'v• conn r in - id. town 'on the- north »!.!;of s. j;( l V l . ~ut St.. thence extendn:;: along aid Ma riner line to Roan.'.he riv- i '•'» I'it: . thence'a line at r,„'.it angl- vwth »aid Mariner hne : s feet parallel wit'.i'said, Marine' line f eet to Water s'.reet. th> r. A'ati-r street to the b--gin:iiii . e n fining' i..'os s.jiurc feet Thii sth da\ il i > cein' e: . • ; c;K' ... '. > I M ■ I.i v 'i i i Brook . •• " ' -IB af r i - 1 !,. w 1 i .. oro. .> . t ' Application,fe>r P;ir.!»n of ED GRII'I'JN ' i i • KOBERSt, App'ication will t- • a.e "• the I Go\-ernor of North ' r »lina b'.rtht" r pardon of iv! Grif;..i ai.d \>"-t * Roberson, convicted at t'n June J term 19lK. Martin roun.y: nr.. run 1 court for the crime 01 :l[iV * 'cry and sentenced to ho tifined | in the state penitent iar . n'thi term of one year, r This 2nd day ot Doeembf f Kn rvn i'iN and Wkst Rmbkk> in. Pi 4 2t By Arrotn'ey * -Join the ReJJodav. __ A that'is necssettry i-. ihut yiu have a heart and a dollar. !: WILLIAM LOCALS J 1 Mr W •]' Mfi'r r.v nnd Mrs. j j I" 1 !'■ i: MiiH'" "f P.' > rsbure are . i »•.•!•■• !.» sper I the "!'• istmas lir>|- I : !r, v with their mother. Mrs. I M•K IV V "Kvnp- • 'he rhristrrtas Red K >ll !?•■:«• v vour sub- I- . ■it I' ■' ■ it l l >r cur. ' .1 \\ t Toe' ■>•. nf Rocky ' M" K. K. Tmdall. .I' ;• !>• • , till' i'uoSts ' I" ■• ! >..•!. VI. , JoMtt I'yn ■■ I ■ t!«. Itr!t' II '.-) I t Mis. .!. linnu* I\) VI itKKH 1 1 v 'm' h In-; of Reberson villi*, spent here .villi their lister M i Min i sparks. \l.-S-TS I' W. i iravis and 11. L Johnstn;t>>li.iC( , nisj , Af leave tliiweek for Me hunt* to spend tli ■ hnlid.ix .i, y Mis K-i iht'r (ilu> us, tine county lieni" demonstrator. I of' Friday fur her Im >ie in Charlotte where -h • will i'pend tho Christmns holidays. 1 Mrs. .James Wright Of Greens boro, is with her sister Mi's, Har rv M. Stu ibs, whose family is ill with injlnen/.a. ( ami • in Hiizaheth City Satin*'daw , ,Ic. K ,Inh W House, of >ak s i;y wa- in town Wedprsdtiy, Ihe tobacco market. .closed un Veih.i sn.tv for the Vhi istmas J ii>lida\s. I' will re opt-nom-lan lary Tilt . . \e vs ban recently beenreceiv- , d> the wounding In battle of t or John 11. Kogefrdn. son of \lr. nnd Mrs. It >gersdn of Heat , li.'iss, and oT' M- Lewis W. Mi- i • on of Mrs, Winnie Mi/, die . '» of Hi ar Crass. Vv'ni Has.sell ■ and John Uull'in, coined, both >f , wew "vfclitficd iii 11 'ie last few days of the lighting , in N'ovemla r. , I 11• ii flnet za situation is mucl 1 . th r, there being l ilt very lew I u-w cases and most of those wlv ' as c had it are out ajaiti LOST. On llailoween iiitfht I ,e i b! iiv K«»ld brooch v\ith oia i iml in center Kind, r | least i n to Mrs. T. K. i i i f I '"i ;vel I V ,11 d. ' (VilltTH WEIGHT IN hOLD bill UtLLAHES "I WOuldn't lake $S()0 , h'or the (iood l-ivc liot tics »f Titnluc Did Mc," r Mrs. Hunt. I .so'iidn't take livi hundred (oil, i■, loi' the live bottles i>l have done nie, and I just lhi'd it is worth it* weight >in H"'d," f-aid Mt.i Nannie Hunt, 1 .JOI'.I Nee York avenue, Nash \ I , i eniitssee ' I was iold repeatedly tl at my , ft i air;. -.s cuutd i.ot "b. cured a"i t iii ite in*'' so iesp. ndent t- at 1 nar llv Kt; '.v v\ hat I > do. Iv (! the noise of the street curs i,,' U|. t I:. ' ' t il.lt I WO'jld i, i, n i ;. . M v he .rt flut ter. >i ao i j; .i> Med arid many a i ..... ... iair.• ii >r j i.e . !' -. M . I ceo .Jll't ~ ; ■ . .11 i ('.>• ■ U : '•J '. I. ' .'.3 unit I; s I V.)U ' pi 0 ' ' ' • • i • it .. ',. .i • nit .. v; . ;i. v 11: I"l • K"Vi . UP j>. ■ ,r.a •. aie a pit • of t,r ... t■.t i - o Tin lac, :s"d it proved a pn-d -s j/i t, ! have Un. ali ■': • toK«. and iia\ ■ K 111 • ' lev-en pot! id- 111 v.-ef' iit jtnu 11 • ei.'t had at • tip., ,"il (•> I . 11 "i!" ;flt »• . .••I'll , Oili in 'hi .' i ••;>at'.'..', : aii/ oi - [. V , in« "P '.'Vers ii). I jta -oai. t sas too no:'t •.! i.i.: V* • ! ,H V' v. . i j 'Til is ' H •i'.'.V SI Id • ■.' in >' b.Vtlie.S. li, ff r • >: i i li'. 5 ('■>'. 'i-,\ >:'!■ i C j j L.!' d'nii'.ij; !•; ill!- by , I bficy Ii11;11> i m Om! i by limes & ihu-r^h: " u i v.j V ■ 1 ■ ■■ Co-operate jWith Him Many people do not understand that they themselves are respon s ihlo for the control of whooping coupfh, diptheria, scarlet fever and other diseases their children. They expect the quar antine authorities to stop the -pread of contagions, when with out the hearty co-operation of t 11 1» parents the authorities are aa helpless as the children who £et the disease Refure any ap preciable amount of Rood can re sult from the oll'orts to control diseases among children, parents must realize their respiitisibility and folio.v the advice of the quarantine officer. It Is only by the eo operation uf the people with the quarantine eJl'icer that diseases may fit i and the lives of many chflahm spar ed. This responsibility rests mi every period to whoso care (.iod has intrusted a child. Any mother in North Carolina would sucrifce her life rathoi than iHie her child die or even suffer by the cruel act of a mur derer. Now, it makes no mate rial difference whether a child suffers and dies by brut d punish ment or by disease. If it be true tlmt sufferiiiK is autftt'intf and death in death, then parents are not consistent when they would sacrifice their livesjto protect i> child from a at th» same time niaky no attempt ti protect it from the diseases that kill a thousand times more ehil dren. Parents should cotisidei the results of diseases more eeri nusly and make greater attempts:" to pr. tect theirchildren. Children should be taught n"f to use a towel, a drinking cup, knife, fork or other eating uten sil used by another until it has aeen boiled; not to vat from tht •iimu piece of bread with another; u> wash their hand« Uil'ore «h - uiK, and to sneeze and rough with a handkerchief over the iimu li and nose Disease live in the mouths of well people as well as in the mouths of. the siek, and tbene simple precau toiis may prevent thwir spreai from one person to another, Kva ry parent should do his duty in trvinK to protect children from diseases by keeping all sick children at home away from well ehihlren and notifying the tpiui aiitine officer of every case. Ttu ipiataintine idficers will advise as to the measures necessary to pre vent the spread of the disease. Ihe reports of all cases are re quired by law. WM E. WARREN, County Quarantine Officer. Anot lter Young Man Dead Mr. David J. Brown died of in lluen/.aand pneumonia December ll»th after an illness >.f ten days. Mr. Hrown was the son of the lata James L. and Lillian Drown and was born near-Jatnefiviil" on January 9th. 1X81). lived on the farm until he was grown and since which time he hr.s been »"iigw:e.| Ht, salesman ny some of tie' le;. 'irn' inercan tile establi.-luivnt- in tne county and was at the time of his death employed by J. L; H.i-:. ell & C». His honesty, iuoustrv and eoui t• • v nt ■ i.'iiii the ri l fel >di ,VllO kl .;'%v h. .It. V ';V ; aid I natlie ia r .;h>:r t.'> b-.: cli'.s- n thai, «rea riches," wlnca makes his a e worth living. In I'll, !.' mar-i. I Miss dyrtle V. oi ro, •!, .t.-r of «iate J I. Vv olnr rid Aav-j.-ii a VVoolard vl-o i, tie it vj: . ; 'l'll* t^'o ye; r Id daoj : ter, W"Oi ard, to m urn their loss. Hit moi h r al,-o ajrviv. s him, r;d three bri h .•» an>; r ■ i.ister, Mister 1a,.. . fielie aa.. Mamit f'roAii and Mr?. Annif iloliiday, ()tti Brown ■. fth U jl l i S'ate army 'ati" ,-d in Ohi", Arnod and P«i :v Hr-twn, Tae rt'T!" .vr id t.o r. j;u '■ if Flap i'."iret« v Tuesday • after no .a, > lie. I'u era! »crvicM ;-]««*ii■ or e ;,.luc.«:i ,$ \. M. Man* ri.ii,- assi-t.-d by .1. 11. Cat ler. M?p>v b-+H.t4£.i! fl >i nl iilferings denoted [H estecfiin which ht I was held b\ his many friends. I Ll ~ri * - Why Christmas Should Be More Fittingly Observed Than in Past l r [ Hodges-Perry ( At the home of Mr. Amos Par [i ry.oneof the most proprressive . farmers in the county, hisdaußh f ter, Addie, was married to Mr. t George Hodges on Wwinesday, ) December 18th, at three o'clock jn the afternoon After the oelemony un old time I wedding supper was served by , Mr and Mrs Perry Many friends • of the bride and Kroom were , present to enjoy the happy occa ■ ■'ion. 1 Mrs. Hodges is one of the fin est young women of tlm county and a devoted Christian Mr. Hodges is a young man of excel *nt qualities, un intelligent far j ier und a leader in his commun i.v Their many friends wish for ihem a prosperous and happy ife. Notice Having ijiialilicd as Adminis liat.it upon the Estate of fie®, L Daniel dree>asei!; Notice is lierc l.iy yiven to all persons licdding claims against s.ti.l Kstat* to pre •ent theiii to 1 In- timlersigned for pavuieiit 011 or before the 7th day it N■ ive 111! .1 1 lyly, or this notice •v ill hr plej.il in bar of their re covery . All pei .suns indebted to said listatc are leijuesteil to make imnicitiale payment. Tins 7th dux ol Novcnibci lvlH S, W Casper Ad 111 r. 0-t itateuient of the ownership, man* igeiuent, circulation, etc.. leqtiir •d liv the act of congress of August M, IVl.;, of The Enterprise puldished weekly' at Williauiston. N. C., f°r October, l'H^. STATIC or NOKTII CAROI.'xA I I ss: COUNTV or MAKTIN I Before nie, a liatary puidic for the state and countj' aforesaid, per sonally appeared W. C, Manning, who having been duly sworn ac cording to la\V, deposes and says that he is the owner of The Enter prise and that the following is to he- best of his knowledge und be lief, a true statement of the owa •rship, management (and if u--daily paper, the circulation >, etc., of the aforesaid publication for the date shown in the above caption, requir ed bv the aet of August -'4 101J, embodied in section 41A, Postal Laws and Regulations printed on . the reverse side of this to»m, to wit 1 1 that the names and addresses of !lie publisher, editor, managing . editor, and business managers are: W-C. M.W'MNii, WilhatrtstoH. N.C --1 That the owners arc ! W C, Manning, Willianiston, N.C ?. That the known bondholders mortgagees und other security hold ( ers owning or holding one per cent or more of total amount ol bonds, mortgagees oi other securities are: ' NONK. W. C. MA.VM.VG. Sworn and subscribed to betore ' r.iethis 6th day of December, 1918. J-K. Pui'K, Notary Public. My commission expires December ' Jl, lvlS. ! y. M. C. A. Conducts f Classes W \ Wait For Discharge Atlanta, Qa., Da*—Whlla tli 1, aoldlerr ud aaflora ti tIM varUau . ctmfi of fea easaat ry ara to b« demobOM, wS ba vltw m , opjiortualiy ta tato ■ Sr« 1 1 af «o- I' largad liaaaWanal vrovraoai wbiafe will ba apar«ta4 Ik all eaimpa by Om • Y M C. A In th# Aantfcaaatara dapartnant, | which Inrfudes tfca iMa of •aorfla, Alabama, Moi>lda, UMiitrpl, Loaiil 1 ana. Tannepae, North Caaallna aod 1 I Booth •creloa, lrof. A. M. Soabr, da f | partnant aducatloaal Ur*oter, has ad vised a plan to baMar ptapara tha aol " dlera for cinitaa Ufa whan thay ara - dlaeharfad from tha aarrlca. Uad«r Mr. Soubr** naw profraw of aducatloaal aoUvltr. thia numbar of 15 claaaoa In rarloaa mbjacta will ba ln t araaaad aad (peakara wlil ba aactUM ed bjr tha dlffareat ot thwru ■ Ml. - fi. AJttniwn will find o*r €olumjUkL*taklCayt*im We wish for our readers a moat joyous and happy Christmas. Not in the history of this age have we had more sorrow than we have had thii year. Prayers have ascended from everywhere that the war should end and peace might reign That prayer seems to have been answered for arm eel hostilities havo ceased and our boys are not now being shot down on the field of battle. We thought this would satisfy our desires, but such is not the ease. Many troubles, plagues and scourges surround us and more of our loved ones have been ta ken from us by influenza within ninety days than wt; lo9t by all the horrible instruments of death that couid be devised by the cruel Huns. This should remind us that the things of this life are transitory and we need not expect much pleasure in them. Our hopes for for tomorrow are our greatest pleasure for that day. In one thing only is a man's hopes cheered by a perfect of the things hoped forand that is the peace of fin* >od. Then let us hope thai this Chriatmas day, the day which we reverence as the day upon which Jesus, our Saviour, was born, is spent in proper spirit. Let us keep sober that we may have a sensible re alisation of our duties to ourselveß and to our neighbors Let us re member the sick who no much need the sympathy of our hearts and the help of our hands. Let us remember the lonely and bro ken hearted, let the warmth and light of our loto be shed in their hearts that ti.ey may realise that our Ii van came from a Superior being. Let u* remember the starving nution« of the esrth and render them such assistance as we- may be able, our sacrifice will help us. This is tha Christmas that should not be given to selfish pleasures but should be spent in true remembrance of the Saviour of the world. Trustee's Sale Bv virtue the authority con !• ired in ine by a "Deed of I'rust" executed to me by Louisa Kespess, Lam.i Whitley and Ste jdien Mi/ell Trustees Griffins Primitive Haptist Cliureli, on the nth day ot September, 1905, and duly recorded in the Register ot Deed's office 111 Mai tin County, in Book I'. I*. l'age j7 to secure the payment ot a certain bond bearing even date therewith, and the stipulations in said Deed of Trust not Having been complied with, I shall *x|.ose: at public auc tion, tor i ash, on Monday, the .'jid day ot December 191 ii, at 1* u clock Noon "at the Court House Door in Mar,in County, the following property: Adjoining the lands of John Scott Heir* and others, in the town of Will ianistori on West Et. mington Street and fullv desctill ed 111 above mentioned "Deed of Trust" to which reference is giv en for 1 more descrip , tion. Said propei ty known as iirithn:, Primitive Baptist Church (Colored) Thii Nov. 19th I9IH. L. C. Bennett. Trustee i dUoussing qrueitloos at importance te i the men attending the classes. > historical topics will be i» i 1 acted for dlieossion, mad- speakers r will be borrowed from schools ud I colleges to speak la the oudm i cant earn 4ntß. * K is Also planned by the Y. If. 1 , A. to £eep la touch with the men , eren after they leaye the eerrlce. T\ls • will be done biy correepo&dence, and II will be undertaken In the caaas of r j illiterates %nd naturalised Americans - j uafamlUar with the n»y»«h language. ■; The city Y. M C. A. secretaries will ijaid In this work. Staoe the signing of the ajqalfttce f the duties of the camp soldiers are f aot so strenuous, and they naturally i- have tngre time at their disposal. This time will be tuM to" advantage Ijy at* i tending the new Y. If. C. A. elMNfc,

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